30 research outputs found

    Smoking initiation in primary school students in Southeast of Turkey: The roles of sociodemographic factors, gender and parental characteristics

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    Aim: The objective of this survey was to determine the socio-demographic and the parental features and the extent of active and passive smoking among primary school children in Diyarbakir Province in Southeast Anatolian Region of Turkey. Material and Methods: This survey is an epidemiological study with cross-sectional design. According to the layered random sampling method, 15 schools were visited and taking into account the age and gender distribution a total number of 1124 students filled the questionnaire. The survey included questions about the parental and the socio-demographic features, the social and economic status of the family, number of brothers and sisters, the housing and living conditions, as well as the smoking status of students. Results: 1124 students, consisting of 630 boys (%56.0) and 494 girls (%44.0) had an average age of 11.1±2.4 yr. A total of 771 (68.6%) students told that there were smoking family members living in their houses (p<0.0001). The number of students with smoking habit was 136 (92 male, 44 female) (%12.2). The number of family members and sleeping rooms were 7.5±2.8, 4.5±2.1 and 2.1±0.9, respectively. The reason behind smoking addiction was generally related with either peers (45 person, 52.3%) or relatives (10 person, %11.6). The rate of smokers among boys is 1.38 times (OR: 1.38, %95 CI: 1.070-1.778) greater than that of girls. Conclusions: The survey results show that smoking among primary school students is becoming prevalent, the rate of passive smoking is increasing, and the number of family members living in the house is generally beyond the shelter capacity. Especially most of the mothers are found to be uneducated. Therefore, more effort should be directed to address the problems of smoking and lack of education which have the utmost importance among these related negative factors. © 2010 Düzce Medical Journal

    The prevalence of malnutrition and obesity in schoolchildren in the Southeast Anatolia Region of Turkey

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of malnutrition, obesity and overweight, calculated by body mass index (BMI), in elementary school children in the Southeast Anatolia Region of Turkey. Method: This research is a cross-sectional epidemiological study and elementary school children with aged 7-16 years were included randomly by layered random sampling method. A total of selected 20 schools and 1912 students filled the questionnaires in Diyarbakir and Mardin City Centers. A questionnaire included questions related to the educational and professional status of parents, siblings, household conditions, children's demographic characteristics and body mass indexes, body weight and heights was applied to each student. Determined BMIs were classified according to the percentile values of Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC-US) growth charts and International Obesity Task Force (IOTF). Results: Mean age of 1040 boys (52,3%) and 872 girls (47,7%), totally 1912 students was 10,8±2,4 years and mean BMI was 17,6±2,8 kg/m2. According to CDC classification, 7,2% of male students were categorized as "underweight", 12,3% of them as "overweight", and 3,4% of them as "obese" whereas 5,5% of them were categorized as "overweight" and 0,6% of them as "obese" according to IOTF classification. In female students, 8,4% were categorized as "underweight", 11,1% "overweight", and 3,3% as "obese" according to CDC classification whereas 5,2% were categorized as "overweight" and 1,2% "obese" according to IOTF. The prevalences were not between boys and girls (p>0.05). Conclusion: In school children in the Southeast Anatolia Region, one of the most important health problems was malnutrition; however prevalances of overweight and obesity had also nonignorable levels. © 2010 Düzce Medical Journal

    Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde okul çocuklarında malnutrisyon ve obezite prevalansı

