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    Tesis por compendio[EN] The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the productive performance of a rabbit line (OR-LS) selected by ovulation rate during first 6 generations (period 1), and later by ovulation rate (OR) and litter size (LS) during 11 generations using independent culling levels (Period 2). Genetic parameters, direct response for OR and LS and the correlated response for embryo (ES), foetal (FS) and prenatal survival (PS) were estimated. Also, the correlated response on growth rates (GR), weaning (WW) and marketing weight (MW) were estimated. The objective of chapter 3 was to estimate the genetic parameters of the productive traits and the response to selection by OR and LS of OR-LS line. For traits analysis, Bayesian methods were used. Heritability values of litter size traits were low, 0.10, 0.07, 0.07 and 0.07 for litter size, number of born alive (NBA), number of kits at weaning (NW) and marketing (NM), respectively. Heritability for OR was moderate (0.25), while it was low (0.13 and 0.14) for number of implanted embryos (IE) and number of live foetuses at 12 days of gestation (LF12), respectively. Low heritability values for survival traits were found, 0.09 for embryo survival (ES), 0.16 for foetal survival (FS) and 0.14 for prenatal survival (PS). In the second period, after 11 generations of selection by OR and LS, a genetic response of 0.17 kits per generation for LS was achieved. This response was higher than the obtained in period 1 (0.07 kits per generation), in which just selection by OR was performed. The opposite effect was found for OR; the highest response for OR appeared in the first period (0.24 ova per generation) versus the second period (0.17 ova per generation). This reduction in OR response can be due to the decrease in selection differential during the second period of selection. Since high genetic correlations were obtained for LS and other litter size traits, a positive correlated response was observed for NBA, NW and NM (0.12, 0.12 and 0.11 kits per generation, respectively) in the second period. In the first period, no correlated response on ES was observed and a decrease in FS (-0.04) was found. Nevertheless, in the second period a correlated response on PS appeared due to an improvement in both ES (0.04) and FS (0.03). Summarizing, the improvement in litter size in the second period is due to an increase in ovulation rate as well as an increase in prenatal survival. The objective of chapter 4 was to study the correlated response on growth traits in the OR-LS line in both periods of selection, the selection by OR during six generations and the selection by independent levels by OR and LS during 11 generations. The heritability estimates were low for weaning weight (WW), marketing weight (MW) and growth rate (GR), 0.09, 0.13 and 0.14, respectively. The estimated genetic correlations of WW, GR and MW with LS were around zero and with OR were positive and from low (0.19) to moderate (0.38). The positive moderate genetic correlation estimated between OR and MW could explain the correlated response found in MW. Correlated response on WW could be explained by positive and high genetic correlation between MW and WW. The aim of chapter 5 was to investigate magnitude and timing of embryo and early foetal survival in females with high OR using hormonal treatment as a model for selection by OR. Two groups of females (treated and untreated) were used. Treated females were injected with 50 IU eCG 48 hours before mating. Females were slaughtered at day 18 of gestation. OR, IE, LF12 and LF18 were recorded. Besides, ES (IE/OR), FSLF18 (LF18/IE), FSLF18/LF12 (LF18/LF12) and PSLF18 (LF18/OR) were estimated. Treated females had a higher OR than untreated females. According to the previous results for OR and LF18, treated females showed a lower survival rate from ovulation to 18 d of gestation. Treated females also had lower embryo and foetal survival. Main difference in foetal survival appeared from day 12 to 18 of gestation.