159 research outputs found

    Studies on the sensitizations period of passive anaphylaxis

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    The duration of sensitization in guinea pig injected with antiegg white rabbit serum was measured by the passive anaphylaxic method. The results were as follows, 1. The precipitin of the passive sensitized guinea pig remained in its blood vessel in proportion to sensitized precipitin titer. 2. The duration of sensitization measured by foetal anaphylaxis took a longer time in proportion to sensitized antibody titer. 3. It was found that the complement titer after anaphylaxis proved decrease in proportion to the sensitized precipitin titer

    Development of flexible software for studying peripheral nerve regeneration

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    O estudo da recuperação de lesões nervosas periféricas do isquiático, fibular e tibial, obtidos através da análise motora, é considerado um bom critério de avaliação para a quantificação do grau de avaliação nervosa. O sistema de Análise Funcional dos Nervos Periféricos - AFNP que tem a funcionalidade da informatização deste processo, além de fornecer ao usuário uma maior agilidade na avaliação, permite ao pesquisador a utilização de um número maior de animais nos grupos experimentais, facilitando não só a captação, bem como o armazenamento e o processamento dos dados. A flexibilidade foi um resultado muito importante a ser ressaltado, pois mais de um usuário tem a possibilidade de interagir no sistema.The study of the peripheral nerve regeneration after sciatic, fibular and tibial injuries, obtained through motion analysis, is regarded as a good evaluation criterion for quantifying the degree of nervous evaluation. The Functional Analysis of the Peripheral Nerves (AFNP) system that can transform this process into a computed one, not only provides the user with a higher evaluation agility, but also allows researchers to use a larger number of animals on experimental groups, facilitating the capture and data storage and processing, as well. Flexibility was a very important result to be highlighted, because more than one user is able to interact with the system

    Evaluasi fasilitas ruang parkir (studi kasus : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Airlangga Surabaya)

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    Perparkiran merupakan masalah yang sering dijumpai, apalagi pada lokasi yang mempunyai aktivitas tinggi seperti sekolah/perguruan tinggi, ketersediaan ruang parkir pada sekolah/perguruan tinggi seringkali tidak mencukupi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ruang parkir yang dibutuhkan. Sehingga perlu dibutuhkan evaluasi terhadap kebutuhan ruang parkir. Dalam melakukan evaluasi fasilitas ruang parkir, diawali dengan tahap persiapan yang meliputi kegiatan mencari literatur yang mengikuti pedoman Direktorat Jendaral Perhubungan Darat 1998, setelah itu melakukan survey pendahuluan, serta pengumpulan data yang terdiri dari data primer (survey lapangan) dan data sekunder (dari instansi terkait). Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh karakteristik parkir yang meliputi : durasi parkir maksimum, sebesar 300 menit (sepeda motor) dan 360 menit (mobil) pada hari efektif. Akumulasi parkir maksimum sebesar 740 kendaraan (sepeda motor) dan 63 kendaraan (mobil) pada hari efektif. Volume parkir maksimum sebesar 269 kend/jam (sepeda motor) dan 24 kend/jam (mobil). Indeks parkir maksimum sebesar 120,67 % (sepeda motor) dan 123,08 % (mobil) pada hari efektif. Turnover parking sebesar 2,25 kali (sepeda motor) dan 1,79 kali (mobil) pada hari efektif. Kapasitas statis yang ada sebesar 642 (sepeda motor) dan 52 (mobil). Okupansi sebesar 118,59 % (sepeda motor) dan 121,15 % (mobil) pada hari efektif. Kebutuhan ruang parkir sebesar 828 SRP (sepeda motor) dan 70 SRP (mobil). Jika dibandingkan dengan SRP yang tersedia saat ini, 624 SRP (sepeda motor) dan 52 SRP (mobil), lahan parkir sudah tidak mencukupi lagi. ====================================================================================================== Parking is a problem that is often encountered, especially in locations that have high activity such as school / college, the availability of parking spaces at the school / college is often not sufficient to meet the needs of parking spaces required. So that needs to be required evaluation of the parking space requirements. In conducting the evaluation facility parking space, beginning with the preparation phase includes activities to find literature that follows the guidelines of Direktorat Jendaral Perhubungan Darat 1998, after the conduct preliminary surveys and data collection consisting of primary data (field survey) and secondary data (from the relevant agencies ). The results of this study showed that parking characteristics include: maximum parking duration, amounting to 300 minutes (motorbike) and 360 minutes (car) on the effective day. The maximum parking accumulation of 740 vehicles (motorcycles) and 63 vehicles (cars) on the effective day. The maximum parking volume was 269 vehicles / hour (motorcycles) and 24 vehicles / hour (car). The maximum parking Index by 120.67% (motorcycles) and 123.08% (cars) on the effective day. Parking turnover of 2.25 times (motorbike) and 1.79 times (car) on the effective day. The capacity of the existing static at 642 (motorbike) and 52 (cars). Occupancy by 118.59% (motorcycles) and 121.15% (cars) on the effective day. Parking space requirement of 828 SRP (motorcycles) and 70 SRP (car). When compared with the currently available SRP, the SRP 624 (motorbike) and 52 SRP (car), parking space is not sufficient anymore


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    Open House, ISM in National Center of Sciences Building, 2019.6.05統計数理研究所オープンハウス(学術総合センター)、R1.6.5ポスター発

    Implementação de uma política de engajamento em uma empresa de alimentos.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)O presente trabalho teve como objetivo relatar a experiência de implementação de uma política de engajamento em uma multinacional do ramo alimentício, sendo apresentadas referências teóricas pertinentes ao tema, além de experiências de estágio com as políticas da própria organização e uma reflexão crítica sobre todo processo visando melhorias. As atividades foram realizadas na empresa durante o período de 1 ano e 7 meses de estágio obrigatório para conclusão do curso de psicologia