118 research outputs found

    Motivations of individuals that attend the annual pilgrimage of Hajj

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    Improving E-Learning Performance through Social Communications

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    E-learning is a way of teaching by using modern communication mechanisms of computer networks, multimedia of (sound, image and graphics), electronic libraries and search mechanisms, as well as Internet portals, whether remote or in the classroom. The aim is to use all kinds of technology for the delivery of information to the student in the shortest time with less effort and greater benefit. In this paper, we attempt to solve the problem of isolating or missing social interactions of learner request, the professor perhaps not be always involved in the request and the missing of competitions and quality. To improve e-learning, it is recommended to it with sociality. In this paper, we used some algorithms such as (k-mean algorithm, decision-tree algorithm, Apriori algorithm, course rank algorithm) as tools to achieve our goals in finding most suitable friend and most suitable course for the user's

    معايير الشيخ الألباني لتضعيف بعض الأحاديث في صحيح البخاري ومدى صحة دعواه = The methodology of Shaykh al-Albānī in his deeming some Ḥadīths found in Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī as weak and the extent to which his claims are correct

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    من الأمور المتفق عليها تقريبا عند عامة المسلمين وعلمائهم أن صحيح الإمام البخاري أصحّ كتابٍ بعد كتاب الله، وتلقته الأمة بالقبول، ويحتلُّ المرتبة الأولى في الصحة من بين كتب الحديث على الإطلاق، إلا أنه تعرَّضَ لانتقادات من المستشرقين وغيرهم من أعداء الإسلام والسنة، وهذه لا نبالي بها؛ لأنه هو المأمول منهم، ولكن المشكلة تستفحل عند ما تجيء انتقادات لبعض أحاديثه من قبل العلماء المسلمين المتخصصين المحبين للسنة وصحيح البخاري، مثل الشيخ الألباني، الذي قلبه عامرٌ بحبه وحب صحيحه، ودافع عنه. فهذا ليس بشيء هين، بل معناه أنه اطلع على شيء فيه، لا بد من أخذ الاعتبار به؛ لأنه إن ضعَّفها فهل ضعَّفها على حسب عقله، أم على حسب أسس المحدثين ومعاييرهم للتضعيف، فنحن توصلنا إلى أنه أخذ معايير المحدثين للتضعيف، وأسقطها على ثمانية أحاديث من صحيح البخاري، وهو -حسب تحقيقنا- على الصواب في اثنين منها، وغير موفق في ستة منها

    Profile of serious adverse drug events in a tertiary care hospital of South India - a five years experience

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    Background: Adverse drug event (ADE) is said to be serious, when it is life-threatening, leads to hospitalization, disability, congenital anomaly, death or requires intervention to prevent permanent impairment or damage. The present study aimed to determine the pattern, causality, preventability of serious ADEs.Methods: This retrospective study was carried out to profile serious ADEs reported from Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute to Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) Monitoring Centre, under Pharmacovigilance Programme of India from 2012 to 2016. Patient demographics, clinical and drug data, details of the ADE, onset time, causal drug details, outcome and severity were collected as per CDSCO form. Causality was assessed by WHO-ADR probability scale, preventability by modified Schumock and Thornton scale.Results: A total of 809 ADEs were reported, of which 50 (6.18%) were serious in nature. Male preponderance (74%) was observed, with 42% among patients aged 20-40 years. 56% of serious ADEs were reported from department of Dermatology. Steven Johnson Syndrome (SJS) (20%) contributed for most of the ADEs. Antiepileptics caused maximum number of serious ADEs (32%). 76% of the ADEs were found to be ‘probable’ and 4% were definitely preventable. 56% of them was life threatening and 86% required intensive interventions. 16% patients experienced serious ADEs during hospital stay.Conclusions: Serious ADEs constituted 6.18% of all ADEs reported. SJS was commonly seen with antimicrobials and hepatotoxicity with ATT. Antiepileptics and ATT contributed for majority of them. This study highlights the importance of monitoring and timely management of serious ADEs to commonly prescribed medications

    Open Social Learning Network

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    This paper considers the affordances of social networking theories and tools to build new and effective e-learning practices. We argue that “connectivism” (social networking applied to learning and knowledge contexts) can lead to a reconceptualization of learning in which formal and non-formal learning can be integrated as to build a potentially lifelong learning activities to be experienced in “personal learning environments”. In order to provide a guide in the design, development and improvement both of personal learning environments and in the related learning activities we provide a knowledge flow model called Open Social Learning Network (OSLN) —a hybrid of the LMS and the personal learning environment (PLE)—is proposed as an alternative learning technology environment with the potential to leverage the affordances of the Web to improve learning dramatically and  highlighting the stages of learning and the related enabling conditions. The derived model is applied in a possible scenario of formal learning in order to show how the learning process can be designed according to the presented theory. Keywords: Open Social Learning Network OSLN, Learning Theory, Connectivism, Networked Learnin, Collaboration Technologies, Collaborative Learning and Relationship Classification.

