11 research outputs found

    Waste cellulose extraction and analysis decortication sisal plant (Agave sisalana) Sumbawa Labangka

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    Waste utilization of decortication Sisal plants is minimal compared to the amount of waste produced, especially the cellulose content in the waste decortication sisal plant. This research aims to extract waste cellulose decortication sisal plants using acid and alkaline solutions with variations in NaOH solutions of 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8%. The process used is alkalization, bleaching, and acid hydrolysis by method analysis. Next, testing using SEM and FTIR methods is done to determine the morphology of waste cellulose decortication in the resulting sisal plants and the cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose content in the waste decortication sisal plant. Before treatment, the cellulose content of the waste is given to decorticate the sisal plant at 31%, and after alkalization treatment, the cellulose content is 54%. Cellulose content in waste decortication Sisal plants in each process increases with found O-H bonds at waves 3000-3600 cm-1, C-H bonds belong to hemicellulose at wave numbers 2800-3000 cm-1 and remove lignin, which is in the waste decortication Sisal plants did not find C=C bonds belonging to lignin at waves of 1200-1300 cm-1. FTIR test results show an increase in cellulose intensity, with the resulting cellulose measuring 28.64762 µm and 33.69369 µm. The increase in cellulose intensity in FTIR is directly proportional to the SEM results, which show a loose layer with lignin and hemicellulose that has been eroded from the cellulose


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    ɣ- Al2O3 merupakan material yang paling luas digunakan sebagai substrat katalis dalam otomotif dan industri petroleum, komposit struktural untuk pesawat luar angkasa, serta pelapis tahan panas (Thermal wear coatings). Kandungan aluminium dari zeolite alam sangat potensial dalam sintesis ɣ-Al2O3, sehingga pada penelitian ini difokuskan pada pemisahan alumina dengan besi dan silika menggunakan metode pelindihan dilanjutkan dengan presipitasi, sebagai bahan dasar sintesis ɣ-Al2O3 dengan memvariasikan suhu kalsinasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan pemisahan alumina dengan besi dan silika dari zeolite alam Sumbawa berhasil dilakukan. Hal ini ditunjukan dengan persentase alumina sebesar 89.80%, sehingga sangat potensial sebagai bahan dasar sintesis ɣ-Al2O3. Selain itu, dari ketiga variasi suhu kalsinasi yaitu pada 550, 650, dan 750 oC dalam penelitian ini, suhu 750 oC merupakan suhu yang baik dalam pembentukkan ɣ - Al2O3

    Preparation of synthesis nanoparticles Fe3O4 based on iron sand Sumbawa

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    Iron sand generally contains minerals such as ilmenite, magnetite, and hematite. Based on the results of previous tests, the main composition of iron sand in Rhee, Sumbawa regency, is magnetite. One method to increase the Fe content in iron sand is by pre-treatment with NaOH. NaOH is also used to precipitate heavy metals in a mineral. In this study, three variations were carried out with the ratio of NaOH: iron sand, namely: 1: 4, 2: 4, and 3: 4 at a temperature of 300 C. Furthermore, the calcination results were followed by the synthesis of Fe3O4 nanoparticles using the coprecipitation method. The results of the XRF characterization showed an increase in Fe levels after being processed by the alkalization treatment. The highest concentration was obtained in 1:4, with a Fe percentage of 91.1%. The results of the XRD characterization showed that the synthesis of Fe3O4 was successfully carried out with single phase Fe3O4 amlording to the data reference 96-9005839 forms and the space group F d -3 m. Crystal size analysis Using the Debey-Scherrer equation, the respective sizes were 12.7 nm, 8.71 nm, and 9.76 nm, respectively

    Waste cellulose extraction and analysis decortication sisal plant (Agave sisalana) Sumbawa Labangka

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    Waste utilization of decortication Sisal plants is minimal compared to the amount of waste produced, especially the cellulose content in the waste decortication sisal plant. This research aims to extract waste cellulose decortication sisal plants using acid and alkaline solutions with variations in NaOH solutions of 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8%. The process used is alkalization, bleaching, and acid hydrolysis by method analysis. Next, testing using SEM and FTIR methods is done to determine the morphology of waste cellulose decortication in the resulting sisal plants and the cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose content in the waste decortication sisal plant. Before treatment, the cellulose content of the waste is given to decorticate the sisal plant at 31%, and after alkalization treatment, the cellulose content is 54%. Cellulose content in waste decortication Sisal plants in each process increases with found O-H bonds at waves 3000-3600 cm-1, C-H bonds belong to hemicellulose at wave numbers 2800-3000 cm-1 and remove lignin, which is in the waste decortication Sisal plants did not find C=C bonds belonging to lignin at waves of 1200-1300 cm-1. FTIR test results show an increase in cellulose intensity, with the resulting cellulose measuring 28.64762 µm and 33.69369 µm. The increase in cellulose intensity in FTIR is directly proportional to the SEM results, which show a loose layer with lignin and hemicellulose that has been eroded from the cellulose

