18 research outputs found

    Корь (лекция)

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    The article provides comprehensive review of different aspects of measles. Definition of disease, historical overview, measles in the world epidemiology and in the countries bordering Ukraine over the recent years, particularities of measles epidemiology in Ukraine are given in details. Etiology of measles virus including known genomic structure and viral proteins list, genetic changeability of the virus. Particularities of measles epidemiological process are discussed, criteria of determination of morbidity level and contagiosity of the given disease are outlined. Detailed pathogenesis of measles in different periods of disease is provided, reciprocal influence of the disease and vitamin A metabolism is given. Particularities of humoral and cellular immunological response, including those in early-aged and in patients with immune deficiency are described. Possibility of development of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis is pointed out; currently accepted causes of this complication development, its immunological and virological particularities are summarized. Pathogenetic mecha­nisms of rash development, com­plications as well as morphological changes in different organs and systems are given. The article gives both international and different clinical classifications of measles. Clinical manifestations of typical and atypical measles course are described in details by syndromes and according to disease periods. Particularities of measles course at different premorbid conditions are described. The article provides colored photos which illustrate clinical mani­festations of measles manifestation on the skin and mucosa at different disease periods

    Measles (lecture)

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    The article provides comprehensive review of different aspects of measles. Definition of disease, historical overview, measles in the world epidemiology and in the countries bordering Ukraine over the recent years, particularities of measles epidemiology in Ukraine are given in details. Etiology of measles virus including known genomic structure and viral proteins list, genetic changeability of the virus. Particularities of measles epidemiological process are discussed, criteria of determination of morbidity level and contagiosity of the given disease are outlined. Detailed pathogenesis of measles in different periods of disease is provided, reciprocal influence of the disease and vitamin A metabolism is given. Particularities of humoral and cellular immunological response, including those in early-aged and in patients with immune deficiency are described. Possibility of development of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis is pointed out; currently accepted causes of this complication development, its immunological and virological particularities are summarized. Pathogenetic mecha­nisms of rash development, com­plications as well as morphological changes in different organs and systems are given. The article gives both international and different clinical classifications of measles. Clinical manifestations of typical and atypical measles course are described in details by syndromes and according to disease periods. Particularities of measles course at different premorbid conditions are described. The article provides colored photos which illustrate clinical mani­festations of measles manifestation on the skin and mucosa at different disease periods

    Моделирование движения антропоморфного шагающего аппарата на произвольной твердой поверхности

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    У роботі основну увагу приділено моделюванню ходи АКА без зіткнення з поверхнею під час переміщення схилом чи підйомом, що актуально для задачі побудови крокуючих системи на основі антропного принципу. Для реалізації антропоморфного переміщення, у дослідженні застосовувалися принципи зворотньої динаміки та кінематики руху багатоланкової системи. Розгляд енергоефективності здійснювався порівнянням енергозатратності до продуктивності переміщення.This paper focuses on the modeling approaches AKA without contact with the surface when moving or lifting the hill, which is important for the task of building a walking system based on the anthropic principle. To implement an anthropomorphic moving, the study applied the principles of inverse dynamics and kinematics multi-tier system. Consideration of energy efficiency are compared to the performance of energy-consuming travel.В работе основное внимание уделено моделированию ходы АКА без соприкосновения с поверхностью при перемещении по склону или подъемом, что актуально для задачи построения шагающих системы на основе антропного принципа. Для реализации антропоморфного перемещения, в исследовании применялись принципы обратной динамики и кинематики движения многозвенной системы. Рассмотрение энергоэффективности осуществлялся сравнением энергозатратности к производительности перемещения


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    The aim of the work – to present our own experience in using different forms of simulation technology in preparing professionally oriented оlympiad participants on the infectious diseases course. The main body. Innovative methods of teaching the course of infectious diseases in the higher medical school introduced by the authors for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of education are considered. The issues of conducting medical student’s olympiads on professional disciplines are elucidated in detail. The authors’ own experience of using the variants of imitation technology (case-study methods, role-playing games, “brain attack”) has been analyzed. Over the past five years, 53 undergraduate students have been teached on the basis of a student’s scientific course at the Department of Infectious Diseases in Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy. Of these, 14 students directly participated in professionally oriented Olympiad at the annual Ukrainian Olympiads on infectious diseases. The result of productive training was taking of six prize-places in individual competitions and eight prize-places in team competitions. Сonclusions. Unlike the traditional forms of study, the implementation of active methods, on example of training for an Olympiad, allows to form the professional skills and active realization of acquired knowledge, model the integral content of individual work, thus shifting the center of significance from the process of transferring, processing and assimilating information to independent creative activity. Such an approach can allow a student to achieve high results both during the competition at the student’s olympiad, and in the future in the practical activity of forming the person of a competitive specialist.Мета роботи – представити власний досвід застосування різних варіантів імітаційної технології при підготовці учасників студентських олімпіад з професійного циклу “інфекційні хвороби”. Основна частина. Розглянуто інноваційні методики викладання курсу інфекційних хвороб у вищій медичній школі, впроваджені авторами з метою підвищення ефективності навчання. Докладно висвітлені питання проведення медичних студентських олімпіад з навчальних дисциплін професійного циклу. Проаналізовано власний досвід застосування варіантів імітаційної технології: методів case-study, рольових ігор, “мозкової атаки”. За останні 5 років на базі студентського наукового гуртка кафедри інфекційних хвороб ДЗ “Дніпропетровська медична академя МОЗ України” пройшла підготовка 53 студентів-бакалаврів. З них 14 студентів брали безпосередню участь у змаганнях на щорічних всеукраїнських олімпіадах з інфекційних хвороб. Результатом плідної підготовки стало здобуття 6 призових місць в індивідуальних змаганнях і 8 призових місць у командних змаганнях. Висновки. На відміну від традиційних форм навчання, впровадження активних методів, на прикладі підготовки до олімпіади, дозволяє формувати професійні вміння і діяльну реалізацію набутих знань, моделювати цілісний зміст самостійної роботи, при цьому зміщується центр значущості з процесу передачі, переробки і засвоєння інформації на самостійну творчу діяльність. Саме такий підхід може дозволити студенту набути високих результатів як під час змагання на студентській олімпіаді, так і надалі у практичній діяльності при формуванні особистості конкурентоспроможного фахівця