[ES] El objetivo de esta tesis fue evaluar el tamaño de camada de una línea de conejo seleccionada por tasa de ovulación durante las primeras seis generaciones (periodo 1) y después por tasa de ovulación (OR) y tamaño de camada (LS) durante 11 generaciones mediante el método de niveles independientes (periodo 2). Se estimaron los parámetros genéticos, así como la respuesta en OR y LS y la respuesta correlacionada en los caracteres reproductivos (capítulo 3). Además, se evaluó la respuesta correlacionada en los caracteres de crecimiento (capítulo 4); peso al destete (WW), peso al sacrificio (MW) y ganancia de peso entre el destete y el sacrificio (GR). Para el análisis de los caracteres se utilizaron métodos bayesianos. El objetivo del capítulo 3 fue estimar los parámetros genéticos de los caracteres reproductivos y la respuesta a la selección. Los valores de heredabilidad de los caracteres del tamaño de camada fueron bajos (alrededor de 0.10). La heredabilidad estimada para OR fue moderada (0.25), mientras que fue baja para el número de embriones implantados (IE) y el número de fetos vivos a los 12 días de gestación (LF12). Se obtuvieron valores bajos de heredabilidad; 0.09 para la supervivencia embrionaria (ES), 0.16 para la supervivencia fetal (FS) y 0.14 para la supervivencia prenatal (PS). En el periodo 2, se obtuvo una respuesta genética de 0.17 gazapos por generación para LS. Esta respuesta fue mayor que la obtenida en el periodo 1. En el caso de la tasa de ovulación, la mayor respuesta en OR se obtuvo en el periodo 1 (0.24 óvulos por generación) versus (0.17 óvulos por generación) en el periodo 2. Esta reducción en la respuesta de OR se puede atribuir a la disminución del diferencial de selección durante el período 2 de selección. De acuerdo con la alta correlación genética entre LS y otros caracteres del tamaño de camada, también se observó una respuesta correlacionada positiva en el número de nacidos vivos (NBA), destetados (NW) y comercializados (NM); 0.12, 0.12 y 0.11 gazapos por generación, respectivamente, en el segundo periodo. En el primer periodo no se observa respuesta correlacionada en la SE y se produce una disminución de la SF (-0.04). Sin embargo, en el segundo periodo se produce una respuesta correlacionada positiva en la SP que se debe a una mejora de la SE (0.04) y SF (0.03). En resumen, la mejora del tamaño de camada en el segundo periodo se debe tanto a un aumento de la tasa de ovulación como a un aumento de la supervivencia prenatal. El objetivo del capítulo 4 fue estudiar la respuesta correlacionada en los caracteres de crecimiento en esta línea. Las estimas de heredabilidad fueron bajas para los caracteres WW (0.09), MW (0.13) y GR (0.14). Las correlaciones genéticas estimadas de LS con WW, MW y GR fueron cercanas a cero; con la tasa de ovulación, las correlaciones fueron positivas y variaban de bajas a moderadas (de 0.19 a 0.38). La correlación genética moderada entre OR y MW podría explicar la respuesta correlacionada observada en MW. La alta correlación entre MW y WW podría explicar la respuesta correlacionada obtenida para WW. Finalmente, el objetivo de capítulo 5 fue estudiar en hembras con alta tasa de ovulación en qué momento se producen las mayores pérdidas fetales y cómo se ve afectado el desarrollo fetal. Para ello, de un total de 51 hembras, 24 hembras fueron pinchadas con 50 UI de eCG 48 horas antes de la cubrición para aumentar la tasa de ovulación. Las hembras fueron sacrificadas a los 18 días de gestación. Se registró OR, IE y el número de fetos vivos a los 12 y 18 días de gestación (LF18). Las hembras tratadas tuvieron una tasa de ovulación mayor que las no tratadas. