3,054 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of Post-Replication DNA Repair

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    Accurate DNA replication is crucial for cell survival and the maintenance of genome stability. Cells have developed mechanisms to cope with the frequent genotoxic injuries that arise from both endogenous and environmental sources. Lesions encountered during DNA replication are often tolerated by post-replication repair mechanisms that prevent replication fork collapse and avert the formation of DNA double strand breaks. There are two predominant post-replication repair pathways, trans-lesion synthesis (TLS) and template switching (TS). TLS is a DNA damage-tolerant and low-fidelity mode of DNA synthesis that utilizes specialized ‘Y-family’ DNA polymerases to replicate damaged templates. TS, however, is an error-free ‘DNA damage avoidance’ mode of DNA synthesis that uses a newly synthesized sister chromatid as a template in lieu of the damaged parent strand. Both TLS and TS pathways are tightly controlled signaling cascades that integrate DNA synthesis with the overall DNA damage response and are thus crucial for genome stability. This review will cover the current knowledge of the primary mediators of post-replication repair and how they are regulated in the cell

    Evaluating the effectiveness of rural development policy in meeting environmental objectives

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    This study aims to evaluate Rural Development Policy (RDP) and its ability to meet environmental objectives at European, national and regional levels. Policy evaluation is necessary to assess the processes and impact of policies and programmes to meet desired outcomes, to further ensure accountability of public funds. There a number of evaluation approaches that have varying abilities to examine the variety of interacting policy determinants. This study explores both quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate the Scottish RDP Rural Priorities scheme performance for the programme period 2007-2013. The Rural Priorities scheme is an important mechanism for achieving environmental objectives through regionalisation. Spatial econometrics, in-depth interviews, and stakeholder power mapping were used to assess policy determinants, such as; farming characteristics, land capability, designated sites status, and accessibility and population as well as less tangible policy aspects such as; policy design, stakeholder power balances, and governance structures. Furthermore these methods were assessed singularly and in collaboration in their abilities to identify strengths and weakness in RDP participatory and environmental performance. This diversity of information contributes to the European Commission funded research project, SPARD (Spatial Analysis of Rural Development), which aims to help policy-makers understand the causal relationships between rural development measures and their consequences in a spatial dimension

    Penentuan Preferensi dan Kebutuhan Penerima Donasi Smartphone Serta Perancangan Business Model Canvas dan Proses Bisnis Lembaga Donasi Smartphone Bekas

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    Pandemi COVID-19 telah membuat banyak perubahan dalam sektor pendidikan. Sekolah-sekolah harus dijalankan secara online selama beberapa waktu. Walaupun saat ini Pertemuan Tatap Muka (PTM) telah dilakukan, ada sekolah yang masih menjalankan secara hybrid dan penggunaan smartphone masih diperlukan. Akan tetapi, masih banyak siswa, khususnya anak-anak panti asuhan, yang masih belum memiliki smartphone. Hasil penelitian Lestari (2021) sebelumnya menunjukkan preferensi dari sisi donatur yang kemudian digunakan untuk merancang Business Model Canvas (BMC) dan proses bisnis dari sisi donatur. Oleh karena itu diperlukan penelitian mengenai referensi dan kebutuhan penerima donasi serta Business Model Canvas (BMC) dan proses bisnis yang dibuat berdasarkan sudut pandang penerima donasi. Kuesioner yang dibuat menjadi dua bagian, yaitu untuk anak asuh dan pengasuh/pengurus disebarkan ke panti asuhan di Indonesia melalui media sosial. Sebanyak 53 data kuesioner dari anak asuh dan 10 data kuesioner dari pengasuh/pengurus dikumpulkan secara online dan diolah menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil kuesioner menunjukkan informasi yang diinginkan oleh anak asuh maupun pengasuh/pengurus untuk ada di platform donasi. Secara urut dari yang terpenting, informasi yang diinginkan ada oleh anak asuh adalah spesifikasi smartphone, kondisi smartphone, lokasi donatur, tampilan yang mudah dipahami, dan cara pengantaran smartphone. Prioritas informasi yang diinginkan oleh pengasuh/pengurus hampir sama dengan anak asuh, tetapi prioritas satu adalah kondisi smartphone sedangkan prioritas 2 adalah spesifikasi smartphone. Tiga spesifikasi smartphone yang dibutuhkan adalah memori, baterai, dan kamera. Hasil kuesioner ini kemudian digunakan untuk merancang BMC dan proses bisnis dari sudut pandang penerima donasi

    Video-Based Depression Detection Using Local Curvelet Binary Patterns in Pairwise Orthogonal Planes

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    International audienceDepression is an increasingly prevalent mood disorder. This is the reason why the field of computer-based depression assessment has been gaining the attention of the research community during the past couple of years. The present work proposes two algorithms for depression detection, one Frame-based and the second Video-based, both employing Curvelet transform and Local Binary Patterns. The main advantage of these methods is that they have significantly lower computational requirements, as the extracted features are of very low dimensionality. This is achieved by modifying the previously proposed algorithm which considers Three-Orthogonal-Planes, to only Pairwise-Orthogonal-Planes. Performance of the algorithms was tested on the benchmark dataset provided by the Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge 2014, with the person-specific system achieving 97.6% classification accuracy, and the person-independed one yielding promising preliminary results of 74.5% accuracy. The paper concludes with open issues, proposed solutions, and future plans
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