116 research outputs found

    Exploring the extent to which ELT students utilise smartphones for language learning purposes

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    The advent of smartphones has had dramatic influences on our daily lives and has rendered human beings ‘walking computers’. This holds important reflections in the realm of language learning, as well as in many other areas. This study aimed to explore the extent to which English Language Teaching (ELT) students utilise smartphones for language learning purposes. To this end, a 25-item questionnaire was administered to 120 Grade Three and Four ELT students at Ondokuz Mayıs University in Turkey. Following the questionnaire, a follow-up oral interview was conducted with 29 of the participants on a voluntary basis in order to further investigate their perceptions of smartphones. The statistical analysis of the participants’ responses to the items in the questionnaire clearly shows that smartphones are actively used for language learning purposes. In particular, their contribution to the development of vocabulary skills is frequently reported, which is also verified by the answers given during the interview. The analysis regarding the ‘gender’ and ‘length of the students’ possession of a smartphone’ variables does not yield any statistically significant effect on the degree to which students utilise smartphones for language learning purposes. Given the fact that almost all students have a personal smartphone, and use it very often, and considering the findings of this study, it is suggested that students be encouraged to utilise the invaluable language learning opportunities offered by smartphones when put to conscious use.Keywords: autonomy; ELT students; language learning; smartphone; technolog


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    In the title mononuclear copper(II) compound, [Cu(C2O4)(C4H12N2O)], the CuII ion has a slightly distorted square-pyramidal geometry, with a tridentate N-(2-hydroxy­ethyl)ethyl­enediamine (HydEt-en) and a bidentate oxalate (ox) ligand. The N atoms of the HydEt-en ligand and the O atoms of ox ligand form the basal plane, while the O atom of the ethanol group of the HydEt-en ligand is located in the axial position. The complex mol­ecules participate in a supra­molecular assembly through N—H⋯O and O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds between HydEt-en and ox ligands

    2-Amino­benzimidazolium hydrogen sulfate

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    In the title salt, C7H8N3 +·HSO4 −, the benzimdazole ring system is planar [mean deviation 0.0086 (1) Å]. In the crystal, N—H⋯O and O—H⋯O hydrogen-bond inter­actions give rise to a layer motif

    Bis(triethano­lamine)nickel(II) sulfate

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    The title compound, [Ni(C6H15NO3)2]SO4, contains two triethano­lamine (TEA) ligands bound to an Ni2+ metal centre, which lies on a crystallographic inversion centre, and one sulfate anion located on a twofold rotation axis such that the asymmetric unit contains one-half molecule of the cation and of the anion. The triethano­lamine ligands coordinate via each axial N atom and two of the three O atoms, while the third arm of the ligand has the hydroxyl group pointing away from the metal centre. The sulfate anions are hydrogen bonded to the coordinated hydroxyl groups and also to the free arm, forming a two-dimensional supra­molecular hydrogen-bonded network expanding parallel to (010)

    Bis(9-amino­acridinium) bis­(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxyl­ato)cuprate(II) trihydrate

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, (C13H11N2)2[Cu(C7H3NO4)2]·3H2O, consists of one [Cu(pydc)2]2− dianion (pydc is pyridine-2,6-dicarboxyl­ate), two 9-amino­acridinum monocations and three uncoordinated water mol­ecules. The CuII atom is coordinated by two pydc dianions acting as tridentate ligands, and forming five-membered chelate rings with copper(II) as the central atom. The CuII atom is surrounded by four O atoms in the equatorial plane and two pyridine N atoms in axial positions, resulting in a distorted octa­hedral coordination geometry. In the crystal, there are two types of O—H⋯O and N—H⋯O hydrogen-bonding synthons linking the anionic and cationic fragments and the water mol­ecules, namely R 4 4(16), and R 4 2(8). There are also weak C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, π–π stacking inter­actions [the shortest centroid–centroid distance is 3.350 (2) Å], and a C—O⋯π inter­action [O⋯centroid distance = 3.564 (2) Å], which connect the various components into a three-dimensional network

    Diaqua­(triethano­lamine)copper(II) sulfate monohydrate

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, [Cu(C6H15NO3)(H2O)2]SO4·H2O, contains a complex cation, a sulfate anion and one uncoordinated water mol­ecule. In the complex cation, the CuII ion is coordinated by five O atoms (three of which are from the triethano­lamine ligand and two from coordinated water mol­ecules) and one N atom of the triethano­lamine ligand in a typical Jahn–Teller-distorted octa­hedral geometry. Classical inter­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the cation, the sulfate anion and the water mol­ecule into a two-dimensional network

    Diaqua­bis(1,3-propane­diamine)nickel(II) squarate tetrahydrate

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, [Ni(C3H10N2)2(H2O)2](C4O4)·4H2O, contains one-half of the diaqua­bis(1,3-propane­diamine)nickel(II) cation, one-half of the centrosymmetric squarate anion and two uncoordinated water mol­ecules. In the cation, the NiII atom is located on a crystallographic inversion centre and has a slightly distorted octa­hedral coordination geometry. The six-membered chelate ring adopts a chair conformation. O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the cation and anion through the water mol­ecule, while N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the cation and anion and cation and water mol­ecules. In the crystal structure, inter­molecular O—H⋯O and N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into a three-dimensional network structure

    Solution Equilibrium Studies of Anticancer Ruthenium(II)-η6-p-cymene Complexes of Pyridinecarboxylic Acids