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos para OR y LF18, las hembras tratadas mostraron una supervivencia más baja desde la ovulación hasta los 18 días de gestación y tuvieron una menor supervivencia embrionaria y fetal. Las principales diferencias en l[CA] L'objectiu d'esta tesi va ser avaluar la millora de la grandària de ventrada d'una línia de conill seleccionada per tasa d'ovulació durant les primeres sis generacions (període 1) i després per tasa d'ovulació (OR) i la grandària de ventrada (LS) durant 11 generacions per mitjà del mètode de nivells independents (període 2). Es van estimar els paràmetres genètics, així com la resposta en OR i LS i la resposta correlacionada en caràcters reproductius (capítol 3). A més, es va estudiar la resposta correlacionada en els caràcters de creixement (capítol 4); pes al deslletament (WW), pes al sacrifici (MW) i guany de pes entre el deslletament y el sacrifici (GR). Per a l'anàlisi dels caràcters es van utilitzar mètodes bayesians. L'objectiu del capítol 3 va ser estimar els paràmetres genètics dels caràcters reproductius i la resposta a la selecció. Els valors d'heretabilitat dels caràcters de la grandària de ventrada van ser baixos (al voltant de 0.10). L'heretabilitat estimada per a OR va ser moderada (0.25), mentres que va ser baixa per al nombre d'embrions implantats (IE) i el nombre de fetus vius als 12 dies de gestació (LF12). Es van obtindre valors baixos d'heretabilitat; 0.09 per a ES, 0.16 per a FS i 0.14 per a PS. En el període 2, es va obtindre una resposta genètica de 0.17 llorigons per generació per a LS. Esta resposta va ser major que l'obtinguda en el període 1. En el cas de la tasa d'ovulació, la major resposta per a OR va ser en el primer període (0.24 òvuls per generació) versus (0.17 òvuls per generació) en el període 2. Esta reducció en la resposta d'OR es pot atribuir a la disminució del diferencial de selecció durant el període 2 de selecció. Donada l'alta correlació genètica entre LS i altres caràcters de la grandària de ventrada, també es va observar una resposta correlacionada positiva en el nombre de nascuts vius (NBA), deslletats (NW) i comercialitzats (NM); 0.12, 0.12 i 0.11 llorigons per generació, respectivament, en el segon període. En el primer període no s'observa resposta correlacionada en la SE i es produeix una disminució de la SF (-0.04). No obstant això, en el segon període es produeix una resposta correlacionada en la SP que es deu a una millora de la SE (0.04) i SF (0.03). En resum, la millora de la grandària de ventrada en el segon període es deu tant a un augment de la tasa d'ovulació com a un augment de la supervivència prenatal. L'objectiu del capítol 4 va ser estudiar la resposta correlacionada en els caràcters de creixement en aquesta línia. Les estimes d'heretabilitat van ser baixes per als caràcters WW (0.09), MW (0.13) i GR (0.14). Les correlacions genètiques estimades de LS amb WW, MW i GR van ser pròximes a zero; amb la tasa d'ovulació, les correlacions van ser positives i variaven de baixes a moderades (de 0.19 a 0.38). La correlació genètica moderada entre OR i MW podria explicar la resposta correlacionada trobada per a MW. D'altra banda, l'alta correlació entre MW i WW podria explicar la resposta correlacionada obtinguda per a WW. Finalment. l'objectiu del capítol 5 va ser estudiar en femelles amb alta tasa d'ovulació en quin moment es van produir les majors pèrdues fetals i com es veu afectat el desenvolupament fetal. Per a això, d'un total de 51 femelles, 24 femelles van ser punxades amb 50 UI d'eCG 48 hores abans del cobriment per a augmentar la tasa d'ovulació. Les femelles van ser sacrificades al 18 dies de gestació. Es va registrar OR, IE i el nombre de fetus vius al 12 i 18 dies de gestació (LF18). Les femelles tractades van tindre una tasa d'ovulació major que les no tractades. D¿acord als resultats obtinguts per OR i LF18, les femelles tractades van mostrar una supervivència més baixa des de l'ovulació fins als 18 dies de gestació i van tindre una menor supervivència embrionària i fetal. Les principals diferències en la supervivència fetal van aparèixer entre els dies 12 i 18 de gestaciYehia Badawy Elmoghazy, A. (2016). SELECTION FOR OVULATION RATE AND LITTER SIZE IN RABBITS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/73265TESISCompendi

