72 research outputs found

    Respon Pemberian Phytoestrogen Berasal Dari Tepung Kedelai Pada Kelinci (Oryctolagus Cuniculus) Luas Jaringan Interstitial, Spermatogenesis Dan Kualitas Sperma

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    Kedelai, sebagai salah satu bahan penyusun ransum ternak diketahui mengandung senyawa phytoestrogen. Akumulasi senyawa phytoestrogen ini dalam ternak jantan telah mempengaruhi sistem reproduksi mencakup Perubahan anatomi makro, mikro, dan fungsi organ reproduksi, menghambat pertumbuhan sel gamet, kemampuan fertilisasi dan tingkah laku seksual. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh pemberian tepung kedelai dan mencari dosis tepung kedelai yang tidak mengganggu terhadap luas jaringan interstitial, spermatogenesis dan kualitas sperma pada kelinci. Penelitian dilaksanakan secara eksperimental di laboratorium dengan menggunakan pola rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Perlakuan terdiri dari 4 macam dosis tepung kedelai yaitu kontrol (K1), tepung kedelai dosis 123 mg/kg berat badan (bb) kelinci (K2), tepung kedelai dosis 246 mg/kg bb kelinci (K3) dan tepung kedelai dosis 490 mg/kg bb kelinci (K4). Setiap perlakuan diulang 4 kali. Kelinci jantan umur dua bulan digunakan sebagai hewan model berjumlah 16 ekor. Pengujian variabel meliputi pengukuran persentase sperma hidup, abnormalitas sperma, pengamatan spermatogenesis serta luas jaringan interstitial. Data hasil pengujian variabel dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Varians (ANAVA) dan Uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian tepung kedelai sebagai sumber phytoestrogen pada kelinci menurunkan luas jaringan interstitial, spermatogenesis dan kualitas sperma akan tetapi dari ketiga dosis tepung kedelai yang diberikan, dosis 123 mg/kg bb kelinci memberikan hasil yang sama dengan kontrol bagi terbentuknya sperma hidup, terbentuknya abnormalitas sperma dan luas jaringan interstitial sehingga dapat dikatakan dosis 123 mg/kg bb kelinci adalah dosis yang relatif aman diberikan pada kelinci

    Asian Forests: Working for People and Nature

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    Stakeholder conflicts and forest decentralization policies in West Kalimantan: their dynamics and implications for future forest management

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    Stakeholder conflicts in relation to forest decentralization policies were studied in West Kalimantan, Indonesia to determine:•• how these policies were understood by local stakeholders,•• how they were implemented, and•• their impacts in terms of forest management and conflicts.A case study using qualitative methodologies i.e. semi-structured interviews, field observations and workshops, was made. The results show that the implementation of decentralization policies gave rise to conflicts between local and central government as well as among local stakeholders. Despite the goal of benefiting local stakeholders by decentralizing forest management, the central government's subsequent withdrawal of much of the local governments' authority to manage forestry raises new questions on whether the central government is indeed willing to share power. We concluded that central and local governments and relevant stakeholders need to develop better communication and negotiation procedures to address current conflicts appropriately

    The complexities of managing forest resources in post-decentralization Indonesia: a case study from Sintang District, West Kalimantan

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    The study attempted to understand the dynamics and complexities of forest resources management following decentralization, the interactions among stakeholders in forest resources management, and the impacts of the new legislation on local community livelihoods in Sintang District, West Kalimantan. Forestry policies implemented in the district before and after the introduction of legislation granting regional autonomy and the emergence of small-scale timber concessions are described. Qualitative research methodologies, i.e. semi-structured interviews, fi eld observations and workshops, were used. The results show that the decentralization of forest management had not proceeded smoothly because of the lack of regulations governing implementation, and that the decentralized forest policies had had both positive and negative impacts. Focusing on 100-ha forest product harvest concessions (HPHH), the study examined opportunities for local communities and other stakeholders to participate in the management of forest resources, the contributions of the small-scale forest concessions to district development and local community livelihoods, and social conflicts arising from a complex combination of factors