35 research outputs found

    Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite-gelatine composite materials for orthopaedic application

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    The composite materials based on hydroxyapatite (HA) and gelatine (Gel) with addition of silver and zirconium oxide were obtained. The study investigates a combination of low powered ultrasonic irradiation and low concentration of gelatine in the co-precipitation synthesis. These composites have different weight ratios of organic/inorganic components and may be synthesized in two ways: simple mixing and co-precipitation. Both of which were compared. The estimation of porosity, in vivo testing, surface morphology and phase composition as well as the IR-analysis were provided. Hydroxyapatite was the main crystalline phase in obtained composites. While around powdered HA-Gel composite the connective tissue capsule is formed without bone tissue formation, HA-Gel-Ag porous composite implantation leads to formation of new bone tissue and activation of cell proliferation. Addition of silver ions into composite material allows decreasing inflammation on the first stage of implantation and has positive effect on bone tissue formation. Some of the obtained composite materials containing silver or ZrO2 are biocompatible. bio-resorbable and osteoconductive with high level of porosity (75e85%)

    Alginate-hydroxyapatite Beads for Medical Application

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    The paper describes the synthesis and characterization of alginate-hydroxyapatite (Alg/HA) beads that potentially can be used for drug release due to the adsorptive properties of HA and transmission ability of the soluble compounds through the alginate membrane. Calcium Alg/HA beads were manufactured by dropping of the Alg/HA suspension into CaCl2 solution. Morphology and phase composition of obtained Alg/HA beads were investigated. It was shown that alginate macromolecules influence the hydroxyapatite size and morphology. Obtained HA with crystal size 15-30 nm inside alginate beads correspond a bioapatite size therefore are interesting for the tissue engineering. The main features of alginate-controlled crystallization are discussed in order to understand some aspects in composite material design. Insertion of HA into the alginate microcapsules allows use such materials for production of drug release microspheres


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    The article describes the design of equipment for implementing the method of diagnosis of pneumonia by the method of passive echolocation. Diagnosis is done through listening, identify and determine the place of the provisions of pathological noise sources in the respiratory system of the patient. The device is specially designed for implementation of the method of diagnosis of pneumonia by the method of passive echolocation and tested. The recordings of acoustic signals of respiratory pattern are of high quality, the device itself is convenient and easy to use.В статье описана конструкция оборудования для реализации способа диагностики пневмонии методом пассивной эхолокации. Диагностика осуществляется благодаря прослушиванию, идентификации и выявлению местоположения источников патологических шумов в дыхательной системе пациента. Устройство разработано специально для реализации способа диагностики пневмонии методом пассивной эхолокации и испытано. Полученные записи акустических сигналов дыхательного паттерна имеют высокое качество, само устройство удобно и просто в использовании.У статті описано конструкцію обладнання для реалізації способу діагностики пневмонії методом пасивної ехолокації. Діагностика здійснюється завдяки прослуховуванню, ідентифікації та виявленню місця положення джерел патологічних шумів у дихальній системі пацієнта. Пристрій розроблено спеціально для реалізації способу діагностики пневмонії методом пасивної ехолокації та випробувано. Отримані записи акустичних сигналів дихального патерну мають високу якість, сам пристрій зручний та простий у використанні

    Adsorption Properties of Bentonite with In Situ Immobilized Polyaniline Towards Anionic Forms of Cr(VI), Mo(VI), W(VI), V(V)

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    A new composite material bentonite-PANI was synthesized by in situ immobilization of polyaniline (PANI) on the surface of natural mineral bentonite. It was established as a result of the modification of bentonite a surface area and an interlayer distance of mineral decrease and particles of bentonite transformed of irregular shape with different porosity on irregularly shaped particles of smaller size. It has been found that the total Cr(VI) ions extraction took place under the acid conditions (pH=1 – 2) and W(VI) ions have been well adsorbed in the pH range from 1 to 8 by the composite bentonite-PANI unlike the initial mineral. Whereas adsorption of oxo anions of V(V) and Mo(VI) made up some 50%. It is proved that the in situ immobilization of bentonite by polyaniline leads to increasing the value of adsorption capacity towards the investigated ions compared with the initial mineral. It was established that the adsorption properties of the synthesized composite with respect to the studied oxo ions were worse than the adsorption properties of composite vermiculite-PANI, similar to the composite Sokyryntsyy clinoptilolite-PANI and better than composites of polyaniline with Podilskyy saponite and Karelian shungite.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.ms.22.2.6976</p

    Natural Minerals Coated by Biopolymer Chitosan: Synthesis, Physicochemical, and Adsorption Properties

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    Natural minerals are widely used in treatment technologies as mineral fertilizer, food additive in animal husbandry, and cosmetics because they combine valuable ion-exchanging and adsorption properties together with unique physicochemical and medical properties. Saponite (saponite clay) of the Ukrainian Podillya refers to the class of bentonites, a subclass of layered magnesium silicate montmorillonite. Clinoptilolits are aluminosilicates with carcase structure. In our work, we have coated biopolymer chitosan on the surfaces of natural minerals of Ukrainian origin — Podilsky saponite and Sokyrnitsky clinoptilolite. Chitosan mineral composites have been obtained by crosslinking of adsorbed biopolymer on saponite and clinoptilolite surface with glutaraldehyde. The obtained composites have been characterized by the physicochemical methods such as thermogravimetric/differential thermal analyses (DTA, DTG, TG), differential scanning calorimetry, mass analysis, nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to determine possible interactions between the silica and chitosan molecule. The adsorption of microquantities of cations Cu(II), Zn(II), Fe(III), Cd(II), and Pb(II) by the obtained composites and the initial natural minerals has been studied from aqueous solutions. The sorption capacities and kinetic adsorption characteristics of the adsorbents were estimated. It was found that the obtained results have shown that the ability of chitosan to coordinate heavy metal ions Zn(II), Cu(II), Cd(II), and Fe(III) is less or equal to the ability to retain ions of these metals in the pores of minerals without forming chemical bonds


