1,363 research outputs found
Influencing âKidfluencingâ: Protecting Children by Limiting the Right to Profit From âSharentingâ
Statistics on childrenâs digital presences are staggering, with an overwhelming majority of children having unique digital identities by age two. The phenomenon of âsharentingâ (parents sharing content of their children on social media) can start as early as a sonogram photo or a birth video and evolve into parent-run Instagram and TikTok accounts soon after. Content is often intimate, sometimes embarrassing, and frequently shared without childrenâs consent. Sharenting poses a myriad of risks to children including identity theft, digital kidnapping, exposure to child predators, emotional trauma, and social isolation. In the face of such significant risks to childrenâs well-being, one can only hope that parents will take care in deciding what information to share about their children online or whether to share at all. In recent years, that delicate risk calculus has been skewed by the potential to garner immense wealth from sharing content about children on sites like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.
children online. However, attempts to regulate sharenting itself will struggle to overcome the strong countervailing parental constitutional rights to free speech and parental autonomy. This Note proposes limiting the ability to profit from sharenting so that settled parental rights are undisturbed while the perverse incentive to expose children to immense risk for the possibility of profit is mitigated. This Note: (1) provides an overview of the phenomenon of sharenting, (2) surveys the current regulatory framework and its lapses in adequately protecting child influencers, (3) addresses the strong countervailing parental rights to parental autonomy and free speech, and (4) introduces an incentives-based solution to reduce the incidence of harmful child exposure online while respecting parental rights
Expanding Labourâs Horizons: Union Organizing and Strategic Change in Canada
How can unions arrest membership decline in an increasingly chilly climate? Unions across Canada have arrived at a common answer to this question; unions need to organize the unorganized, in particular reaching out to women, youth and people of colour. After a brief discussion of who is being organized by unions, this article turns to a discussion of innovations in union organizing strategies, including the virtue of rank and file activists and the B.C. Organizing Institute. The next challenge for unions is to keep newly organized workers as members. This depends on adequate representation of these membersâ interests and opportunities for their participation in union affairs. The paper critically evaluates union efforts at reform of internal structures and collective bargaining practices. While organizing alone cannot secure the future of unions, it is a critical part of the process of the renewal of labour power. Comment les syndicats peuvent-ils freiner la diminution de leurs membres dans un climat qui leur est de plus en plus dĂ©favorable? Les syndicats du Canada entier ont trouvĂ© une rĂ©ponse commune Ă cette question : les syndicats doivent syndicaliser les personnes qui ne sont pas syndiquĂ©es, sâadressant particuliĂšrement aux femmes, aux jeunes et aux personnes de couleur. AprĂšs avoir traitĂ© briĂšvement des personnes que recrutent actuellement les syndicats, cet article passe Ă un examen des stratĂ©gies innovatrices de recrutement syndical, y compris lâimplication des militantes et militants de la base et lâinstitut du recrutement de la C-B. Le dĂ©fi suivant que les syndicats doivent relever consiste Ă garder les membres nouvellement recrutĂ©s. Leur capacitĂ© dây arriver dĂ©pend de lâadĂ©quation de leur dĂ©fense des intĂ©rĂȘts de ces membres et des occasions quâils leur donnent de participer aux affaires syndicales. Lâarticle comprend un examen critique des efforts faits par les syndicats pour rĂ©former leurs structures internes et leurs pratiques de nĂ©gociation collective. Le recrutement ne suffit pas Ă assurer lâavenir de syndicats, mais il est un Ă©lĂ©ment critique du processus de renouvellement de leur pouvoir
