395 research outputs found

    Youth Development Competencies as Predictors of Perceived Inter-Ethnic Tolerant Behaviors among Undergraduates

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    Youth are important assets for the continuous development of a nation. Therefore, many youth development programmes have been conducted to help youth to develop. Positive youth development, an approach that emphasizes the positive aspects of youth development is based on developing their health and physical competence, personal and social competence, cognitive and creative competence, vocational competence and citizenship competence. Having these competencies are very essential especially among youth living in a multi-ethnic society, Malaysia. Therefore, to avoid conflict, there is a need to be tolerant towards different cultural, religious practices, beliefs and ethnic differences. Despite many initiatives taken by the government to ensure such positive development among the youth, inter ethnic conflict is still an issue especially with the outbreak of the Kampung Medan incident in 2001 where most of the culprits involved were youth. Thus, the focus of this study is to identify the levels of youth development competencies among the undergraduates in Malaysia. Besides, based on the Theory of Planned Behavior the occurrence of a specific behavior of a person can be predicted with the presence of attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and behavioral intentions. Incorporating both the theory of positive youth development and Theory of Planned Behavior, this study also aimed to determine the potential predictors for perceived inter ethnic tolerant behavior and to determine the level of inter-ethnic tolerance among the undergraduates. Using a self administered questionnaire, data were collected from 1086 undergraduates. Analysis was conducted to compare between undergraduates from the Public (PuIHE) and Private Institution of Higher Learning (PrIHE) and from five different programs of studies; namely, Bioscience, Social Science, Business Studies, Technical Studies and Information Technology Studies. The results indicated that students from both the institution of higher learning and across the five programs of study have the highest level of strength in vocational competence. In order to determine the predictor variables for inter ethnic tolerant behavior, a four predictors multiple linear regression model was used. The findings of this study indicated that there was a difference in prediction variables for inter-ethnic tolerant behavior between the PuIHE and PrIHE undergraduates. The results also indicated that not all the youth development competencies explained significantly to inter ethnic tolerant behavior (IETB) among students from the different programs of studies. However, among all the four youth development competencies, cognitive competence was the strongest estimator of inter ethnic tolerant behavior for the four out of five different programs of study. Overall, the model developed for this study based on the two main theories; youth development competencies and Theory of Planned Behavior on the prediction of behavior, was able to explain the gap in predicting inter ethnic tolerant behaviors among the youth

    Self-Esteem, Emotional Maturity and Self Efficacy Of Youth Participating in Theathre Performance

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    Youth are important assets for the continuous development of the nation. Youth are also in a critical stage for development. Therefore, many youth development programmes have been conducted to help youth to develop and equip them with the necessary attitudes, knowledge and skills to enable them to meet the future challenges and become indispensable leaders of tomorrow. A major developmental task during youth is the creation of a sense of identity. Theatre is one of the most common developmental programme used in the United States, Britain, Canada and Australia because through performing, the youth are able to project a new identity and discover themselves (Courtney, 1980). However, in Malaysia, theatre has not been embarked forcefully as a developmental programme for the youth. Thus, the purpose of this study is to determine whether theatre will be suitable in youth identity development programme in Malaysia. This study determine the effects of theatre performance towards the identity development of the youth; specifically the development of self-esteem, emotional'matbr&y. and-. : , * ' . self-efficacy. Six selected elements of theatre performance were also used to determine their influence towards the development of these three identities. The respondents for this study comprised of all the diploma students majoring in theatre from year one right up to the final year of two higher learning institutions in Malaysia. The number of respondents responded to the self-administered questionnaires were 109. The findings show that majority of the respondents have a high level of self-esteem and self-efficacy. The findings also show that majority of the respondents have a moderate level of emotional maturity but the overall respondents' emotional maturity can be considered high as almost half of the respondents reported to have a high level of emotional maturity. The other findings of this study show that theatre performance had equal influence towards the development of self-esteem, emotional maturity and self-efficacy. Among the six elements of theatre performance, role-playing, improvisation and characterization have the greatest influenced towards the development of the respondents' self-esteem, emotional maturity and self-efficacy. These findings imply that theatre performance is a suitable youth identity development programme as it helps to develop the youths' inner resources, identity, positive attitude and meet the basic needs for youth to be competent. The study recommended that theatre to be incorporated as one of the youth identity development programme in Malaysia, to give greater emphasis and to incorporate the three most influential theatre performance elements; role-playing, improvisation and characterization into other youth development programmes and to incorporate theatre into the academic curriculum in school

    A study of the pattern of settlement of the Chinese community in East London.

