23 research outputs found

    Investigation Of The Fluid/Structure Interaction In Moulded Underfill Process

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    The rapid development of portable electronic devices, such as iPad, iPhone, iPod, and laptop, propels the integrated circuit (IC) packaging technology toward miniaturization characterized by high capacity and compactness of IC package. The scaling down of IC package size has given challenges to the engineers and IC designers in maintaining package reliability. In moulded underfill (MUF) process, the interaction between fluid (EMC) and structure (silicon chip and solder bump) yields unintended deformation and stress that may cause defects and reduce package reliability. Thus, the understanding of the FSI phenomenon is essential for the engineers and IC designers to tackle these problems. Therefore, the MUF process considering FSI aspect was the focus of this research. The FSI simulation was performed by finite volume based (FLUENT) and finite element based (ABAQUS) software through the MpCCI coupling technique for the simultaneous analysis. The capability of the software in handling encapsulation problems was examined by comparing the predicted results with previous scholars’ works and the current scaled-up MUF encapsulation processes. The scaled-up MUF encapsulation processes were fabricated in transparent for better visualization of FSI phenomenon, flow and void formation mechanisms. In the simulation, the Castro-Macosko viscosity model was written into UDFs to describe the EMC fluid behaviour. The accurateness of the UDFs has been proven excellent in modelling the rheological fluid behaviour during the encapsulation process

    CFD Simulation Of Underfill Encapsulation Process In Flip Chip Packaging With Various Dispensing Methods

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    The major trend in electronic industry is to make the products smarter, lighter, functional and highly compact, at the same time cheaper. This trend has necessitated stringent packaging requirements and the flip-chip technology has emerged as a promising option to tackle this issue. However, a serious issue in flip-chip packaging is the difference in the coefficient of thermal expansion between the silicon chip and the organic substrate, which generates thermo-mechanical stresses and causes fatigue in solder joints. This problem is effectively solved by the underfill process in which the space between the silicon die and the PCB is filled with the underfill encapsulant that redistributes the induced stresses thereby enhancing the solder joints reliability

    Plastic Ball Grid Array Encapsulation Process Simulation on Rheology Effect

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    The integrated circuit should be encapsulated for protection from their intended environment. This paper presents the flow visualization of the plastic ball grid array (PBGA) chip encapsulation process considering of the rheology effect. In the molding process, encapsulant flow behavior is modeled by Castro-Macosko viscosity model with considering curing effect and volume of fluid technique is applied for melt front tracking. The viscosity model is written into C language and compiled using User-Defined Functions into the FLUENT analysis. Three types of Epoxy Molding Compound namely case 1, 2, and 3 were utilized for the study of fluid flow inside the mold cavity. The melt front profiles and viscosity versus shear rate for all cases are analyzed and presented. The numerical results are compared with the previous experimental results and found in good conformity. In the present study, case 1 with greater viscosity shows the higher air trap and higher pressure distributions.

    Modelling and analysis of the effect of stacking chips with TSVs in 3D IC package encapsulation process

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    This paper presents the modelling and analysis of the encapsulation processfor three-dimensional (3D) stacking-chip package with through-silicon via (TSV)integration. The fluid-structure interaction of the 3D stacking-chip package encapsulationwas modelled by finite volume and finite element codes, which were solved separately.The effect of the increase in the number of stacking chips was analysed. The visualisationof the 3D stacking-chip package encapsulation process was presented at different fillingtimes. The void formation around the stacking chips was identified for each case. Thedisplacement and von Mises stress for the copper through-silicon vias were determined.The use of designed inlet-outlet heights in the integrated circuit package maintained thefilling time of the encapsulation process and reduced the void of the packages as thenumber of stacking chips increased. The encapsulation model facilitated a clearvisualisation and enhanced fundamental understanding of the design of a 3D integratedcircuit encapsulation. The proposed analysis is expected to be a reference and guide inthe design and improvement of 3D integration packages

    Optimasi Enkapsulasi PBGA Dengan Mempertimbangkan Interaksi Fluida/Struktur Menggunakan Response Surface Methodology

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    Fluid Structure Interaction Numerical Simulation of Wiresweep in Electronics Packaging

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    This paper is under in-depth investigation due to suspicion of possible plagiarism on a high similarity index. This paper presents the computational of two-way fluid structure interaction technique by using Mesh based Parallel Code Coupling Interface for the visualization of wiresweep in the electronics packaging. Polymer rheology models with Castro-Macosko model have been used in the fluid flow model and Volume of Fluid technique was applied to melt front tracking of the fluid. The numerical analysis used User-Defined Function to allow curing kinetic model. Wiresweep profiles and pressure distribution within the mold are presented. The numerical results of melt front patterns and filled volume were compared with the previous experimental results and found in good agreement

    Struktur Fluida Interaksi Numerik Simulasi Wiresweep dalam Kemasan Elektronik

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    21 PagesThis paper presents the computational of two way fluid structure interaction technique by using mesh based parallel code coupling interface for the visualization of wiresweep in the electronics packaging. Polymer theology models with castro macosko model have been used in the fluid flow model and volume of fluid technique was applied to melt front trackng of the fluid. The numerical analysis used user-defined function to allow curring kinetic model. Wiresweep profiles and pressure distribution within the mold are presented the numerical result of melt front patterns and filled volume were comared with the previeous experimental results and found in good agreement. Makalah ini menyajikan komputasi teknik interaksi struktur fluida dua arah dengan menggunakan antarmuka kopling kode paralel berbasis mesh untuk visualisasi wiresweep dalam kemasan elektronik. Model teologi polimer dengan model castro macosko telah digunakan dalam model aliran fluida dan teknik volume fluida diterapkan untuk mencairkan trackng depan fluida. Analisis numerik menggunakan fungsi yang ditentukan pengguna untuk memungkinkan model kinetik curring. Profil wiresweep dan distribusi tekanan di dalam cetakan disajikan hasil numerik dari pola depan lelehan dan volume yang diisi dibandingkan dengan hasil eksperimen sebelumnya dan ditemukan dalam kesesuaian yang baik.University of Medan Area (UMA), Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP). Uni Citi Alam, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM

    Pengaruh Jumlah Ventilasi Rongga Cetakan Terhadap Wire Sweep Pada Enkapsulasi PBGA: Simulasi FSI-MpCCI

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    11 Pagesthis paper present three dimensional (3D0 fluid structure interaction (FSI) technique using mesh based parallel code coupling interface (MpCCI0 for the visualization of wire sweep during encapsulation of plastic ball grid array (PBGA) package. the effect of number of mold cavity vents on the melt flow behavior wire sweep and pressure and stress distributions are mainly studied. the 3D model of mold and wires are created using gambit, and the fluid flow and structure are simulated using fluent and abaqus integrated with mpcci. makalah ini menyajikan teknik tiga dimensi (3D0 fluid structure interaction (FSI) menggunakan mesh based parallel code coupling interface (MpCCI0 untuk visualisasi wire sweep selama enkapsulasi paket plastic ball grid array (PBGA). perilaku aliran lelehan sapuan kawat dan distribusi tekanan dan tegangan terutama dipelajari.model 3D cetakan dan kabel dibuat menggunakan gambit, dan aliran dan struktur fluida disimulasikan menggunakan fasih dan abaqus yang terintegrasi dengan mpcci