1,526 research outputs found

    Feynman formulae and phase space Feynman path integrals for tau-quantization of some L\'evy-Khintchine type Hamilton functions

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    This note is devoted to representation of some evolution semigroups. The semigroups are generated by pseudo-differential operators, which are obtained by different (parametrized by a number τ\tau) procedures of quantization from a certain class of functions (or symbols) defined on the phase space. This class contains functions which are second order polynomials with respect to the momentum variable and also some other functions. The considered semigroups are represented as limits of nn-fold iterated integrals when nn tends to infinity (such representations are called Feynman formulae). Some of these representations are constructed with the help of another pseudo-differential operators, obtained by the same procedure of quantization (such representations are called Hamiltonian Feynman formulae). Some representations are based on integral operators with elementary kernels (these ones are called Lagrangian Feynman formulae and are suitable for computations). A family of phase space Feynman pseudomeasures corresponding to different procedures of quantization is introduced. The considered evolution semigroups are represented also as phase space Feynman path integrals with respect to these Feynman pseudomeasures. The obtained Lagrangian Feynman formulae allow to calculate these phase space Feynman path integrals and to connect them with some functional integrals with respect to probability measures

    Designing and Building Client-Server Based Student Admission Applications

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    Admission of New Students is a routine activity organized by the Educational Institution. Early Childhood Education (PAUD) is included in out-of-school education in the age range of two to five years, the goal is to help improve physical and spiritual growth and development so that children have the readiness to enter further education. Admission of New Students to Al-Qudwah is still done using prospective students visiting Al-Qudwah and filling out the registration form with paper. New Student Admission Application at Al Quwah aims to promote the school to the community at large and can also be registered without parents of prospective students visiting educational institutions. This application makes it easy for parents of prospective students to find out the facilities and infrastructure and the information available on Al Quwah. We built this application using HTML and PHP programming languages with the PHP MySQL database and using the waterfall method

    Determination Of Consumer Preferences Of Different Groups Of Food

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    Marketing research of consumer preferences of consumers when purchasing various groups of food products are conducted, the factors affecting respondents when purchasing food products are studied. It is established that the consumer in its daily diet takes 10.5 % of bakery products; 7.1 % cereals and soups based on cereals and legumes. 9.5 % of respondents consume confectionery for breakfast and during snacks, and 6.2 % consume sweets. Meat is consumed daily by 5.8 % of respondents. Products based on meat –10.7 %. 8.1 % of respondents consume fish daily and fish-based products 3.1 %. 5.9 % consume milk every day, and milk-based products – 10.2 % of respondents. 12.8 and 10.1 % of the daily diet of respondents are vegetables and fruits (respectively). It is established that the recommended consumption norms are exceeded for such food groups as sweets, meat-based products, and confectionery. Diet within the norm for the consumption of bakery products, milk, fish and fish-based products. Inadequate consumption of cereals, legumes, meat, fruits. Based on the results, it is determined that the consumer prefers food products that have a pleasant (familiar) taste, without harmful, unnatural substances, high nutritional value at a low price. The studies are useful for specialists in food industry who work and develop new foods and diets

    Marketing Studies Of Consumption Preferences At Developing Dietary Products

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    Results of marketing studies of consumption motivations and preferences at choosing bread for special dietary consumption are presented. It has been established, that 18 % of questioned give advantage to bread with a decreased amount of carbohydrates; 17 % of respondents consume bread without gluten; 13 % give preference to products, including nutrients; 10 % by iodine-containing bread; 7 % and 6 % of questioned give preference to bread with a content of soya and entersorbents. It has been established, that bread with a content of carotene and lecithin is not widely demanded among respondents as 3 % for each one. Studies of % of preferences by flour types in the bread composition allowed to make conclusions that 19 and 17 % of respondents give preference to corn and buckwheat flour due to a higher content of healthy substances, it is also an important advantage that these flour types don't contain cellulose complexes, present in the composition of wheat and barley flour, preferred by 14 and 11 % of questioned, respectively. It has been established by the experimental way, that 20 % of questioned persons feel a lack of bread with an increased content of protein at the market. 15, 12 and 10 % of respondents want widening the assortment of bread with an increased content of macroelements, vitamins and microelements. 13 and 10 % of questioned feel a lack at the market in such physiological-functional ingredients as polyunsaturated fatty acids and products of gluten-free flour. 8 % of respondents want to see in the retail network products with a content of dietary fiber and antioxidants. 9 % feel a lack of bread with a content of probiotics, 3 % of oligosaccharides. Based on the obtained results, there have been determined consumption advantages: a modern consumer gives preference to products with the improved content, usual organoleptic parameters, long storage term, low price. He/she is guided by the following criteria at buying bread: food value, caloric value, prophylactic properties

