31 research outputs found

    Long-term climate change in the D-region

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    Controversy exists over the potential effects of long-term increases in greenhouse gas concentrations on the ionospheric D-region at 60-90 km altitudes. Techniques involving in-situ rocket measurements, remote optical observations, and radio wave reflection experiments have produced conflicting results. This study reports a novel technique that analyses long-distance subionospheric very low frequency radiowave observations of the NAA 24.0 kHz transmitter, Cutler, Maine, made from Halley Station, Antarctica, over the period 1971-2016. The analysis is insensitive to any changes in the output power of the transmitter, compensates for the use of different data logging equipment, and can confirm the accuracy of the timing systems operated over the 45 year long record. A ~10% reduction in the scale size of the transmitter nighttime interference fringe pattern has been determined, taking into account the quasi-11 year solar cycle. Subionospheric radiowave propagation modeling suggests that the contraction of the interference fringe pattern about the mid-latitude NAA transmitter is due to a 3 km reduction in the effective height of the nighttime ionospheric D-region over the last 45 years. This is consistent with the effect of enhanced infra-red cooling by increasing greenhouse gases

    Statistical study of chorus wave distributions in the inner magnetosphere using Ae and solar wind parameters

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    Energetic electrons within the Earth's radiation belts represent a serious hazard to geostationary satellites. The interactions of electrons with chorus waves play an important role in both the acceleration and loss of radiation belt electrons. The common approach is to present model wave distributions in the inner magnetosphere under different values of geomagnetic activity as expressed by the geomagnetic indices. However, it has been shown that only around 50% of geomagnetic storms increase flux of relativistic electrons at geostationary orbit while 20% causes a decrease and the remaining 30% has relatively no effect. This emphasizes the importance of including solar wind parameters such as bulk velocity (V), density (n), flow pressure (P), and the vertical interplanetary magnetic field component (Bz) that are known to be predominately effective in the control of high energy fluxes at the geostationary orbit. Therefore, in the present study the set of parameters of the wave distributions is expanded to include the solar wind parameters in addition to the geomagnetic activity. The present study examines almost 4 years (1 January 2004 to 29 September 2007) of Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuation data from Double Star TC1 combined with geomagnetic indices and solar wind parameters from OMNI database in order to present a comprehensive model of wave magnetic field intensities for the chorus waves as a function of magnetic local time, L shell (L), magnetic latitude (λm), geomagnetic activity, and solar wind parameters. Generally, the results indicate that the intensity of chorus emission is not only dependent upon geomagnetic activity but also dependent on solar wind parameters with velocity and southward interplanetary magnetic field Bs (Bz < 0), evidently the most influential solar wind parameters. The largest peak chorus intensities in the order of 50 pT are observed during active conditions, high solar wind velocities, low solar wind densities, high pressures, and high Bs. The average chorus intensities are more extensive and stronger for lower band chorus than the corresponding upper band chorus

    First results from the Cluster wideband plasma wave investigation

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    International audienceIn this report we present the first results from the Cluster wideband plasma wave investigation. The four Cluster spacecraft were successfully placed in closely spaced, high-inclination eccentric orbits around the Earth during two separate launches in July – August 2000. Each spacecraft includes a wideband plasma wave instrument designed to provide high-resolution electric and magnetic field wave-forms via both stored data and direct downlinks to the NASA Deep Space Network. Results are presented for three commonly occurring magnetospheric plasma wave phenomena: (1) whistlers, (2) chorus, and (3) auroral kilometric radiation. Lightning-generated whistlers are frequently observed when the spacecraft is inside the plasmasphere. Usually the same whistler can be detected by all spacecraft, indicating that the whistler wave packet extends over a spatial dimension at least as large as the separation distances transverse to the magnetic field, which during these observations were a few hundred km. This is what would be expected for nonducted whistler propagation. No case has been found in which a strong whistler was detected at one spacecraft, with no signal at the other spacecraft, which would indicate ducted propagation. Whistler-mode chorus emissions are also observed in the inner region of the magnetosphere. In contrast to lightning-generated whistlers, the individual chorus elements seldom show a one-to-one correspondence between the spacecraft, indicating that a typical chorus wave packet has dimensions transverse to the magnetic field of only a few hundred km or less. In one case where a good one-to-one correspondence existed, significant frequency variations were observed between the spacecraft, indicating that the frequency of the wave packet may be evolving as the wave propagates. Auroral kilometric radiation, which is an intense radio emission generated along the auroral field lines, is frequently observed over the polar regions. The frequency-time structure of this radiation usually shows a very good one-to-one correspondence between the various spacecraft. By using the microsecond timing available at the NASA Deep Space Net-work, very-long-baseline radio astronomy techniques have been used to determine the source of the auroral kilometric radiation. One event analyzed using this technique shows a very good correspondence between the inferred source location, which is assumed to be at the electron cyclotron frequency, and a bright spot in the aurora along the magnetic field line through the source

    Pain relief in labour: a qualitative study to determine how to support women to make decisions about pain relief in labour

