377 research outputs found

    Yield and Quality of Seeds of Wheat Varieties Tyumenskaya Jubilee and Tyumenochka Depending on the Level of Mineral Nutrition in the Northern Forest Steppe of the Tyumen Region

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    The State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals continues to breed spring wheat. Two varieties of Tyumen Jubilee and Tyumenochka have been created with the use of various source materials, including sources to the main cultural diseases in the region. Tyumenskaya variety has passed the State Variety Testing and is included in the Register of breeding achievements in 10 regions. The second variety is in the State Variety Trial. Research is continuing on both varieties to develop seed varieties. The results of influence of different levels of mineral nutrition on yield and quality of seeds of wheat varieties are analyzed in this report. It is established that in the northern forest-steppe zone of the Tyumen region on the natural fertility of leached black soil the average seed yield for three years was for the variety Tyumenskaya jubilee 2.48 t/ha, for Tyumenochka – 2.08 t/ha. In the variant with application of mineral fertilizers to the planned yield of 4 t/ha, the first grade seed was obtained 3.29 t/ha, the second – 2.91. The additions to the control variant were 0.81 and 0.83 t/ha. When applying mineral fertilizers to the yield of 5 and 6 t/ha, the additions remained at the level of the previous version, except for the Tyumenochka variety in the last version. The yield of seeds from the total yield in the control variant was 75.5 % for the variety Tyumenskaya jubilee and 71.7 % for Tyumenochka. In the variant with NPK by 4 t/ha the yield of seeds increased by 4.2 % in the first grade and by 4.5 % in the second grade. Protein content in the seeds of wheat varieties on the natural soil fertility was 13.6 and 12.3 %, respectively. The maximum content of 16.0 and 14.8 % is noted in the variant with fertilizers for the planned yield of 4 t/ha. In the same variant the highest germination energy (82.3, 80.1 %) and germination of seeds (96.9 and 95.5 %) are higher than the control variant by 20.7, 15.6 and 1.8 %; 2.5 % accordingly. The main part of the seeds (71.0 and 68.1 %) of the studied wheat varieties in the mentioned variant grew with 5–6 germ roots that is 19.3 and 13.2 % higher than the control. The variant with fertilizers for the planned yield of 4 t/ha was more economically advantageous, the level of profitability of the variety Tyumenskaya jubilee was 49 %, and Tyumenochka 44 %


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    Purpose of the article is to consider the genesis and the logic of development of antique philosophy in accordance with conception of integral traditionalism. The methodology of the research is the combination of comparative, logical and historical methods. Scientific novelty. Integral traditionalism as a subject is poorly researched in Ukrainian cultural studies and philosophy. In domestic science A. Shchedrin, S. Vyshynskyi and O. Gutsulyak are involved in   this topic, but the issue of the origins and fate of antique philosophy from the position of traditionalism is investigated for the first time. Conclusions. Understanding of antique philosophy by traditionalists is substantially different from its image in the secular culture of Modernity. Traditionalists perceive the main source of early Greek philosophy in the phenomenon of mysteries, not in the pursuit of rational thought to the liberation of the myth, which on their part receives a negative evaluation. Pythagorean doctrine as a rational (not imaginative) statement of the mystical experience, according to traditionalists, advocates the most accurate example of what was originally the antique philosophy.Мета роботи – розглянути ґенезис і логіку розвитку античної філософії у концепції інтегрального традиціоналізму. Методологія дослідження полягає в поєднанні порівняльного та історико-логічного методів. Наукова новизна. Тема інтегрального традиціоналізму є малодослідженою в українській культурології та філософії. У віт-чизняній науці цією темою займаються А. Щедрін, С. Вишинський та О. Гуцуляк, однак питання про витоки і долю античної філософії з позиції традиціоналізму досліджується вперше. Висновки. Розуміння традиціоналістами античної філософії суттєво відрізняється від її образу в секулярній культурі Модерну. Головне джерело ранньої грецької філософії традиціоналісти вбачають у феномені містерій, а не у прагненні раціональної думки до звільнення від міфу, що з їхнього боку отримує негативну оцінку. Піфагорійська доктрина як раціональний (а не образний) виклад містичного досвіду, на думку традиціоналістів, виступає найбільш точним прикладом того, чим була початково антична філософія

    The frequency of the predominant Jewish mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 in unselected Ashkenazi colorectal cancer patients

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    It is presently unclear whether carriers of BRCA1 mutations have an increased risk for colorectal cancer (CRC). To gain insight into this issue, 225 unselected Ashkenazi Jewish CRC patients were tested for the presence of the three common Jewish BRCA1/2 germline mutations: 185delAG and 5382insC (BRCA1) and 6174delT (BRCA2). A total of four carriers was found (4/225, 1.78%). This frequency is similar to the estimated normal Ashkenazi population frequency, thus suggesting that these specific mutations do not contribute to CRC predisposition.© 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    New representation of orbital motion with arbitrary angular momenta

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    A new formulation is presented for a variational calculation of NN-body systems on a correlated Gaussian basis with arbitrary angular momenta. The rotational motion of the system is described with a single spherical harmonic of the total angular momentum LL, and thereby needs no explicit coupling of partial waves between particles. A simple generating function for the correlated Gaussian is exploited to derive the matrix elements. The formulation is applied to various Coulomb three-body systems such as eee+,ttμ,tdμe^-e^-e^+, tt\mu, td\mu, and αee\alpha e^-e^- up to L=4L=4 in order to show its usefulness and versatility. A stochastic selection of the basis functions gives good results for various angular momentum states.Comment: Revte

    Competition of fusion and quasi-fission in the reactions leading to production of the superheavy elements

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    The mechanism of fusion hindrance, an effect observed in the reactions of cold, warm and hot fusion leading to production of the superheavy elements, is investigated. A systematics of transfermium production cross sections is used to determine fusion probabilities. Mechanism of fusion hindrance is described as a competition of fusion and quasi-fission. Available evaporation residue cross sections in the superheavy region are reproduced satisfactorily. Analysis of the measured capture cross sections is performed and a sudden disappearance of the capture cross sections is observed at low fusion probabilities. A dependence of the fusion hindrance on the asymmetry of the projectile-target system is investigated using the available data. The most promising pathways for further experiments are suggested.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, talk presented at 7th International School-Seminar on Heavy-Ion Physics, May 27 - June 1, 2002, Dubna, Russi

    Isotopic dependence of fusion cross sections in reactions with heavy nuclei

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    The dependence of fusion cross section on the isotopic composition of colliding nuclei is analysed within the dinuclear system concept for compound nucleus formation. Probabilities of fusion and surviving probabilities, ingredients of the evaporation residue cross sections, depend decisively on the neutron numbers of the dinuclear system. Evaporation residue cross sections for the production of actinides and superheavy nuclei, listed in table form, are discussed and compared with existing experimental data. Neutron-rich radioactive projectiles are shown to lead to similar fusion cross sections as stable projectiles.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure