75 research outputs found


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    Math phobias are anxiety on math skills that happen to most learners. Anxiety is demonstrated by the existence of continuous fear against the object of mathematics and its learning situation. To avoid this, the facilitator must create a situation that allows the learners to build their confidence in math tasks. Math is characterized by abstract ideas in the form of abstract symbols that require delivery within a less abstract language to avoid understanding the idea. A positive attitude towards mathematics appears closely related to the previous experience in both the mathematical object and the classroom situation. Therefore, developing a positive attitude against math phobia requires the content to be delivered in an attractive manner in every learning process. The presentation of mathematical formulas should be adjusted according to the learning basic ability and sometimes accompanied by an inductive approach. As the facilitator of learning, the teacher must seek a learning environment that can encourage learners to behave positively and passionately in learning mathematics

    Risk Management in Islamic Banks

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    In the last few years, several significant developments have been witnessed in the banking and financial processes. In the meantime, both the risk and competition faced by banks in stock markets have risen. As a result, the investment mechanisms and approaches of Islamic banks need to be found, bearing in mind that these banks encounter relatively higher risk that traditional institutions. Due to their commitment to the Shari'a rules of financial transactions, they have limited choice about risk and, thus, it becomes necessary to analyze, manage and control risk.To reduce and resist current and future risk, Islamic banks, in particular, should investigate its types and how to manage them. Upon the great success of such institutions in the banking and financial milieus throughout the world, they are urged to develop their risk management methods. The present study analyzes the risk facing all banks, especially those facing Islamic Banks, and the means to manage and control such risk. Keywords: Islamic Banking Risk, Risk Management, Financial Ris

    Analisis Gerak Partikel dalam Ruang Waktu Lengkung dengan Fungsi Green

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    Motion of particle in curved spacetime as generalization of flat space-time with metric gµʋ the motion in this article is scalar charge q, electric charge e,and particle mass m will produce field that can have the behavior as a radiation zone of electromagnetic wave, by applying Maxwell equation on Green function motion of particle is represented in form of acceleration that can be determined

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Matematika Video Interaktif berbasis Multimedia

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    This article discusses the development of mathematics learning media in the form of interactive multimedia-based videos. Media development was carried out for learning flat-plane geometry on the topic of kites. The media development method used a descriptive approach through 3 stages, namely defining, designing, and developing by involving students of SMP Negeri 3 Gorontalo as research subjects. The multimedia-based interactive video learning media produced was declared valid based on expert judgment both in terms of media and on material substance. In its application, there was a positive response from more than 70% of students who took part in the learning process. This shows that the multimedia-based interactive video learning media is good and suitable for use as a medium for learning mathematics

    Efektivitas Pembelajaran Daring Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

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    This article discusses the effectiveness of online learning in the mathematics education study program at the State University of Gorontalo. It intends to describe the effectiveness of online learning in the mathematics education study program. This research uses descriptive quantitative research methods and data collection techniques by distributing questionnaires and observations. The results showed that the effectiveness of online learning in the mathematics education study program at the State University of Gorontalo was effective. The effectiveness is indicated by the results of observations that meet the effectiveness criteria. The analysis of the questionnaire obtained based on three aspects is in the fairly good category, namely the learning planning aspect with a percentage of 76.67% classified in the good enough category, and the online learning activity aspect with a percentage of 73.11% is classified in the good enough category, aspects of media and online learning facilities with a percentage of 64.83% classified in the fairly good category. This result means that online learning can be an effective learning alternative if it has a good learning plan, interesting learning activities, as well as supporting and adequate media and facilities

    Synthesis and characterization of lawsone-intercalated Zn-Al-layered double hydroxide.

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    A drug-inorganic nanostructured material involving pharmaceutically active compound lawsone intercalated Zn-Al layered double hydroxides (Law-LDHs) with Zn/AI = 4 has been assembled by co-precipitation and ion exchange methods. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR) analysis indicate a successful intercalation of lawsone between the layers of layered double hydroxides. It suggests that layered double hydroxides may have application as the basis of a drug delivery system

    The Influence of Public Debt on Economic Growth: a Review of Literature

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    Purpose: This paper conducts a thorough examination of the theoretical and empirical literature on the influence of public debt on economic growth in both developed and developing economies. The drive of this research is to determine whether there is mutual agreement on the effects of public debt on economic growth in global economies.   Design/methodology/approach: A literature review approach is adopted, and the current implications and future directions are explored based on theoretical and empirical analyses.   Findings: The investigation uncovers a range of contradictory information on the relative influence of public debt on economic growth. Although most of the literature reviewed supports the negative impact of public debt on economic growth, several other studies have found a long-run affirmative influence of public debt on economic growth via the fiscal multiplier effect. The article also uncovered that a few more research back up the Ricardian Equivalence Hypothesis (REH), which claims that there is no relationship between public debt and economic growth. Overall, it indicates that theoretical models and empirical studies produce indecisive outcomes based on a variety of criteria such as the level of development of the sampled nations, the methodology utilized, data coverage, and the researchers' choice of control variables, among others.   Practical implications: The outcomes may assist policymakers and governments in designing fiscal policies by analysing how existing debts affect the level of growth

    The Relationship Between Savings and Investment: Evidence From Jordan

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    Purpose: This study aimed to examine the relationship between savings and investment in the Jordanian economy during the period (1980-2020).   Design/Methodology/Approach: This study was done using Augmented Dicky Fuller and Phillips-Perron unit root tests, and Lumsdaine and Papell unit root tests with structural breaks to determine if the time-series variables are stable or not. The Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Bounds test method was used in this study to test long-run relationship between savings and investment   Findings: The findings of the Bounds test suggest a term savings-investment relationship. This outcome is consistent with a number of recent research reviewed in the literature that have shown that saving and investment are co-integrated in the long term.   Practical implications: keeping a sustainable supply of savings should be a top policy goal for economic stability, which can assist policymakers and institutions in selecting their future actions

    Penerapan Problem Based Learning untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Materi Bentuk Aljabar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat peningakatan hasil belajar matematis siswa dalam materi operasi bentuk aljabar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang terdiri dari 2 siklus dan menggunakan  model pembelajaran problem based learning. Subjek penelitian ini siswa kelas VII-D SMP Negeri 1 Kabila. Instrumen digunakan untuk penelitian ini yaitu lembar obesrvasi kegiatan guru dan  siswa, serta tes hasil belajar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar matematis siswa meningkat setiap siklusnya. Hasil observasi observasi guru  siklus I 75,16% meningkat 93,33% di siklus II. Hasil observasi siswa siklus I 70,83% meningkat 91,66% pada siklus II. Selanjutnya, Hasil belajar siswa meningkat dari siklus I dari 67,86% meningkat 89,29%. Disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran problem based learning bisa meningkatkan hasil belajar matematis siswa