64 research outputs found

    1. Wochenbericht POS502

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    Science Report - week ending 17/07/201

    Detailed studies of mid-ocean ridge volcanism at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (45°N) and elsewhere

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    This thesis provides a comprehensive study of the Axial Volcanic Ridge (AVR) at 45˚30 N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. A number of datasets were collected over the area, including: EM120 ship based bathymetry, TOBI sidescan sonar, Isis high-resolution bathymetry, Isis video and sampling dives and crustal magnetisation surveys. In this thesis I seek to explore the questions of the volcanic building blocks of AVRs and their spatial and temporal evolution in a number of ways. Very detailed volcanological mapping of the seafloor is used to provide semi-quantitative estimates of the relative proportions of different lava morphologies on and off the AVR and within the upper oceanic crust. I find that the AVR is characterised by predominantly pillow lavas while the flatter areas of seafloor around the AVR are covered by higher effusion rate lava morphologies. These observations are combined with the bathymetry and sidescan sonar datasets to elucidate the detailed nature of the building blocks of AVRs, which I find to be volcanic hummocks, composed predominantly of pillow lavas. These hummocks are morphologically the same as pillow mounds described at intermediate-spreading rate ridges. From these observations we identify common collapse scarps and associated talus deposits, which if buried may contribute significantly to increased porosity and lower seismic velocity in seismic layer 2A. Sediment cover is used as a proxy for seafloor age, and suggests that both the AVR and the flat seafloor around it are a similar age. Statistical analysis of the distribution and size of volcanic hummocks on the AVR finds their numbers to have been vastly underestimated in previous studies. I also show that hummock density is very variable across the AVR, possibly corresponding to many discrete melt sources. Evidence from 45˚N does not support either a uniform, long period life cycle model as has been proposed, or a steady state AVR. Instead I suggest that the AVR is the surface representation of robust magma supply, and irregular nature of this melt supply will control the surface appearance of the AV

    2. Wochenbericht POS502

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    Science Report - week ending 24/07/201

    POS502 Cruise Report, RV Poseidon Cruise No. 502

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    Preeruptive flow focussing in dikes feeding historical pillow ridges on the Juan de Fuca and Gorda Ridges

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    Linear, hummocky pillow mound volcanism dominates at slow and intermediate spreading rate mid-ocean ridges. Volcanic hummocks are thought to be formed by low effusion rates or as a result of flow focussing during effusive fissure style eruptions in which the initial dike intercepts the seafloor and erupts along its entire length. In this study, high-resolution autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) bathymetry is used to accurately map the extents of four historical fissure eruptions of the Juan de Fuca and Gorda ridges: on the North Gorda, North Cleft, and CoAxial ridge segments. The four mapped eruptions take the form of pillow mounds, which are similar in both lithology and dimension to hummocks on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Pillow mounds may be isolated, or coalesce to form composite mounds, aligned as ridges or as clustered groups. In three of the four mapped sites, the eruptions were discontinuous along their lengths, with pillow mounds and composite mounds commonly separated by areas of older seafloor. This style of discontinuous eruption is inconsistent with typical en echelon fissure eruptions and is probably due to a mildly overpressured, fingering dike intersecting the seafloor along parts of its length

    Physico-chemical properties of newly discovered hydrothermal plumes above the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (13°-33°S)

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    Highlights ‱ Hydrothermal survey in the 13°-33°S region of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge based on hydrographic casts, noble gas observations and AUV dives. ‱ Discovery of hydrothermal plumes above ten ridge segments pointing to 14 unknown active vent sites. ‱ Rio de Janeiro Transform (22°S) likely represents a barrier separating different vent endemic faunal communities to the north and south. Abstract The oceanic crust is initially cooled and deep-sea chemosynthetic ecosystems are largely fed by hydrothermal circulation and venting on the seafloor. Much of this venting takes place at mid-ocean ridges and in order to make realistic models of the crust's thermal budget and to understand chemosynthetic biogeography it is important to have a detailed inventory of vent sites. Until recently, a major gap in this inventory was the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of 13°S, a key region for vent fauna biogeography as it is the corridor linking the Atlantic to the Indian and Pacific Oceans. In spring 2013 we systematically surveyed the axial region between 13°S and 33°S for hydrothermal signals in the water column, using turbidity, oxidation-reduction-potential (ORP) and noble gases as indicators. Standard conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) rosette water-sampler deployments were complimented by a novel autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) deployment strategy, in which the AUV made single-pass, segment-scale (up to 100 km long) dives close to the seafloor to detect small vents. The ca. 2100 km-long survey covered 16 ridge segments and we identified previously unknown hydrothermal plumes above ten segments that point to 14 new hydrothermal vent fields. The majority of plumes are located at high-relief segment centers, where magmatism is robust. A wide gap in the distribution of vents in the 19°S-23°S region coincides with the Rio de Janeiro Transform, the maximum southward progression of North Atlantic Deep Waters and the maximum northwards extent of 3He-enriched waters with Pacific origins. Crossflowing currents in the transform and the large gap between adjacent vents may prevent a meridional connection between the vent fauna communities in the North Atlantic and along the Antarctic Ridges. This makes the region a prime target for future biogeographical studies

    Hydrothermal Activity and Seismicity at Teahitia Seamount: Reactivation of the Society Islands Hotspot?

