16 research outputs found

    A Need to Meet Patient Expectations

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    Funding Information: Open access funding provided by Universit脿 degli Studi di Palermo within the Nicola Veronese reports personal fees from IBSA, Mylan, and Fidia outside of the submitted work. Cyrus Cooper reports personal fees from Alliance for Better Bone Health, Amgen, Eli Lilly, GSK, Medtronic, Merck, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Servier, Takeda, and UCB outside of the submitted work. Jean-Yves Reginster reports CRUI-CARE Agreement. Funding Information:grants from IBSA-Genevrier, Mylan, CNIEL, and Radius Health (through his institution); consulting fees from IBSA-Genevrier, Mylan, CNIEL, Radius Health, and Pierre Fabre; fees for participation in review activities from IBSA-Genevrier, Mylan, CNIEL, Radius Health, and Teva; and payment for lectures from Ag-Novos, CERIN, CNIEL, Dairy Research Council (DRC), Echolight, IBSA-Genevrier, Mylan, Pfizer Consumer Health, Teva, and Theramex outside of the submitted work. Olivier Bruy猫re reports grants or lecture fees from Amgen, Aptissen, Biophytis, IBSA, MEDA, Mylan, Novartis, Sanofi, Servier, SMB, TRB Chemedica, UCB, and Viatris outside of the submitted work. Ali Mobasheri declares personal fees from Abbott, Abbvie, Ach膿 Laborat贸rios Farmac锚uticos, Galapagos, GSK Consumer Healthcare, Kolon TissueGene, Laboratoires Expansciences, Merck, Pacira Biosciences, Pfizer, Sanofi, and Servier. Fran莽ois Rannou reports grants or lecture fees from Pierre Fabre, Mylan, MSD, Thuasne, IBSA, Pfizer, Gen茅vrier, Expanscience, Scarcell, Skindermic, and Peptinov. Ida K. Haugen reports grants from Pfizer and is a consultant for Novartis outside of the submitted work. Elaine M. Dennison declares grants/fees from Pfizer, Lilly, UCB, and Viatris. Philip G. Conaghan is supported in part by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Leeds Biomedical Research Centre (the views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR, or the Department of Health), and reports consultancies or lecture fees from AbbVie, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly, Galapagos, GSK, Grunenthal, Pfizer, Novartis, and UCB. Nasser M. Al-Daaghri, Antonella Fioravanti, Sara Cheleschi, Jean-Pierre Pelletier, Maarten de Wit, Etienne Cavalier, Radmila Matijevic, Germain Honvo, R茅gis Pierre Radermecker, Ren茅 Rizzoli, Jaime Branco, Andrea Laslop, Mar铆a Concepci贸n Prieto Yerro, Alberto Migliore, Gabriel Herrero-Beaumont, and Nicholas R. Fuggle declare that they have no conflicts of interest. Publisher Copyright: 漏 2022, The Author(s).Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common and disabling medical conditions. In the case of moderate to severe pain, a single intervention may not be sufficient to allay symptoms and improve quality of life. Examples include first-line, background therapy with symptomatic slow-acting drugs for OA (SYSADOAs) or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Therefore, the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (ESCEO) performed a review of a multimodal/multicomponent approach for knee OA therapy. This strategy is a particularly appropriate solution for the management of patients affected by knee OA, including those with pain and dysfunction reaching various thresholds at the different joints. The multimodal/multicomponent approach should be based, firstly, on different combinations of non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions. Potential pharmacological combinations include SYSADOAs and NSAIDs, NSAIDs and weak opioids, and intra-articular treatments with SYSADOAs/NSAIDs. Based on the available evidence, most combined treatments provide benefit beyond single agents for the improvement of pain and other symptoms typical of knee OA, although further high-quality studies are required. In this work, we have therefore provided new, patient-centered perspectives for the management of knee OA, based on the concept that a multimodal, multicomponent, multidisciplinary approach, applied not only to non-pharmacological treatments but also to a combination of the currently available pharmacological options, will better meet the needs and expectations of patients with knee OA, who may present with various phenotypes and trajectories.publishersversionpublishe

    Establecimiento de un marco reglado de relaciones con los departamentos did谩cticos y su aplicaci贸n pr谩ctica en la detecci贸n de dificultades de aprendizaje en los alumnos-as

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    Se trata de un trabajo que no ha sido publicado. Fecha de finalizaci贸n tomada del c贸digo del documentoEste trabajo ha sido realizado por el Grupo de Trabajo de Orientaci贸n del IES de Valencia de Don Juan, en la provincia de Le贸n. Responde al desarrollo de un marco reglado de relaciones entre el Departamento de orientaci贸n y los Departamentos did谩cticos de un centro de Secundaria. Dicho marco ha sido amparado en lo posible por la normativa vigente y en la colaboraci贸n con los Departamentos did谩cticos; su objetivo es la atenci贸n, dentro de las posibilidades de un Departamento de Orientaci贸n plenamente constituido, a las necesidades reales que el proceso de ense帽anza-aprendizaje presenta. Como complemento a esta labor, y para evaluar su adecuaci贸n, este trabajo contempla la aplicaci贸n pr谩ctica del marco establecido a la detecci贸n de dificultades de apendizaje en los alumnos-as.Castilla y Le贸nES

    Modificaci贸n en el patr贸n de uso de anfotericina B no convencional tras la puesta en marcha de una intervenci贸n formativa en el Hospital Cl铆nico San Carlos de Madrid

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    Background: Amphotericin B is the treatment of choice for systemic fungal infections. Among the different AB formulations available, the lipid forms appear to have a better profile of reliability, however, their cost is noticeably higher. In 1999 (pre-initiative period) an evaluation of the quality of the prescription of these preparations was made in our hospital, which revealed that they were not being used to best advantage and were responsible for generating a significant unnecessary expenditure. As a result of this, an information initiative was implemented with respect to the prescribing physicians for the purpose of reducing the inappropriate use of AB. Method: The quality of 100 prescriptions was evaluated prospectively, according to the standards of use of Amphotericin B established in the hospital. Following each evaluation, a pharmacologist personally handed over to each prescribing physician a set of rules governing the use of the Amphotericin B, discussing the indication and recommending the best alternative in each case. In order to measure the impact of this initiative, the appropriateness of the prescriptions during this period was compared with the pre-initiative period. Results: The percentage of inappropriate prescriptions dropped from 58% to 21% following the implementation of the initiative. Likewise, a 33-million-peseta reduction in the total expenditure was achieved in 15 months as well as a savings of 24 million in inappropriate prescriptions. Conclusions: The information initiative improved the quality of the prescribing of preparations of Amphotericin B associated with lipids and considerably reduced the unnecessary expense associated with Amphotericin B misuse in our hospital.Fundamento: La anfotericina B es el tratamiento de elecci贸n para las infecciones f煤ngicas sist茅micas. Dentro de ellas, las formas lip铆dicas parecen tener un mejor perfil de seguridad, sin embargo el coste es llamativamente superior. En 1999 (periodo pre-intervenci贸n) se realiz贸 en nuestro hospital una evaluaci贸n de la calidad de la prescripci贸n de estos preparados que demostr贸 que su uso no era 贸ptimo y ocasion贸 un gasto innecesario importante. Como consecuencia de ello se puso en marcha una intervenci贸n formativa sobre los prescriptores con el objetivo de reducir el uso inapropiado de AB. M茅todo: Se evalu贸 prospectivamente la calidad de 100 prescripciones, seg煤n las normas de uso de Anfotericina B vigentes en el hospital. Tras cada evaluaci贸n un farmac贸logo entreg贸 personalmente a cada prescriptor unas normas de uso del antibi贸tico, discutiendo la indicaci贸n y recomendando la mejor alternativa en cada caso. Para medir el impacto de esta intervenci贸n se compar贸 la adecuaci贸n de las prescripciones en este periodo frente al periodo pre-intervenci贸n. Resultados: El porcentaje de prescripciones inadecuadas se redujo del 58 % al 21 % tras la puesta en marcha de la intervenci贸n. As铆 mismo, se produjo una reducci贸n en el gasto total de 33 millones de pesetas en 15 meses y un ahorro de 24 millones en prescripciones inadecuadas. Conclusiones: La intervenci贸n formativa mejor贸 la calidad de la prescripci贸n de preparados de AB asociada a l铆pidos y redujo considerablemente el gasto innecesario de AB en nuestro hospital