    Does content knowledge matter in scoring teacher work samples?: A study of rater differences

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    The study examines the role of rater characteristics in the assessment of teacher practice as presented in Renaissance Teacher Work Samples (RTWS). The study analyzed ratings of 10 teacher work samples submitted by teacher candidates at the University of Northern Iowa between Fall 2000 and Spring 2004. These teacher work samples, created in the area of Spanish language learning at 7-11 grade levels, were analyzed to determine the impact of content expertise, amount of teaching experience, and previous RTWS rating experience on reviewer\u27s ratings. Three study questions form the foundation for the investigation: (1) Is there a significant difference between ratings assigned by raters with foreign language content experience and raters without foreign language content experience? Does this differ by sections of the teacher work sample? (2) What is the relationship between rater\u27s overall teaching experience and his/her scoring of foreign language teacher work samples? (3) What is the impact of a rater\u27s work sample scoring experience on his/her scoring of foreign language work samples? In order to address these questions, the study used a causal-comparative research design. Dependent variables in this study were scores of work samples reported by 30 raters; independent variables were presence or absence of foreign language content expertise, as well as other demographic characteristics, such as (a) the amount of foreign language teaching experience, (b) amount of teaching experience, (c) experience with scoring work samples, (d) gender, and (e) level of education. The study employed two instruments: (a) a demographic questionnaire and (b) a RTWS scoring rubric. The investigator recruited 30 participants from various middle and high schools in Iowa. Sixteen of these participants were foreign language teachers, while the remaining fourteen were educators teaching in various content areas other than foreign language or ESL. Participants of the study were asked to participate in a Renaissance Teacher Work Sample training and scoring session, rating 10 Spanish work samples submitted by UNI teacher candidates. The analysis of the demographic data revealed that participants varied greatly in almost all the areas of the questionnaire. The TWS data analysis contributed to the further understanding of the participants\u27 rating process and outcomes, their scoring speed, and allowed to answer the questions of the study. The findings of the study indicate that there is no statistically significant difference between the ratings of the Spanish teacher work samples reported by the participants in the study. Thus, the study did not find any statistically significant impact of the rater characteristics on scorers\u27 perception of teacher practice as presented in the Spanish teacher work samples. The findings of the study support other validity and reliability studies of the RTWS methodology and instrumentation. Additionally, the study outlines several areas for further research

    Coil-helix transition of polypeptide at water-lipid interface

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    We present the exact solution of a microscopic statistical mechanical model for the transformation of a long polypeptide between an unstructured coil conformation and an α\alpha-helix conformation. The polypeptide is assumed to be adsorbed to the interface between a polar and a non-polar environment such as realized by water and the lipid bilayer of a membrane. The interfacial coil-helix transformation is the first stage in the folding process of helical membrane proteins. Depending on the values of model parameters, the conformation changes as a crossover, a discontinuous transition, or a continuous transition with helicity in the role of order parameter. Our model is constructed as a system of statistically interacting quasiparticles that are activated from the helix pseudo-vacuum. The particles represent links between adjacent residues in coil conformation that form a self-avoiding random walk in two dimensions. Explicit results are presented for helicity, entropy, heat capacity, and the average numbers and sizes of both coil and helix segments.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication by JSTA

    Substantiation Of Hot Smoking Parameters Based On Sensory Researches In Hot Fish Marinades Technology In The Jelly Pouring

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    Modern technologies of food products provide creation of healthy, tasty and safe products, characterized by high organoleptic properties, balance by main food factors and structural-mechanical parameters of a product.The main technological process in the technology of fish marinades and a jelly pouring is the hot smoking. Technological parameters of the hot smoking have been scientifically grounded on the base of the statistical processing of data of sensory studies. Organoleptic assessment of semi-products after the thermal processing was carried out by 5-point system corresponding to the elaborated scale. The quantitative assessment of organoleptic parameters of the quality of experimental samples was determined by the totality of all assessment points, taking into account chosen weight coefficients depending on the importance degree of a given parameter at forming consumer qualities of a product. The generalizing quality parameter was calculated as a sum of assessments of organoleptic parameters – taste, consistence and appearance. Individual assessments of separated quality parameters of products (in points) were put in degustation lists and statistically processed by the averaging method.The smoking process realization, according to scientifically grounded parameters allows to produce the new type of tasty, healthy and presentable culinary products of a perspective object of Ukrainian aquaculture – silver carp of a prolonged storage term