823 research outputs found

    Prediction of Gas Consumption in Transportation Based on Grey System Theory

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    Prediction of gasoline consumption in transportation accurately has important reference value for the scientific planning and decision making on the energy needs and environmental protection. For the lack of historical data of gasoline consumption in transportation, a grey gas consumption prediction model is built based on grey system modeling and the analysis of degree of grey incidence and residual. Contrastive analysis of specific value of the variance and small error probability of a case study with accuracy grades indicated that the gray gas consumption prediction model is fitting precisely and reliable

    Spectral and Timing Properties of IGR J17091-3624 in the Rising Hard State During its 2016 Outburst

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    We present a spectral and timing study of the NuSTAR and Swift observations of the black hole candidate IGR J17091-3624 in the hard state during its outburst in 2016. Disk reflection is detected in each of the NuSTAR spectra taken in three epochs. Fitting with relativistic reflection models reveals that the accretion disk is truncated during all epochs with Rin>10 rgR_{\rm in}>10~r_{\rm g}, with the data favoring a low disk inclination of 3040\sim 30^{\circ}-40^{\circ}. The steepening of the continuum spectra between epochs is accompanied by a decrease in the high energy cut-off: the electron temperature kTekT_{\rm e} drops from 64\sim 64 keV to 26\sim 26 keV, changing systematically with the source flux. We detect type-C QPOs in the power spectra with frequency varying between 0.131 Hz and 0.327 Hz. In addition, a secondary peak is found in the power spectra centered at about 2.3 times the QPO frequency during all three epochs. The nature of this secondary frequency is uncertain, however a non-harmonic origin is favored. We investigate the evolution of the timing and spectral properties during the rising phase of the outburst and discuss their physical implications.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted by Ap

    Circumventing qPCR inhibition to amplify miRNAs in plasma

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    Background: Circulating microRNAs (c-miRNAs) have be identified in saliva, urine and blood, which has led to increasing interest in their development as biomarkers for diverse diseases including cancers. One of the key advantages of c-miRNAs over other biomarkers is the ability to be amplified and quantified by quantitative PCR (qPCR). However, at phlebotomy when whole blood is dispensed into heparinized tubes, residual levels of the anti-coagulant lithium heparin may remain in the plasma and hence with RNA isolated from the plasma. This can confound the detection of c-miRNAs by qPCR because it inhibits reverse transcriptase (RT). Here we present a procedure, modified from earlier techniques, to detect c-miRNAs in plasma that improves sensitivity and streamlines performance.Findings: Treatment of total RNA isolated from human blood plasma with Bacteroides heparinase I during reverse transcription at 37°C for one hour improved sensitivity and performance of the qPCR. This is in comparison to no treatment or treatment of the RNA prior to RT, which is the current suggested method and exposes plasma to Flavobacterium heparinum heparinase I for up to 2 hours before RT. This modest alteration improved qPCR performance and resulted in lowered threshold cycles (C) for detection of the target sequence, candidate c-miRNA biomarkers, and controls. It also reduced the expense and number of processing steps, shortening the duration of the assay and minimizing exposure of RNA to elevated temperatures.Conclusion: Incorporating Bacteroides heparinase I treatment into conventional RT protocols targeting c-miRNA in plasma can be expected to expedite the discovery of biomarkers

    Alterations in Phosphorylated CREB Expression in Different Brain Regions following Short- and Long-Term Morphine Exposure: Relationship to Food Intake

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    Background. Activation of the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)/phosphorylated CREB (P-CREB) system in different brain regions has been implicated in mediating opioid tolerance and dependence, while alteration of this system in the lateral hypothalamus (LH) has been suggested to have a role in food intake and body weight. Methods. Given that opioids regulate food intake, we measured P-CREB in different brain regions in mice exposed to morphine treatments designed to induce different degrees of tolerance and dependence. Results. We found that a single morphine injection or daily morphine injections for 8 days did not influence P-CREB levels, while the escalating dose of morphine regimen raised P-CREB levels only in the ventral tegmental area (VTA). Chronic morphine pellet implantation for 7 days raised P-CREB levels in the LH, VTA, and dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (DM) but not in the nucleus accumbens and amygdala. Increased P-CREB levels in LH, VTA, and DM following 7-day treatment with morphine pellets and increased P-CREB levels in the VTA following escalating doses of morphine were associated with decreased food intake and body weight. Conclusion. The morphine regulation of P-CREB may explain some of the physiological sequelae of opioid exposure including altered food intake and body weight

