310 research outputs found

    On the category of impersonality

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    У тезахі узагальнено досвід вивчення конструкцій у мовознавстві, уточнено поняття «безособовості» в ракурсі розмежування власне семантичного, семантико-синтаксичного та комунікативного рівнів структури речення.The paper deals with the chronological review of studies of the impersonal sentence in the linguistic; have been clarified the concept of “impersonal” in the semantic, semantic-grammatical, communicative levels of sentence structur

    To the problem of grammatical aspects of translation of scientific and technical literature

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    Knowledge of the translation subject is crucial for the translator of scientific and technical literature. During translation process, the translator should fully understand the meaning, semantic relations and metatextual elements of the sentences. It is obvious that the most complex grammatical problems of translation are connected with the understanding of syntactic and morphological structure of sentences as linguistic elements that directly convey subject information

    To the problem of grammatical aspects of translation of scientific and technical literature

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    Knowledge of the translation subject is crucial for the translator of scientific and technical literature. During translation process, the translator should fully understand the meaning, semantic relations and metatextual elements of the sentences. It is obvious that the most complex grammatical problems of translation are connected with the understanding of syntactic and morphological structure of sentences as linguistic elements that directly convey subject information

    Branched Chain Amino Acids and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Literature Review

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    INTRODUCTION Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is recognized as a major public health problem in the modern world, with its prevalence increasing each year. Consistently poor lifestyle habits — namely, nutritional excess coupled with sedentary behavior — are the leading causes of obesity, which in turn leverages the gradual desensitization of cells to insulin, followed by the onset of insulin resistance (IR) and the subsequent development of T2DM. Countless studies and ongoing research have confirmed that nutrition plays a definitive role in contributing to the development and onset of T2DM. However, in recent years, there has been increasing controversy surrounding the role that branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) may play in influencing IR and the development of T2DM. AIM To review existing literature regarding both the purportedly harmful and beneficial roles and impacts of BCAAs on metabolic health, in order to better understand the contradictory nature of BCAAs and their effects on IR and T2DM. METHODS Relevant research, review articles and epidemiological studies spanning the time frame from 2004 to 2020 were collected, analyzed and summarized with the goal of underscoring and delineating the conflicting roles of BCAAs. RESULTS Evidence of beneficial effects of BCAAs includes enhanced muscle protein synthesis, more efficient glucose homeostasis, increased satiety, better body composition and improved body weight regulation. Evidence of harmful effects of BCAAs includes elevated fasting concentrations of circulating BCAAs correlating with an increased risk of IR and T2DM in human and rodent models. DISCUSSION In spite of the various studies that have been undertaken to shed further light on BCAAs, it still remains unclear whether they are simply markers of metabolic disturbances that ultimately lead to the development of T2DM, or if they are, at least in part, the actual cause of metabolic disturbances leading to T2DM. The general consensus amongst the scientific community is that more research is needed on this topic

    Key aspects of the mechanism for the convergence of Ukraine’s tax legislation to the standards of the European Union

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    W związku z ukraińskimi aspiracjami przystąpienia do Unii Europejskiej wiele traktatów i umów międzynarodowych zostało podpisana w celu zbliżenia prawodawstwa podatkowego Ukrainy do norm i standardów zachodnioeuropejskich. Szczególne znaczenie w tym kontekście ma Umowa o partnerstwie i współpracy między Ukrainą a Wspólnotami Europejskimi i ich państwami członkowskimi, zgodnie z którą Ukraina zobowiązała się do dostosowania swojego obecnego i przyszłego prawodawstwa do standardów Unii Europejskiej, która to kwestia jest przedmiotem rozważań niniejszego tekstu.Due to Ukrainian aspirations of accession to the European Union, a number of international treaties and agreements have been signed with the aim of converging Ukraine’s tax legislation with the norms and standards of the West European countries. In this context, the Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation between Ukraine and the European Communities and their Member States, is of particular importance. Under this treaty Ukraine committed itself to the convergence of its own existing and future legislation with that of the EU. This particular issue is under consideration of the text

    Vitamin A in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with and without idiopathic intracranial hypertension

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    Journal ArticleWe quantified vitamin A in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension, elevated intracranial pressure of other causes and normal intracranial pressure. Vitamin A could be detected by high-pressure liquid chromatography in most of the specimens. There was a significantly higher level of vitamin A in the cerebrospinal fluid of some patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Vitamin A toxicity may play a role in the pathogenesis of idiopathic intracranial hypertension


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    The aim of this study is to present the experience in the management of enterprises at different levels: from optimising business processes to introducing strategic business development. We have analysed the experience in creating digital metallurgy in Russia and present the experience in implementing a smart system for monitoring and diagnostics of line equipment at the Alchevsk metallurgical plant. The article reviews major issues related to the introduction of artificial intelligence systems so as to exercise automated control over production processes. These issues refer to the deterioration and depreciation of production assets which is caused by the reallocation of funds for the modernisation of production and the unpreparedness of staff for the introduction of new systems. Digital technologies provide new opportunities for managing corporate resources and initiating profitable activities. The article also reviews applying Design Thinking techniques and tools to the training and education of specialists for the digital economy. Entrepreneurial skills, out-of-the-box thinking, the ability to work in teams and to make decisions are essential competencies which must be acquired by students during their academic training so that businesses could be prepared for their digital transformation

    On the category of impersonality

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    У тезахі узагальнено досвід вивчення конструкцій у мовознавстві, уточнено поняття «безособовості» в ракурсі розмежування власне семантичного, семантико-синтаксичного та комунікативного рівнів структури речення.The paper deals with the chronological review of studies of the impersonal sentence in the linguistic; have been clarified the concept of “impersonal” in the semantic, semantic-grammatical, communicative levels of sentence structur