    Preparation of synthesis nanoparticles Fe3O4 based on iron sand Sumbawa

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    Iron sand generally contains minerals such as ilmenite, magnetite, and hematite. Based on the results of previous tests, the main composition of iron sand in Rhee, Sumbawa regency, is magnetite. One method to increase the Fe content in iron sand is by pre-treatment with NaOH. NaOH is also used to precipitate heavy metals in a mineral. In this study, three variations were carried out with the ratio of NaOH: iron sand, namely: 1: 4, 2: 4, and 3: 4 at a temperature of 300 C. Furthermore, the calcination results were followed by the synthesis of Fe3O4 nanoparticles using the coprecipitation method. The results of the XRF characterization showed an increase in Fe levels after being processed by the alkalization treatment. The highest concentration was obtained in 1:4, with a Fe percentage of 91.1%. The results of the XRD characterization showed that the synthesis of Fe3O4 was successfully carried out with single phase Fe3O4 amlording to the data reference 96-9005839 forms and the space group F d -3 m. Crystal size analysis Using the Debey-Scherrer equation, the respective sizes were 12.7 nm, 8.71 nm, and 9.76 nm, respectively


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    Properties such as photocatalytic, electrical, optical, and antibacterial. This paper presents research on the biosynthesis of ZnO nanoparticles using fingerroot extract with the spin coating method at various growth times. The process begins with preparing a seed solution with a concentration of 0.5M at a temperature of 60? at a speed of 1000 rpm for 60 minute. Furthermore, the preparation of seed layers with the spin coating technique. ZnO nanostructured thin films were grown with variations 3 hours and 4 hours. The results of SEM analysis showed the morphology of ZnO was spherical and agglomeration occurred in each variation. The average grain size of ZnO at 3 hours of growth time was 88.61 nm and 58.23 nm at 4 hours. The results of the XRD pattern analysis showed that each of the ZnO samples had a high crystallinity with a hexagonal shape, with. Crystal size at 3 hours of growth is 25.8 nm and 4 hours is 34.4 nm. Energy gap values at 3 hours of growth are 3.40 eV and 4 hours are 3.85 eV. The absorbance value was relatively high in the 3 hour treatment with a wavelength of 215 and in the 4 hour treatment with a wavelength of 245nm.ZnO merupakan salah satu material yang banyak dikembangkan oleh peneliti karena sifatnya yang unik seperti fotokatalitik, elektrik, optik, dan antibakteri. Artikel ini memuat penelitian dalam melakukan biosintesis ZnO nanopartikel menggunakan ekstrak temu kunci dengan metode spin coating pada variasi waktu pertumbuhan. Proses diawali dengan pembuatan larutan bibit dengan konsentrasi 0,5M pada temperatur 60? dengan kecepatan 1000rpm selama 60 menit. Selanjutnya, pembuatan lapisan bibit dengan teknik spin coating. Lapisan tipis ZnO nanostruktur ditumbuhkan dengan variasi waktu 3 jam dan 4 jam. Hasil analisis SEM menunjukkan bentuk morfologi ZnO di atas substrat kaca berbentuk spherical dan terjadi aglomerasi pada masing-masing variasi. Ukuran rata-rata butir ZnO pada perlakuan waktu tumbuh 3 jam adalah 88.61 nm dan 4 jam adalah 58.23 nm. Hasil analisis pola XRD menunjukkan bahwa dari masing- masing sampel ZnO memiliki kristalinitas tinggi berbentuk heksagonal, dengan. ukuran kristal pada waktu tumbuh dari 3 jam yaitu 25.8 nm dan 4 jam sebesar 34.4 nm. Nilai Energy gap pada waktu pertumbuhan 3 jam adalah 3.40eV dan 4 jam adalah 3.85 eV. Nilai absorbansi relatif tinggi pada perlakuan 3 jam dengan panjang gelombang 215 dan pada perlakuan 4 jam dengan panjang gelombang 245nm

