159 research outputs found

    Аналіз асортименту лікарських препаратів імуностимуляторів, представлених на ринку України

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    Aim. To analyze the registered medicines of the group of immunostimulants in order to determine the feasibility of creating and organizing the production of new drugs based on natural clays, in particular green and yellow clays.Materials and methods. The list of medicinal products compiled from official sources of information was used in the work; it was processed by the methods of generalization, systematization, graphical method, as well as the methods of comparative and structural analysis.Results and its discussion. The analysis of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market concerning the range of the registered immunostimulants has been performed. Structuring of the selected list of medicines by the ATC-classification, origin, composition, production characteristic and dosage form type has been carried out. By production basis the majority of medicines are of domestic production (63.58 %). It has been determined that drugs of the segment studied are produced in solid and liquid dosage forms. Solutions for injection are prevalent at the domestic pharmaceutical market, and the range of solid dosage forms is under developed. At the pharmaceutical market, there are no drugs of this group with natural clays, in particular yellow and green clays.Conclusions. The absence of immunostimulants based on natural clays at the Ukrainian market has been proven; it indicates the feasibility of introducing new domestic drugs with the immunostimulating action on the basis of natural clays, in particular yellow and green clays, to the market.Цель исследования. Провести анализ зарегистрированных препаратов группы иммуностимуляторов для установления целесообразности создания и организации производства новых препаратов на основе природных глин, в частности, глин зеленой и желтой. Материалы и методы. В работе использован перечень лекарственных препаратов, составленный по официальным источникам информации, который обрабатывали методами обобщения, систематизации, графическим и методами сравнительного и структурного анализа.Результаты и их обсуждение. Проведен анализ фармацевтического рынка Украины по ассортименту зарегистрированных лекарственных препаратов-иммуностимуляторов. Осуществлено структурирование отобранного перечня лекарственных средств по АТС-классификации, происхождению, составу, производственному признаку и виду лекарственной формы. По производственному признаку – большинство лекарственных средств отечественного производства (63,58 %). Определено, что препараты исследуемого сегмента выпускаются в виде твердых и жидких лекарственных форм. Доминантными на отечественном фармацевтическом рынке являются растворы для инъекций и недостаточно развитым является ассортимент твердых лекарственных форм. На фармацевтическом рынке отсутствуют препараты данной группы с природными глинами, в частности, глинами желтой и зеленой. Выводы. Доказано отсутствие на украинском рынке иммуностимуляторов на основе природных глин, что свидетельствует о целесообразности внедрения на рынок новых отечественных препаратов с иммуностимулирующим действием на основе природных глин, в частности, глин желтой и зеленой.Мета дослідження. Провести аналіз зареєстрованих препаратів групи імуностимуляторів для обґрунтування доцільності створення та організації виробництва нових препаратів на основі природних глин і, зокрема, глин зеленої та жовтої.Матеріали та методи. У роботі використано перелік лікарських препаратів, складений за офіційними джерелами інформації, який опрацювали методами узагальнення, систематизації, графічним та методами порівняльного й структурного аналізу.Результати та їх обговорення. Проведено аналіз фармацевтичного ринку України щодо асортименту зареєстрованих лікарських препаратів-імуностимуляторів. Здійснено структуризацію відібраного переліку лікарських засобів за АТС-класифікацією, походженням, складом, виробничою ознакою і видом лікарської форми. За виробничою ознакою – більшість лікарських засобів вітчизняного виробництва (63,58 %). Визначено, що препарати досліджуваного сегмента випускають у вигляді твердих та рідких форм. Домінантними на вітчизняному фармацевтичному ринку є розчини для ін’єкцій та недостатньо розвиненим є асортимент твердих лікарських форм. На фармацевтичному ринку відсутні препарати цієї групи з природними глинами і, зокрема, глинами жовтою та зеленою.Висновки. Доведено відсутність на українському ринку імуностимуляторів на основі природних глин, що свідчить про доцільність упровадження на ринок нових вітчизняних препаратів з муностимулювальною дією на основі природних глин, зокрема глин жовтої та зеленої


