117 research outputs found

    Effects of COVID 19 on Electrocardiographic Parameters: Healthy ECGs vs COVID 19 ECGs

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    The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) started in 2019 and became a pandemic by infecting many people all over the world. It is known that COVID-19 affects the heart as well as the respiratory system, and the changes it causes on the electrical activity of the heart are among the common research topics of recent studies. The electrical activity of the heart is measured by Electrocardiography (ECG). While some ECG devices give the ECG signal directly as numeric vector format, others draw the signal on paper or give results as an image. ECG images drawn on paper are usually only visually examined by the doctor, and detailed analysis is mostly attempted with low-accuracy machine learning methods. In this study, a new approach that converts ECG images drawn on paper into signals is proposed. The proposed approach was used to convert the ECG images recorded from COVID-19 and healthy people in an open source ECG image database into signals, and the obtained ECG signals were analysed in detail with signal processing methods and compared statistically between COVID-19 and healthy group and with similar studies in the literature. Results showed that, ECG characteristics were significantly changed with the COVID-19

    Attorneys\u27 Liens

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    Background: Unipolar depression is common among adolescents and has high recurrence rates. Studies conducted with adults show that oxidative stress plays a role in etiology of depression but studies with adolescent patients are limited. In addition, baseline S100B level in adult patients with depression is considered as a marker of response to treatment. The purpose of this study was to measure the levels of serum S100B, Malondialdehyde (MDA), total oxidant status (TOS), and total antioxidant status (TAS), which have not been previously investigated in adolescent patients with first-episode, drug-naïve unipolar depression, and to investigate the relationship of these parameters with disease severity and patient-specific variables. Subjects and methods: This study was conducted with 37 adolescents diagnosed with unipolar depression and 37 healthy peers. Participants were asked to fill out the Beck Depression Scale, Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders, and suicide probability questionnaires. After this procedure, 5 cc blood was collected from the adolescents and serum S100B, MDA, TOS, and OSI levels measured. Results: Serum S100B, MDA, TOS, and OSI levels were higher and TAS level was lower in patients than their healthy peers. There was no relationship between the patients\u27 severity of depression or suicide probability and these parameters. The serum S100B, MDA, TOS, and OSI levels of female patients were higher than their healthy peers, but the TAS level was not different. Male patients had higher TOS and OSI levels and lower TAS levels than their healthy peers. Conclusions: The results show that increased serum S100B, MDA, TOS and OSI levels may contribute to etiology of depression regardless of gender. The gender-specific increase in S100B and MDA levels, which were significantly increased in female adolescent patients but not in males, should be supported by further follow-up studies

    Biofabrication of in situ self assembled 3D cell cultures in a weightlessness environment generated using magnetic levitation

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    Magnetic levitation though negative magnetophoresis is a novel technology to simulate weightlessness and has recently found applications in material and biological sciences. Yet little is known about the ability of the magnetic levitation system to facilitate biofabrication of in situ three dimensional (3D) cellular structures. Here, we optimized a magnetic levitation though negative magnetophoresis protocol appropriate for long term levitated cell culture and developed an in situ 3D cellular assembly model with controlled cluster size and cellular pattern under simulated weightlessness. The developed strategy outlines a potential basis for the study of weightlessness on 3D living structures and with the opportunity for real-time imaging that is not possible with current ground-based simulated weightlessness techniques. The low-cost technique presented here may offer a wide range of biomedical applications in several research fields, including mechanobiology, drug discovery and developmental biology.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (215S862

    Perineal and Abdominal Approaches in the Surgical Treatment of Rectal Prolapse: Our 10-year Clinical Experience