    Demo: iJam with Channel Randomization

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    Physical-layer key generation methods utilize the variations of the communication channel to achieve a secure key agreement between two parties with no prior security association. Their secrecy rate (bit generation rate) depends heavily on the randomness of the channel, which may reduce significantly in a stable environment. Existing methods seek to improve the secrecy rate by injecting artificial noise into the channel. Unfortunately, noise injection cannot alter the underlying channel state, which depends on the multipath environment between the transmitter and receiver. Consequently, these methods are known to leak key bits toward multi-antenna eavesdroppers, which is capable of filtering the noise through the differential of multiple signal receptions. This work demonstrates an improved approach to reinforce physical-layer key generation schemes, e.g., channel randomization. The channel randomization approach leverages a reconfigurable antenna to rapidly change the channel state during transmission, and an angle-of-departure (AoD) based channel estimation algorithm to cancel the changing effects for the intended receiver. The combined result is a communication channel stable in the eyes of the intended receiver but randomly changing from the viewpoint of the eavesdropper. We augmented an existing physical-layer key generation protocol, iJam, with the proposed approach and developed a full-fledged remote instrumentation platform to demonstrate its performance. Our evaluations show that augmentation does not affect the bit error rate (BER) of the intended receiver during key establishment but reduces the eavesdropper's BER to the level of random guessing, regardless of the number of antennas it equips

    Loss-of-function mutations in Lysyl-tRNA synthetase cause various leukoencephalopathy phenotypes

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    Objective: To expand the clinical spectrum of lysyl-tRNA synthetase (KARS) gene–related diseases, which so far includes Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, congenital visual impairment and microcephaly, and nonsyndromic hearing impairment. Methods: Whole-exome sequencing was performed on index patients from 4 unrelated families with leukoencephalopathy. Candidate pathogenic variants and their cosegregation were confirmed by Sanger sequencing. Effects of mutations on KARS protein function were examined by aminoacylation assays and yeast complementation assays. Results: Common clinical features of the patients in this study included impaired cognitive ability, seizure, hypotonia, ataxia, and abnormal brain imaging, suggesting that the CNS involvement is the main clinical presentation. Six previously unreported and 1 known KARS mutations were identified and cosegregated in these families. Two patients are compound heterozygous for missense mutations, 1 patient is homozygous for a missense mutation, and 1 patient harbored an insertion mutation and a missense mutation. Functional and structural analyses revealed that these mutations impair aminoacylation activity of lysyl-tRNA synthetase, indicating that de- fective KARS function is responsible for the phenotypes in these individuals. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that patients with loss-of-function KARS mutations can manifest CNS disorders, thus broadening the phenotypic spectrum associated with KARS-related disease

    Stress State Evaluation by an Improved Support Vector Machine

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    Effective methods of evaluation of the psychological pressure can detect and assess realtime stress states, warning people to pay necessary attention to their health. This study is focused on the stress assessment issue using an improved support vector machine (SVM) algorithm on the base of surface electromyographic signals. After the samples were clustered, the cluster results were given to the loss function of the SVM to screen training samples. With the imbalance amongst the training samples after screening, a weight was given to the loss function to reduce the prediction tendentiousness of the classifier and, therefore, to decrease the error of the training sample and make up for the influence of the unbalanced samples. This improved the algorithm, increased the classification accuracy from 73.79% to 81.38%, and reduced the running time from 1973.1 to 540.2 sec. Experimental results show that this algorithm can help to effectively avoid the influence of individual differences on a stress appraisal effect and to reduce the computational complexity during the training phase of the classifierЕфективні методи визначення ступеня психологічного тиску можуть забезпечувати виявлення та оцінку стресових станів у реальному часі, примушуючи людей приділяти необхідну увагу їх здоров’ю. Метою нашого дослідження було оцінити стан стресу з використанням покращеного методу опорних векторів (SVM), базуючись на відведенні поверхневих електроміограм. Після того, як зразки даних були кластеризовані, результати передавалися до функції розділення SVM для того, щоб представити тренувальні зразки. Після встановлення дисбалансу між тренувальними зразками після скринінга для функції розділення надавався параметр ваги для зменшення тенденційності прогнозування класифікатора і, таким чином, зменшення похибки тренувального зразка і впливу незбалансованих зразків. Це покращувало алгоритм, підвищувало точність класифікації від 73.79 до 81.38 % та зменшувало час обробки від 1973.1 до 540.2 с. Результати експериментів показали, що даний алгоритм може допомогти ефективно уникнути впливу індивідуальних відмінностей на оцінювання стресу та зменшити складність комп’ютерних розрахунків у перебігу тренувальної фази діяльності класифікатора

    Public views of the Sustainable Development Goals across countries

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    The United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) offer an extensive framework for coordinating and shaping government policies, and for engaging the public with sustainability. Public understanding of the SDGs and sustainability can influence this engagement, as people are more likely to accept and share information consistent with their own understanding. We identify public understandings of SDGs through mental maps of how people relate the SDGs to environmental, social and economic sustainability. Using responses from 12 developed/developing countries (n = 2,134), we identified four mental maps that varied mainly on two dimensions, which diverged from some expert models. Some people’s mental maps identified tension between achieving environmental versus social sustainability, whereas for others the tension was between economic sustainability and the other two sustainability elements. Some people related different SDGs to each element of sustainability, whereas others saw all SDGs as targeting the same sustainability element(s). These findings highlight opportunities and challenges to engage the public with sustainability more effectively, especially with wide-ranging initiatives such as a Green New Deal. We observed cultural differences but we also identified a dominant mental map across countries that could serve as a default model for communicating sustainability internationally