10 research outputs found


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    Net primary productivity (NPP) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) are indicators of water productivity. In this study, an analysis of NPP and Chl-a characteristics in the Banda Sea was carried out using the Hovmöller diagram and Pearson’s correlation. The NPP data used comes from VGPM and Chl-a from Aqua MODIS satellite. The results of data analysis from January 2003-December 2020, NPP and Chl-a reached highest concentrations in dry season and lowest in wet season. For monthly data, the highest concentrations occurred in August and the lowest in April and December. The waters of the Banda Sea include mesotrophic waters with monthly average of NPP 429 mg C/m2/day and Chl-a 0.24 mg/m3. During La Niña and El Niño, there was a change (decrease/increase) the concentration of NPP and Chl-a in dry season and transition period II. NPP and Chl-a have a high correlation and a strong linear relationship. NPP and Chl-a have almost the same pattern/tendency temporally. The change of NPP concentration temporally corresponded to change of Chl-a concentration. Seasonal factors, La Niña and El Niño have a strong influence in influencing the variability of NPP and Chl-a concentrations. High productivity based on NPP and Chl-a didn’t affect for skipjack and tuna seasons (big pelagic), that occurs in wet season and transition period II. High productivity affects to flying fish season (small pelagic) that occurs in dry season

    Potential Loss of Ecosystem Service Value Due to Vessel Activity Expansion in Indonesian Marine Protected Areas

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    Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 14 pertains to the preservation of sustainable marine ecosystems by establishing marine protected areas (MPAs). However, studies have reported massive damage to Indonesian marine ecosystems due to shipping pollution, anchors, and fishing nets. Thus, this study estimated the potential loss of ecosystem service value due to vessel activity expansion in the MPAs of Indonesia. This study was divided into three stages. The first stage is vessel activity expansion zone modeling based on kernel density. The second stage is marine ecosystem service value modeling through semantic harmonization, reclassification, and spatial harmonization. The last stage is the overlay of the vessel expansion zone model, marine ecosystem service value model, and the MPA of Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that the marine neritic zone of Indonesia has an ecosystem service value of USD 814.23 billion, of which USD 159.87 billion (19.63%) are in the MPA. However, the increase in vessel activity that occurred in 2013–2018 could potentially lead to the loss of the ecosystem service value of USD 27.63 billion in 14 protected areas. These results can assist policymakers in determining priority conservation areas based on the threat of vessel activity and value of ecosystem services.</p

    Sea surface temperature predictability in the North Pacific from multi-model seasonal forecast

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    Sea surface temperature (SST) prediction based on the multi-model seasonal forecast with numerous ensemble members have more useful skills to estimate the possibility of climate events than individual models. Hence, we assessed SST predictability in the North Pacific (NP) from multi-model seasonal forecasts. We used 23 years of hindcast data from three seasonal forecasting systems in the Copernicus Climate Change Service to estimate the prediction skill based on temporal correlation. We evaluated the predictability of the SST from the ensemble members' width spread, and co-variability between the ensemble mean and observation. Our analysis revealed that areas with low prediction skills were related to either the large spread of ensemble members or the ensemble members not capturing the observation within their spread. The large spread of ensemble members reflected the high forecast uncertainty, as exemplified in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension region in July. The ensemble members not capturing the observation indicates the model bias; thus, there is room for improvements in model prediction. On the other hand, the high prediction skills of the multi-model were related to the small spread of ensemble members that captures the observation, as in the central NP in January. Such high predictability is linked to El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) via teleconnection


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang terdapat dalam kumpulan puisi “Beghuk Atus” dan mengetahui permasalahan sosial yang diangkat oleh penyair melalui puisi-puisi daerah Lintang Empat Lawang. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kajian kearifan lokal dan sosiologi sastra. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah kumpulan puisi daerah yang berjudul “Beghuk Atus” karya Syamsu Indra Usman penerbit CV Tavern Artwork bekerjasama dengan PT Bank Sumsel, Palembang 2010. Teknik pengambilan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian yang didapat adalah pengungkapan permasalahan sosial yang mencerminkan nilai-nilai kearifan lokal masyarakat Lintang Empat Lawang, seperti kemunafikan, ketidakberdayaan, ketidakpuasan, kekecewaan, serta kesewenang-wenangan masyarakat, dari permasalahan sosial tersebut terdapat nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang mencerminkan masyarakat Lintang Empat Lawang yakni adanya norma-norma lokal, tradisi, kebiasaan, legenda atau mitos yang dapat memberikan pelajaran, adanya informasi dari sesepuh masyarakat, adanya alat dan bahan yang digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, adanya sumber daya alam yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari serta pelajaran filsafat. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari hasil penganalisisan penelitian ini bahwa pengarang memiliki kepekaan terhadap persoalan sosial yang ada di masyarakat yang tercermin di dalam nilai-nilai kearifan lokal masyarakat Lintang Empat Lawang. Kata kunci: Permasalahan Sosial, Nilai-nilai Kearifan Lokal, Puisi