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    Objective:Rectal prolapse is a rare condition characterized by protrusion of the rectum with all its layers from the anus. It is a disease that causes social and functional problems. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the abdominal and perineal approaches together with postoperative early and late results in our patients who underwent surgical treatment for rectal prolapse.Method:The records of 39 patients who were operated on with the diagnosis of rectal prolapse between 2010 and 2020 in the Department of General Surgery, Dicle University Faculty of Medicine were evaluated retrospectively. Demographic and physical examination findings of the patients, surgical methods applied, early and late postoperative complications, recurrence and mortality rates were recorded.Results:The most common complaints on admission to the hospital were gas control disorder, difficulty in defecating and getting wet with mucus. On physical examination, stage 1 rectal prolapse was found in 12.8% of the patients, and full-thickness prolapse was found in the other patients. The mean age of 39 patients included in the study was 36 (14-88) years. Of the patients included in the study, 14 (35.9%) were female and 25 (64.1%) were male. Surgery was performed with an abdominal and perineal approach in 53.8% of the patients, while laparoscopy was performed in 46.2%. The most frequently used abdominal surgical technique was Notaras (35.8%). The most common perineal approach technique was Altemeier (5.1%). Patients who underwent the perineal approach were older and had a shorter hospital stay, and it was often performed under regional anesthesia. Complications developed in the early postoperative period in 10.4% of the patients. The median hospital stay was 5 days (2-19) and the follow-up period was 13 months (9-19). Postoperative mortality did not occur in any of the patients. Hospital stay was significantly shorter in patients who underwent laparoscopic surgery. There was no statistical difference in terms of early postoperative complications and recurrence.Conclusion:Although more than a hundred surgical procedures have been described to date for the treatment of rectal prolapse, the ideal treatment method is still unclear. In terms of surgical treatment, the results of abdominal or perineal approaches to be applied are similar, considering the risk factors, patient findings and surgeon’s experience

    Recurrent and Massive Life Threatening Epistaxis due to Nasal Heroin Usage

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    Epistaxis, active bleeding from the nose, is a common ear nose and throat emergency, and can be severe or even fatal. We report a severe life threatening recurrent massive nasal bleeding caused by intranasal heroin use that has not hitherto been reported in the English literature. A 24-year-old male who took heroin several times nasally presented with massive nasal bleeding. A blood transfusion and an operation to halt nasal bleeding were required. The patient did not experience a bleeding attack 2 months following cessation of nasal heroin use

    Evaluation of effectiveness of corticosteroids in otitis media with effusion using tympanometry and cytokines: An experimental study

