61 research outputs found

    Network analysis of human glaucomatous optic nerve head astrocytes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Astrocyte activation is a characteristic response to injury in the central nervous system, and can be either neurotoxic or neuroprotective, while the regulation of both roles remains elusive.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To decipher the regulatory elements controlling astrocyte-mediated neurotoxicity in glaucoma, we conducted a systems-level functional analysis of gene expression, proteomic and genetic data associated with reactive optic nerve head astrocytes (ONHAs).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our reconstruction of the molecular interactions affected by glaucoma revealed multi-domain biological networks controlling activation of ONHAs at the level of intercellular stimuli, intracellular signaling and core effectors. The analysis revealed that synergistic action of the transcription factors AP-1, vitamin D receptor and Nuclear Factor-kappaB in cross-activation of multiple pathways, including inflammatory cytokines, complement, clusterin, ephrins, and multiple metabolic pathways. We found that the products of over two thirds of genes linked to glaucoma by genetic analysis can be functionally interconnected into one epistatic network via experimentally-validated interactions. Finally, we built and analyzed an integrative disease pathology network from a combined set of genes revealed in genetic studies, genes differentially expressed in glaucoma and closely connected genes/proteins in the interactome.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest several key biological network modules that are involved in regulating neurotoxicity of reactive astrocytes in glaucoma, and comprise potential targets for cell-based therapy.</p

    Iceberg melting substantially modifies oceanic heat flux towards a major Greenlandic tidewater glacier

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    Fjord dynamics influence oceanic heat flux to the Greenland ice sheet. Submarine iceberg melting releases large volumes of freshwater within Greenland’s fjords, yet its impact on fjord dynamics remains unclear. We modify an ocean model to simulate submarine iceberg melting in Sermilik Fjord, east Greenland. Here we find that submarine iceberg melting cools and freshens the fjord by up to ~5 °C and 0.7 psu in the upper 100-200 m. The release of freshwater from icebergs drives an overturning circulation, resulting in a ~10% increase in net up-fjord heat flux. In addition, we find that submarine iceberg melting accounts for over 95% of heat used for ice melt in Sermilik Fjord. Our results highlight the substantial impact that icebergs have on the dynamics of a major Greenlandic fjord, demonstrating the importance of including related processes in studies that seek to quantify interactions between the ice sheet and the ocean

    Віром людини

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    The review is dealt with virome, a viral component of human microbiome. Modern data are discussed that concern the structure of virome, its formation during ontogenesis, the role in disease pathogeneses and in homeostasis maintenance. Special attention is payed to bacteriophages (phagobiome) as dominant members of virome. Modern data are submitted about the influence of bacteriophages on the state of microbiome prokaryotic community, immune system and their potential participation in the development of pathologies. Controversial questions, connected with the perspective of using bacteriophage therapy in medicine, are considered.Обзор посвящен изучению вирусного компонента микробиома человека — вирома. Приведены современные данные, касающиеся состава вирома, его формирования в процессе онтогенеза, роли в патогенезе болезней или поддержании гомеостаза. Особое внимание уделено бактериофагам (фагобиому) как доминантному члену вирома. Представлены сведения о влиянии бактериофагов на состояние прокариотного сообщества микробиома, иммунную систему и их потенциальное участие в развитии патологии. Рассмотрены дискуссионные вопросы, касающиеся перспектив использования бактериофаговой терапии в медицине.Огляд присвячений вивченню вірусного компонента мікробіому людини — вірому. Наведені сучасні дані щодо складу вірому, його формування у процесі онтогенезу, ролі в патогенезі хвороб або підтримці гомеостазу. Особлива увага приділена бактеріофагам (фагобіому) як домінантному члену вірому. Наведені відомості про вплив бактеріофагів на стан прокаріотного співтовариства мікробіому, імунну систему та їх потенційну участь у розвитку патології. Розглянуті дискусійні питання, що стосуються перспектив використання бактеріофагової терапії у медицині

    Bedforms, coastal-trapped waves, and scour process observations from the continental shelf of the northern Black Sea

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    The Black Sea basin presents an ideal laboratory for investigations of morphodynamic interplay between response (morphology) and force (processes) associated with shelf sedimentation. Recent studies along the perimeter of the basin have documented the existence of a complex, heterogeneous seafloor varyingly composed of sand, gravel, silt, and clay. Side-scan sonar data are utilized to establish the spatial patterns of bedform types in the area. In addition, a benthic tripod, confi gured with an acoustic Doppler current profi ler, a rotary fanbeam sonar, and a conductivity-temperature sensor was deployed to record seabed dynamics in response to changing forcing conditions. Together, the tripod and side-scan survey data sets provide a complementary basis for deciphering the processes responsible for the observed seafloor morphology. The side-scan sonar data allows for the determination of spatial patterns of bedform length and orientation. In total, 2376 individual large sand wave bedforms were digitized in geographic information systems with mean and modal wavelengths of 72.8 and 15.7 m respectively. The correlation of near-inertial waves (velocity amplitude 12-20 cm/s and period 12-16 h) and bedform geometry suggest that the extensive sand-wave patches imaged across the shelf are affected by active modern processes and may themselves be modern features or perhaps relict features that remain active presently. Progressive vector diagrams of the nearbed mean current flow indicate a component of cross-shelf directed flow suggesting an enhanced potential for artifact preservation via cross-shelf advection of anoxic bottom waters by the near-inertial flows measured in this study. © 2011 Geological Society of America


