39 research outputs found

    Las epidemias de cólera en Estambul Otomano tardío, la atención médica y las Hermanas de la Caridad Católicas francesas

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    This article is about the healthcare services provided by the Sisters of Charity (Filles de la Charité) during cholera epidemics in institutions opened and managed in nineteenth century Istanbul as part of their Eastern missions. The annuals in which reports and letters were collected and addressed to the center of the congregation in Paris, Annales de la Congrégation de la Mission et des Filles de la Charité (ACM), are used as primary sources. This study aims to evaluate the pandemies of cholera within the framework of world history and Ottoman context by contributing to the existing historical geographies of cholera, in addition to the literature, which accentuates the importance of agency of women in the Ottoman context, based on original findings. The article assesses how cholera affected Istanbul and how the disease was dealth with, through the connections between the sisters and local actors. The study also shows that the Ottoman example was not only a result of Western experiences, but although it was part of a wide history of pandemics, its actors had their own unique developments shaped by imperial and local settings and events.Este artículo trata sobre los servicios de salud brindados por las Hermanas de la Caridad (Filles de la Charité) durante las epidemias de cólera en instituciones abiertas y administradas en el siglo XIX en Estambul como parte de sus misiones orientales. Los anuarios en los que se recopilaron informes y cartas y se dirigieron al centro de la congregación en París, Annales de la Congrégation de la Mission et des Filles de la Charité (ACM), se utilizan como fuentes primarias. Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar las pandemias de cólera en el marco de la historia mundial y el contexto otomano haciendo una contribución a las geografías históricas existentes del cólera, además de la literatura que acentúa la importancia de la agencia de las mujeres en el contexto otomano, con base en hallazgos originales. El artículo evalúa cómo afectó el cólera a Estambul y cómo se enfrentó la enfermedad, a través de las conexiones entre las hermanas y los actores locales. El estudio también muestra que el ejemplo otomano no fue solo el resultado de las experiencias occidentales, sino que, aunque fue parte de una amplia historia de pandemias, sus actores tuvieron sus propios desarrollos únicos moldeados por escenarios y eventos imperiales y locales

    Nonlocal boundary value problems for schrödinger-parabolic equations

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    YÖK Tez No: 394481H Hilbert uzayında öz-eşlenik pozitif tanımlı A operatörlü diferansiyel denklemleri için lokal olmayan sınır-değer problemi ele alınmıştır. Bu problemin yaklaşık çözümü için birinci basamaktan doğruluklu fark şeması sunulmuştur. Schrödinger–parabolik denklemler için fark şemalarının MATLAB programı kullanılarak yaklaşık çözümleri elde edilmiştir.The abstract nonlocal boundary value problem for differential equation in a Hilbert space H with the self-adjoint positive definite operator A is considered. The first order accuracy difference scheme for the approximate solutions of this nonlocal boundary value problem are presented. The MATLAB implementation of these difference schemes for Schrödinger-parabolic equation is presented

    Nonlocal boundary value problems for schrödinger-parabolic equations

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    YÖK Tez No: 394481H Hilbert uzayında öz-eşlenik pozitif tanımlı A operatörlü diferansiyel denklemleri için lokal olmayan sınır-değer problemi ele alınmıştır. Bu problemin yaklaşık çözümü için birinci basamaktan doğruluklu fark şeması sunulmuştur. Schrödinger–parabolik denklemler için fark şemalarının MATLAB programı kullanılarak yaklaşık çözümleri elde edilmiştir.The abstract nonlocal boundary value problem for differential equation in a Hilbert space H with the self-adjoint positive definite operator A is considered. The first order accuracy difference scheme for the approximate solutions of this nonlocal boundary value problem are presented. The MATLAB implementation of these difference schemes for Schrödinger-parabolic equation is presented

    Onkoloji Hemşireliği

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    Temel Hemşirelik Uygulama İçin Esaslar

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    Effectiveness of Simulation-Based Cooperative Learning Method in Electrocardiography Education

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    Objective: The study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of basic electrocardiography education designed in accordance with the simulation-based cooperative learning method. Methods: This is a single group, quasi-experimental study. A two-day electrocardiography (ECG) education program was designed for the nursing internship (4th year) program (n=125). Data were gathered with pre-posttest, Students’ Satisfaction and Self-Confidence Scale, Simulation Design Scale and Educational Practices Questionnaire. Results: The knowledge pretest score and the knowledge posttest score averages of the students were 40.36±20.24 and 75.39±11.46 respectively, with a significant difference (p=.001; t=-14.78). The mean score for satisfaction with current learning was 4.77±.42 and the mean score for self-confidence was 4.51±.54. The mean total score for Simulation Design Scale was 4.44±.67 and the mean total score for Educational Practices Questionnaire was 4.66±.56. Conclusion: After simulation-based cooperative learning method, knowledge and skills of the students improved also had high self-confidence and satisfaction with learning

    Example of a Simulation Design in Nursing Education: Safe Chemotherapy Administration

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    Chemotherapy is one of the treatment methods increasingly used in cancer. In this article, we aimed to share our simulation experiences within the scope of the elective course of Cancer Nursing in the Nursing Internship (4th year) program in the process of teaching safe chemotherapy administration methods. Simulation-based experience should be designed to attain specified educational goals and expected results as best as possible. Scenario implementation is based on the criteria of the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning standards. A biologically safe drug preparation cabin in the drug preparation room of a simulation center was used, and a medium-fidelity mannequin-based simulator evaluating the vital signs was utilized as the simulator during the simulation implementation. In the patient history prepared within the scope of the scenario, the students were expected to achieve goals. An analysis was performed by a trainer who followed attentively the implementation during the scenario. In the analysis stage, sessions including 8-10 students were held using the Promoting Excellence and Reflective Learning in Simulation. A checklist was used to evaluate the skill steps of the students objectively. It is thought that this simulation scenario maintained in accordance with the standards of best practice of the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning would guide the readers. The simulation is considered to be an effective method for safe medications, and it is recommended to plan different scenarios according to the levels of student