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    Background Engagement in decision making is a key priority of modern healthcare. Women are encouraged to make decisions about pain relief in labour in the ante-natal period based upon their expectations of what labour pain will be like. Many women find this planning difficult. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore how women can be better supported in preparing for, and making, decisions during pregnancy and labour regarding pain management. Methods Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 primiparous and 10 multiparous women at 36 weeks of pregnancy and again within six weeks postnatally. Data collection and analysis occurred concurrently to identify key themes. Results Three main themes emerged from the data. Firstly, during pregnancy women expressed a degree of uncertainty about the level of pain they would experience in labour and the effect of different methods of pain relief. Secondly, women reflected on how decisions had been made regarding pain management in labour and the degree to which they had felt comfortable making these decisions. Finally, women discussed their perceived levels of control, both desired and experienced, over both their bodies and the decisions they were making. Conclusion This study suggests that the current approach of antenatal preparation in the NHS, of asking women to make decisions antenatally for pain relief in labour, needs reviewing. It would be more beneficial to concentrate efforts on better informing women and on engaging them in discussions around their values, expectations and preferences and how these affect each specific choice rather than expecting them to make to make firm decisions in advance of such an unpredictable event as labour

    Dark Matter Searches with the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope

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    [EN] The MOSCAB experiment (Materia OSCura A Bolle) uses the Geyser technique for dark matter search. The results of the first 0.5 kg mass prototype detector using superheated C3F8 liquid were very encouraging, achieving a 5 keV nuclear recoil threshold with high insensitivity to gamma radiation. Additionally, the technique seems to be easily scalable to higher masses for both in terms of complexity and costs, resulting in a very competitive technique for direct dark matter search, especially for the spin dependent case. Here, we report as well in the construction and commissioning of the big detector of 40 kg at the Milano-Bicocca University. The detector, the calibration tests and the evaluation of the background will be presented. Once demonstrated the functionality of the detector, it will be operated at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory in 2015.We acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn (MICINN) and Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad (MINECO), Grants FPA2012-37528-C02-02, and Consolider MultiDark CSD2009-00064, and of the Generalitat Valenciana, Grants ACOMP/2014/153 and PrometeoII/2014/079.Ardid RamĂ­rez, M. (2016). Dark Matter Searches with the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope. Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings. 273:378-382. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2015.09.054S37838227

    ULF Doppler oscillation of L = 2.5 flux tubes

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    Plasmaspheric ducts may execute Doppler oscillations driven by propagating ultra-low frequency (ULF) waves. We examined about 100 such events recorded over 1 year under magnetically quiet conditions at L = 2.5 using artificially generated whistler-mode VLF signals and ground magnetometers. Joint peaks in the VLF Doppler and magnetometer spectra occurred at the frequency expected for ULF waves generated by the ion-cyclotron instability in the upstream solar wind. The VLF Doppler shifts are most likely due to radial motion of flux tubes of a few kilometers, driven by the east-west electric field of propagating ULF waves. When the frequencies match, the incoming wave energy also couples to standing poloidal and azimuthal field line oscillations, producing field line resonance signatures in both the D and H components on ground-based magnetometers. The phases of the VLF and ULF oscillations are consistent with ionospheric rotation of the downgoing ULF wave field. Since the scale size of VLF flux tubes is significantly smaller than for ULF flux tubes, VLF Doppler observations can provide more precise spatial information on ULF wave fields in the plasmasphere. Furthermore, it should be possible to use ULF oscillations to monitor the formation of quarter wavelength mode standing field line oscillations when the conjugate ionospheres have different conductivities

    Scale-Dependent Kurtosis of Magnetic Field Fluctuations in the Solar Wind: A Multi-Scale Study With Cluster 2003-2015

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    International audienceDuring the lifetime of the Cluster mission, the inter-spacecraft distances in the solar wind have changed from the large, fluid, scales (∌104 km), down to the scales of protons (∌102 km). As part of the guest investigator campaign, the mission achieved a formation where a pair of spacecraft were separated by ∌7 km. The small distances and the exceptional sensitivity of the search coil magnetometer provide an excellent data set for studying solar wind turbulence at electron scales. In this study, we investigate the intermittency of the magnetic field fluctuations in the slow solar wind. Using 20 time intervals with different constellation orientations of Cluster we cover spatial scales between 7 and 104 km. We compare time-lagged increments from a single spacecraft with spatially lagged increments using multiple spacecraft. As the turbulent cascade proceeds to smaller scales in the inertial range, the deviation from Gaussian statistics is observed to increase in both temporal and spatial increments in the components transverse to the mean field direction. At ion scales, there is a maximum of kurtosis, and at sub-ion scales, the fluctuations are only weakly non-Gaussian. In the compressive component the deviation from Gaussian statistics is variable: it may increase throughout the inertial and sub-ion ranges, but also, it may have a maximum at magnetohydrodynamic scales associated with large scale magnetic holes. The observations show differences in kurtosis of time and space increments when the spacecraft pairs are transverse to the flow, indicating its spatial anisotropy