5 research outputs found

    Confiabilidad del cuestionario de estilos de vida saludable (CEVS) en estudiantes universitarios: Reliability of the healthy lifestyles questionnaire (CEVS) in university students

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    The current lifestyles of the population have become a worldwide problem, since they have been related firstly to the appearance of chronic diseases and secondly, to the complexity of their recognition, due to the fact that factors such as living conditions, behavioral patterns, sociocultural context and interaction between individuals are elements that have a direct and indirect impact on the determination of lifestyles. Objective. To determine the reliability of the Lifestyle Questionnaire for University Students (CEVS) in a university population in Colombia. Methodology.  Quantitative cross-sectional study, in which the CEVS questionnaire was applied to 894 students and Cronbach's alpha statistic was used as an estimator of internal consistency and reliability in processes of adaptation and validation of the instrument. Results. Of the 34 items, Cobransch's alpha is 0.81 and of the 4 dimensions the values are >0.79. Conclusions. The CEVS questionnaire is a useful, economical and effective tool for assessing the quality of life of individuals. In addition, it was found that its cronbach's alpha value is higher than the fantastic questionnaire, obtaining a value of 0.81 compared to 0.69 and 0.77 of different studies in relation to the total sample.Introducción. Los actuales estilos de vida de la población se han convertido en una problemática a nivel mundial, ya que se han relacionado primero con la aparición de enfermedades crónicas y lo segundo, por la complejidad en el reconocimiento de los mismos, debido a que factores como las condiciones de vida, los patrones de conducta, el contexto sociocultural y la interacción entre los individuos son elementos que impactan de manera directa e indirecta en la determinación de los estilos de vida. Objetivo. Determinar la confiabilidad del Cuestionario de estilos de vida para universitarios (CEVS) en una población universitaria en Colombia. Materiales y Métodos.  Estudio cuantitativo de corte transversal, en el que se aplicó el cuestionario CEVS a 894 estudiantes y se utilizó el estadístico alfa de Cronbach, como estimador de consistencia interna y de confiabilidad en procesos de adaptación y validación de instrumento. Resultados. De los 34 ítems el alfa de Cronbach es de 0,81 y de las 4 dimensiones los valores son superiores a >0,79, demostrando así una buena consistencia interna y entre sus dimensiones también se estableció una correlación fuerte. Conclusiones. En comparación con otros cuestionarios evaluados, el CEVS mostró una mayor consistencia interna, evidenciada por un valor de alfa de Cronbach de 0,81 en relación con el total de la muestra. Estos hallazgos respaldan el valor y la pertinencia del CEVS como una herramienta valiosa en la generación de acciones concretas en promoción de la salud y prevención de la enfermedad en la población universitaria colombiana

    A retrospective analysis of the change in anti-malarial treatment policy: Peru

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>National malaria control programmes must deal with the complex process of changing national malaria treatment guidelines, often without guidance on the process of change. Selecting a replacement drug is only one issue in this process. There is a paucity of literature describing successful malaria treatment policy changes to help guide control programs through this process.</p> <p>Objectives</p> <p>To understand the wider context in which national malaria treatment guidelines were formulated in a specific country (Peru).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using qualitative methods (individual and focus group interviews, stakeholder analysis and a review of documents), a retrospective analysis of the process of change in Peru's anti-malarial treatment policy from the early 1990's to 2003 was completed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The decision to change Peru's policies resulted from increasing levels of anti-malarial drug resistance, as well as complaints from providers that the drugs were no longer working. The context of the change occurred in a time in which Peru was changing national governments, which created extreme challenges in moving the change process forward. Peru utilized a number of key strategies successfully to ensure that policy change would occur. This included a) having the process directed by a group who shared a common interest in malaria and who had long-established social and professional networks among themselves, b) engaging in collaborative teamwork among nationals and between nationals and international collaborators, c) respect for and inclusion of district-level staff in all phases of the process, d) reliance on high levels of technical and scientific knowledge, e) use of standardized protocols to collect data, and f) transparency.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although not perfectly or fully implemented by 2003, the change in malaria treatment policy in Peru occurred very quickly, as compared to other countries. They identified a problem, collected the data necessary to justify the change, utilized political will to their favor, approved the policy, and moved to improve malaria control in their country. As such, they offer an excellent example for other countries as they contemplate or embark on policy changes.</p

