129 research outputs found

    Giant hyperplastic polyp in the stomach

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    Jeden z gigantów neurochirurgii odszedł od nas ponad dekadę temu, a w literaturze neurochirurgicznej nie poświęcono mu większej uwagi

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    One of the giants of neurological surgery left us over a decade ago. Charles George Drake died September 15, 1998 in London, Ontario after an extended bout with lung cancer. Although he will always be identified with taking posterior fossa aneurysm surgery from the realm of the daring to the domain of the routine, his contributions were much broader. Clinical neurosciences have been blessed in the past century by the life and works of Drake. In the neurosurgical world, the achievements of Drake are very well known and have been well recorded. Unfortunately, in the past decade since his passing, only one paper has been published about him and his contributions to neurosurgery. This is a historical paper regarding Charles George Drake that attempts to (1) remember Drake as a pioneer; (2) to evaluate lessons that we have learned from him; and (3) to address the question ‘What made him great?’. As per Drake's teachings, this paper is meant to articulate the unique perspectives Charlie provided with respect to how we learn our craft, maintain the integrity of reporting, and implement suggestions as to how we may progress into the future. In conclusion, it is our hope that this paper will bring to life the unique character of Drake and his unprecedented blend of genius, creativity, technical skill, introspection, and ever-present humility for all international neurosurgeons to appreciate.Charles George Drake, jeden z gigantów neurochirurgii, zmarł przed ponad 10 laty. Chociaż jego nazwisko będzie zawsze kojarzone z wprowadzeniem do praktyki chirurgicznego leczenia tętniaków tylnego dołu czaszki, wkład Drake'a w neurochirurgię jest znacznie szerszy. Niestety, w ciągu dekady od jego odejścia opublikowano tylko jeden artykuł poświęcony jego życiu i wkładowi w neurochirurgię. Niniejszy historyczny artykuł dotyczący Charlesa George'a Drake'a podejmuje próbę upamiętnienia go jako pioniera, poddania ocenie pozostawionej przez niego spuścizny i odpowiedzi na pytanie, co uczyniło go wielkim. Mamy nadzieję, że artykuł ten przybliży środowisku neurochirurgów wyjątkowy charakter Drake'a i cechujące go bezprzykładne połączenie geniuszu, kreatywności, sprawności technicznej, wglądu i nieodłącznej skromności

    Bilateral Severe Sterile Inflammation with Hypopyon after Simultaneous Intravitreal Triamcinolone Acetonide and Aflibercept Injection in a Patient with Bilateral Marked Rubeosis Associated with Ocular Ischemic Syndrome

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    We report the clinical course of a diabetic patient with bilateral cataract and rubeosis in association with ocular ischemic syndrome and initially treated him with simultaneous intravitreal 2 mg aflibercept and 2 mg triamcinolone acetonide injection at the same setting prior to planned cataract surgery and further photocoagulation. However, sterile anterior segment inflammation characterized by hypopyon occurred four days apart in OU. Right eye developed the sterile inflammation at the third postinjection day and the left eye developed the sterile inflammation at the seventh postinjection day (two days after the uneventful cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation) without any pain or significant redness. Vitreous biopsy taken during the right phacovitrectomy was negative for any microbial contamination. Both eyes were treated successfully with intensive topical prednisolone acetate with a relatively good visual outcome. It is likely that underlying ocular ischemic syndrome might have facilitated the formation of sterile inflammation as blood-aqueous barrier disruption and flare have already been present

    A 12-Year-Old Girl with Bilateral Coats Disease and ABCA4 Gene Mutation

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    A 12-year-old girl with bilateral stage 2B Coats disease was screened meticulously for a possible underlying systemic disease as she was female and the disease was bilateral. Full systemic workout turned out to be unremarkable. However, an ABCA4 gene mutation was found in the genetic analysis. NDP and TINF2 gene mutations were not present. She was successfully treated with a bilateral, single intravitreal injection of dexamethasone implant and a single session of indirect laser photocoagulation with a relatively good anatomic and functional result. To the best of our knowledge, the present case is the only reported case of Coats disease with an ABCA4 gene mutation