Staying the Decline in Union Membership : Union Organizing in Ontario, 1985-1999
Les syndicats en Ontario, et au Canada en gĂ©nĂ©ral, ont dĂ» faire face Ă une crise d'adhĂ©sion. Cette crise est le rĂ©sultat de la restructuration Ă©conomique, des changements politiques et lĂ©gislatifs, et des employeurs enhardis dans leur opposition aux syndicats. Les taux de syndicalisation sont en dĂ©clin ou stagnants et il y a des bas taux de syndicalisation dans des secteurs croissants de l'Ă©conomie, plus particuliĂšrement dans les industries de services du secteur privĂ©. Cette Ă©tude, centrĂ©e sur l'Ontario, examine la rĂ©ponse des syndicats Ă ces dĂ©fis, Ă travers la syndicalisation des non-syndiquĂ©s.Cette Ă©tude soutient que, face Ă un climat politique et Ă©conomique de plus en plus hostile aux syndicats, les syndicats ont augmentĂ© les ressources investies dans la syndicalisation. Ils ont changĂ© leurs projets organisationnels et ont dĂ©cidĂ© de mettre la prioritĂ© sur l'organisation des services dans le secteur privĂ© en adoptant plusieurs stratĂ©gies d'organisation innovatrices crĂ©Ă©es pour obtenir un meilleur taux de rĂ©ussite dans la syndicalisation. L'adoption de ces stratĂ©gies dĂ©montre que les syndicats sont capables de s'adapter pour faire face Ă de nouveaux dĂ©fis. Le rĂ©sultat probable de l'adoption de cette voie est que les syndicats auront la capacitĂ© de renverser le dĂ©clin rĂ©cent dans le taux de syndicalisation et pourront commencer Ă accroĂźtre le nombre de leurs membres. Les arguments dans cette Ă©tude sont fondĂ©s sur trois sources d'information : (1) les informations sur l'accrĂ©ditation syndicale disponibles auprĂšs de la Commission des relations du travail de l'Ontario, (2) un questionnaire dĂ©taillĂ© administrĂ© aux organisateurs syndicaux, basĂ© sur le travail de Kate Bronfenbrenner aux Ătats-Unis, et (3) des informations qualitatives Ă partir des entrevues avec des organisateurs syndicaux, les documents de politiques syndicales ainsi que d'autres documents syndicaux internes.En se basant sur des informations de la Commission des relations du travail de l'Ontario et sur l'analyse publiĂ©e de Martinello (2000) sur les accrĂ©ditations syndicales en Ontario, cette Ă©tude dĂ©montre que les tentatives de syndicalisation, les rĂ©ussites et le nombre de salariĂ©s recrutĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© les plus nombreux sous le gouvernement NPD. Quand les conservateurs sont arrivĂ©s au pouvoir, ces succĂšs ont diminuĂ©, menant, en gĂ©nĂ©ral, Ă moins de campagnes de recrutement, Ă un taux de rĂ©ussite moins Ă©levĂ©, et Ă un nombre plus petit d'employĂ©s organisĂ©s. Cette expĂ©rience, qui a rendu les employeurs plus agressifs et qui a accĂ©lĂ©rĂ© les changements sur le marchĂ© du travail, a amenĂ© plusieurs syndicats Ă augmenter leurs efforts de recrutement. En effet, beaucoup de syndicats avaient dĂ©jĂ identifiĂ© la syndicalisation comme Ă©tant la clĂ© de leur survie.En examinant les donnĂ©es pour six syndicats â le Syndicat des mĂ©tallos unis de l'AmĂ©rique (MUA), le Syndicat international des travailleurs et travailleuses unis de l'alimentation et du commerce (TUAC), les Travailleurs et les travailleuses canadiens de l'automobile (TCA), la FraternitĂ© unie des charpentiers et menuisiers d'AmĂ©rique (FUCMA), le Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique (SCFP) et la FraternitĂ© internationale des Teamsters â, cette Ă©tude dĂ©montre qu'ils ont augmentĂ© la prioritĂ© interne ainsi que les ressources (l'argent et le personnel) consacrĂ©es Ă l'organisation. Cet engagement plus grand et l'investissement dans la syndicalisation a permis Ă plusieurs des six syndicats de soutenir des efforts qui ont rĂ©sultĂ© dans un taux de rĂ©ussite raisonnable pendant les annĂ©es du gouvernement conservateur et d'hostilitĂ© accrue de la part des employeurs.Cette Ă©tude soutient que les syndicats ne peuvent pas augmenter le nombre de leurs membres sans un investissement de temps et de ressources accrus ; mais que ces moyens seuls ne suffisent pas pour faire face Ă la crise grandissante d'adhĂ©sion syndicale. Les stratĂ©gies syndicales dĂ©terminent comment les ressources sont investies et si ces investissements produisent des rĂ©sultats satisfaisants. Compte tenu qu'il y a eu un dĂ©clin de l'emploi dans les secteurs oĂč historiquement les syndicats Ă©taient fort prĂ©sents, par exemple dans le secteur manufacturier, l'Ă©tude examine deux aspects de la stratĂ©gie d'organisation des syndicats : (1) les rĂ©ponses syndicales aux changements survenus sur le marchĂ© du travail, en particulier, la montĂ©e du nombre d'emplois dans le secteur privĂ© et dans le taux de participation des femmes au marchĂ© du travail, et (2) les stratĂ©gies syndicales sĂ©lectives pour organiser les non-syndiquĂ©s. En se basant sur les chiffres concernant l'accrĂ©ditation syndicale de la Commission des relations du travail de l'Ontario et sur les rĂ©sultats du questionnaire administrĂ© auprĂšs des organisateurs syndicaux, l'Ă©tude dĂ©montre que les syndicats ont changĂ© leurs prioritĂ©s et ont mis l'emphase sur l'organisation des non-syndiquĂ©s dans les industries de services du secteur privĂ©. Le nombre de demandes pour l'accrĂ©ditation syndicale dans les industries de services du secteur privĂ© est maintenant rendu au deuxiĂšme rang aprĂšs le nombre de demandes dans le secteur de la construction. Ces demandes d'accrĂ©ditation dans les industries de services du secteur privĂ© ont augmentĂ© en proportion des demandes totales en Ontario entre les annĂ©es quatre-vingts et quatre-vingt-dix. Les taux de rĂ©ussite dans le secteur sont comparables aux taux dans les autres secteurs, et le nombre d'employĂ©s syndiquĂ©s dans le secteur des services est en deuxiĂšme place aprĂšs le nombre de travailleurs nouvellement syndiquĂ©s dans le secteur manufacturier.Un changement dramatique dans la stratĂ©gie syndicale s'est manifestĂ© par le fait que les syndicats industriels ont tentĂ© d'organiser plus d'unitĂ©s d'accrĂ©ditation dans les industries de services du secteur privĂ© que dans leur base traditionnelle dans le secteur manufacturier. Au sujet de la syndicalisation des femmes, les rĂ©sultats du questionnaire montrent que les femmes ont une plus grande probabilitĂ© de devenir membres d'un syndicat que les hommes. Avec chaque augmentation d'un point de pourcentage dans le nombre des femmes dans l'unitĂ© d'accrĂ©ditation, il y une augmentation d'un point de pourcentage dans les chances que le syndicat a de gagner un vote d'accrĂ©ditation. En dĂ©pit de ce fait, les syndicats continuent de concentrer la plus grande part de leurs efforts dans les tentatives de syndiquer les lieux de travail oĂč la majoritĂ© d'employĂ©s sont des hommes.La derniĂšre section de l'article examine les rĂ©sultats du questionnaire administrĂ© aux organisateurs syndicaux sur la question de l'impact des stratĂ©gies syndicales particuliĂšres sur la rĂ©ussite des campagnes de syndicalisation. L'Ă©tude dĂ©montre que les stratĂ©gies intensives impliquant des militants de la base peuvent ĂȘtre liĂ©es Ă des taux de rĂ©ussite plus Ă©levĂ©s, ce qui confirme