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    Efüzyonlu otitis media (F.OM). akut enfeksiyon semptom ve bulguları olmadan orta kulakta sıvı birikmesi olarak tanımlanır. Çocukluk çağında görülen işitme kayıplarının önemli bir nedenidir. Bu çalışmada. F.OM'nin tedavisinde, kortikosteroidlerin doza bağımlı etkinliği timpanometri ve sitokinler gibi objektif yöntemler kullanılarak araştırıldı. Ağırlıkları 300-350 gram (ort. 317.4±14.1) arasında değişen, 42 adet erkek rat kullanıldı. Östaki tüpü cerrahi olarak obstrükte edildi. Ffüzyonun oluşup oluşmadığı otomikroskopik muayene ve timpanometrik inceleme ile kontrol edildi. Efüzyon oluşan toplam 36 denek 12'şerli 3 eşit grup oluşturmak üzere randomize olarak dağıtıldı. Birinci gruptakilere tedavi verilmedi. İkinci gruptakilere 0.5 mg/kg/gün, üçüncü gruptakilere 1 mg/kg/gün steroid tedavisi postoperatif 20. günden sonra 10 gün süreyle verildi. Postoperatif 30. günde denekler sakrifıye edildi ve bulla içindeki mayi aspire edildi. Postoperatif 14. günde efiizyonun oluştuğu ve postoperatif 30. günde, kontrol grubunda efüzyonun devam ettiği, tedavi verilen gruplarda iyileşmenin olduğu otomikroskopik muayene ve timpanometrik ölçümlerle gösterildi. Orta kulak efüzyonlarındaki İL- 1 P ve TNF-a düzeylerinin steroid verilen gruplarda kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı derecede düşük olduğu (p0.05) görüldü. Sonuç olarak, EOM tedavisinde steroidler yararlıdır ve IL-lp ve TNF-a seviyelerini anlamlı derecede düşürmektedir. Steroidin 0.5 mg/kg dozu 1 mg/kg dozu kadar tedavide etkilidir. Kortikosteroidlerin yan etkileri de göz önüne alınarak tedavide düşük doz steroid kullanılabilir.EVALUATION OF EFFECTIVENESS OF CORTICOSTEROIDS İN OTITIS MEMA WITH EFFİİS1ON USING TYMPANOMETRY AN D CYTOKINES: AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY Otitis media with clTusion (OMR) is defineci as îhe presence of fluid in the midclle ear vvithoııt any symptoms ör signs of acute intectîon. OM1Î is öne of thc signîficani causcs of heanng foss m ehühood. !n îhe preseni sîudy, döşe relafed ei feetiveness oi eoriieoslerüıds in îhe managenıenl oi OMu vvas mvesHgaied by usîng ohjeciive lechnkfues sııch as tympanometry and cytokines. Forty-two malc rats, whosc wcights wcre rangcd 300 to 350 gr. (thc ıncan wcight: 3 i7,4+14. i gr) were examined m îhe preseni study, The Busîaehior! îuhe was ohsîrııcted surgicaliy. Whcthcr cffusion wa.s occurrcd was controlled by boîh otomicroscopical examiîîaî:on and tympanomelry, fhe 36 subjects, vvhieh were occorred effusioıı, \verc raııdomizely divided ınto tlıree eqıuıi groups a.s each group consssted of 12 suhjecfs, Subjecîs of Oroup I as a control were not administered any treatment during 30 days. Corticosteroid, 0.5 mg/kg/day. was administered on suhjects of group II yvhile corticosteroid, l mg/kg/day, was administered on subjccts of group İİI during 10 days, heginning at the postoperalive 20'1' day. Âil subjects vvere sacniîced on posloperalive 30'' day and the effusion vvas aspirafed nı îhe bulla. The effusion was occurrcd on the postoperative 14'T day, aııd it maintained on the 30* day in thc control grcrap. it vvas demonstratcd by otomicroscopical examinalion and. tynıpa.nomefry thal the gtoups, aûrninısiered sleroids, vvere ınıprovenıent. There was a sigııdieant ddlerenee beiween groops admiuistered steroids and coııtro! group lor hoth IL-lp and TNF~a (p0,05). 50 8. ÖZET Efüzyonlu otitis media (F.OM). akut enfeksiyon semptom ve bulguları olmadan orta kulakta sıvı birikmesi olarak tanımlanır. Çocukluk çağında görülen işitme kayıplarının önemli bir nedenidir. Bu çalışmada. F.OM'nin tedavisinde, kortikosteroidlerin doza bağımlı etkinliği timpanometri ve sitokinler gibi objektif yöntemler kullanılarak araştırıldı. Ağırlıkları 300-350 gram (ort. 317.4±14.1) arasında değişen, 42 adet erkek rat kullanıldı. Östaki tüpü cerrahi olarak obstrükte edildi. Ffüzyonun oluşup oluşmadığı otomikroskopik muayene ve timpanometrik inceleme ile kontrol edildi. Efüzyon oluşan toplam 36 denek 12'şerli 3 eşit grup oluşturmak üzere randomize olarak dağıtıldı. Birinci gruptakilere tedavi verilmedi. İkinci gruptakilere 0.5 mg/kg/gün, üçüncü gruptakilere 1 mg/kg/gün steroid tedavisi postoperatif 20. günden sonra 10 gün süreyle verildi. Postoperatif 30. günde denekler sakrifıye edildi ve bulla içindeki mayi aspire edildi. Postoperatif 14. günde efiizyonun oluştuğu ve postoperatif 30. günde, kontrol grubunda efüzyonun devam ettiği, tedavi verilen gruplarda iyileşmenin olduğu otomikroskopik muayene ve timpanometrik ölçümlerle gösterildi. Orta kulak efüzyonlarındaki İL- 1 P ve TNF-a düzeylerinin steroid verilen gruplarda kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı derecede düşük olduğu (p0.05) görüldü. Sonuç olarak, EOM tedavisinde steroidler yararlıdır ve IL-lp ve TNF-a seviyelerini anlamlı derecede düşürmektedir. Steroidin 0.5 mg/kg dozu 1 mg/kg dozu kadar tedavide etkilidir. Kortikosteroidlerin yan etkileri de göz önüne alınarak tedavide düşük doz steroid kullanılabilir. 49in condusıoii, our resulls suppoıiecl Ihııl slcroids are usefui (b r management of OMli aad llıcy sıgtıificanily decrease höt h 11,-1 (î and TNF-a. in thc managemcnt of OM F,. 0,5 mg/kg steroki döşe is eiîeciivc tıs l ıng/kg stcroid döşe. When consiclering adversc rcaction of corîîcosîeroîds. lovv döşe corticosieroid aın be ııscfu! lor nıedîca! îrcafıııcnt ofOıVlH

