47 research outputs found


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    Indonesia sebagai negara agraris dengan mayoritas penduduknya bermatapencaharian sebagai petani. Ada banyak jenis tanaman yang dibudidayakan oleh petani, tidak terkecuali tanaman kopi. Kopi merupakan kebutuhan bagi masyarakat Indonesia karena kopi banyak dikonsumsi oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia. Sehingga banyak petani di Indonesia membudidayakan tanaman kopi. Salah satu kendala yang sering dihadapi petani kopi adalah adanya hama yang menyerang tanaman kopi mereka, yang menyebabkan produktivitas dan kualitas kopi menurun dan tidak baik. Padahal pada umumnya konsumen kopi menuntut tiga hal, yaitu rasa (kualitas) dan konsistensi, kebersihan dan kemurnian, serta kesehatan dan keamanan bagi konsumen. Oleh karena itu dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi sistem pakar untuk mendiagnosa hama tanaman kopi menggunakan metode Certainty Factor, penulis berharap dapat membantu petani kopi untuk mengetahui hama apa saja yang menyerang tanaman kopinya, dan petani juga dapat mengatasi serangan tersebut karena aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan kontrol solus

    Evaluating Faculty Performance: A Comparison of Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales Developed for Western Kentucky University Psychology Department Faculty

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    The current study consisted of a comparison of Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) developed in 2001 and 2008 for the evaluation of the performance of faculty in the Western Kentucky University Psychology Department. BARS generally are less susceptible to various types of rating error than are other rating formats, and are highly relevant to the target job because they utilize behavioral examples of performance. Furthermore, BARS development requires the participation of job incumbents. In both 2001 and 2008, Psychology Department faculty members were involved in every phase of the development process of the BARS instruments addressed in the current study. The new BARS format contains five broad categories of performance with 12 redefined performance dimensions within these categories. The faculty identified a number of new behavioral exemplars for each performance dimension. The new BARS offers several benefits over the previous BARS. Faculty, particularly newer faculty not involved in developing the 2001 format, should be more satisfied with the new instrument; faculty should perceive both the development process and the resulting instrument to be fair; and faculty should consider the instrument to be more valid because of their direct involvement in providing the content. Future research should be conducted to directly assess faculty perceptions of the BARS instrument and development process


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    Indonesia sebagai negara agraris dengan sebagian besar penduduknya bermata pencaharian sebagai petani. Ada banyak berbagai jenis tanaman dibudidayakan oleh petani, tak terkecualikan tanaman kopi. Kopi menjadi kebutuhan masyarakat Indonesia karena kopi banyak dikonsumsi di sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia. Sehingga banyak petani di Indonesia yang me budidayakan tanaman kopi. Salah satu kendala yang sering ditemui petani kopi adalah keberadaan hama yang menyerang tanaman kopi mereka, sehingga menyebabkan produktifitas dan kualitas kopi menjadi menurun dan tidak baik. Padahal secara umum konsumen kopi menuntut tiga hal yaitu citarasa (mutu) dan konsistensinya, kebersihan dan kemurniannya, serta kesehatan dan keamanan bagi konsumen. Karena itu dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi sistem pakar untuk diagnosa hama tanaman kopi menggunakan metode certainty factor, penulis berharap dapat membantu petani kopi untuk mengetahui hama yang menyerang tanaman kopi mereka, dan petani juga bisa mengatasi penyerangan tersebut karena aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan solusi pengendaliannya

    Редакторская подготовка переводов научно-популярных сериалов

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    Виявлено специфіку перекладного науково-популярного серіалу та окреслено загальні підходи до його редагування. Досліджено роль редактора на всіх етапах створення перекладу науково-популярного серіалу, зокрема, під час: 1) усебічного аналізу першоджерела задля з’ясування особливостей твору, важливих для подальшого опрацювання тексту; 2) написання перекладу та його редагування; 3) запису аудіодоріжки (назвучування).The specifics of popular science television series are revealed and the general approaches to editing of this kind of products are outlined. The role of the editor at all stages of the creation of the translation for popular science television series is examined, in particular, during: 1) comprehensive analysis of the original product in order to find out its features that are important for the further work on the text; 2) creating the translation and its editing; 3) recording the audio track (voice-over). It is indicated that only the mutual work of the editor and the rest of the team involved in the creation of the adequate translation can ensure the high-quality translation of popular science television series, because only the combination of the talents of all participants produces a perfectly recreated product that the Ukrainian audience will fully apprehend. One of the editor’s main tasks is to ensure the adequacy of the translation to the original product. It lies in the full transfer of main content, shape, emotionally-evaluative and aesthetic components of the original product by means of a different language while maintaining a balance between the whole and the particular, and provides an equal understanding of both explicit and implicit information in the original text and its translation. The connection between the translation and its audience must be the same that existed between the original product and its recipient. It is concluded that the editor’s participation is important at every stage of creating the adequate translation of popular science audiovisual product, from the first viewing of the original product to the audio editing of the translation. This optimizes the work of the whole team and provides an opportunity to correct errors immediately after they occur, allowing to get quality results without the necessity to make changes in text and audio track repeatedly.Выявлена специфика переводного научно-популярного сериала и намечены общие подходы к его редактированию. Исследована роль редактора на всех этапах создания перевода научно-популярного сериала, в частности, при: 1) всестороннем анализе первоисточника для выяснения особенностей произведения, важных для дальнейшей обработки текста; 2) написании перевода и его редактировании; 3) записи аудиодорожки (озвучивания)


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    When Placed End to End These Five Negatives Offer A 360 Degree View of the Baltimore inner Harbor Are

    Figs 1–8 in New Data On The Rare Spider Species (Arachnida, Araneae) From Kyiv Region (Ukraine)

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    Figs 1–8. Eresus moravicus: 1 — general appearance, female (photo by A. Mishta), 2 — same, male (photo by V. Terekhova); 3–5 — male palp; Parasyrisca arrabonica: 6–8 — male palp. 3, 6 — palp, prolateral, 4, 7 — same, ventral, 5, 8 — same, retrolateral. Scale bar 0.1 mm.Published as part of Yanul, V., Terekhova, V. & Polchaninova, N., 2022, New Data On The Rare Spider Species (Arachnida, Araneae) From Kyiv Region (Ukraine), pp. 181-188 in Zoodiversity 56 (3) on page 183, DOI: 10.15407/zoo2022.03.181, http://zenodo.org/record/717563

    Synthesis and thermo-responsive properties of poly(N-vinyl caprolactam)/polyether segmented networks

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    Segmented networks, in which a bismacromonomer acts as macromolecular crosslinker for a polymer with a lower critical solution temperature, are introduced as a new type of hydrogel polymeric structure with thermo-sensitive properties. Thermo-responsive properties such as swelling or shrinking behavior and cloud point temperature of segmented networks based on poly(N-vinyl caprolactam), crosslinked with hydrophilic poly(ethylene oxide) or hydrophobic poly (tetrahydrofuran) alpha,omega-bis(meth)acrylates, were investigated. It was found that these properties can be regulated by the block-copolymer composition, crosslinking density and nature and molecular weight of the crosslinker