Analysis of the Influence of Temperature and Ratio on Extraction Percentage in the Leaching Process of Low-Grade Nickel in Pomalaa, Southeast Sulawesi: Nickel Laterite Ore Extraction


Saat ini nikel telah banyak digunakan di berbagai perindustrian karena nikel memiliki banyak manfaat salah satunya adalah pada indutri logam, baterai, dan lainnya,Seiring dengan banyaknya aplikasi dan manfaat dari nikel maka perlu untuk dilakukan pemisahan nikel dari sumbernya. Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari dan menganalisis pengaruh temperatur dan rasio terhadap perolehan bijih nikel  laterit di Pomalaa, Sulawesi Tenggara pada proses pelindian logam nikel menggunakan asam sulfat. Berdasarkan hasil analisa XRF, sampel batuan memiliki kadar nikel yang tinggi yakni sekitar 5,67%. Hasil ini similar dengan hasil pengujian nikel total dalam batuan menggunakan aqua regia sebagai pelarut yakni didapatkan sekitar 6,5429%. Pada kondisi reaksi pelindian batuan nikel rasio padat cair 1:20, suhu 90oC didapat persentase ekstraksi nikel tertinggi yakni sekitar 66,76%. Sedangkan persentase ekstraksi nikel yang rendah didapatkan pada suhu kamar rasio padat cair 1:10 yakni sekitar 8,65%. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, temperatur dan rasio padat cair pada proses pelindian memiliki  pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap persentase ekstraksi nikel.  Currently, nickel is widely used in various industries because it offers numerous benefits, particularly in the metal and battery industries, among others. With the increasing applications and advantages of nickel, it is necessary to separate nickel from its source. The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the influence of temperature and ratio on the recovery of lateritic nickel ore in Pomalaa, Southeast Sulawesi, during the leaching process of nickel metal using sulfuric acid. Based on XRF analysis, the rock samples have a high nickel content of approximately 5.67%. This result is similar to the total nickel testing using aqua regia as a solvent, which yielded around 6.5429%. Under the conditions of leaching nickel-bearing rock with a solid-liquid ratio of 1:20 and a temperature of 90°C, the highest percentage of nickel extraction achieved is approximately 66.76%. Conversely, a low percentage of nickel extraction is obtained at room temperature with a solid-liquid ratio of 1:10, approximately 8.65%. Based on these results, temperature and solid-liquid ratio in the leaching process significantly influence the percentage of nickel extraction

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