    Aşındırıcı Su Jeti Sisteminde Farklı Parametrelerle Kesilmiş Lif Levhanın Pürüzlülük Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi

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    Bu çalışmada, aşındırıcı su jeti (ASJ) sisteminde farklı işleme parametreleri ile kesilen orta yoğunluklu lif levha (MDF) örneklerin kenar pürüzlülük özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. 18, 36 ve 54 mm kalınlıklarında hazırlanmış olan lif levhalar, ASJ sistemi ile 50, 100 ve 200 mm/dk ilerleme hızı; 200, 300 ve 450 gr/dk aşındırıcı kütle akış oranı; 300 ve 380 MPa kesici sıvı basıncı uygulanarak kesilmiştir. Örneklerde kesim yüzeyi özellikleri Ra, Rq ve Rz pürüzlülük değerleri analiz edilerek belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre, lif levha kalınlığı ve ASJ ilerleme hızı artışına bağlı olarak pürüzlülük özellikleri de artmıştır. Diğer taraftan, aşındırıcı miktarı ve kesici sıvı basıncındaki artış ile pürüzlülük değerleri genel olarak azalma eğilimi göstermiştir. Ancak, örneklerin pürüzlülük özelliklerinde levha kalınlığı ve ASJ ilerleme hızı parametreleri birinci derecede öneme sahipken, aşındırıcı akış oranı ve kesici sıvı basıncı parametrelerinin daha az bir öneme sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir

    Magnetic Susceptibility-Based Protein Detection Using Magnetic Levitation

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    Magnetic levitation, which is a magnetic phenomenon of levitating particles suspended in a paramagnetic liquid under a nonuniform magnetic field, is a powerful tool for determining densities and magnetic properties of micro- and nanoparticles. The levitation height of particles in the magnetic field depends on the magnetic susceptibility and density difference between the object and the surrounding liquid. Here, we developed a magnetic susceptibility-based protein detection scheme in a low-cost and miniaturized magnetic levitation setup consisting of two opposing magnets to create a gradient of a magnetic field, a glass capillary channel to retain the sample, and two side mirrors to monitor inside the channel. The method includes the use of polymeric microspheres as mobile assay surfaces and magnetic nanoparticles as labels. The assay was realized by capturing the target protein to the polymer microspheres. Then, magnetic nanoparticles were attached onto the resulting microsphere-protein complex, creating a significant difference in the magnetic properties of polymer microspheres compared to those without protein. The change in the magnetic properties caused a change in the levitation height of the microspheres. The levitation heights and their distribution were then correlated to the amount of target proteins. The method enabled a detection limit of similar to 110 fg/mL biotinylated bovine serum albumin in serum. With the sandwich immunoassay developed for mouse immunoglobulin G, detection limits of 1.5 ng/mL and >10 ng/mL were achieved in buffer and serum, respectively. This approach sensed the minute changes in the volume magnetic susceptibility of the microspheres with a resolution of 4.2 x 10(-8) per 1 mu m levitation height change

    Structural Complexity and Data Breach Risk

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    Strategic transactions can affect a firm’s structural complexity and data breach risk. Mergers and acquisitions increase data breach risk by increasing firm’s structural complexity through the addition of new businesses and new IT interlinkages among the firm’s existing and newly added businesses. Divestitures reduce firm’s data breach risk by reducing the firm’s structural complexity through the removal of some business units and associated IT interlinkages. Business partnerships increase firm’s structural complexity and data breach risk by opening up the firm’s IT environment to third party business partners and creating challenges in joint governance and control of the IT interface and interaction points of the partners. We find support for these ideas in a sample of 9784 U.S. firms during 2005-2017. The proposed theory explains how and why strategic initiatives increase firms’ data breach risks