les conclusions du travail de Kate Bronfenbrenner sur les syndicats amĂ©ricains. En particulier, les chances de rĂ©ussite du syndicat dans une campagne de syndicalisation augmentent d'une façon significative si le contact initial, avec l'unitĂ© d'accrĂ©ditation, est Ă©tabli par un membre du syndicat d'une autre unitĂ© d'accrĂ©ditation, et quand les syndicats Ă©tablissent des comitĂ©s de syndicalisation Ă l'intĂ©rieur du lieu de travail. L'Ă©tude conclut qu'en tant qu'acteurs stratĂ©giques, les syndicats exercent une influence sur la destinĂ©e de leurs membres Ă travers leurs activitĂ©s de syndicalisation. Les syndicats ont Ă©tĂ© motivĂ©s par une atmosphĂšre de crise Ă dĂ©velopper leurs projets de syndicalisation et ces efforts, s'ils sont rĂ©unis avec des ressources accrues et des stratĂ©gies syndicales innovatrices, vont probablement avoir un effet positif en renversant le rĂ©cent dĂ©clin et la stagnation du nombre de syndiquĂ©s.In response to a sense of crisis precipitated by the 1995 election of the provincial Conservative govemment in Ontario and more anti-union employers, unions in Ontario have increased resources invested in and priority attached to organizing the unorganized. This article examines how unions have reoriented their organizing strategies to increase organizing effort in the private service sector and amongst women while at the same time experimenting with certain innovative rank-and-file intensive strategies that have significant positive effects on the outcome of organizing drives, The paper concludes that if unions follow through with this renewed commitment to organizing, they are likely to prevent a more serious membership crisis from erupting.En respuesta a una sensaciĂŽn de crises precipitada por la eleccion del gobiemo provincial conservador en Ontario en 1995, y por el mayor antisindicalismo de los empleadores, los sindicatos de Ontario han incrementado los recursos invertidos en la organizacion de los no-organizados y mejorado la prioridad acordada a ello. Este documento examina como los sindicatos han reorientado sus estrataegias de organizacion para incrementar el esfuerzo organizativo en el sector de servicios privados y en la poblacion de mujeres mientras que al mismo tiempo experimentan con ciertas estrategias innovadoras de organizacion intensiva de bases que tienen efectos positivos significativos sobre el resultado de las campanas de organizacion. Este articulo concluye que si los sindicatos prosiguen con este compromiso renovado en la organizacion, ellos podran problamente impedir la erupciĂŽn de una crisis de afiliacion mucho mas grave
Diversity and inclusion depend on effective engagement It is everyoneâs business to ensure that progress is maintained
Purpose â Highlights some of the things that can be done to ensure that organizations embed diversity and inclusion.
Design/methodology/approach â Considers the need for effective engagement, the importance of performance indicators for diversity and inclusion and the key role of sharing stories. Discusses, too, how critical race theory could help to bring about improvements.
Findings â Advances the view that a transformational process that supports employees with the knowledge and sustainable skills needed to improve business performance via ethical means will form a significant part of future-proofing organizations.
Practical implications â Argues that, to achieve this organizations have to drive home the message that diversity and inclusion are everyoneâs business.
Social implications â Advances the view that a unified approach to diversity and inclusion, which is embedded in the business ethics of the organization, can have a sustainable positive impact on the health and well-being of individuals, business and society.
