53 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of negative group delay network using MIMO technique

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    This study introduces comparative consequences that determine the bit error rate enhancements, resultant from adopting a proposed MIMO wireless model in this study. The antenna configurations for this model uses new small microstrip slotted patch antenna with multiple frequency bands at strategic operating frequencies of 2.4, 4.4, and 5.55 respectively. The S11 response of the proposed antenna for IEEE802.11 MIMO wireless network has been highly appropriate to be adopted with MIMO antenna system. The negative group delay (NGD) response is the most significant feature for projected MIMO antenna. The NGD stands for a counterintuitive singularity that interacts time advancement with wave propagation. These improvements are employed for increasing a reliability of instantly conveyed data streams, enhance the capacity of the wireless configuration and decrease the bit error rate (BER) of adopted wireless system. In addition to antenna scattering response, the enhancements have been analysed in term of BER for different MIMO topologies

    Gender voice classification with huge accuracy rate

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    Gender voice recognition stands for an imperative research field in acoustics and speech processing as human voice shows very remarkable aspects. This study investigates speech signals to devise a gender classifier by speech analysis to forecast the gender of the speaker by investigating diverse parameters of the voice sample. A database has 2270 voice samples of celebrities, both male and female. Through Mel frequency cepstrum coefficient (MFCC), vector quantization (VQ), and machine learning algorithm (J 48), an accuracy of about 100% is achieved by the proposed classification technique based on data mining and Java script

    A miniaturization of the UWB monopole antenna for wireless baseband transmission

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    In this paper, a novel Monopole patch antenna with dimension 22*20*1.6 mm3 is presented to enhance the bandwidth and minimize the size of the antenna. The power divider and etched a slot on the ground plane are significant improvements in the proposed antenna. Based on this approach, the ultra-wideband antenna for 2.4 GHz to 9.6 GHz frequency band is a significant improvement. The flat gain from -5dB to 2.3dB over the frequency band of operation, which is provided to transmit and receive the output line code from Rapid Signal Flux Quantum (RSFQ) chip directly without modulation techniques (WBT) by these antennas between two different environments (4K-300k). The nearly radiation patterns of the presented antenna are bidirectional at E-plane and omnidirectional at H-plane

    Real-Time classification of various types of falls and activities of daily livings based on CNN LSTM network

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    In this research, two multiclass models have been developed and implemented, namely, a standard long-short-term memory (LSTM) model and a Convolutional neural network (CNN) combined with LSTM (CNN-LSTM) model. Both models operate on raw acceleration data stored in the Sisfall public dataset. These models have been trained using the TensorFlow framework to classify and recognize among ten different events: five separate falls and five activities of daily livings (ADLs). An accuracy of more than 96% has been reached in the first 200 epochs of the training process. Furthermore, a real-time prototype for recognizing falls and ADLs has been implemented and developed using the TensorFlow lite framework and Raspberry PI, which resulted in an acceptable performance

    Emerging wireless communication technologies in Iraqi government: Exploring cloud, edge, and fog computing

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    This study aims to structure the implementation of a governmental cloud of things (CoT), edge computing (EC), and fog computing in Iraq in the context of sustainable wireless communication. A base of literature was built that included any challenges, opportunities, and best practices relevant to these innovative technologies to set up the background for this paper. A concept model was created that included core components (cognitive technologies and fog computing), key processes (resource analysis, infrastructure design), and stakeholders (governments, industry, community). A strategic methodology made up of stakeholder involvement, capacity building, and pilot projects was used in the project. Concerning IoT planned deployment and services provision, network infrastructure was put in place to support the devices and a higher level of security measures were recommended. Using scenario hypothesis, MATLAB simulator was employed to simulate data value distribution as well as received power distribution based on different institutions for 12 months. Monitoring and evaluation should be followed to measure performance indicators and effects on this process. Continuously improvement strategies were the highlight of the session which further stimulated innovations. Acquainted projects will be put in the function to extend the range of activities by including additional government agencies, regions, or sectors. Reporting of the collected data and funding will be done with stakeholders to share and pool knowledge

    Cloud of Things and fog computing in Iraq: Potential applications and sustainability

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    This paper depicts the principles of Cloud of Things and fog computing and discusses its possible uses in Iraq with sustainability measures. The capacity of cloud computing to supply elastic, as-needed computer resources has garnered widespread interest worldwide. However, fog computing and a Cloud of Things enhance the Internet of Things by relocating computation to devices on the network's periphery. This study looks at how the Cloud of Things and fog computing are used now in Iraq, the obstacles, and the future uses of these technologies in various fields. To fully reap the benefits of the Cloud of Things and fog computing in Iraq, the study also emphasizes the significance of infrastructure development, policy design, cybersecurity, and other measures. This study will discuss the use of questionnaires in research. There are two distinct components to this. The first section includes questions regarding the respondents' affiliations, including their roles, departments, organization sizes, and ministries. The rest of the study's factors are discussed with inquiries in line with issues of cyber security, privacy, sustainability, cost of implementation, feasibility, trust, IT infrastructure, and government support. The survey's final open-ended inquiry will help us to compile a wide range of perspectives on what kinds of Cloud of Things and fog computing services based on the Iraqi government's needs

    Iraqi e-government and cloud computing development based on unified citizen identification

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    In this paper, besides an overview about e-government and cloud computing services in Iraq, an applied survey to establish relevant prospects of the Iraqi citizens for e-government and cloud computing services was adopted. Moreover, to study the potential putting into practice of e-Government and cloud computing services based on citizen identification in Iraq. Based on survey results, about 112 different e-Services were proposed by qualified Iraqi citizens. The requested e-Services were highlighted based on a provided statistical list in this paper. This paper can be an influential step to enhance e-Government and cloud computing functionaries in Iraq consistent with the citizen’s outlooks and discover technical and non- technical barriers that delay the development of Iraqi e-Government and cloud computing. Lastly, the accomplishment of e-Government and cloud computing imposes several essential tools as in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The development scheme in this paper involves three years to improve Iraqi e-Government database and offer advantageous capability of ICT to all responsible persons and citizens based on Standard Materials and International Certificates

    Investigation of Dual-Mode Microstrip Bandpass Filter Based on SIR Technique.

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    In this paper, a new bandpass filter design has been presented using simple topology of stepped impedance square loop resonator. The proposed bandpass filter has been simulated and fabricated using a substrate with an insulation constant of 10.8, thickness of 1.27mm and loss tangent of 0.0023 at center frequency of 5.8 GHz. The simulation results have been evaluated using Sonnet simulator that is extensively adopted in microwave analysis and implementation. The output frequency results demonstrated that the proposed filter has high-quality frequency responses in addition to isolated second harmonic frequency. Besides, this filter has very small surface area and perceptible narrow band response features that represent the conditions of recent wireless communication systems. Various filter specifications have been compared with different magnitudes of perturbation element dimension. Furthermore, phase scattering response and current intensity distribution of the proposed filter have been discussed. The simulated and experimental results are well-matched. Lastly, the features of the proposed filter have been compared with other designed microstrip filters in the literature

    Current intensity distribution of stepped impedance square loop resonator bandpass filter without perturbation element at 5.8 GHz.

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    <p>Current intensity distribution of stepped impedance square loop resonator bandpass filter without perturbation element at 5.8 GHz.</p

    Investigation of Dual-Mode Microstrip Bandpass Filter Based on SIR Technique - Fig 2

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    <p>Microstrip resonator transformation; (a) The classical square loop resonator reported in [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0164916#pone.0164916.ref007" target="_blank">7</a>] and (b) Stepped impedance square loop resonator that adopted in the planned filter of this study.</p