19,312 research outputs found

    Diffraction of random waves in a homogeneous anisotropic medium

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    Diffraction of random waves propagated in homogeneous anisotropic mediu

    Higher order dispersion in the propagation of a gravity wave packet

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    To the first order of approximation, the complex amplitude of a wave packet in an anisotropic and dispersive medium is convected with the group of velocity. However, a gravity wave is a vector wave. Its wave packet must be formed by superposition of various wave numbers with corresponding frequencies, as is the case for scalar waves, and additionally by superposing many eigenmodes which also depend on the wave number. To represent the vector wave packet self-consistently, it is found that a gradient term must be included in the expansion. For a Guassian wave packet, this gradient term is shown to have important implications on the velocity vector as represented by its hodograph. Numerical results show that the hodograph is influenced by the location of the relative position of interest from the center of a Gaussian pulse. Higher order expansion shows that an initial Gaussian wave packet will retain its Gaussian shape as it propagates, but the pulse will spread in all directions with its major axis undergoing a rotation. Numerical results indicate that these higher order dispersive effects may be marginally observable in the atmosphere

    Ionospheric electron content at temperate latitudes during the declining phase of the sunspot cycle

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    Ionospheric electron density during declining phase of sunspot cycle by Faraday effect observation

    Scintillation observations of satellite signals

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    Scintillation observations of satellite signal

    Response of Ionospheric Electron Density to a Change of Electron Temperature

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    Spatial and temporal models used to study response of ionospheric electron density to change of electron temperatur

    Parameter dependence of phase and log amplitude scintillation

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    Parameter dependence of phase and log amplitude scintillation - Signal statistics of spherical wave emitted by transmitter through intervening slab of irregularitie

    Density and flux distributions of neutral gases in the lunar atmosphere

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    Neon, argon, and helium density and flux distributions in lunar atmospher

    Data synthesis and display programs for wave distribution function analysis

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    At the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) software was written to synthesize and display artificial data for use in developing the methodology of wave distribution analysis. The software comprises two separate interactive programs, one for data synthesis and the other for data display
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