11 research outputs found

    Variación de la piezometría y el caudal en cuatro explotaciones de aguas subterráneas en el acuífero del Terciario detrítico de Madrid.

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    Se analiza con detalle la evolución del caudal y del nivel piezométrico en cuatro explotaciones de aguas subterráneas en el acuífero del Terciario detrítico de Madrid, en las que se dispone de medidas periódicas de alguna de las dos variables durante al menos seis años. En ninguna de las explotaciones se aprecian sintomas de recuperación: caudales y niveles piezométricos disminuyen continuamente, o bien se estabilizan; en este segundo caso siempre con valores de caudal muy inferiores a los obtenidos en los aforos iniciales. Las variaciones de piezometría y caudal aparecen siempre controladas principalmente por el régimen de explotación. Parece posible que en los cauces -más próximos a los campos de pozos se ha producido un cambio en el sentido del flujo pasando de ser ríos ganadores a perdedores

    The Tertiary Detritical Aquifer of Madrid: past times, present possibilities and pending challenges

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    El área metropolitana de Madrid se asienta sobre una cuenca sedimentaria, parte de la cual da lugar al denominado Acuífero Terciario Detrítico de Madrid (ATDM). Se trata de un acuífero único, muy heterogéneo y anisótropo de gran extensión y espesor, pero de discretos caudales en sus pozos. El modelo conceptual de flujo más admitido sigue las ideas de Hubbert (1940) y Toth (1962) de forma que se explica la presencia de sondeos surgentes sin capas confinantes. Las aguas del ATDM son de calidad aceptable para la mayoría de los usos y su composición química apoya el modelo conceptual de flujo. Actualmente, el ATDM juega un papel importante en el abastecimiento a Madrid; en breve, el Canal de Isabel II dispondrá de casi un centenar de pozos perforados profundos (hasta 800 m de profundidad) que serán capaces de extraer hasta 100-120 Mm3/año en periodos de sequía.The Metropolitan Area of Madrid is on a sedimentary basin, partly forming the Tertiary Detritical Aquifer of Madrid (ATDM). It is a single aquifer, very heterogeneous and anisotropic, and large; nevertheless, the yield of wells is poor. The most admitted conceptual flow model is according the thesis of Hubbert (1940) and Toth (1962); so it is possible to explain the existence of flowing wells without confining levels. The water quality of ATDM is good for most uses and his chemical composition reflect the conceptual model of flow. Nowadays, ATDM has an important contribution to water supply of Madrid; in short, the Canal de Isabel II will have almost one hundred deep drilled wells (up to 800 m depth), which will can pump up to 100-120 Mm3/year during dry periods.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasFALSEpu

    Do Religious Factors Influence the Attitude Toward Organ Donation Among Medical Students? A Spanish Multicenter Study

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    Introduction Religious factors have conditioned the attitude toward organ donation and transplantation (ODT) since the beginning of transplantation, despite the fact that most religions are in favor of transplantation. Objective To assess the impact of religious beliefs of medical students on their attitude toward ODT. Method Population under study: Medical students in Spanish universities. Study sample: Stratified by geographical area and academic course. Assessment instrument: Attitude ODT questionnaire PCID-DTO-Ríos, anonymous and self-administered. Results Of all students, 42% (n = 3907) declare themselves atheists or agnostics. The remaining 58% (n = 5368) declare themselves to be religious, the majority being Catholic (55%, n = 5102). Of the rest, 0.2% are Muslims (n = 8), 0.1% Protestants (n = 1), and the remaining 2.7% (n = 257) indicate other religious doctrines but do not want to specify it. Regarding their attitude toward ODT, those who consider themselves atheists or agnostics have a more favorable attitude than those who consider themselves religious (84% versus 76%; P < .001). Among those who follow some kind of religion, Catholics are more in favor of ODT than non-Catholics (77% vs 64%, P < .001). Note that among the religious, only 57% (n = 3050) know which religion is in favor of transplantation, while 22% (n = 1,152) consider that it has not been pronounced on the matter, 13% (n = 723) think the religion is against donation, and the remaining 8% (n = 443) do not know. Conclusion The religion professed by medical students conditions their attitude toward donation, with the atheists and agnostics being more in favor of donation.Sin financiación0.784 JCR (2019) Q4, 155/158 Immunology, 191/210 Surgery, 24/24 Transplantation0.363 SJR (2019) Q3, 254/451 Surgery, 27/41 TransplantationNo data IDR 2019UE

    Are High Rates of Deceased Donation Conditioning the Attitude Toward Liver Donation Among Medical Students?

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    The involvement of health professionals from their training period is important for the promotion of living liver donation. There are data that indicate that the awareness of living donation is lower in areas with high rates of deceased donation

    Poly(ADP-ribose)polymerases inhibitors prevent early mitochondrial fragmentation and hepatocyte cell death induced by H2O2

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    Poly(ADP-ribose)polymerases (PARPs) are a family of NAD+ consuming enzymes that play a crucial role in many cellular processes, most clearly in maintaining genome integrity. Here, we present an extensive analysis of the alteration of mitochondrial morphology and the relationship to PARPs activity after oxidative stress using an in vitro model of human hepatic cells. The following outcomes were observed: reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced by oxidative treatment quickly stimulated PARPs activation, promoted changes in mitochondrial morphology associated with early mitochondrial fragmentation and energy dysfunction and finally triggered apoptotic cell death. Pharmacological treatment with specific PARP-1 (the major NAD+ consuming poly(ADP-ribose)polymerases) and PARP-1/PARP-2 inhibitors after the oxidant insult recovered normal mitochondrial morphology and, hence, increased the viability of human hepatic cells. As the PARP-1 and PARP-1/PARP-2 inhibitors achieved similar outcomes, we conclude that most of the PARPs effects were due to PARP-1 activation. NAD+ supplementation had similar effects to those of the PARPs inhibitors. Therefore, PARPs activation and the subsequent NAD+ depletion are crucial events in decreased cell survival (and increased apoptosis) in hepatic cells subjected to oxidative stress. These results suggest that the alterations in mitochondrial morphology and function seem to be related to NAD+ depletion, and show for the first time that PARPs inhibition abrogates mitochondrial fragmentation. In conclusion, the inhibition of PARPs may be a valuable therapeutic approach for treating liver diseases, by reducing the cell death associated with oxidative stress

    Siponimod versus placebo in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (EXPAND) : a double-blind, randomised, phase 3 study

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    Siponimod versus placebo in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (EXPAND): a double-blind, randomised, phase 3 study

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