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada, Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde, ilköğretim okullarındaki çocuklarda, vücut kitle indeksi (VKI) ile hesaplanan malnutrisyon, kilolu olma ve obezite sıklığının belirlenmesi sosyodemografik özelliklerin belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Yöntem:Araştırma, kesitsel tipte epidemiyolojik bir çalışma olup, “Tabakalı rasgele örnekleme yöntemi” kullanılarak belirlenen 7-16 yaş grubundaki ilköğretim okul çocuklarını kapsamaktadır. Diyarbakır ve Mardin iI merkezlerinde, toplam 20 okul ve 1912 öğrenci anket formlarını doldurdu. Vücut ağırlığı ve boy ölçümlerinden elde edilen vücut kitle indeksi (VKI), çocukların demografik özellikleri, kardeş sayısı, konut-yaşam koşulları, anne ve baba çalışma ve eğitim durumlarına ilişkin ile ilgili soruların yer aldığı bir anket uygulandı. VKI, International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) ve Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC-US) gelişim kartlarının persentil değerlerine göre sınıflandırıldı. Bulgular: 1040 erkek (%52,3) ve 872 kız (%47,7), toplam 1912 öğrencinin yaş ortalaması 10,82,4 yıl ve VKI ortalaması 17,62,8 kg/m2’dir. CDC sınıflamasına göre, erkek öğrencilerin %7,2’si “düşük kilolu” %12,3’ü “aşırı kilolu ve %3,4’ü “obez” iken; IOTF sınıflamasına gore bunların %5,5’u “aşırı kilolu”, %0,6’sı ise “obez” olarak sınıflandırılmıştı. Kız öğrencilerin, CDC sınıflamasına göre %8,4’ü “düşük kilolu” %11,1’i “aşırı kilolu ve %3,3’ü “obez” iken; IOTF sınıflamasına gore bunların %5,2’si “aşırı kilolu”, %1,2’si ise “obez” olarak sınıflandırılmıştı. Kız ve erkek öğrenciler arasında prevalanslar açısından fark bulunmuyordu (p0.05). Sonuç: Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde, ilköğretim okullarındaki çocuklarda en önemli sağlık problemlerinden birisi malnutrisyondur; ancak aşırı kilo ve obezite prevalansı da ihmal edilmeyecek düzeylerdedir.Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of malnutrition, obesity and overweight, calculated by body mass index (BMI), in elementary school children in the Southeast Anatolia Region of Turkey. Method: This research is a cross-sectional epidemiological study and elementary school children with aged 7-16 years were included randomly by layered random sampling method. A total of selected 20 schools and 1912 students filled the questionnaires in Diyarbakır and Mardin City Centers. A questionnaire included questions related to the educational and professional status of parents, siblings, household conditions, children&#8217;s demographic characteristics and body mass indexes, body weight and heights was applied to each student. Determined BMIs were classified according to the percentile values of Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC-US) growth charts and International Obesity Task Force (IOTF). Results: Mean age of 1040 boys (52,3%) and 872 girls (47,7%), totally 1912 students was 10,8±2,4 years and mean BMI was 17,6±2,8 kg/m2. According to CDC classification, 7,2% of male students were categorized as &#8220;underweight&#8221;, 12,3% of them as &#8220;overweight&#8221;, and 3,4% of them as &#8220;obese&#8221; whereas 5,5% of them were categorized as &#8220;overweight&#8221; and 0,6% of them as &#8220;obese&#8221; according to IOTF classification. In female students, 8,4% were categorized as &#8220;underweight&#8221;, 11,1% &#8220;overweight&#8221;, and 3,3% as &#8220;obese&#8221; according to CDC classification whereas 5,2% were categorized as &#8220;overweight&#8221; and 1,2% &#8220;obese&#8221; according to IOTF. The prevalences were not between boys and girls (p>0.05). Conclusion: In school children in the Southeast Anatolia Region, one of the most important health problems was malnutrition; however prevalances of overweight and obesity had also nonignorable levels

    A case of Gianotti Crosti syndrome with HBV infection

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    dikici, bunyamin/0000-0001-7572-6525WOS: 000207602800035PubMed: 18614441Gianotti-Crosti syndrome (papular acrodermatitis of childhood), which was first described in 1955, is a nonspecific rash that usually consists of the abrupt onset of pink flesh coloring, smooth or lichenoid, flat-topped papules. It was first related to hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection; however, cases not associated with HBV infection were reported as well. Although a type of delayed hypersensitivity reaction is speculated as a cause, exact pathogenesis still remains unclear. The prognosis is favorable and successful management relies upon general supportive and symptomatic care. We report a seven-year-old boy diagnosed with Gianotti-Crosti syndrome with monomorphous papules on his cheeks, buttocks and extremities associated with hepatitis B virus infection

    Respiratuvar depression after accidental nasal ingestion of brimonidine eye drops in infant