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    Along mid-ocean ridges, submarine venting has been found at all spreading rates and in every ocean basin. By contrast, intraplate hydrothermal activity has only been reported from five locations, worldwide. Here we extend the time series at one of those sites, Teahitia Seamount, which was first shown to be hydrothermally active in 1983 but had not been revisited since 1999. Previously, submersible investigations had led to the discovery of low-temperature (≀30°C) venting associated with the summit of Teahitia Seamount at ≀1500 m. In December 2013 we returned to the same site at the culmination of the US GEOTRACES Eastern South Tropical Pacific (GP16) transect and found evidence for ongoing venting in the form of a non-buoyant hydrothermal plume at a depth of 1400 m. Multi-beam mapping revealed the same composite volcano morphology described previously for Teahitia including four prominent cones. The plume overlying the summit showed distinct in situ optical backscatter and redox anomalies, coupled with high concentrations of total dissolvable Fe (≀186 nmol/L) and Mn (≀33 nmol/L) that are all diagnostic of venting at the underlying seafloor. Continuous seismic records from 1986-present reveal a ∌15 year period of quiescence at Teahitia, following the seismic crisis that first stimulated its submersible-led investigation. Since 2007, however, the frequency of seismicity at Teahitia, coupled with the low magnitude of those events, are suggestive of magmatic reactivation. Separately, distinct seismicity at the adjacent Rocard seamount has also been attributed to submarine extrusive volcanism in 2011 and in 2013. Theoretical modeling of the hydrothermal plume signals detected suggest a minimum heat flux of 10 MW at the summit of Teahitia. Those model simulations can only be sourced from an area of low-temperature venting such as that originally reported from Teahitia if the temperature of the fluids exiting the seabed has increased significantly, from ≀30°C to ∌70°C. These model seafloor temperatures and our direct plume observations are both consistent with reports from Loihi Seamount, Hawaii, ∌10 year following an episode of seafloor volcanism. We hypothesize that the Society Islands hotspot may be undergoing a similar episode of both magmatic and hydrothermal reactivation

    Structural control, evolution, and accumulation rates of massive sulfides in the TAG hydrothermal field

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    The Trans‐Atlantic Geotraverse (TAG) hydrothermal field on the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge is one of the best‐studied hydrothermal systems to date. However, high‐resolution bathymetric data obtained in 2016 by an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) reveal new information about the distribution of active and inactive hydrothermal deposits, and their relation to structural features. The discovery of previously undocumented inactive vent sites contributes to a better understanding of the accumulation rates and the resource potential of seafloor massive sulfide deposits at slow‐spreading ridges. The interpretation of ship‐based and high‐resolution AUV‐based data sets allowed for the determination of the main tectonic stress regimes that have a first‐order control on the location and distribution of past and present hydrothermal activity. The data reveal the importance of cross‐cutting lineament populations and temporal variations in the prevalent stress regime. A dozen sulfide mounds contribute to a substantial accumulation of hydrothermal material (~29 Mt). The accumulation rate of ~1,500 t/yr is comparable to those of other modern seafloor vent fields. However, our observations suggest that the TAG segment is different from many other slow‐spreading ridge segments in its tectonic complexity, which confines sulfide formation into a relatively small area and is responsible for the longevity of the hydrothermal system and substantial mineral accumulation. The inactive and weakly active mounds contain almost 10 times the amount of material as the active high‐temperature mound, providing an important indication of the global resource potential for inactive seafloor massive sulfide deposits

    Detachment tectonics at Mid-Atlantic Ridge 26°N

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    Spreading processes associated with slow-spreading ridges are a complex interplay of volcanic accretion and tectonic dismemberment of the oceanic crust, resulting in an irregular seafloor morphology made up of blocks created by episodes of intense volcanic activity or tectonic deformation. These blocks undergo highly variable evolution, such as tilts or dissection by renewed tectonic extension, depending on their positions with respect to the spreading axis, core complexes, detachment or transform faults. Here, we use near-seafloor magnetic and bathymetric data and seismic profiles collected over the TAG Segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge to constrain the tectonic evolution of these blocks. Our study reveals that the presence and evolution of oceanic core complexes play a key role in triggering block movements. The deep subvertical detachment fault roots on the plate boundary, marked by a thermal anomaly and transient magma bodies. Thermal and magmatic variations control the structure and morphology of the seafloor above the subhorizontal detachment surface, occasionally leading to relocating the detachment