    Utilizaci贸n de la anfotericina B no convencional en el hospital cl铆nico de San Carlos

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    Background: Amphotericin B is the treatment of choice for systemic fungal infections, however, its cl铆nica1 usefulness is limited by its toxicity. The lipid formulations appear to be equally effective and safer, but are more costly. The increase in the consumption of, and expenditure on these formulas led us to undertake a study in order to identify their profile of use (quantitative and qualitative) and to assess the financia1 repercussions when used inappropriately. Methods: A set of rules were developed for the use of amphotericin B, and the quality of the prescription of nonconventional amphotericin B (amphotericin B notC) was evaluated retrospectively together with the financia1 repercussions of its inappropriate use. Results: In 54% of the treatments studied, a poor selection of amphotericin B was made; in 3.5% the use of amphotericin B was not indicated. The excess expenditure derived from the inappropriate use amounted to 42 million pesetas, 35% of the total expenditure on medicines; the expenditure due to unnecessary prescription was 1,720,327 pesetas. Conclusions: The retrospective evaluation has shown that there is a high percentage of treatments that do not conform with the recommendations contained in the prescription rules. The holding of information sessions would assist in achieving a more efficient selection of the amphotericin B notC; this would improve prescription quality, which might also deliver significant financia1 savings.Fundamento: La anfotericina B es el tratamiento de elecci贸n de las infecciones f煤ngicas sist茅micas, pero su utilidad cl铆nica est谩 limitada por su toxicidad. Las formulaciones lip铆dicas parecen igualmente eficaces y m谩s seguras, pero tienen un mayor coste. El incremento del consumo y del gasto de estas formulaciones nos llevo a plantear un estudio para conocer su perfil de utilizaci贸n (cuantitativo y cualitativo) y evaluar la repercusi贸n econ贸mica de su uso inapropiado. Utilisation of non-conventional Amphotericin B in the San Carlos Clinical Hospital M茅todos: Se desarrollaron unas normas de uso de la anfotericina B y se evalu贸 de forma retrospectiva, la calidad de la prescripci贸n de la anfotericina B no convencional (anfotericina B noC) y la repercusi贸n econ贸mica de su uso incorrecto. Resultados: En el 54% de los tratamientos se hizo una mala selecci贸n de anfotericina B; en el 3.5% no estaba indicada la utilizaci贸n de anfotericina B. El exceso de gasto derivado de la prescripci贸n incorrecta fue de 42 millones de pesetas, un 35% del gasto total en medicamentos; el gasto por prescripci贸n innecesaria fue de 1.720.327 pesetas. Background: Amphotericin B is the treatment of choice for systemic fungal infections, however, its cl铆nica1 usefulness is limited by its toxicity. The lipid formulations appear to be equally effective and safer, but are more costly. The increase in the consumption of, and expenditure on these formulas led us to undertake a study in order to identify their profile of use (quantitative and qualitative) and to assess the financia1 repercussions when used inappropriately. Methods: A set of rules were developed for the use of amphotericin B, and the quality of the prescription of nonconventional amphotericin B (amphotericin B notC) was evaluated retrospectively together with the financia1 repercussions of its inappropriate use. Conclusiones: La evaluaci贸n retrospectiva ha mostrado que existe un elevado porcentaje de tratamientos que no se adecuan a lo recomendado en las normas de prescripci贸n. La puesta en marcha de intervenciones informativas permitir铆a realizar una selecci贸n m谩s eficiente de la anfotericina B noC, mejorando la calidad de la prescrip ci贸n, lo que podr铆a suponer un importante ahorro econ贸mico. Results: In 54% of the treatments studied, a poor selection of amphotericin B was made; in 3.5% the use of amphotericin B was not indicated. The excess expenditure derived from the inappropriate use amounted to 42 million pesetas, 35% of the total expenditure on medicines; the expenditure due to unnecessary prescription was 1,720,327 pesetas

