24 research outputs found

    Respon tanaman padi (Oryza sativa L.) terhadap sistem tanam dan jumlah bibit

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    Sistem tanam (ST) yang sering digunakan petani yaitu ST tegel. Sampai sekarang masih banyak petani yang menggunakan bibit lebih dari tujuh batang per lubang tanam (BpLT). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mempelajari respon tanaman padi terhadap  ST dan jumlah bibit per lubang tanam (JBpLT). Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Raman Aji, Kecamatan Raman Utara, Lampung Timur pada bulan Februari sampai Mei 2016.  Perlakuan disusun dalam Rancangan Kelompok Teracak Lengkap dengan pola split plot.  Petak utama adalah ST jarwo 2:1, ST Jarwo 4:1, dan ST tegel 25 x 25 cm. Anak petak terdiri atas JBpLT: 1 BpLT, 2 BpLT, dan 3 BpLT. Data dianalisis ragam dan dilanjutkan uji orthogonal  kontras, semua pengujian dilakukan pada taraf 5%.  Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa (1) ST jarwo 2:1 dan ST jarwo 4:1 meningkatkan pertumbuhan padi hibrida Mapan P-05 dibandingkan ST tegel 25 x 25 cm, (2) penanaman 1 BpLT meningkatkan komponen hasil padi dibandingkan penanaman 2 BpLT dan 3 BpLT, dan (3) penanaman 1 BpLT memberikan hasil GKG (6,86 t ha-1) yang lebih tinggi dari penanaman 2 BpLT (5,64 t ha-1) dan 3 BpLT (4,59 t ha-1) pada ST jarwo 2:1, ST jarwo 4:1 dan ST tegel 25 x 25 cm, secara berurutan.AbstractThe common planting system (PS) used by the farmers is Tegel system. Yet, many farmers still use more than seven seeds per planting hole (SpPH). The research objective was to study the reponse of rice plants to the planting system and the number SpPH. The research was conducted in Raman Aji Village, Raman Utara, East Lampung from February to May 2016. The treatments were arranged in a RCBD with a split plot pattern (the main plot were the PS i.e. jarwo 2: 1, jarwo 4: 1 and “Tegel” 25 x 25 cm; the subplots are the number of SpPH i.e. 1 SpPH, 2 SpPH, and 3 SpPH). The results showed that (1) the jarwo 2: 1 system increased rice growth compared to the 25 x 25 cm “Tegel”; (2) application of 1 SpPH increased the yield  component  of rice compared to planting 2 SpPH and SpPH; and (3) application of 1 SpPH (6.86 t ha-1) gave the higher weight of milled grain than using 2 SpPH (5.64 t ha-1) and 3 SpPH (4.59 t ha-1), both planted in the jarwo 2:1, jarwo 4:1 and 25 x 25 cm  “Tegel” Syste


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    Water management and technology of protection insectiside could be changes availability heavy metal in soil and plant. The objective of this research was to study the effect of water source to spray vegetables and frequency sprayer insecticide on the growth and Pb contain in vegetable. The experimental design was factorial in randomized completely block design with three replications. The result showed the effect of water source to spray vegetables and frequency insecticide spray not significant on the growth vegetables, but significant on Pb contain in vegetables. The maximum Pb (7,97 ppm) in sludge from household and twice insecticide spray.Keywords: Water source, frequency insecticide, Heavy metal Pb, vegetable

    Conservation of Physical and Chemical Properties on Abandoned Tin- Mining Land in Bangka Belitung Islands

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    The practices of tin mining which removing all layers of soil on deposits of minerals caused the seriously environmental problems, i.e degradation of physical and chemical soil, disappearance of vegetation, flora and fauna in ecosystems that changed the microclimate. In the tailings area of tin mining have unstable structure, the content of organic matter is very low, so it is vulnerable to land slides and erosion. The characteristic of tailing area that very acid, low nutrient availability, low water storage and high soil temperature are constraints in the conservation and improvement this area. The aim of this research was found conservation technology to improve the properties of  soil on Tin mining land due to human activities that cause environmental damage both micro and macro so determination of plant species and specific location technology can be done based on characterization and potential evaluation soil resources. Annual crop cultivation and cultivation of legume cover crop (Mucuna sp., Long-lived, Calopogonium sp., Peuraria javanica) and management of top soil and organic matter are a must, in addition to improve soil structure, maintaining soil moisture, as well as to reduce the loss nutrients, as in  textured rough soil (sandy) nutrients in soil are easily washed

    Analysis of Customer Satisfaction with Seller of Aglaonema Flower Plants

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    Ornamental plants are a type of plant that provides additional aesthetic value. One of the ornamental plants that is currently trending and popular with consumers is the aglaonema flower. Humans always need the aglaonema flower ornamental plant to fulfill consumer satisfaction. The research aims to determine the level of consumer satisfaction with the seller of aglaonema ornamental plants in Tulus Rejo Village, Pekalongan District, East Lampung Regency. The research location is in Rejo Ikhlas Village, Pekalongan District, East Lampung Regency with the consideration that this area is a production center for sales of aglaonema flower ornamental plants. The research respondents were 30 consumers who bought Aglaonema flowers from within and outside the Pekalongan area, determined by the census method. The sampling technique was accidental sampling technique. The analysis used is Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The results of the research on the sale of decorative aglaonema flower plants in Tulus Rejo Village, Pekalongan District, East Lampung Regency are in the "satisfied" category, this can be seen from the calculation CSI of 71.20 percent, which means consumers are satisfied with the seller of aglaonema ornamental plants on the attributes of aglaonema ornamental plants having good quality and quality so that they succeed in satisfying consumers of aglaonema ornamental plants