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    It's discussed the necessity of realization of process feedback with the courses students of professional skill improvement of doctors and pharmacists with the purpose of the analysis of competence, relevance and perspectives of the conducted training. These approaches allow us to quantify the level of transfer and assimilation of knowledge by students for the further planning of training programs. It is shown that postgraduate education should be more individualized, in accordance with the results of clustering the level of basic knowledge of those who study. It is argued that monitoring the use of knowledge in the self-employment of specialists should be carried out in accordance with the level of knowledge gained in training. It is recommended to include experience in the use of knowledge modules, which students receive during the improvement in the system of postgraduate education, in the feedback form. It is also alleged that in these questionnaires there should be questions about the success of mastering «soft» and «hard» skills.Обоснована необходимость осуществления процессной обратной связи со слушателями циклов повышения квалификации врачей и провизоров с целью анализа компетентности, востребованности и перспективности проведенного обучения. Данные подходы позволяют количественно оценить уровень передачи и усвоения знаний слушателями для дальнейшего планирования программ обучения. Показано, что последипломное обучение должно проводиться более индивидуализировано, в соответствии с результатами кластеризации уровня базисных знаний субъектов обучения. Утверждается, что мониторинг применения знаний при самостоятельной работе специалистов следует осуществлять в соответствии с уровнем полученных при обучении знаний. Рекомендовано включать опыт использования модулей знаний, которые получают слушатели во время усовершенствования в системе последипломного образования, в анкеты обратной связи. Утверждается также, что в этих анкетах должны быть вопросы относительно успешности усвоения «мягких» и «жестких» навыков.Обґрунтовано необхідність здійснення процесного зворотного зв'язку зі слухачами циклів підвищення кваліфікації лікарів і провізорів з метою аналізу компетентності, затребуваності та перспективності проведеного навчання. Дані підходи дають можливість кількісно оцінити рівень передавання та засвоєння знань слухачами для подальшого планування програм навчання. Показано, що післядипломне навчання має проводитися більш індивідуалізовано, відповідно до кластеризації рівня базисних знань суб'єктів навчання. Стверджується, що моніторинг застосування знань при самостійній роботі слухачів слід здійснювати відповідно до рівня отриманих знань. Рекомендовано включати досвід використання модулів знань, що отримують слухачі під час удосконалення в системі післядипломної освіти, в зворотні анкети. Стверджується також, що в анкетах мають бути запитання, щодо успішності засвоєння «м'яких» і «жорстких» навиків

    A clinical case report of cystic fibrosis and liver cirrhosis in a child

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    Abstract Purpose. To analyze the history of a child with cystic fibrosis (CF) and liver cirrhosis. Results of research. This clinical case report demonstrates the course of CF in a patient with a severe CFTR mutation delF508. The disease had severe course, mostly due to hepato-renal disorders. From birth the child had a poor appetite, insufficient weight gain. A cough bothered the child from age of three months, and then pneumonia was diagnosed with a protracted course. CF was diagnosed by positive sweat chloride test (85/107 mmol/L) and clinical manifestations at the age of eight months. CFTR mutation delF508 was found during genetic testing. The patient had chronic airways colonization with S. aureus and P. aeruginosa. At 1 year of age the child was infected by S. aureus, at 6 year of age – P. aeruginosa. The child received pathogenetic treatment including inhaled antibiotic therapy (tobramycin, colistin). The child constantly received the replacement enzyme therapy, hepatoprotective drugs and multivitamins. Antibiotic therapy was prescribed only for bronchopulmonary exacerbation. At 8 years of age the biliary cirrhosis, portal hypertension and splenomegaly (+ 6.0 cm) were found. Type 1 diabetes mellitus was diagnosed at 9 years of age. The child's condition worsened progressively mostly due to hepato-renal disorders. The child needed permanent hospital care. The last patient’s hospitalization lasted for 85 bed-days, including 52 days in the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care because of the condition worsening due to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome that caused death at 17 years of age. Conclusions. This clinical case report demonstrates the course and outcomes of cystic fibrosis with severe CFTR mutation delF508 and cirrhosis

    Thermal effects of carbonated hydroxyapatite modified by glycine and albumin

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    In this work calcium phosphate powders were obtained by precipitation method from simulated solutions of synovial fluid containing glycine and albumin. X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopy determined that all samples are single-phase and are presented by carbonate containing hydroxyapatite (CHA). The thermograms of solid phases of CHA were obtained and analyzed; five stages of transformation in the temperature range of 25-1000°C were marked. It is shown that in this temperature range dehydration, decarboxylation and thermal degradation of amino acid and protein connected to the surface of solid phase occur. The tendency of temperature lowering of the decomposition of powders synthesized from a medium containing organic substances was determined. Results demonstrate a direct dependence between the concentration of the amino acid in a model solution and its content in the solid phase