    Utilizaci贸n de anfotericina B no convencional en el Hospital Cl铆nico de San Carlos

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    FUNDAMENTO: La anfotericina B es el tratamiento de elecci贸n de las infecciones f煤ngicas sist茅micas, pero su utilidad cl铆nica est谩 limitada por su toxicidad. Las formulaciones lip铆dicas parecen igualmente eficaces y m谩s seguras, pero tienen un mayor coste. El incremento del consumo y del gasto de estas formulaciones nos llevo a plantear un estudio para conocer su perfil de utilizaci贸n (cuantitativo y cualitativo) y evaluar la repercusi贸n econ贸mica de su uso inapropiado. M脡TODOS: Se desarrollaron unas normas de uso de la anfotericina B y se evalu贸 de forma retrospectiva, la calidad de la prescripci贸n de la anfotericina B no convencional (anfotericina B noC) y la repercusi贸n econ贸mica de su uso incorrecto. RESULTADOS: En el 54% de los tratamientos se hizo una mala selecci贸n de anfotericina B; en el 3.5% no estaba indicada la utilizaci贸n de anfotericina B. El exceso de gasto derivado de la prescripci贸n incorrecta fue de 42 millones de pesetas, un 35% del gasto total en medicamentos; el gasto por prescripci贸n innecesaria fue de 1.720.327 pesetas. CONCLUSIONES: La evaluaci贸n retrospectiva ha mostrado que existe un elevado porcentaje de tratamientos que no se adecuan a lo recomendado en las normas de prescripci贸n. La puesta en marcha de intervenciones informativas permitir铆a realizar una selecci贸n m谩s eficiente de la anfotericina B noC, mejorando la calidad de la prescripci贸n, lo que podr铆a suponer un importante ahorro econ贸mico

    Utilizaci贸n de anfotericina B no convencional en el Hospital Cl铆nico de San Carlos

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    FUNDAMENTO: La anfotericina B es el tratamiento de elecci贸n de las infecciones f煤ngicas sist茅micas, pero su utilidad cl铆nica est谩 limitada por su toxicidad. Las formulaciones lip铆dicas parecen igualmente eficaces y m谩s seguras, pero tienen un mayor coste. El incremento del consumo y del gasto de estas formulaciones nos llevo a plantear un estudio para conocer su perfil de utilizaci贸n (cuantitativo y cualitativo) y evaluar la repercusi贸n econ贸mica de su uso inapropiado. M脡TODOS: Se desarrollaron unas normas de uso de la anfotericina B y se evalu贸 de forma retrospectiva, la calidad de la prescripci贸n de la anfotericina B no convencional (anfotericina B noC) y la repercusi贸n econ贸mica de su uso incorrecto. RESULTADOS: En el 54% de los tratamientos se hizo una mala selecci贸n de anfotericina B; en el 3.5% no estaba indicada la utilizaci贸n de anfotericina B. El exceso de gasto derivado de la prescripci贸n incorrecta fue de 42 millones de pesetas, un 35% del gasto total en medicamentos; el gasto por prescripci贸n innecesaria fue de 1.720.327 pesetas. CONCLUSIONES: La evaluaci贸n retrospectiva ha mostrado que existe un elevado porcentaje de tratamientos que no se adecuan a lo recomendado en las normas de prescripci贸n. La puesta en marcha de intervenciones informativas permitir铆a realizar una selecci贸n m谩s eficiente de la anfotericina B noC, mejorando la calidad de la prescripci贸n, lo que podr铆a suponer un importante ahorro econ贸mico

    Measuring health-related quality of life in sarcopenia: summary of the SarQoL psychometric properties.

