37 research outputs found

    Comparison of inoculant media for sulfur-oxidizing plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in canola

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    Non-Peer ReviewedThe ability of rhizosphere microorganisms to influence plant growth is gaining considerable attention worldwide. Various studies have already proven the beneficial effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on different agricultural crops (Kloepper, 1993; Banerjee, 1995). Canola, like other oil seed crop has high sulfur demand. In recent years, several attempts have been made to utilize S-oxidizing microorganisms to meet plant S requirement and to substitute costly S fertilizer. But the success is variable, as the information on S-oxidizing PGPR is limited and the mechanisms also not yet fully understood. In many cases, no standard methods were followed and different inoculation media were used. The population density and activities of microorganisms could vary with the inoculation media. The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of PGPR if any due to the difference in the commonly used inoculant media like seed, soil and elemental S fertilizer

    Bacterial viability and biological seed treatment of canola

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    Non-Peer ReviewedThe use of sulfur-oxidizing plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) applied as seed treatment for increasing canola yield has been reported previously (Kloepper et al., 1988; Yesmin and Banerjee, 2000). For consistent plant growth response colonization of the rhizosphere and rhizoplane by the PGPR is essential. In many cases, however, results have been variable or not comparable. Inadequate colonization of the roots by the introduced PGPR strain is considered to be a major reason for sub-optimal results (Schippers et al., 1995). Bacterial viability is one of the most important factors for successful and adequate colonization of the rhizosphere and rhizoplane that ultimately affect the plant yield. Thus, the ability of microbial inoculants to successfully colonize expanding root systems is of major importance in determining the potential success of the biological seed treatments (Parke, 1991). Seed is used as a carrier for inoculum and biologicals should be in a state where it can most effectively colonize the emerging roots. Biological activity, however, may decline rapidly between the time of inoculation and seeding to field. The present study investigates the survivals of PGPR on biologically treated seeds with non-coated (bare), peat coated and fungicide-coated seeds. Mixture of PGPR strains were also examined as that might have greater potential to give a consistent performance under different environmental and growth conditions

    Sistema tización de una experiencia de fortalecimiento de la interacción enfermera - cliente a través de la teoría “los modelos y modelado de roles”

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    La sistematización de la experiencia vivenciada con las enfermeras profesionales y enfermeras auxiliares del servicio de urgencias de la Empresa Social del Estado Hospital San Juan de Dios de Pamplona, durante la práctica de Enfermería Campos de Acción Profesional. Se fundamentó la gestión del cuidado a partir de la necesidad del fortalecer el cuidado de enfermería en la interacción enfermera-cliente desde la aplicación de la teoría “los modelos y modelado de roles” de Erickson Tomlin y Swain, donde la interacción humana en el cuidado es un proceso que se debe caracterizar por interés incondicional, amabilidad, confianza, empatía, simpatía. La estrategia metodológica para el análisis fue la propuesta de sistematización de Oscar Jara, con la aplicación del sistema conceptual teórico empírico de enfermería, el marco lógico adaptado a las teorías de rango medio, el proceso de enfermería, el modelo área y el lenguaje estandarizado NANDA-NIC-NOC y la investigación cuasi- experimental de tipo antes y después de: factores estresores, el nivel de estrés, las habilidades de interacción social en el personal de enfermería, demostrando la eficacia de la intervención. Esta sistematización no solo trata de fortalecer la interacción enfermera-cliente sino que en lo esencial se enfoca a conocer como se originan sucesos o situaciones que pueden generar cambio en la comunicación de la enfermera hacia el cliente

    Optimising cardiometabolic risk factors in pregnancy: a review of risk prediction models targeting gestational diabetes and hypertensive disorders

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    Cardiovascular disease, especially coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease, is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in women globally. The development of cardiometabolic conditions in pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes mellitus and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, portend an increased risk of future cardiovascular disease in women. Pregnancy therefore represents a unique opportunity to detect and manage risk factors, prior to the development of cardiovascular sequelae. Risk prediction models for gestational diabetes mellitus and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy can help identify at-risk women in early pregnancy, allowing timely intervention to mitigate both short- and long-term adverse outcomes. In this narrative review, we outline the shared pathophysiological pathways for gestational diabetes mellitus and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, summarise contemporary risk prediction models and candidate predictors for these conditions, and discuss the utility of these models in clinical application.Eleanor P. Thong, Drishti P. Ghelani, Pamada Manoleehakul, Anika Yesmin, Kaylee Slater, Rachael Taylor, Clare Collins, Melinda Hutchesson, Siew S. Lim, Helena J. Teede, Cheryce L. Harrison, Lisa Moran, and Joanne Enticot

    Rifaximin has a Marginal Impact on Microbial Translocation, T-cell Activation and Inflammation in HIV-Positive Immune Non-responders to Antiretroviral Therapy – ACTG A5286

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    Background. Rifaximin, a nonabsorbable antibiotic that decreases lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in cirrhotics, may decrease the elevated levels of microbial translocation, T-cell activation and inflammation in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive immune nonresponders to antiretroviral therapy (ART)

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of an Internet-based continuing education program on pharmacy-based minor ailment management: a randomized controlled clinical trial

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    ABSTRACT The aim of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of an internet-based continuing education (CE) program on pharmacy-based minor ailment schemes (PMASs). A controlled randomized clinical trial was conducted in community pharmacies in Brazil. Community pharmacists (CPs) were enrolled in two groups: intervention (n = 61) and control (n = 60). CPs who were enrolled to the intervention group participated in an Internet-based CE program. CPs in the control group received no educational intervention. We evaluated participant perception, learning outcomes, and practice performance. Learner satisfaction with the CE program was high for every point evaluated (mean ± standard deviation = 4.2 ± 0.4). Posttest learner outcome scores and practice performance in the intervention group after the conclusion of the CE program significantly improved compared with pretest scores (p < 0.001) and were significantly better compared with the control group (p < 0.001). The present Internet-based CE program is a viable educational strategy for improving participant perception, learning outcomes, and practice performance in PMASs

    Sistema tización de una experiencia de fortalecimiento de la interacción enfermera - cliente a través de la teoría “los modelos y modelado de roles”

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    La sistematización de la experiencia vivenciada con las enfermeras profesionales y enfermeras auxiliares del servicio de urgencias de la Empresa Social del Estado Hospital San Juan de Dios de Pamplona, durante la práctica de Enfermería Campos de Acción Profesional. Se fundamentó la gestión del cuidado a partir de la necesidad del fortalecer el cuidado de enfermería en la interacción enfermera-cliente desde la aplicación de la teoría “los modelos y modelado de roles” de Erickson Tomlin y Swain, donde la interacción humana en el cuidado es un proceso que se debe caracterizar por interés incondicional, amabilidad, confianza, empatía, simpatía. La estrategia metodológica para el análisis fue la propuesta de sistematización de Oscar Jara, con la aplicación del sistema conceptual teórico empírico de enfermería, el marco lógico adaptado a las teorías de rango medio, el proceso de enfermería, el modelo área y el lenguaje estandarizado NANDA-NIC-NOC y la investigación cuasi- experimental de tipo antes y después de: factores estresores, el nivel de estrés, las habilidades de interacción social en el personal de enfermería, demostrando la eficacia de la intervención. Esta sistematización no solo trata de fortalecer la interacción enfermera-cliente sino que en lo esencial se enfoca a conocer como se originan sucesos o situaciones que pueden generar cambio en la comunicación de la enfermera hacia el cliente