Originality/value â Considers diversity and inclusion from diverse perspectives and draws conclusions that can help organizations to perform better in these areas
Independent and Interactive Influences of Environmental UVR, Vitamin D Levels, and Folate Variant MTHFD1-rs2236225 on Homocysteine Levels
Elevated homocysteine (Hcy) levels are a risk factor for vascular diseases. Recently, increases in ultraviolet radiation (UVR) have been linked to decreased Hcy levels. This relationship may be mediated by the status of UVR-responsive vitamins, vitamin D and folate, and/or genetic variants influencing their levels; however, this has yet to be examined. Therefore, the independent and interactive influences of environmental UVR, vitamin D and folate levels and related genetic variants on Hcy levels were examined in an elderly Australian cohort (n = 619). Red blood cell folate, 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), and plasma Hcy levels were determined, and genotyping for 21 folate and vitamin D-related variants was performed. Erythemal dose rate accumulated over six-weeks (6W-EDR) and four-months (4M-EDR) prior to clinics were calculated as a measure of environmental UVR. Multivariate analyses found interactions between 6W-EDR and 25(OH)D levels (pinteraction = 0.002), and 4M-EDR and MTHFD1-rs2236225 (pinteraction = 0.006) in predicting Hcy levels. The association between 6W-EDR and Hcy levels was found only in subjects within lower 25(OH)D quartiles (<33.26 ng/mL), with the association between 4M-EDR and Hcy occurring only in subjects carrying the MTHFD1-rs2236225 variant. 4M-EDR, 6W-EDR, and MTHFD1-rs2236225 were also independent predictors of Hcy. Findings highlight nutrientâenvironment and geneâenvironment interactions that could influence the risk of Hcy-related outcomes
Reduced plasma homocysteine levels in elderly Australians following mandatory folic acid fortification â A comparison of two cross-sectional cohorts
© 2017 Objective In 2009, Australia implemented mandatory folic acid fortification in wheat flour for bread-making. The primary aim was to improve folate status in reproductive-aged women to reduce neural tube defect incidence. However, folic acid consumption has consequently increased in all demographics. Blood folate is inversely associated with homocysteine levels, a risk factor for multiple diseases. Therefore, we assessed the impact of mandatory folic acid fortification on homocysteine levels in elderly Australians. Methods Homocysteine and blood folate levels were compared between two elderly cross-sectional cohorts (pre-versus post-mandatory folic acid fortification). Importantly, dietary habits were assessed to evaluate the confounding influence of altered dietary patterns not related to fortification. Results Post-fortification, plasma homocysteine levels (10.6 vs. 14.5 Όmol/L) and hyperhomocysteinemia incidence (27.2% vs 56.3%) were significantly reduced, relative to the pre-fortification subjects. This was associated with increased blood folate (red cell: 1243 vs 1066 nmol/L, serum 28.0 vs 23.9 nmol/L), and increased intake of synthetic folic acid (366.8 vs 231.0 DFE/day) but not natural folate (332.7 vs 323.6 DFE/day). Limited other differences were detected in dietary intake patterns between groups. The positive relationship between homocysteine levels and age was abrogated post-fortification (p = 0.3 vs p = 0.0003). Conclusions A potential off-target benefit of mandatory folic acid fortification in Australia was demonstrated. With many countries still considering the merits and consequences of mandatory fortification policies, it is important to unravel the off-target effects including dietary context
Spatiotemporal Parameters of Gait Among Adolescent Athletes with Concussion When Performing a Visuospatial Cognitive Task
# Background
Adolescent athletes aged 10 to 19 years are at the highest risk of experiencing sport-related concussions (SRCs). Despite the known deficits and battery of assessments following concussion, postural stability during dual-task gait remains understudied in this population.
# Purpose
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the dual-task cost (DTC) in adolescents with an acute or chronic SRC compared to reference values from healthy athlete peers for spatiotemporal parameters of gait during walking with and without a concurrent visuospatial memory task presented on a hand-held tablet. Researchers hypothesized that adolescents during the acute phase of concussion would be likely to experience a greater DTC compared to healthy peers in at least one spatiotemporal parameter of gait when walking within the dual-task paradigm.
# Study Design
Cross-sectional, observational cohort design
# Methods
Adolescents with concussion were recruited to participate. Subjects were divided into acute and chronic categories based on significant differences in the neuropsychological function after a period of 28 days. They walked at a self-selected speed along the 5.186-meter GAITRiteÂź Walkway System with and without a concurrent visuospatial cognitive task presented on a hand-held tablet. Outcomes included normalized velocity (m/s), step length (m), and double limb (DLS) and single limb support (SLS) (defined as the percent of a gait cycle ). The data were then compared to the previously published reference values established using the same methods in the healthy athlete participants for all spatiotemporal parameters of gait.