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    peer reviewedPatient perspectives are now widely recognized as a key element in the evaluation of health interventions. Therefore, the provision of specific and validated Patient Reported Outcome Measures that emphasize the lived experience of patients suffering from specific diseases is very important. In the field of sarcopenia, the only validated specific health-related quality of life (HRQoL) instrument available is the Sarcopenia Quality of Life questionnaire (SarQoL). This self-administrated HRQoL questionnaire, developed in 2015, consists of 55 items arranged into 22 questions and has currently been translated into 35 languages. Nineteen validation studies performed on SarQoL have consensually confirmed the capacity of SarQoL to detect difference in HRQoL between older people with and without sarcopenia, its reliability and its validity. Two further observational studies have also indicated its responsiveness to change. A short form SarQoL, including only 14 items has further been developed and validated to reduce the potential burden of administration. Research on the psychometric properties of SarQoL questionnaire is still encouraged as the responsiveness to change of SarQoL has not yet been measured in the context of interventional studies, as limited prospective data currently exist and as there is still not cut-off score to define a low HRQoL. In addition, SarQoL has mainly been used in community-dwelling older individuals with sarcopenia and would benefit to be studied in other types of populations. This review aims to provide to researchers, clinicians, regulators, pharmaceutical industries and other stakeholders a clear summary of comprehensive evidence on the SarQoL questionnaire published up to January 2023Query

    Interdisciplinary management of FGF23-related phosphate wasting syndromes: a Consensus Statement on the evaluation, diagnosis and care of patients with X-linked hypophosphataemia

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    X-linked hypophosphataemia (XLH) is the most frequent cause of hypophosphataemia-associated rickets of genetic origin and is associated with high levels of the phosphaturic hormone fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23). In addition to rickets and osteomalacia, patients with XLH have a heavy disease burden with enthesopathies, osteoarthritis, pseudofractures and dental complications, all of which contribute to reduced quality of life. This Consensus Statement presents the outcomes of a working group of the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases, and provides robust clinical evidence on management in XLH, with an emphasis on patients' experiences and needs. During growth, conventional treatment with phosphate supplements and active vitamin D metabolites (such as calcitriol) improves growth, ameliorates leg deformities and dental manifestations, and reduces pain. The continuation of conventional treatment in symptom-free adults is still debated. A novel therapeutic approach is the monoclonal anti-FGF23 antibody burosumab. Although promising, further studies are required to clarify its long-term efficacy, particularly in adults. Given the diversity of symptoms and complications, an interdisciplinary approach to management is of paramount importance. The focus of treatment should be not only on the physical manifestations and challenges associated with XLH and other FGF23-mediated hypophosphataemia syndromes, but also on the major psychological and social impact of the disease

    Management of hand osteoarthritis: from an US evidence-based medicine guideline to a European patient-centric approach

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    Hand osteoarthritis is the most common joint condition and is associated with significant morbidity. It is of paramount importance that patients are thoroughly assessed and examined when complaining of hand stiffness, pain, deformity or disability and that the patient's concerns and expectations are addressed by the healthcare professional. In 2019 the American College of Rheumatology and Arthritis Foundation (ACR/AF) produced guidelines which included recommendations for the treatment of hand osteoarthritis. An ESCEO expert working group (including patients) was convened and composed this paper with the aim to assess whether these guidelines were appropriate for the treatment of hand osteoarthritis therapy in Europe and whether they met with the ESCEO patient-centered approach. Indeed, patients are the key stakeholders in healthcare and eliciting the patient's preference is vital in the context of an individual consultation but also for informing research and policy-making. The patients involved in this working group emphasised the often-neglected area of aesthetic changes in hand osteoarthritis, importance of developing pharmacological therapies which can alleviate pain and disability and the need of the freedom to choose which approach (out of pharmacological, surgical or non-pharmacological) they wished to pursue. Following robust appraisal, it was recommended that the ACR/AF guidelines were suitable for a European context (as described within the body of the manuscript) and it was emphasised that patient preferences are key to the success of individual consultations, future research and future policy-making