    Analysis of the Influence of Temperature and Ratio on Extraction Percentage in the Leaching Process of Low-Grade Nickel in Pomalaa, Southeast Sulawesi: Nickel Laterite Ore Extraction

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    Saat ini nikel telah banyak digunakan di berbagai perindustrian karena nikel memiliki banyak manfaat salah satunya adalah pada indutri logam, baterai, dan lainnya,Seiring dengan banyaknya aplikasi dan manfaat dari nikel maka perlu untuk dilakukan pemisahan nikel dari sumbernya. Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari dan menganalisis pengaruh temperatur dan rasio terhadap perolehan bijih nikel  laterit di Pomalaa, Sulawesi Tenggara pada proses pelindian logam nikel menggunakan asam sulfat. Berdasarkan hasil analisa XRF, sampel batuan memiliki kadar nikel yang tinggi yakni sekitar 5,67%. Hasil ini similar dengan hasil pengujian nikel total dalam batuan menggunakan aqua regia sebagai pelarut yakni didapatkan sekitar 6,5429%. Pada kondisi reaksi pelindian batuan nikel rasio padat cair 1:20, suhu 90oC didapat persentase ekstraksi nikel tertinggi yakni sekitar 66,76%. Sedangkan persentase ekstraksi nikel yang rendah didapatkan pada suhu kamar rasio padat cair 1:10 yakni sekitar 8,65%. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, temperatur dan rasio padat cair pada proses pelindian memiliki  pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap persentase ekstraksi nikel.  Currently, nickel is widely used in various industries because it offers numerous benefits, particularly in the metal and battery industries, among others. With the increasing applications and advantages of nickel, it is necessary to separate nickel from its source. The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the influence of temperature and ratio on the recovery of lateritic nickel ore in Pomalaa, Southeast Sulawesi, during the leaching process of nickel metal using sulfuric acid. Based on XRF analysis, the rock samples have a high nickel content of approximately 5.67%. This result is similar to the total nickel testing using aqua regia as a solvent, which yielded around 6.5429%. Under the conditions of leaching nickel-bearing rock with a solid-liquid ratio of 1:20 and a temperature of 90°C, the highest percentage of nickel extraction achieved is approximately 66.76%. Conversely, a low percentage of nickel extraction is obtained at room temperature with a solid-liquid ratio of 1:10, approximately 8.65%. Based on these results, temperature and solid-liquid ratio in the leaching process significantly influence the percentage of nickel extraction

    Pengaruh Jenis Asam & Konsentrasi Asam Terhadap Persentase Ekstraksi Nikel Dari Bijih Nikel Laterit Pomalaa Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Nikel Laterit terbentuk daari hasil pelapukan batuan secara kimiawi pada periode waktu yang cukup lama di permukaan subtropis. Biasanya, nikel laterit ini memiliki kadar yang relatif rendah namun jumlahnya melimpah. Umumnya pengolahan laterit dilakukan dengan metode hidrometalurgi dengan jalur pelindian. Pelindian dilakukan dengan 3 pelarut berbeda yaitu H2SO4, CH3COOH, dan H3PO4. Untuk mengetahui perolehan nikel hasil pelindian dilakukan karakterisasi menggunakan Atomic Absorpsion Spektrophotometry (AAS), XRF untuk mengetahui kadar awal nikel laterit dan XRD untuk mengetahui komposisi mineral yang terkandung pada mineral laterit. Hasil XRF diperoleh kandungan nikel sebesar 5,67% dan menunjukkan mineral laterit berkadar rendah termasuk kedalam jenis saprolit. Hasil XRD menunjukkan fasa yang terdapat pada kalsinasi di suhu 450?C yaitu fasa Hematite, Magadiite, dan Quartz sedangkan pada Uncalcinate membentuk fasa Hematite, Awaruite, serta Geotithe. Untuk pengujian menggunakan Atomic Absorbsion Spektrophotometry diperoleh hasil persentase ekstraksi nikel terhadap pengaruh jenis asam dan konsentrasi asam dengan prevalensi sebesar 48, 21% (4 M) pada Asam Sulfat, 41,51% (4 M) pada Asam Fosfat, dan 10,27% (4 M) pada Asam Asetat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis asam dan konsentrasi asam sangat berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pelindian nikel laterit kadar rendah yang diperoleh dari Pomalaa, Sulawesi Tenggara. Untuk jenis asam, Apabila jenis asam yang digunakan adalah asam pekat maka semakin tinggi persentase ekstraksi nikel yang didapatkan sedangkan untuk konsentrasi asam, apabila semakin tinggi konsentrasi pelarut yang digunakan maka hasil dari persentase ekstraksi nikelnya akan semakin tinggi.Nickel Laterit is formed from the chemical weathering of rocks over a long period of time on subtropical surfaces. Usually, laterite nickel has relatively low grades but is abundant. In general, further processing is carried out by the hydrometallurgical method with a leach line. Leaching was carried out with 3 different solvent namely H2SO4, CH3COOH, and H3PO4. To determine nickel recovery from leaching, characterization was carried out using Atomic Absorption Spectropothometry (AAS), XRF to determine the initial nickel laterite content and XRD to determine the mineral composition contained in laterite minerals. The XRF results obtained a nickel content of 5,67% and showed a lo grade laterite mineral belonging to the saprolite type. The XRD results show that the phases present in calcination at 450?C are Hematite, Magadiite, and Quartz phasess while in Uncalcinate they form Hematite, Awaruite, and Geotithe phases. For testing Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, the results obtained from nickel extraction were affected by the type of acid and acid concentration with a prevalence of 48,21% (4 M) for Sulfuric Acid, 41,51% (4 M) for Phosphoric Acid, and 10,27% (4 M) in Acetic Acid. The results showed that the type of acid and acid concentration had a significant effect on the leaching of lowgrade nickel laterite obtained from Pomalaa, Southeast Sulawesi. For the type of acid, if the type of acid used is concentrated acid, the higher the proportion of nickel extraction obtained, while for the acid concentration, the higher the concentration of solvent used, the higher the yield of nickel extraction

