114 research outputs found


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    This paper aims to present a methodology to analyze the process of reconstruction of Tohoku in Japan, the region affected by the earthquake / tsunami of 2011, so as the process of Reconstruction of the homeland (furusato). In this phase, the research will be centred to identify the stages of rebuilding through the activities carried out so far. After the initial emergency phase, processes are being discussed to the relocation and reconstruction of villages and towns preserving identity characteristics considered for the community. Finally it is proposed the called process of Reconstruction of the Homeland, which proposes an analysis of the collective consciousness and local capacity to retain in their structures a subjective sense of primordial landscape of their identities.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar a priori uma metodologia para analisar o processo de reconstrução de Tohoku no Japão, região afetada pelo terremoto/tsunami de 2011, assim também como o processo da Reconstrução da Terra Natal. Nessa fase da pesquisa será trabalhada a identificação das etapas de reconstrução através das atividades até agora realizadas. Depois da etapa inicial emergencial, estão sendo discutidos processos de realocação e reconstrução de vilarejos e cidades preservando características consideradas identitárias para a comunidade. Por fim será apresentado o processo da Reconstrução da Terra Natal, onde se propõe uma análise da consciência coletiva local e sua capacidade de reter em suas estruturas subjetivas um senso de paisagem primordial de suas identidades


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    O artigo analisa os elementos e processos que influem na definição do caráter de paisagem etnográfica, entendida como a associação de determinada comunidade em determinado espaço geográfico. Procuramos aplicar um método de análise de paisagem etnográfica através do estudo de componentes. A Fazenda Três-Barras foi um projeto de colonização da Sociedade Colonizadora do Brasil-BRATAC. Esta companhia, de capital japonês, vinha atuando no Brasil desde 1924 com empreendimentos de colonização no Estado de São Paulo. A companhia possuía uma série de diretrizes de implantação de seus projetos, passando pelo planejamento, execução e organização. Essas diretrizes procurava evocar em certos aspectos a paisagem da terra natal na espacialização do território. Buscando um caminho para identificação e caracterização de paisagens etnográficas através de atributos como coerência, legibilidade, continuidade e distinção.This paper analyzes the elements and processes that define the character of an ethnographic landscape, considered an association of a particular community in a particular geographic area. The methodology considers the main components of the Landscape as informational and identity formative elements. Fazenda Três-Barras was a colonization project of the Confederation of Ultramarine Colonization Cooperatives of Japan, called BRATAC who have been operating since 1924 with colonization enterprises. The Company has a series of guidelines in implanting their projects, through the planning, execution and organization. These guidelines fairly evoke certain aspects of the homeland landscape. Four attributes were revealed: consistency, clarity, continuity and distinction


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    Invernada é uma área de pastagem utilizada para a parada de tropas de muares e gado, além de engorda no inverno. É considerada uma paisagem tradicional na America Latina. Caminhos e estradas interligavam os locais de criação de animais aos pontos de comercio. Os locais de invernada podem ser reconhecidos através do relevo, hidrografia e vegetação e da localização em antigos caminhos em distâncias regulares e uma posição estratégica. Além de paradas, servem para toda sorte de suporte para o prosseguimento da viagem. Podem evoluir para estabelecimentos de embriões de cidades. Existe um padrão reconhecível de paisagem de invernada. É uma paisagem-tipo porque resulta da articulação de componentes que favorecem a funcionalidade e a continuidade dos elementos constituintes da paisagem. Por ser recorte de uma paisagem comum, uma paisagem-tipo invernada pode passar comumente despercebida, e em alguns casos a toponímia ainda permite resgatar a antiga localização. O artigo visa estabelecer relações entre a idealização, transmissão e padrões gerais de sua configuração. Tem como proposta a identificação de componentes da paisagem na definição de uma “paisagem-tipo” invernada.An Invernada is a pasture area whose primary function is to recover animals during the winter and is considered a typically Latin American landscape. Tracks and roads connected them to the marketplace. Invernadas can be recognized by particular relief, hydrography and vegetation, alongside a strategic distancing and position, many of them can be recognized in older roads. They are often located along historical routes used by tropeiros (former animal merchants). Serving as a stop, it offered all sorts of services for the onward journey. Therefore there is a recognizable landscape as a result of the components which favors the activity pattern of invernadas. As an everyday landscape, it commonly passes unnoticed. In some cases, the name invernada helps identify their old location patterns. This paper aims to identify the components of the landscape in a pasture setting. It is based on existing literature, looking for links between idealization, transmission of models and general pattern of implementation in this “landscape-type”.Key-Words: Invernadas; Landscape-type; Landscape assessment