    Mapping cross-cloud systems:challenges and opportunities

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    Recent years have seen significant growth in the cloud computing market, both in terms of provider competition (including private offerings) and customer adoption. However, the cloud computing world still lacks adopted standard programming interfaces, which has a knock-on effect on the costs associated with interoperability and severely limits the flexibility and portability of applications and virtual infrastructures. This has brought about an increasing number of cross-cloud architectures, i.e. systems that span across cloud provisioning boundaries. This position paper condenses discussions from the CrossCloud event series to outline the types of cross-cloud systems and their associated design decisions, and laments challenges and opportunities they create

    The effect of Tin additionon on Structural and magnetic properties of the stannoferrite Li0.5+0.5XFe2.5-1.5XSnXO4

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    The physical properties of ferrites are verysensitive to microstructure, which in turn critically dependson the manufacturing process.Nanocrystalline Lithium Stannoferrite system Li0.5+0.5XFe2.5-1.5XSnXO4,X= (0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0) fine particles were successfully prepared by double sintering ceramic technique at pre-sintering temperature of 500oC for 3 h andthepre-sintered material was crushed and sintered finally in air at 1000oC.The structural and microstructural evolutions of the nanophase have been studied using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and the Rietveld method.The refinement results showed that the nanocrystalline ferrite has a two phases of ordered and disordered phases for polymorphous lithium Stannoferrite.The particle size of as obtained samples were found to be ~20 nm through TEM that increases up to ~ 85 nmand isdependent on the annealing temperature. TEM micrograph reveals that the grains of sample are spherical in shape. (TEM) analysis confirmed the X-ray results.The particle size of stannic substituted lithium ferrite fine particle obtained from the XRD using Scherrer equation.Magneticmeasurements obtained from lake shores vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), saturation magnetization ofordered LiFe5O8 was found to be (57.829 emu/g) which was lower than disordered LiFe5O8(62.848 emu/g).Theinterplay between superexchange interactions of Fe3+ ions at A and B sublattices gives rise to ferrimagnetic ordering of magnetic moments,with a high Curie-Weiss temperature (TCW ~ 900 K)

    Query Optimization Techniques for OLAP Applications: An ORACLE versus MS-SQL Server Comparative Study

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    Query optimization in OLAP applications is a novel problem. A lot of research was introduced in the area of optimizing query performance, however great deal of research focused on OLTP applications rather than OLAP. In order to reach the output results OLAP queries extensively asks the database, inefficient processing of those queries will have its negative impact on the performance and may make the results useless. Techniques for optimizing queries include memory caching, indexing, hardware solutions, and physical database storage. Oracle and MS SQL Server both offer OLAP optimization techniques, the paper will review both packages’ approaches and then proposes a query optimization strategy for OLAP applications. The proposed strategy is based on use of the following four ingredients: 1- intermediate queries; 2- indexes both BTrees and Bitmaps; 3- memory cache (for the syntax of the query) and secondary storage cache (for the result data set); and 4- the physical database storage (i.e. binary storage model) accompanied by its hardware solution

    Performance of Hollow Bar Micropiles Under Axial and Lateral Loads in Cohesive Soils

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    The use of hollow core bars in micropiles has greatly increased over the past ten years. Hollow core construction, also known as “self drilled”, is becoming a popular option because it allows a faster installation processes and ground improvement at the same time. Despite the growing demand for hollow bar micropiles, little work has been devoted to evaluating the nominal bond strength between the micropile grout and the surrounding soil, especially in clayey soils. Moreover, the performance of such micropiles under different kinds of loading is still largely unknown and needs to be investigated. In this study, a research methodology encompassing two primary elements is adopted. The first element is a series of full scale field studies on hollow bar micropiles installed in cohesive soils, while the second is numerical investigations on hollow bar micropiles. To accomplish the study, four hollow core micropiles were installed using an air flushing technique employing large drilling carbide bits. Twenty-two load tests were conducted on the four hollow bar micropiles. The hollow bar micropiles were loaded in four consecutive phases, which included; five axial monotonic, five axial cyclic load tests on single micropiles, four axial monotonic tests on pairs of hollow bar micropiles, two monotonic and six cyclic lateral tests on single micropiles. The results of each set of tests were utilized to validate a numerical model. Parametric studies were conducted on the calibrated model to provide design guide lines for hollow bar micropiles under different loads. An equation is proposed to estimate the axial capacity of hollow bar micropiles in cohesive soils depending on the installation method adopted. In addition, an equation for the stiffness degradation under axial cyclic loading is proposed. It reveals that the group efficiency factor for hollow bar micropiles should be taken equal to 1, despite the spacing to diameter ratio employed. Moreover, a family of interaction factor diagrams is established to estimate the settlement of hollow bar micropiles group. Finally, the study demonstrated that hollow bar micropiles can carry moderate lateral loads with proper reinforcement configurations and pile head fixity condition

