56 research outputs found

    Plasmodesmal receptor-like kinases identified through analysis of rice cell wall extracted proteins

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    In plants, plasmodesmata (PD) are intercellular channels that function in both metabolite exchange and the transport of proteins and RNAs. Currently, many of the PD structural and regulatory components remain to be elucidated. Receptor-like kinases (RLKs) belonging to a notably expanded protein family in plants compared to the animal kingdom have been shown to play important roles in plant growth, development, pathogen resistance, and cell death. In this study, cell biological approaches were used to identify potential PD-associated RLK proteins among proteins contained within cell walls isolated from rice callus cultured cells. A total of 15 rice RLKs were investigated to determine their subcellular localization, using an Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression system. Of these six PD-associated RLKs were identified based on their co-localization with a viral movement protein that served as a PD marker, plasmolysis experiments, and subcellular localization at points of wall contact between spongy mesophyll cells. These findings suggest potential PD functions in apoplasmic signaling in response to environmental stimuli and developmental inputs

    Upstream regulatory architecture of rice genes: summarizing the baseline towards genus-wide comparative analysis of regulatory networks and allele mining

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    Intenções reprodutivas e práticas de regulação da fecundidade entre universitários Reproductive intentions and fertility regulation practices among university students

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar as intenções reprodutivas e caracterizar as práticas de regulação da fecundidade, abarcando a contracepção e o aborto, entre um grupo de adolescentes e jovens de alta escolaridade. MÉTODOS: Os dados foram levantados a partir de um estudo amplo quali-quantitativo com estudantes de graduação com idade de até 24 anos, de uma universidade pública estadual localizada na cidade de São Paulo. A população estudada foi constituída de 952 estudantes que freqüentavam disciplinas sorteadas pelo método de sorteio aleatório; e numa segunda etapa foram realizadas 33 entrevistas em profundidade com alunos voluntários. Na primeira etapa, os alunos foram entrevistados em sala de aula, através de um questionário auto-aplicável e, na segunda etapa, foram gravadas entrevistas em profundidade, realizadas em um local previamente combinado. RESULTADOS: O padrão de família idealizado pelo grupo era pequeno, com até dois filhos. A idade considerada ideal no nascimento do primeiro filho seria próxima aos 30 anos. Os estudantes referiram uma alta proporção de uso de contraceptivos - sobretudo do condom e da pílula. Ao lado disso, observa-se uma alta proporção de gestações finalizadas pelo aborto. Como resultante desse quadro, a fecundidade é bastante baixa no grupo, ou seja, 27 estudantes referiram uma ou mais gestações. Os dados qualitativos não foram objeto de análise. CONCLUSÕES: Embora o tamanho idealizado para a família reflita uma tendência geral presente na sociedade brasileira, constata-se que o grupo adia a maternidade/paternidade em função de um projeto de vida orientado para a conclusão de um curso superior e a inserção no mercado de trabalho. Ainda assim, a contracepção e a prevenção das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis são vivenciadas precariamente.<br>OBJECTIVE: To identify reproductive intentions and fertility regulation practices, including contraception and abortion, in a group of high schooling adolescents and young adults. METHODS: The data were gathered from a large quali-quantitative study carried out among University of São Paulo undergraduate students aged up to 24 years. The study sample consisted of 952 students who attended the university courses and were randomly drawn. In this first step, a self-administered questionnaire was applied to the students in the classroom. On the next step, in-depth interviews were applied to 33 volunteer students in a preset place. RESULTS: It was observed that the students' idealized family model is to have up to two children. The optimal age for having a first child is close to 30. The students referred high contraceptive use, especially condoms and the pill. High proportion of abortion was also observed. Consequently, fertility is considerably low in the study group, i.e., 27 students reported having one or more pregnancies. Qualitative data were not analyzed. CONCLUSIONS: Although the idealized family size reflects a general trend in the Brazilian society, it can be noted that the group delays maternity/paternity for the sake of a life project of getting a university degree and having autonomy. Despite that, contraception and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases are poor

    Impact of acute choline loading on circulating trimethylamine N-oxide levels.