    Cross-linker effect in ETFE-based radiation-grafted proton-conducting membranes II. Extended fuel cell operation and degradation analysis

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    In this study the effect of crosslinker (divinylbenzene (DVB)) content on the chemical stability of poly(ethylene-alt-tetrafluoroethylene) (ETFE) based membranes using an H2O2 solution was carried out. Furthermore, the first long term-testing of single H2/O2 cell over 2180h of an MEA assembled using an optimized ETFE-based membrane prepared by radiation-induced grafting of styrene / DVB and subsequent sulfonation with a graft level of 25 % was carried out. The in situ MEA properties were characterized over the testing period using auxiliary current-pulse resistance, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, polarization and H2 permeation. It is shown that the crosslinking dramatically improves the ex situ chemical stability, while no significant trend with the crosslinker content was observed. The performance of the tested MEA exhibits a decay rate of 13 μV.h-1 in voltage over the testing time at 500 mA.cm-2 at 80°C, while the hydrogen permeation shows a steady increase over time. This indicates clearly that to some extent changes in the membrane morphology occur over the operating time. The local post mortem analysis of the tested membrane reveals that high degradation was observed in areas adjacent to the O2 inlet and in other areas nearb

    Characterization of the effect of ion irradiation on industrially produced GdBa₂Cu₃O₇−δ superconducting tapes using a slow positron beam

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    To investigate the effect of irradiation-induced defects on the superconducting characteristics of industrially produced superconductor—GdBa₂Cu₃O₇−δ (GdBCO)—coated conductors (CCs), we irradiated the GdBCO CCs with Au ions at 2 or 10 MeV and probed them using a slow positron beam. Vacancy clusters were detected in both unirradiated and irradiated GdBCO CCs. However, the effect of ion irradiation on the GdBCO CCs was characterized as a slight reduction in the positron annihilation rate with low-momentum electrons. We also found a correlation between the annihilation rate of low-momentum electrons and the superconducting transition temperature

    Fuel-cell performance of multiply-crosslinked polymer electrolyte membranes prepared by two-step radiation technique

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    A multiply-crosslinked polymer electrolyte membrane was prepared by the radiation-induced co-grafting of styrene and a bis(vinyl phenyl)ethane (BVPE) crosslinker into a radiation-crosslinked polytetrafluoroethylene (cPTFE) film. We then investigated its H2/O2 fuel-cell performance at 60 and 80ºC in terms of the effect of radiation and chemical crosslinking. At 60ºC, all the membranes initially exhibited similar performance, but only the cPTFE-based membranes were durable at 80ºC, indicating the necessity of radiation crosslinking in the PTFE main chains. Importantly, cell performance of the multiply-crosslinked membrane was found high enough to reach that of a Nafion112 membrane. This is probably because the BVPE crosslinks in the graft component improved the membrane-electrode interface in addition to membrane durability. After severe OCV hold tests at 80 and 95ºC, the performance deteriorated, while no significant change was observed in ohmic resistivity. Accordingly, our membranes seemed so chemically stable that an influence on overall performance loss could be negligible

    Preparation and Electronic-Property Control of Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Systems Using Methods of Interface Chemistry

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    報告番号: 甲14289 ; 学位授与年月日: 1999-03-29 ; 学位の種別: 課程博士 ; 学位の種類: 博士(工学) ; 学位記番号: 博工第4415号 ; 研究科・専攻: 工学系研究科システム量子工学専