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang terdapat dalam kumpulan puisi “Beghuk Atus” dan mengetahui permasalahan sosial yang diangkat oleh penyair melalui puisi-puisi daerah Lintang Empat Lawang. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kajian kearifan lokal dan sosiologi sastra. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah kumpulan puisi daerah yang berjudul “Beghuk Atus” karya Syamsu Indra Usman penerbit CV Tavern Artwork bekerjasama dengan PT Bank Sumsel, Palembang 2010. Teknik pengambilan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian yang didapat adalah pengungkapan permasalahan sosial yang mencerminkan nilai-nilai kearifan lokal masyarakat Lintang Empat Lawang, seperti kemunafikan, ketidakberdayaan, ketidakpuasan, kekecewaan, serta kesewenang-wenangan masyarakat, dari permasalahan sosial tersebut terdapat nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang mencerminkan masyarakat Lintang Empat Lawang yakni adanya norma-norma lokal, tradisi, kebiasaan, legenda atau mitos yang dapat memberikan pelajaran, adanya informasi dari sesepuh masyarakat, adanya alat dan bahan yang digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, adanya sumber daya alam yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari serta pelajaran filsafat. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari hasil penganalisisan penelitian ini bahwa pengarang memiliki kepekaan terhadap persoalan sosial yang ada di masyarakat yang tercermin di dalam nilai-nilai kearifan lokal masyarakat Lintang Empat Lawang. Kata kunci: Permasalahan Sosial, Nilai-nilai Kearifan Lokal, Puisi

    Marine Ecosystem Variations Over the North Pacific and Their Linkage to Large-Scale Climate Variability and Change

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    In order to understand how North Pacific (NP) marine ecosystems have varied, 120 marine biological time series for both the western (29 time series) and eastern (91 time series) NP were analyzed with a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for the period 1965-2006. This is the first attempt to conduct a multivariate analysis for a large number of marine biological data in the western and eastern NP combined. We used Monte-Carlo simulation to evaluate confidence levels of correlations and explained variance ratio of PCA modes while accounting for auto-correlation within the analyzed time series. All first mode principal components (PC1s), which are the time coefficients of the first PCA modes, calculated for the data in the whole, western, and eastern NP exhibit a long-term trend. The PC1s were associated with an overall increase of Alaskan and Japanese/Russian salmon, and decreases of groundfish across the basin. This mode was closely related to the warming of sea-surface temperature over the NP and over the global oceans, thereby suggesting that the strongest mode of the NP marine ecosystem was already influenced by global warming. The eastern NP PC2, characterized by multidecadal variability, was correlated positively with salmon and negatively with groundfish. On the other hand, the western NP PC2 exhibited slightly shorter timescale interdecadal variability than the eastern NP PC2 and was negatively correlated with zooplankton and two small pelagic fish time series around Japan. The eastern NP PC2 was most strongly related to the Pacific (inter-)Decadal Oscillation index, while the western NP PC2 was most closely related to the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation index. Consequently, the present analysis provides a new and unified view of climate change and marine ecosystem variations across the western and eastern NP. In particular, it is suggested that global warming has already substantially influenced the NP marine ecosystem, and that groundfish may suffer more than pelagic fish in response to future global warming

    Estimation of number and position of fish aggregating devices in Indonesia Archipelagic Waters

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    The research conducted in 2021 aimed to address the limitation on the use of Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) as one of the management measures in the tuna harvest strategy in Indonesia Archipelagic Waters (IAW), specifically in Indonesia FMA 713, 714, and 715. The lack of data on the number and position of FADs posed challenges for effective management. The research utilized Sentinel-1 satellite image data from July and August 2020 to overcome this issue. These images were analyzed using the Constant False Alarm Rate algorithm and a geospatial approach. The research focused on water areas greater than 12 nautical miles from the coastline of IAW. The results estimated the number of FADs in Indonesia FMA 713, 714, and 715 to be 661, 608, and 291 units. The distance between FADs was generally less than ten nautical miles. These findings provide valuable information for managing and implementing FADs in the designated areas. However, it is important to note that the estimates are based on data from 2020, and the actual number and position of FADs may have changed. The research highlights the need for continued monitoring and registration of FADs to ensure accurate and up-to-date information for effective management measures

    Potential Loss of Ecosystem Service Value Due to Vessel Activity Expansion in Indonesian Marine Protected Areas

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    Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 14 pertains to the preservation of sustainable marine ecosystems by establishing marine protected areas (MPAs). However, studies have reported massive damage to Indonesian marine ecosystems due to shipping pollution, anchors, and fishing nets. Thus, this study estimated the potential loss of ecosystem service value due to vessel activity expansion in the MPAs of Indonesia. This study was divided into three stages. The first stage is vessel activity expansion zone modeling based on kernel density. The second stage is marine ecosystem service value modeling through semantic harmonization, reclassification, and spatial harmonization. The last stage is the overlay of the vessel expansion zone model, marine ecosystem service value model, and the MPA of Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that the marine neritic zone of Indonesia has an ecosystem service value of USD 814.23 billion, of which USD 159.87 billion (19.63%) are in the MPA. However, the increase in vessel activity that occurred in 2013–2018 could potentially lead to the loss of the ecosystem service value of USD 27.63 billion in 14 protected areas. These results can assist policymakers in determining priority conservation areas based on the threat of vessel activity and value of ecosystem services