    Evaluation of ZigBee Topology Effect on Throughput and End to End Delay Due to Different Transmission Bands for IoT Applications

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    ZigBee is widely used in wireless network in Internet of Things (IoT) applications to remotely sensing and automation due to its unique characteristics compared to other wireless networks. According to ZigBee classification of IEEE 802.15.4 standard, the network consists of four layers. The ZigBee topology is represented in second layer. Furthermore, the ZigBee topology consists of three topologies, star, tree and mesh. Also there are many transmission bands allowed in physical layer, such as 2.4 GHz, 915 MHz, 868 MHz. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effect of ZigBee topologies on End to End delay and throughput for different transmission bands. Riverbed Modeler is used to simulate multiple ZigBee proposed scenarios and collect the results. The results of the study recommend which topology should be used at each transmission band to provide lowest End to End delay or obtain maximum throughput, which is case sensitive in some IoT applications that required for example minimum delay time or sending high amount of data

    Antifungal activity of rice straw extract on some phytopathogenic fungi

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    The antifungal activity of allelochemicals extracted from rice straw on the radial growth rate and the activity of some hydrolyzing enzymes of Aspergillus flavus, Alternaria alternata and Botrytis cinerea were studied in vitro. Five different concentrations (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10%, w/v) of water, methanol and acetone extracts of rice straw were tested. All extracts significantly (P<0.05) inhibited the radial growth rate and protease, carboxymethyl cellulase (CMCase) and amylase activities of the tested fungal species. The most potent solvent was methanol. The present study suggests that rice straw extract had antifungal properties, thus it can be used as a natural alternative approach to synthetic fungicide.Key words: Rice straw, allelochemicals, antifungal, Aspergillus flavus, Alternaria alternata, Botrytis cinerea, amylase, protease, carboxymethyl cellulase

    An Interactive Augmented Reality Alphabet 3-Dimensional Pop-up Book For learning and Recognizing the English Alphabet

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    This document describes the process developing an Augmented Reality (AR) alphabet book mobile application. Using only an android phone camera, the child could view the superimposed virtual alphabet 3 dimensional objects in a fun and interactive manner using the marker-less physical alphabet book as the interaction tool. The reason behind choosing alphabet teaching as the topic of the book is that the Alphabet knowledge is the core knowledge of any language. It is a jump-start for children to start reading and recognizing words and sentences, thus learning the alphabet is extremely important, for many researchers, emphasizing on how early, child’s education shapes the child’s successful future. Though there are, a great deal of technology based alphabet books; parents still prefer buying the old style physical books or some might use a virtual technology based book application. The problem is that though the physical book possesses many benefits, that our generation and the generations long before us, have experienced, yet from the current generation children’s point of view, they may in fact find it dull and boring. For, it is commonly recognized, that the current generation children are surrounded all around by technology and gadgets, that can make them board, easily distracted, and may refuse to willingly use a plain non-technology book to learn, and if using a virtual application, they will lose the benefits offered by a physical book. Knowing this, the use of Augmented Reality should solve such a problem. For Augmented Reality (AR) is considered the best of both worlds, where, real and virtual objects are combined in the real environment, that will allow the use of both technology based application and a traditional physical book, combining the benefits of both and meeting the child and the parent midway. Although AR technology is not new, its possible potential in education is just beginning to be investigated. The main aim of this research is to develop an interactive 3-Dimentional alphabet pop-up book, and using digital storytelling, to help teach children to learn and recognize the alphabets. The objectives of the study are to enhance the interactions of the alphabet book, by creating an android application that contains animated interactive 3-Dimentional models, interactive sounds, songs and music. Furthermore, to investigate the use of digital storytelling (music, sounds), interactions and animation effect in learning engagement, through using the augmented reality technology. The scope of this project and research is very wide, it includes the 3D modeling, texturing, rigging & animation, book design and content decision research, furthermore, Augmented Reality and Android applicatio