    Restoration of Soil Physical and Chemical Properties of Abandoned Tin- Mining in Bangka Belitung Islands

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    The practices of tin mining which removing all layers of soil on deposits of minerals caused the seriously environmental problems, i.e degradation of physical and chemical soil, disappearance of vegetation, flora and fauna in ecosystems that changed the microclimate. In the tailings area of tin mining have unstable structure, the content of organic matter is very low, so it is vulnerable to land slides and erosion. The characteristic of tailing area that very acid, low nutrient availability, low water storage and high soil temperature are constraints in the conservation and improvement this area. The aim of this research was found conservation technology to improve the properties of  soil on Tin mining land due to human activities that cause environmental damage both micro and macro so determination of plant species and specific location technology can be done based on characterization and potential evaluation soil resources. Annual crop cultivation and cultivation of legume cover crop (Mucuna sp., Long-lived, Calopogonium sp., Peuraria javanica) and management of top soil and organic matter are a must, in addition to improve soil structure, maintaining soil moisture, as well as to reduce the loss nutrients, as in  textured rough soil (sandy) nutrients in soil are easily washed.Keywords: Characteristic soil, improvement, tailing area, tin minin


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    Salah satu cara memantau status gizi balita adalah dengan melakukan penimbangan dan pengukuran di posyandu. Keberhasilan posyandu dapat diketahui dari capaian SKDN, dimana salah satu indikatornya adalah N/D. Berdasarkan survei pendahuluan, prevalensi N/D yang terdapat di Dusun Pucanganom 2, Desa Kendal, Kecamatan Kendal, Kabupaten Ngawi yaitu sebesar 46%. Hal ini menunjukan tingkat keberhasilan kenaikan berat badan balita di posyandu tersebut masih rendah. Cakupan N/D rendah disebabkan karena faktor yang bersifat eksternal maupun internal. Maka, dari permasalahan tersebut perlu mengadakan program intervensi gizi untuk membantu meningkatkan presentase kenaikan N/D di dusun tersebut dengan cara meningkatkan pengetahuan dan motivasi melalui pendampingan berupa penyuluhan edukasi melalui media video, pemberian buku PMT dan kartuu BB Goal. Pelaksanaan Pengabdian masyarakat berada di wilayah kerja Puskesmas kendal Kabupaten Ngawi, Jawa Timur. Tepatnya di Posyandu Pucanganom 2 Desa kendal. penyuluhan ini dihadiri dengan jumlah responden atau dengan jumlah ibu balita sebanyak 41 orang Metode pelaksanaan berupa pemberian edukasi. Kegiatan meliputi 3 tahapan yaitu tahapan perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan monitoring evaluasi. Monitoring evaluasi meliputi pre test dan post test pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku ibu balita. Hasil yang didapat kemudian di uji menggunakan uji dependent ttest. Pada hasil uji t-berpasangan pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku diperoleh nilai significance 0,000 atau p-value <0,05 secara statistik terdapat perbedaan rerata nilai pre-test dan post-test dan terjadi peningkatan rerata skor pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku ibu balita. Pemberian edukasi melalui video dapat meningkatkan pengetahuuan , sikap dan perilaku ibu terhadap gizi seimbang, sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan berat badan balit


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     Cauliflower plants are one of the horticultural crops that are generally cultivated in sub-tropical lands. Along with the times, this plant began to be cultivated in the lowlands, another problem with cauliflower cultivation in the lowlands is that it has a longer vegetative phase, so it has more leaves than in the highlands which results in the length of time the plant enters the generative phase. Cauliflower cultivation in Indonesia still applies conventional farming using chemical fertilizers. The impact of using chemical fertilizers will leave residues on the soil and the environment, so it is necessary to use environmentally friendly fertilizers such as cow bokashi fertilizer. This research was conducted in Untoro Village, Trimurjo District, Central Lampung Regency, from August to October 2022. The experiment was arranged based on a factorial Complete Randomized Block Design (RAKL) with two factors repeated 3 times. The first factor was the dose of bokashi which consisted of three levels, namely 150, 300 and 450 g/polybag. The second factor was leaf defoliation which consisted of 3 levels, namely 0, 4, and 8 leaves/plant. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the independent effect of the dose of bokashi fertilizer has an effect on the weight of the heads without leaves, leaf defoliation has a significant effect on the flowering time variable. There was an interaction between the application of bokashi fertilizer and leaf defoliation in the root-shoot ratio variable. Provision of bokashi fertilizer for cauliflower plants in the lowlands should use a minimum dose of 450 g/polybag equivalent to 90 tons/ha or higher and further research is needed to determine the appropriate level of defoliation in these varieties