    Green Synthesis AgNPs Immobilized to Whatman Paper Using Chromolaena odorata Extract and Its Application as Photocatalyst

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    Synthesis and immobilization of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) to Whatman paper carried out using Cromolaena odorata extract irradiated by sunlight. The UV-Vis shows silver nanoparticles successfully formed from AgNO3 1 mM, 2 mM, and 3 mM with the absorption peaks at 455 nm, 452 nm, and 451 nm, respectively. The SEM shows AgNPs are spherical with an average particle size are 60.45 nm, 63.19 nm, and 68.42 nm, respectively. The EDX spectrum shows the composition of silver immobilized to Whatman paper increase with increasing concentration of 10.14Wt%, 64.48Wt%, and 70.48 Wt%, respectively. AgNPs/Whatman paper has a cubic crystal structure, space group Fm-3m, lattice parameter (a) 4.0862 Ǻ and crystal size of 42.94 nm. FTIR reach peaks at 520.78 cm-1 and 1,059 cm-1 explains the vibration of the Ag-O bonds indicated the formation of AgNPs. Furthermore, the photocatalyst ability for dye degradation was evaluated using methylene blue 10 ppm under sunlight for 6 hours. The result shows a changed colour to fade and decreases the absorbance ability of methylene blue. Therefore, it can be concluded that green synthesis and immobilization of AgNPs/Whatman paper have a potential to be applied as photocatalyst materials for dye degradation.DOI: 10.17977/um024v7i12022p00

    Pelatihan Elearning Moodle Untuk Meningkat Pembelajaran Siswa Pada SMAN 3 Praya Lombok Tengah

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    Pembelajaran daring telah mengubah cara berpikir, meotde yang digunakan, paradigma dan pendekatan pembelajaran yang lebih mengedepankan belajar mandiri secara online dengan sarana internet. Internet semua informasi tersedia, namun tetap harus disharing dan dipilah sesuai kebutuhan dan informasi yang hendak diajarkan kepada siswa salah satu satunya elearning. Elearning adalah salah satu media pembelajaran yang lagi populer saat ini dimana sejalan dengan perkembangan populasi pengguna jaringan internet. Namun dari sekian banyak guru di sekolah masih sedikit yang mampu mengimplementasikan e-learning dalam proses kegiatan pembelajaran. Untuk itu dibutuhkan guru yang berkompeten bukan saja secara pedagogik, sosial dan profesional tetapi juga dituntut untuk menguasai teknologi pembelajaran. Pelatihan ini dilakukan guna melatih guru dalam merencanakan, mendesain, mengembangkan dan mengoperasikan elearning dalam proses pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan bersama para siswa. Adapun pendekatannya menggunakan latihan langsung dengan penyampaian materi dan praktek. Dalam pelatihan ini mengajarkan guru membuat dan mengembangkan media pembalajaran menggunakan elearning