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    Despite recent efforts to reduce cardiovascular disease risk by dietary intervention,1few markers are useful to assess the efficiency and progress of this. Circulating levels of trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) are associated with poor outcomes of cardiovascular disease.2–6TMAO is generated via hepatic flavin monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) mediated oxidation of trimethylamine (TMA),7derived largely from carnitine and choline through gut microbial metabolism. These substrates are found in red meat and eggs, which are representative of a Western diet. Therefore, TMAO levels could be used to monitor the effect of dietary intervention, particularly for the consumption of a Western diet. In this study, we examined the effect of acute choline loading on TMAO levels in healthy adult volunteers

    Prevalência e características de mulheres com aborto provocado - Favela México 70, São Vicente - São Paulo Prevalence and characteristics of women with induced abortion - Favela México 70, São Vicente - São Paulo

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    No Brasil, o aborto está entre as principais causas de mortalidade materna. Pesquisas mostram que o aborto é praticado clandestinamente por mulheres de todas as classes sociais; no entanto, tem consequências desiguais, dependendo da inserção social, produzindo riscos à vida de mulheres pobres. Embora o tema venha sendo amplamente explorado nos últimos 20 anos, observou-se escassez de dados sobre mulheres de baixa renda. Desta forma, o presente estudo tem por objetivo estimar a prevalência de mulheres com aborto provocado. Arrolaram-se mulheres por inquérito domiciliar de base populacional em setores de baixa renda de São Vicente, São Paulo. Eram elegíveis as mulheres em idade fértil de 15 a 49 anos. A avaliação das razões de prevalência de mulheres com aborto provocado foi realizada por meio de modelos lineares generalizados, usando-se a regressão de Poisson com função de ligação logarítmica e variância robusta para aproximar a binomial. As variáveis que demonstraram ter maior influência no relato de aborto foram: "aceitar sempre esta prática" (IC95% 2,98 - 11,02), seguida de "não ter filho nascido vivo" (IC95% 1,35 - 19,78), ter de "dois a cinco nascidos vivos" (IC95% 1,42 - 14,40) e ter de "seis ou mais nascidos vivos" (IC 95% 1,35 - 19,78), "idade no momento da entrevista" (IC 95% 1,01 - 1,07) e "renda" < R484,97(IC95 484,97 (IC 95% 1,04 - 2,96). É necessário campanha de grande abrangência sobre a prática do aborto, que consiga sensibilizar para esta causa todas as mulheres, sobretudo as de baixa renda, evitando assim mortes desnecessárias.<br>In Brazil, abortion is among the leading causes of maternal mortality. Research has shown that abortion is practiced clandestinely by women of all social classes, but has unequal consequences depending on social inclusion, producing risks to poor women. Although the issue has been widely explored in the past 20 years, there is a lack of data about low-income women. Thus, the present study aims to estimate the prevalence of women with induced abortion. Women from a population-based household survey in low-income sectors of São Vicente, São Paulo were recruited. Women of childbearing age from 15 to 49 years were eligible. The evaluation of the prevalence ratios for women with induced abortion was performed by using generalized linear models, with Poisson log-link function and robust variance to approximate the binomial. The most frequent variables that influenced reporting of abortion were: "always accept this practice" (95% CI 2.98 - 11.02), followed by "not having a child born alive" (95% CI 1.35 - 19.78), having "two to five live births" (95% CI 1.42 - 14.40 ), "having 'six or more live births" (95% CI 1.35 - 19.78), "age at interview" (95% CI 1.01 - 1.07) and "income" < R 484.97' (95% CI 1.04 - 2.96). A widespread campaign about the practice of abortion, which can raise awareness among women in favor of the cause, especially among those in low-income strata is necessary to prevent unnecessary deaths
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