    LIMPRINT study - the Turkish experience

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    Background: Lymphedema and chronic oedema is a major healthcare problem in both developed and non-developed countries The LIMPRINT study is an international health service based study to determine the prevalence and functional impact in adult populations of member countries of the International Lymphoedema Framework (ILF). Methods: 1051 patients from 8 centers in Turkey were recruited using the LIMPRINT study protocol. Data were collected using the core and module tools which assess the demographic and clinical properties as well as disability and QoL. Results: Most of the Turkish patients were recruited from specialist lymphedema services and were found to be female, housewives and having secondary lymphedema due to cancer treatment. The duration of lymphedema was commonly less than 5 years and most of them had ISL Grade 2 lymphedema. Cellulitis, infection and wounds were uncommon. The majority of patients did not get any treatment or advice before. Most of the patients had impaired QoL and decreased functionality, but psychological support was neglected. Although most had social health security access to Lymphedema centres nevertheless access seemed difficult due to distance and cost. Conclusion: The study has shown the current status and characteristics of lymphedema patients, treatment conditions, the unmet need for the diagnosis and treatment as well as burden of the disease in both patients and families in Turkey. National health policies are needed for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment in Turkey that utilise this informative data

    The Effects Of Oxygen And Impurity Content On The Mechanical Properties And Conductivity Of The Copper Wires Drawn From Electrolytic Copper Rods Produced By Southwire Continuous Rod Production System

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2002Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2002Southwire sürekli bakır çubuk üretim prosesinde, ergimiş metal sıcaklığı, katılaşma hızı, oksijen içeriği, metal içerisinde yer alan empüritelerin konsantrasyonu gibi bir çok etken elektrolitik oksijenli bakır çubukların kalitesine etki etmektedir. Bu çalışmada 180-300 ppm oksijen içeriğine ve 20-40 ppm empürite konsantrasyonuna sahip sıcak işlem ile üretilmiş bakır çubukların ve bu çubuklardan soğuk işlem ile üretilen tellerin mekanik özellikleri tespit edilmiş, ayrıca oksijen ve empürite içeriğinin tellerin iletkenliğine etkisi incelenmiştir. İncelenen aralıktaki oksijen içeriğinin mekanik özellikler üzerinde, 20-40 ppm mertebesindeki empürite içeriğine göre daha etkin olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Artan oksijen miktarı ile malzemenin sünekliliğinde az da olsa bir düşüş olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Mekanik özellikler üzerinde 20-40 ppm arasında değişen empürite içeriğinin belirgin bir etkisi olmadığı saptanmıstır. Yapılan metalografik incelemelerle yoğun oksit konsantrasyonuna ve homojen olmayan partikül dağılımına sahip sıcak işlem ile üretilmiş bakır çubukların çekilebilirlik açısından deformasyon davranışlarında düşme olduğu belirlenmiştir. 20-40 ppm arasında değişen empürite konsantrasyonunun ve 180-300 ppm civarindaki oksijen içeriğinin elektrik iletkenliğinde kayda değer bir değişim yaratmadığı tespit edilmiştir.In the Southwire continuous copper rod production system, a lot of factors which are molten metal temperature, solidification rate, oxygen content, impurity level affect the quality of 8 mm dia copper rod produced by hot working. In this study, mechanical properties of hot worked copper rods and of the wires produced by cold working from this rods which have 180-300 ppm oxygen and 20-40 ppm impurity content are investigated. The effect of oxygen and impurity content of the wires is also studied. From the experimental studies, it is found that the oxygen content of the copper wires is more effective than their impurity content on the mechanical properties. The ductility of the wires decrease with increasing oxygen content. The impurity content which changes between 20 to 40 ppm did not show a significant effect on the mechanical properties of the copper wires. It is also determined that the deformation capacity of the copper rods decreases when the concentration of the copper oxide particules is high and their dispersion is inhomogenous. It is also found hat the impurity content in the range of 20 to 40 ppm and the oxygen content of 180 to 300 ppm did not show a noticeable effect on the electrical conductivity of the wires.Yüksek LisansM.Sc