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    The coding of remainders number witch submitted the appropriate modules of residual classes system (RCS), made with data from complete system of the smallest non-negative residues (CSSNR) was showed in the article. In this aspect, CSSNR is the basis for the construction of non-positional code structure in RCS. Possible field of science and engineering, where there is an urgent need for fast, reliable and high-precision integer calculations were clarified and systematized in the paper. On the basis of studies of the properties of RCS were examined the advantages and disadvantages of using modular arithmetic (MA). Using the results of the analysis of problems of integer data and a set of positive attributes of MA, the classes of problems and algorithms, which using RCS, much more efficient binary positional numeral systems were defined in the article

    Decay of escherichia coli in soil following the application of biosolids to agricultural land

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    The decay of Escherichia coli in a sandy loam soil, amended with enhanced and conventionally treated biosolids, was investigated in a field experiment following spring and autumn applications of sewage sludge. Control soils, without the application of biosolids, were also examined to determine the background indigenous populations of E. coli which are present in the environment. The survival of indigenous E. coli and populations of E. coli applied to soil in biosolids, is assessed in relation to environmental factors influencing pathogen-decay processes in soil

    Tailoring surface properties, biocompatibility and corrosion behavior of stainless steel by laser induced periodic surface treatment towards developing biomimetic stents

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    Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures (LIPSS) holds great potential for regenerative biomedicine. Creating highly precise LIPSS enables to generate biomimetic implant surfaces with improved properties. The present study focuses on the fabrication and investigation of laser-treated stainless steel samples with applied linear LIPSS patterns with grooves made by means of a picosecond laser system using wavelengths of 1064 nm and 532 nm. To investigate properties of the laser-treated surfaces and to understand the basics of cell-surface interactions between the LIPSS and human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells (UCMSC), flat stainless steel samples with various applied nanopatterns were used. Such LIPSSs demonstrated higher surface roughness, good biocompatibility, lower wettability and higher corrosion resistance compared to the untreated (polished) spec-imens. The surface roughness of laser-treated samples was in microscale that enabled adhesion and migration of endothelial cells, thus increasing the likelihood for endothelialisation. This thereby could reduce the chances for the development of Late Stent Thrombosis (LST) and In-Stent Restenosis (ISR). Furthermore, laser textured surfaces demonstrated an environment supportive for cell attachment, proliferation and alignment with the nanogroves. Therefore, application of the biomimetic nanopatterns could help to overcome frequent post-surgery complications after the stent implantation

    Material condition assessment with eddy current sensors

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    Eddy current sensors and sensor arrays are used for process quality and material condition assessment of conducting materials. In an embodiment, changes in spatially registered high resolution images taken before and after cold work processing reflect the quality of the process, such as intensity and coverage. These images also permit the suppression or removal of local outlier variations. Anisotropy in a material property, such as magnetic permeability or electrical conductivity, can be intentionally introduced and used to assess material condition resulting from an operation, such as a cold work or heat treatment. The anisotropy is determined by sensors that provide directional property measurements. The sensor directionality arises from constructs that use a linear conducting drive segment to impose the magnetic field in a test material. Maintaining the orientation of this drive segment, and associated sense elements, relative to a material edge provides enhanced sensitivity for crack detection at edges

    Decreased pain in split-thickness skin graft donor sites with the use of a non-adherent polyurethane dressing

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    Donor sites of split-thickness skin grafts (STSGs) are painful and limit patient rehabilitation. We conducted this study to assess the efficacy of a non-adherent polyurethane dressing in reducing pain and its effect on the epithelialization rate of donor sites of STSGs. Methods: Fifteen patients requiring an STSG were included. In 10 patients the donor sites were randomly divided into two halves and covered with either a non-adherent polyurethane dressing or a standard non-adherent gauze. In five patients with bilateral donor sites, one side was covered with the non-adherent polyurethane dressing and the other with non-adherent gauze. The pain was assessed with a visual analog scale and epithelialization was also assessed, calculating non-epithelialized areas with image software by a blinded surgeon. Epithelialization of the wounds covered with the non-adherent polyurethane dressing was assessed at day 8 and 10 and those with non-adherent gauze at day 10. Results: Postoperative pain significantly decreased with the non-adherent polyurethane dressing during the length of the study (6.07 ± 1.46 vs. 1.72 ± 1.6) and at each time point (p < 0.001). Epithelialization was not affected with the polyurethane dressing, compared to the standard method