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    Stoichiometry and stability of antitumor ruthenium(II)-η6-p-cymene complexes of picolinic acid and its 6-methyl and 6-carboxylic acid derivatives were determined by pH-potentiometry, 1H NMR spectroscopy and UV–Vis spectrophotometry in aqueous solution in the presence or absence of coordinating chloride ions. The picolinates form exclusively mono-ligand complexes in which they can coordinate via the bidentate (O,N) mode and a chloride or a water molecule is found at the third binding site of the ruthenium(II)-η6-p-cymene moiety depending on the conditions. [Ru(η6-p-cymene)(L)(H2O/Cl)] species are predominant at physiological pH in all studied cases. Hydrolysis of the aqua complex or the chlorido/hydroxido co-ligand exchange results in the formation of the mixed-hydroxido species [Ru(η6-p-cymene)(L)(OH)] in the basic pH range. There is no indication for the decomposition of the mono-ligand complexes during 24 h in the ruthenium(II)-η6-p-cymene-picolinic acid system between pH 3 and 11; however, a slight dissociation with a low reaction rate was found in the other two systems leading to the appearance of the dinuclear trihydroxido-bridged species [Ru2(η6-p-cymene)2(OH)3]+ and free ligands at pH > 10. The replacement of the chlorido by an aqua ligand in [Ru(η6-p-cymene)(L)Cl] was also monitored and equilibrium constants for the exchange process were determined

    Suggested syllabus for the effective communication skills course for the pre-service english language teachers at Gazi University

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    Bu çalışmada, ilköğretim öğrencilerinin hazırladığı Çoklu Zeka Kuramı temelli çalışma dosyalarının öğrencilerin İngilizce öğrenmelerindeki katkıları araştırıldı. Araştırma için rastlantısal olarak 30 kişiden oluşan bir grup altıncı sınıf öğrencisi seçildi. Çalışmanın başında, öğrencilerin çoklu zeka alanlarını belirlemek için bir çoklu zeka envanteri verildi. Elde edilen sonuca göre dönem boyunca çoklu zeka temelli dokuz etkinlik geliştirildi. Her etkinlik sonunda, öğrencilerin etkinliklere karşı tutumlarını gözlemlemek amacıyla Likert ölçeğine göre hazırlanmış genel tutum testi verildi. Tutum testinden elde edilen veriler, İlişkili Örneklemler t-Testi, Frekans Dağılım Testi ve İlişkili Örneklemler (Tekrarlı Ölçümler) Tek Faktörlü ANOVA ile analiz edildi. Öğrencilerin araştırma boyunca çoklu zeka etkinliklerine yönelik tutumlarının değişip değişmediğine bakıldı. Öğrencilerin akademik başarıları, çoklu zeka temelli değerlendirme ölçütleri geliştirilerek ölçüldü. Çoklu zeka temelli çalışma dosyası değerlendirme sonuçlarından elde edilen puanlarla sınıf öğretmeninin geleneksel değerlendirme yöntemlerine göre verdiği başarı puanlan karşılaştırıldı. Elde edilen bulgular, istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olduğunu gösterdi. Ayrıca öğrencilerin çoklu zeka temelli çalışma dosyası değerlendirme yollarıyla dil öğrenmedeki güçlü ve zayıf noktalarını kolayca fark edebildiklerini, dil öğrenme konusunda güdülendiklerini ve baskın olmayan çoklu zekalarının zaman içinde gelişebileceğini gösterdi. Çoklu zeka temelli çalışma dosyası değerlendirme yollarının geleneksel yöntemlere kıyasla, öğrencilerin yabancı dil becerilerini değerlendirmede daha etkili olduğu söylenebilir.In this study, the effectiveness of multiple intelligences-based (Mi-based) portfolio assessment in teaching English to elementary school students has been investigated. A group of sixth graders consisting of thirty students has been chosen randomly for the study and this group has been exposed to Mi-based activities for MI- based portfolio assessment. At the beginning of the study, the students have been given a multiple intelligences inventory in order to determine what intelligences they have. The students have been given the Mi-based activities accordingly. After each activity is completed, the students have been given an attitude test in Likert Scale format to see if their attitudes towards the activities have changed. The data obtained from this 'Attitude Test' have been analyzed through statistical analysis programs, such as t-test for paired samples, Frequency test, and one-way ANOVA for repeated measures. The students' achievement has been assessed through Mi-based assessment rubrics developed and the results have been compared with the traditional test scores given by the classroom teacher. The findings of the study indicate that there is a significant difference between the mean scores given by the school teacher and those of the researcher's. Moreover, the results demonstrate that through Mi-based activities, the students' motivation has increased and the students have improved their less developed intelligences in the course of time. Besides, the students have realized their weak and strong points through Mi-based portfolio assessment. In the light of these facts, Mi-based portfolio assessment can be said to be a more efficient way in assessing the students' achievement in English compared with traditional testing means

    Development Of An Online Mobile Tracking System For Vocational And Technical Education Institutions

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    Çalışma kapsamında işletmelerde beceri eğitimi uygulaması sırasında karşılaşılan sorunları gideren bir web sitesi ve mobil cihazlardaki GPS teknolojisini kullanarak öğrenci devam takibini kontrol eden bir mobil uygulamadan oluşan bir sistem tasarlanması aIn the scope of study, to design a system consisting of a website that resolves the problems encountered during the business skills training practice and a mobile application that uses GPS technology in the mobile devices to follow the attendance to inte