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    Objectives: Brimonidine tartrate is an alpha-2 agonist used for glaucoma treatment. It can lead to serious poisoning symptoms when misused by children. Case report: In this case report, 3 months-old male patient with severe central nervous system depression and respiratory arrest as a result of accidentally nasal instillation of 1 cc brimonidine tartrate that benefited from mechanic ventilation and naloxone treatment was presented. Conclusion: This case report suggested, that misuse of nasal brimonidine eye drop could result in serious respiratory distress and central nervous system depression. Mechanical ventilation and naloxone administration can be useful for these patients. Keywords: Brimonidine intoxication, Nasal ingestion, Childre

    Vitamin D entoxication treated withpamidronate infusion

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    D vitamini intoksikasyonunun akut olarak hiperkalsemi, dehidratasyon, nörolojik bozukluk, kronik olarak da hiperkalsüri/nefrokalsinozis gibi ciddi sonuçları vardır. Daha önce sağlıklı olan, bilinçsiz bir aşırı doz D vitamini takviyesi ile tedaviye dirençli hiperkalsemili 6 aylık erkek bebek olgusu sunuldu. Kısa süreli intravenöz infüzyon pamidronat tedavisi uygulanarak komplikasyon olmaksızın serum kalsiyum düzeyleri düzeltildi. D vitamini intoksikasyonundan ve komplikasyonlarından kaçınılması için D vitamini dozu dikkatli hesaplanmalıdır. Ayrıca, çocuklar için zararlı olabilecek ilaçların reçetesiz satılmasını engelleyecek önlemler alınmalıdır.Vitamin D intoxication in an infant has serious consequences attributable to acute hypercalcemia, dehydration, neurologic disorder and subsequent hypercalcuria/nephrocalcinosis. We present the case of a previously healthy, 6-month-old infant with resistant hypercalcemia from an unconscious overdose with vitamin D supplement. Short-term intravenous infusion of pamidronate treatment effectively corrected serum calcium levels without complications. The dose of vitamin D should be carefully determined in order to avoid vitamin D intoxication and it's complications. Public health measures should be undertaken to prevent drug consumption without prescription that may be dangerous, especially for children

    Hyponatremia in a child with tuberculous meningitis in PICU: Cerebral salt wasting syndrome

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    Cerebral salt wasting syndrome (CSW) has been reported in cases with subarachnoid haemorrhage, infections, head injury, brain tumours, trans-sphenoidal pituitary surgery, and neurosurgery. It is characterized by extracellular fluid depletion and hyponatraemia caused by progressive natriuresis with concomitant diuresis.The relationship between tuberculous menengitis and CSW in children has been desciribed rarely. We describe a case of CSW in an eight years old child with tuberculous meningitis in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) whose main biochemical findings were low serum sodium, excessive urine sodium loss and clinical evidence of a contracted extracellular fluid volume.It is essential that in any child with hyponatremia and meningitis in PICU, an evaluation to be undertaken to differentiate between syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) and CSW. A wrong diagnosis might lead to inappropriate fluid restriction and worsen the hypovolemia in children with CSW. Supplements of sodium chloride and mineralocorticoids may be useful in managing children with CSW. PICU professionals must be aware of the clinical and laboratory features that distinguish CSW from SIADH


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    ÖZETOculo-auriculo-vertebral spektrum (OAVS) olarak da bilinen Goldenhar’s sendromu birinci ve ikinci brankiyal arkdan gelişen yapıların sık görülen konjenital defektlerinden oluşur. Bu sendromun ortalama görülme sıklığı 1/3500 ile 1/5600 arasında olduğu bildirilmiştir. Goldenhar’s sendromu, kraniyofasiyal anomaliler, kardiyovasküler, genitoüriner ve vertebra anomalilerin eşlik etmesi ile karakterize bir sendromdur. Goldenhar’s sendromunun farklı kromozom anomalileri ve kalıtım şekilleri bildirilmesine rağmen hastaların çoğunda herhangi bir kromozom anomalisi bulunmamaktadır. Bu yazıda doğumdan itibaren, solunum sıkıntısı ve emmede zorlanma şikayetleri ile başvuran ve Goldenhar’s sendromu tanısı alan 50 günlük erkek hastanın klinik ve laboratuar bulguları gözden geçirilerek izlemde dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalar vurgulandı.Anahtar Kelimeler: Goldenhar’s sendromu, oculo-auriculo-vertebral spektrum, kraniyofasiyal anomaliler, kardiak defekt