    Where less may be more: how the rare biosphere pulls ecosystems strings

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    Rare species are increasingly recognized as crucial, yet vulnerable components of Earth’s ecosystems. This is also true for microbial communities, which are typically composed of a high number of relatively rare species. Recent studies have demonstrated that rare species can have an over-proportional role in biogeochemical cycles and may be a hidden driver of microbiome function. In this review, we provide an ecological overview of the rare microbial biosphere, including causes of rarity and the impacts of rare species on ecosystem functioning. We discuss how rare species can have a preponderant role for local biodiversity and species turnover with rarity potentially bound to phylogenetically conserved features. Rare microbes may therefore be overlooked keystone species regulating the functioning of host-associated, terrestrial and aquatic environments. We conclude this review with recommendations to guide scientists interested in investigating this rapidly emerging research area

    Desarrollo Página Web Beneficios Pensionales

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    El Fondo de Pensiones Porvenir S.A identificó un aumento en los índices de PQR referentes a inquietudes sobre los beneficios pensionales dado que en las páginas actuales de los fondos de pensiones se brinda información únicamente de tramites financieros. Frente a lo anterior, se realizó una encuesta a 85 personas y su análisis confirmó la viabilidad y necesidad de contar con una página web de beneficios pensionales con información clara y actualizada frente a esta temática. En consecuencia, se generó el planteamiento del desarrollo de una nueva página web la cual podrá ser visualizada desde cualquier navegador o dispositivo, con contenido multimedia e interactivo relacionado a la importancia del tema basado en una serie de preguntas que surgen del árbol de problemas relacionadas con el desinterés de los clientes a edad oportuna, la mala asesoría de parte de terceros, los traslados de pensión errados y la disminución en la cotización pensional. Por otra parte, mediante la ejecución del proyecto se desarrollaron diferentes lineamientos del PMBOK® 6ta edición y actualmente se ha cumplido con los entregables establecidos a la fecha como el presupuesto, los contratos con proveedores y un avance en el diseño de los estilos CSS de la página web observando una ejecución adecuada en costos y cronograma; sin embargo, la ejecución del proyecto sigue en curso con fecha proyectada de cierre para el mes de mayo del año 2023The Pension Fund Porvenir S.A identified an increase in the PQR indexes referring to concerns about pension benefits given that the current pages of the pension funds provide information only on financial procedures. As a result, a survey of 85 people was carried out and its analysis confirmed the feasibility and need to have a web page for pension benefits with clear and updated information on this subject. Consequently, the approach of developing a new web page was generated which can be viewed from any browser or device, with multimedia and interactive content related to the importance of the topic based on a series of questions that arise from the problem tree related to the disinterest of clients at an opportune age, poor advice from third parties, erroneous pension transfers and the decrease in pension contributions. On the other hand, through the execution of the project, different guidelines of the PMBOK® 6th edition were developed and currently the deliverables established to date have been fulfilled, such as the budget, the contracts with suppliers and an advance in the design of the CSS styles of the web page observing an adequate execution in costs and schedule; however, the execution of the project is still ongoing with a projected cutoff for the month of May 202

    Estudio regional continental de zonas homogeneas en el Departamento del Guaviare, San José Del Guaviare

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    En el presente estudio se pretende hacer un primer acercamiento a la composición, estructura y función de la artropofauna, vegetación y aspectos limnologicos en varios ecosistemas del municipio San José del Guaviare. Para ello se aplicaron diferentes metodologías que permitan la caracterización y análisis de los niveles ecológicos a diferentes escalas, que van desde el ecosistema hasta el nivel de región