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    The article considers opportunities and results of winter wheat cultivation using different methods of tillage under insufficient and unstable humidity of the south of Russia. The experiments were carried out as steady trials with the use of different machinery able to cultivate the soil for winter wheat at various depth, including non-tillage variants.  We have obtained the results of biometric characteristics of winter wheat and its productivity in the conditions of 2012-2013 years. The analysis of received data shows that biometric characteristics of winter wheat vary depending on variants of tillage. Winter wheat grown on the cultivated soil showed poor biometric characteristics and reduced its productivity on 20-30% in comparison with a non-tillage variant.   A correlation analysis has been carried out to determine effect of tillage on winter wheat biometric characteristics and on productivity. Such characteristics as mass of straw with spike, number of productive spikes, mass of grain, number of seeds per spike possess a significant statistic correlation (the co-efficient is more than±0,815). Winter wheat gave its largest yields in non-tillage variants. It exceeded its productivity in non-tillage variants on 13-29% which tells about potential of the studied technology of winter wheat production and the correlation analysis proves it. The correlation between winter wheat biometric characteristics and productivity in a non-tillage variant is determined by a co-efficient of correlation of 0,739-1,0. The total influence of considered winter wheat biometric characteristics on its productivity was assessed by a co-efficient of multiple correlation (R) and a co-efficient of determination R2, which were 0,886-0,999 and 0,784-0,999 for low power methods of tillage

    Interferon titer and the 2',5'-oligoadenylate-synthetase activity in rat thymus lymphocytes in conditions of Omeprazol-caused hypergastrinemia

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    The aim of this work was the determination of rat thymocytes response to hypergastrinemia evoked by hypoacidity and multiprobiotic «Symbiter® acidophilic concentrated» (symbiter) treatment via the estimation of the interferon (IFN) titer and 2', 5'-oligoadenylate (OA)-synthetase activity in lymphocytes. 2', 5'-OA-synthetase is the IFN-induced enzyme. Methods. The micromethod of IFN titer determination by antiviral activity, spectrophotometrical method of 2', 5'-OA-synthetase activity determination. Results. It was shown that the IFN production by cultivated thymocytes is amplified while the 2', 5'-OA-synthetase activity decreases in these cells in conditions of hypoacidity caused by the 28-days omeprazol treatment. The treatment of animals by symbiter against a background of hypoacidity causes the augmentation of IFN production by thymocytes, but does not stimulate the 2', 5'-OA-synthetase activity. The IFN production by thymocytes in response to IFN inducers (PHA and cycloferone) in vitro is intensified comparatively to the control at hypoacidity and symbiter treatment. Conclusions. The multiprobiotic symbiter exhibits interferonogenic properties. The IFN synthesis in response to induction in vitro is intensified in comparison with healthy animals at both hypoacidity and symbiter treatment while the 2', 5'-OA-synthetase acivity in thymocytes decreases

    Scales and structure of frontal adjustment and freshwater export in a region of freshwater influence

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    Sea surface temperature satellite imagery and a regional hydrodynamic model are used to investigate the variability and structure of the Liverpool Bay thermohaline front. A statistically based water mass classification technique is used to locate the front in both data sets. The front moves between 5 and 35 km in response to spring-neap changes in tidal mixing, an adjustment that is much greater than at other shelf-sea fronts. Superimposed on top of this fortnightly cycle are semi-diurnal movements of 5-10 km driven by flood and ebb tidal currents. Seasonal variability in the freshwater discharge and the density difference between buoyant inflow and more saline Irish Sea water give rise to two different dynamical regimes. During winter, when cold inflow reduces the buoyancy of the plume, a bottom-advected front develops. Over the summer, when warm river water provides additional buoyancy, a surface-advected plume detaches from the bottom and propagates much larger distances across the bay. Decoupled from near-bed processes, the position of the surface front is more variable. Fortnightly stratification and re-mixing over large areas of Liverpool Bay is a potentially important mechanism by which freshwater, and its nutrient and pollutant loads, are exported from the coastal plume system. Based on length scales estimated from model and satellite data, the erosion of post-neap stratification is estimated to be responsible for exporting approximately 19% of the fresh estuarine discharge annually entering the system. Although the baroclinic residual circulation makes a more significant contribution to freshwater fluxes, the episodic nature of the spring-neap cycle may have important implications for biogeochemical cycles within the ba