    Features of modeling fatty liver disease in rats of different ages based on a high-calorie diet

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    BACKGROUND: The problem of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of fat liver disease (FLD) is one of the actual problems of modern medicine. In this regard, the need for the creation of reliable experimental models of the FLD, which would be as close as possible to the pathogenetic patterns of the development of this disease in humans.AIM: To create an experimental model of FLD and compare the efficiency of its reproduction in rats of different ages.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted on male Wistar rats, whose ages at the beginning of the experiment were 3 and 18 months. Control animals were fed a standard diet. The experimental rats were kept on a diet with excess fat (45 %) and carbohydrates (31 %) for 12 weeks. The liver tissue samples were taken for morphological studies of FLD. Histological preparations were made according to the standard technique. Morphometry on digital images of micropreparations was conducted using the computer program «IMAGE J». The concentration of lipids, cholesterol, and triglecerides in the liver tissue was determined, and the concentration of ALT in the blood serum was determined. To assess the biophysical properties of the liver tissue, the method of multifrequency bioimpedance measurement was used.RESULTS: The transfer of animals to a high-calorie diet developed by us led to the development of FLD. This was evidenced by an increase of the liver mass, its pale shade and soft consistency. Morphometric signs of FLD were also revealed. Hypertrophy of hepatocytes was observed with a simultaneous decrease in the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio; accumulation of numerous lipid inclusions in the cytoplasm and the appearance of large lipid droplets replacing the voids of dead hepatocytes. The number of binuclear hepatocytes and nucleolus in the nucleus, the relative area of the sinusoid network were decreased. An increase in the concentration of lipids, cholesterol and triglecerides in the liver tissue of experimental rats, as well as the activity of ALT in the blood serum, was observed. Changes in the bioimpedance measurements of the liver tissue also indicated the  development of severe fatty degeneration of the liver in both young (to a greater extent) and old rats.CONCLUSION: The model of FLD we have advanced based on a combined (fat-carbohydrate) high-calorie diet. It leads to the development of pronounced morphological, biochemical and biophysical signs of this pathology in all experimental rats. The most pronounced manifestations of FLD are observed in young animals

    Влияние прерывистой гипо- и гипероксии на состояние респираторного отдела легких

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    Summary. An influence of normobaric hypoxic (10 % of oxygen in nitrogen) and hyperoxic (40 % of oxygen in nitrogen) breathing sessions on the respiratory part of the lungs was investigated in rats of 3 month of age. After 28 daily hypoxic sessions, 30 min each, we detected lung hyperinflation, an enlargement of the total alveolar area and reduction in connecting tissue elements in the lungs. After 28 daily hyperoxic sessions, 60 min each, we found reduction in mean diameter, depth, cross-sectional area and the entrance size of alveoli, increased the amount of collagen fibers, the alveolar wall thickness and increased oxyproline concentration in the lungs. These findings could indicate the connecting tissue growth in the respiratory part of the lungs and worsening of oxygen diffusion through the blood-air barrier.Резюме. Исследовалось влияние сеансов дыхания нормобарической гипо- (10 % кислорода в азоте) и гипероксической (40 % кислорода в азоте) газовой смесью на состояние респираторного отдела легких 3-месячных крыс. После 28 ежедневных (по 30 мин) сеансов гипоксии обнаружилось увеличение воздушности респираторного отдела и общей площади альвеолярной поверхности, снижение количества элементов соединительной ткани в легких, уменьшение среднего диаметра, глубины, площади поперечного сечения альвеол, ширины входа в альвеолу, увеличение количества коллагеновых волокон, толщины межальвеолярной перегородки и концентрации общего оксипролина в легких. Это может свидетельствовать о разрастании соединительной ткани в респираторном отделе легких, ухудшении условий диффузии кислорода через аэрогематический барьер