# Results
Data was collected on 29 adolescent athletes with SRC. Among males (15.53+/-1.12 years) with SRC, 20% of acute and 10% of chronic cases experienced a greater DTC compared to healthy athlete reference values. A similarly increased DTC was experienced by 83% of acute and 29% of chronic SRC cases for females (15.58+/-1.16 years).
# Conclusions
Adolescent athletes with concussion may continue demonstrating deficits in gait capabilities even in the chronic phase, and compensatory gait strategies were not the same between males and females. Dual-task cost assessment using the GAITRiteÂź may be a valuable adjunct to comprehensive analysis of gait following SRC.
# Level of Evidence
Maturational timing, physical self-perceptions and physical activity in UK adolescent females: Investigation of a mediated effects model
Background: Advanced
(early) biological maturation may be a risk factor for inactivity among adolescent
girls. The aim of the present paper was to test the mediational effects of body
attractiveness and physical self-worth on the relationship between biological
maturity and accelerometer assessed moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA)
in a large multi-ethnic sample of girls from the Midlands area in the UK (11-14
Methods: Biological
maturity (predicting age at peak height velocity (APHV)); self-perceptions of
body attractiveness, physical self-worth, and minutes spent in MVPA were assessed
in 1062 females aged 11 to 14 years.
Results: Structural
equation modeling using maximum likelihood estimation and boot- strapping
procedures supported the hypothesized model. Later maturation predicted higher
perceptions of body attractiveness (ÎČ=.25, p<.001) which, in turn, predicted
higher perceptions of physical self-worth (ÎČ=.91, p<.001) and, significantly
higher MVPA (ÎČ=.22, p<.001). Examination
of the bootstrap-generated bias-corrected confidence intervals suggested that perceptions
of body attractiveness and physical self-worth partially mediated a positive association
between predicted APHV and MVPA (ÎČ=.05, p
Conclusions: Greater biological maturity (i.e. early maturity)
in adolescent girls is associated with less involvement in MVPA and appears to
be partly explained by lower perceptions of body attractiveness and physical
self-worth. Physical activity interventions should consider girls perceptions of their pubertal related physiological changes
during adolescence, particularly among early maturing girls. </p
Activity Intensity, Volume, and Norms:Utility and Interpretation of Accelerometer Metrics
This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins via the DOI in this recordPurpose: The physical activity profile can be described from accelerometer data using two
population- independent metrics: average acceleration (ACC, volume) and intensity gradient (IG,
intensity). This paper aims to: 1) demonstrate how these metrics can be used to investigate the
relative contributions of volume and intensity of physical activity for a range of health markers
across datasets; and 2) illustrate the future potential of the metrics for generation of age and sexspecific percentile norms. Methods: Secondary data analyses were carried out on five diverse
datasets using wrist-worn accelerometers (ActiGraph/GENEActiv/Axivity): children (N=145),
adolescent girls (N=1669), office workers (N=114), pre- (N=1218) and post- (N=1316) menopausal
women, and adults with type 2 diabetes (T2D) (N=475). Open-source software (GGIR) was used to
generate ACC and IG. Health markers were: a) zBMI (children); b) %fat (adolescent girls and adults);
c) bone health (pre- and post-menopausal women); and d) physical function (adults with T2D).
Results: Multiple regression analyses showed the IG, but not ACC, was independently associated
with zBMI/%fat in children and adolescents. In adults, associations were stronger and the effects of
ACC and IG were additive. For bone health and physical function, interactions showed associations
were strongest if IG was high, largely irrespective of ACC. Exemplar illustrative percentile ânormsâ
showed the expected age-related decline in physical activity, with greater drops in IG across age
than ACC. Conclusion: The ACC and IG accelerometer metrics facilitate investigation of whether
volume and intensity of physical activity have independent, additive or interactive effects on health
markers. Future, adoption of data-driven metrics would facilitate the generation of age- and sexspecific norms that would be beneficial to researchers.National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)Collaboration for leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) East Midland
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