    Solving The Problem of Adaptive E-Learning By Using Social Networks

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    This paper propose an enhanced E-Learning Social Network Exploiting Approach focused around chart model and clustering algorithm, which can consequently gathering dispersed e-learners with comparative premiums and make fitting suggestions, which can at last upgrade the collective learning among comparable e-learners. Through closeness revelation, trust weights overhaul and potential companions change, the algorithm actualized a programmed adjusted trust association with progressively upgraded fulfillments. Keywords: Relations, Adaptive E-Learning, Clustering , Social Network , E-learning ,  and Collaborative Learnin

    Leadership characteristic features: an ethical review from the perspective of the Qur’an and Sunnah

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    The Qur’an seeks to establish a society, state, and complete human civilization based on the principles sent down from on high. The Prophet (PBUH) was the leader of the Islamic society, state, and civilization formed in the Arabian Peninsula. His personality was representative of the Qur’anic values. The Qur’an presented a theoretical framework of the attributes of the leadership, and the Prophet (PBUH) manifested those qualities in a practical manner. The present paper is a humble attempt to highlight the Qur’anic principles of leadership from an ethical angle. The discussion also calls for the mention of negative factors that may lead to the split of the leadership personality. The methodology applied in the paper is critical analysis. The conclusion reached at therein is that the real leadership that the Qur’an and the Sunnah wants to develop is a comprehensive one, with no split between political leadership and ideal leadership . *********************************************************************************vAl-Quran membentuk sebuah masyarakat, negara, dan peradaban manusia yang lengkap berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip yang diwahyukan. Nabi (PBUH) adalah pemimpin masyarakat, negara, dan peradaban Islam yang terbentuk di Semenanjung Arab. Keperibadiannya mewakili nilai-nilai Al-Quran. Al-Qur’an mengemukakan kerangka teori sifat kepemimpinan, dan Nabi (PBUH) menunjukkan sifat-sifat tersebut secara praktikal. Kertas kajian ini adalah satu usaha untuk mengetengahkan prinsip kepemimpinan Al-Quran dari sudut etika. Kajian ini juga menggalakkan penyebutan faktor-faktor negatif yang boleh menyebabkan perpecahan keperibadian kepemimpinan. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam kertas kajian adalah analisis kritikal. Kesimpulannya adalah bahawa kepemimpinan sebenar yang disampaikan oleh Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah adalah komprehensif, dan tanpa perpecahan antara kepemimpinan politik dan kepemimpinan ideal

    حديث رؤية الهلال بين الإشكالية والحل

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    تناول هذا البحث إشكالية الحديث المشهور «صوموا لرؤيته، وأفطروا لرؤيته» عن إثبات الشهر الهلالي ومناقشة حلها في ضوء البعد الزماني للأحكام. وناقش آيات وأحاديث تتعلق بمغزى هذا الموضوع في ضوء الشروح. وحاول لبحث أدلة أبرز المتمسكين بالرؤية البصرية من العلماء مع مخالفيهم ممن يجيزون الاعتماد على الحسابات الفلكية المعاصرة. وتوصل إلى أن القرآن والحديث لا يشتمل على تصريح القول بأن الرؤية البصرية هي المطلوب الشرعي لإثبات الشهر الهلالي، كما أنه لا يقدّمها كوسيلة حتمية وحيدة للإثبات. والهدف المطلوب منها صوم رمضان كله بلا ضياع. وكانت الرؤية البصرية هي الوسيلة المقدورة للناس في ذلك الزمن النبوي كما في حديث: «إنا أمة لا نكتب ولا نحسب». ولا بأس بتغيره باختلاف الوظائف المتاحة عبر العصور من ناحية البعدين الزماني والمكاني للحديث، كما نعتمد البوصلة في التوجه إلى القبلة، وكذا الساعات المعينة في تعيين أوقات الصلاة، لا سيما في عصر استطاع الإنسان الصعود إلى القمر والهبوط فيه – على ما يدّعى-. ولا يكلف الله نفسًا إلا وسعها؛ والله يريد بأمته اليسر لا العسر. الكلمات المفتاحية: الرؤية البصرية، الرؤية الفلكية، إثبات الشهر الهلالي