    Characterization of toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae strains isolated in Russia

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    The aim of the study was to characterize toxigenic strains of Corynebacterium diphtheriae by examining 12 toxigenic strains of C. diphtheriae isolated in Russia between January, 2017 to June, 2019. The morphological, toxigenic and biochemical properties of C. diphtheriae was studied. Genotyping of C. diphtheriae strains was performed using MLST and dtxR gene sequencing with subsequent phylogenetic analysis. Results. Toxigenic strains of C. diphtheriae were isolated in the Novosibirsk, Samara and Chelyabinsk Regions, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug — Yugra as well as the Republic of Northern Ossetia — Alania. Among these strains, 5 were isolated from diphtheria patients (moderate disease found in one case, mild course — remaining patients) and 7 strains were isolated from bacterial carriers. In two cases C. diphtheriae from diphtheria patients were identified as ST25 sequence type, gravis variant; in one case — ST8 type, gravis variant; two cases — ST67 sequence type, mitis variant. In asymptomatic carriers of tox-positive C. diphtheriae strains they belonged to ST25 sequence type, gravis variant — in two cases, ST67 type, mitis variant — in four cases. A sequencing type was not identified in one case. All sequence types were widespread globally being presented by a large number of isolates in the PubMLST and characterized by a substantial amount of derivative sequence types. At the same time, they belonged to different clonal complexes and differed markedly from each other contributing to their reliable difference as assessed by MLST. Study of gene dtxR sequence diversity showed that all allelic variants were typical for the representatives of these sequence types. New alleles of gene dtxR were not revealed in strains examined. It was shown that non-synonymous substitution C440T leading to A147V amino acid substitution was found solely in one allele distributed in ST8, ST185, ST195 and ST451 types suggesting at late mutation. In contrast, the polymorphism C640A resulting in the amino acid substitution L214I was found not only in the same allele, but also in the basal tree branches indicating that isoleucine was in the ancestral sequence of the protein


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    Introduction. The paper is devoted to the problem of organized children transfers by road transport (buses) in intercity connection. Nowadays, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, children are on the way during the organized transfer no more than 4 hours. Meanwhile, the process of the children transfer is considered without taking into account age groups and this process is regulated by rest time of drivers. The objective of the paper is the actualization of the organized children transportation by buses in intercity connection and of the organization method taking into account age features.Materials and methods. The authors used the method of statistical and systematic analysis, the method of expert estimates, technical expertise, the theory of the passenger transport by road transport and also other techniques and methods of scientific research.Results. As a result, the authors suggested taking into account the regularities of distance and time of the transfer by the age of children and in adjusting of driving conditions and rest time of drivers and also in organization of tourist routes.Discussion and conclusions. The authors recommend to use the results of the research for children and youth tourism organization and for the organized carriage of children groups by road transport (buses) in intercity transfers

    Корь (Лекция)

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    The article provides comprehensive review of different aspects of measles. Definition of disease, historical overview, measles in the world epidemiology and in the countries bordering Ukraine over the recent years, particularities of measles epidemiology in Ukraine are given in details. Etiology of measles virus including known genomic structure and viral proteins list, genetic changeability of the virus. Particularities of measles epidemiological process are discussed, criteria of determination of morbidity level and contagiosity of the given disease are outlined. Detailed pathogenesis of measles in different periods of disease is provided, reciprocal influence of the disease and vitamin A metabolism is given. Particularities of humoral and cellular immunological response, including those in early-aged and in patients with immune deficiency are described. Possibility of development of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis is pointed out; currently accepted causes of this complication development, its immunological and virological particularities are summarized. Pathogenetic mecha­nisms of rash development, com­plications as well as morphological changes in different organs and systems are given. The article gives both International and different clinical classifications of measles. Clinical manifestations of typical and atypical measles course are described in details by syndromes and according to disease periods. Particularities of measles course at different premorbid conditions are described. The article provides colored photos which illustrate clinical mani­festations of measles manifestation on the skin and mucosa at different disease periods