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    This thesis aims to study the pattern of settlement of the Chinese Community in the United Kingdom: taking samples mainly from the Chinese community in Tower Hamlets in East London. It examines in details the behavioural pattern and traditional values of the Chinese culture and the various sociological factors that may have influenced the Chinese people in their choice of places to settle. Various concepts and theories on ethnic minorities and the sociological issues of the Chinese community in London have been explored. I believe that it is impossible for us, as town planners, to plan for a society without a thorough understanding of the behaviour of its parts. The increased concern of planning (in housing and the local government generally) with ethnic minorities can be disastrous and dangerous if it is based on ill-defined stereotypes ignoring the great diversity of the various groups identified in the 1991 Census. One aim of the thesis is thus to explain some of the key features of one particular minority group - the Chinese. I believe it is an essential basis for better planning. I am interested in the Chinese community because with a population of around 57,000, it is the smallest ethnic minority group in the UK; hence very little attention has been paid to them. The reason for choosing Tower Hamlets is because it used to be home to the first Chinese immigrants. The London dock area around Tower Hamlets (as it is called today) was the first point of entry for a lot of the earlier Chinese settlers in the UK as many of them jumped ship and settled there

    Notions of Identities in the Eyes of Malaysian Children

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    After 50 years of independence recently there has been much discussion on national unity and integration in multilingual and multiracial Malaysia. Unfortunately, although we have just celebrated our 53rd year of independence, the young especially are still separated by race and religion. The existence of Chinese and Indian medium schools alongside national schools at the primary level creates a situation in which students attending these separate type of schools would have little chances of interacting with each other. For example, Chinese students who largely attend Chinese medium schools (SJKC) would not have much chance to mingle with Malay and Indian students until they reached secondary school

    A new species of Syzygium (Myrtaceae) from the Bird’s Head Peninsula, western New Guinea

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    Syzygium oransbariense Mustaqim, Y.W.Low & Heatubun (Myrtaceae) is here formally described. This species is found in the lowlands on the eastern flank of the Arfak Mountains, Bird’s Head Peninsula, western New Guinea. The species is similar to Syzygium longipes (Diels) Merr. & L.M.Perry, but differs based on a set of diagnostic morphological characters. Species description, distribution, a preliminary conservation status assessment, and notes on the new species are presented here

    News media socialisation and ethnic tolerance among Malaysian youth

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    Youth which make up a substantial portion of the Malaysian multiethnic population are increasing confronted with contentious interethnic relations issues. Hence, it is very pertinent to ask their level of ethnic tolerance. Strengthening ethnic tolerance among the youth involves educating them with the cultural differences and issues of interethnic relations through the mainstream news media. The fact that the youth are heavy consumer of media and the news media are important sources of information, it is also imperative to know the level of exposure and attention to news of public affairs among the youth. Drawing on the media effect assumption, it is predicted that exposure and attention to public affairs news in the mainstream news media would sensitize the youth to the complexity and challenges of living in a multiethnic, multicultural society and accordingly enhance their level of ethnic tolerance. But the relationship of exposure to public affair news in the local news media and ethnic tolerance has not been adequately studied

    A high-frequency quad-modulus prescaler for fractional-N frequency synthesizer

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    Self-esteem of youth participating in theatre performance: a Malaysian scenario

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    A major developmental task during adolescent is the development of a sense of identity. The success of this stage of development will be the basis for development in the next stage of the developmental as a youth; where the development task is to build intimate relationship. Youth with a strong sense of self-esteem will establish better relationship and greater intimacy with another person. In this aspect, theatre is identified as one of the common developmental programs used because through performing, the youth are able to project a new identity and discover themselves. The study was aimed at identifying the extent of the self-esteem development among the youth as a result of participating in theatre performances and identifying the most influential theatre performance elements that contributed to the development of self-esteem. The findings of the study indicated that youth who participated in the theatre performances had a higher level of self-esteem