81 research outputs found
Soluble E-Cadherin and Regulation of ROS in Inflammatory
Diseño Y Validación De Un Modelo Antropométrico Para Evaluar La Masa Grasa Corporal En Mujeres Mexicanas
Objective: Develop a multiple linear model, using the least squares method to correlate fat mass (kg), using anthropometric variables obtained from a sample of women from northwest Mexico. Materials: ISAK standardization was used in this study to collect measurements. The statistical criteria R², EER, VIF, Cp, and RMSE were used to evaluate the performance of the model. Method: Descriptive observational cross-sectional study to determine the fat mass of a sample of 95 women from the northwest of Mexico with normal weight and overweight. Results: The adjusted model (M8p) is made up of eight predictors that are statistically most representative in this study: weight, 6 skinfolds, and biliocrestal diameter. The fat mass of the sample was determined using air displacement plethysmography (reference), the mean obtained for the fat mass was 21.3 kg with a standard deviation of ±9.3, the M8p model predicts 20.9±9.9 kg which is 2% below the reference method used. The statistical criteria of the adjusted model are, R²Adj=0.92, SER= 2.9 kg, VIF 4.8, Cp= 7.8, and RMSE= 3.08 obtained with the adjustment sample (70 women), the validation sample (25 women) obtained a value RMSE of 3.15, so the model has predictive capacity. Conclusions: The developed model adequately predicts the fat mass of women with and without excess body fat mass, which makes it valid for use in similar samples, giving the health professional one more option to adequately evaluate this tissue, which will allow giving a optimal treatment on an individualized basis.Objetivo: Desarrollar un modelo lineal múltiple, usando el método de mínimos cuadrados para correlacionar la masa grasa (kg), utilizando variables antropométricas obtenidas de una muestra de mujeres del noroeste de México. Materiales. La estandarización ISAK fue utilizada en este estudio para el levantamiento de las mediciones. Los criterios estadísticos R², EER, VIF, Cp, y RMSE se utilizaron para evaluar el desempeño del modelo. Método. Estudio transversal observacional descriptivo, para determinar la masa grasa de una muestra de 95 mujeres del noroeste de México con normopeso y sobrepeso. Resultados. El modelo ajustado (M8p) se conforma por ocho predictores estadísticamente más representativos en este estudio: peso, 6 pliegues cutáneos y el diámetro biliocrestal. La masa grasa de la muestra se determinó usando pletismografía por desplazamiento de aire (referencia), la media obtenida para la masa grasa fue de 21.3 kg con una desviación estandar de ±9.3, el modelo M8p predice 20.9±9.9 kg lo cual está 2% debajo del método de referencia utilizado. Los criterios estadísticos del modelo ajustado son, R²Adj=0.92, EER= 2.9 kg, VIF 4.8, Cp= 7.8, y RMSE= 3.08 obtenidos con la muestra de ajuste (70 mujeres), la muestra de validación (25 mujeres) obtuvo un valor RMSE de 3.15, por lo que el modelo presenta capacidad predictiva. Conclusiones. El modelo desarrollado predice adecuadamente la masa grasa de mujeres con y sin exceso de masa grasa corporal, lo cual lo hace valido para su uso en muestras similares, dando al profesional de salud una opción más de evaluar adecuadamente este tejido, lo que permitirá dar un tratamiento óptimo de forma individualizada
Reviving Lonidamine and 6-Diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine to Be Used in Combination for Metabolic Cancer Therapy
Abnormal metabolism is another cancer hallmark. The two most characterized altered metabolic pathways are high rates of glycolysis and glutaminolysis, which are natural targets for cancer therapy. Currently, a number of newer compounds to block glycolysis and glutaminolysis are being developed; nevertheless, lonidamine and 6-diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine (DON) are two old drugs well characterized as inhibitors of glycolysis and glutaminolysis, respectively, whose clinical development was abandoned years ago when the importance of cancer metabolism was not fully appreciated and clinical trial methodology was less developed. In this review, a PubMed search using the words lonidamine and 6-diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine (DON) was undertaken to analyse existing information on the preclinical and clinical studies of these drugs for cancer treatment. Data show that they exhibit antitumor effects; besides there is also the suggestion that they are synergistic. We conclude that lonidamine and DON are safe and potentially effective drugs that need to be reevaluated in combination as metabolic therapy of cancer
Objective: To analyze the characteristics and socio-productive problems of the mezcal women of Oaxaca, Mexico.
Design/methodology/approach: The information was obtained in the field through a semi-structured interview with 20 women mezcal producers.
Results: The women are in mid-adulthood, have basic education, and with extensive experience in the activity. It was identified that 35% of them make decisions entirely about the business and the home. The price of mezcal (35%) and the shortage of maguey (30%) are the main problems perceived in the activity. Women face social limitations such as work overload at home, no access to productive support, and low participation in rural organizations.
Limitations of the study/implications: It is convenient to carry out a greater number of studies on mezcal women in Oaxaca.
Findings/conclusions: The collective work and organization can be an alternative that improves the benefits and quality of life of the families of mezcal women. There is a need to design public policies with a gender perspective and appropriate to the needs of the women who participate in the activity.Objective: To analyze the characteristics and socio-productive problems of women mezcal producers of Oaxaca, Mexico.
Design/methodology/approach: A semi-structured interview was applied in the field to n=20 women mezcal producers to obtain the data for this study.
Results: The interviewees are middle-aged adult women with an elementary education level and a wide experience in the production of mezcal. Among them, 35% make all decisions in their business and at home. The main problems that they perceive in this activity are the price of mezcal (35%) and the shortage of agave (30%). Women face social limitations such as work overload at home, a lack of financial aids for production, and little involvement in rural organizations.
Study limitations/implications: More studies about women mezcal producers in Oaxaca should be conducted.
Findings/conclusions: Collective work and organization could be alternatives for women mezcal producers to improve their and their families’ benefits and quality of life. Public policies with a gender perspective should be designed to meet the needs of women who participate in mezcal production
Cluster Analysis as a Strategy to Contribute to the Competitive Advantage of Mangos from Guerrero, Mexico
Objective: To analyze the production and industrialization of mango in Guerrero, Mexico, with the aim of identifying its components, dynamics, and areas of opportunity to stimulate the development of a mango cluster.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The research is grounded in Porter's Five Forces framework, adapted to the agro-industrial sector. Data were collected through semi-structured surveys conducted in Técpan de Galeana and Cuajinicuilapa, Guerrero. Additionally, a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) was carried out alongside the analysis of relevant databases.
Results: The mango supply chain in Guerrero was mapped, identifying key challenges such as high input costs, lack of price regulation, and declining interest among young people in agricultural work. Sinaloa and Chiapas were also identified as the main competitors, both in terms of production volume and their ability to leverage competitive advantages.
Findings/Conclusions: It is crucial to improve coordination within the supply chain and to develop strategies to address high costs and power asymmetries in negotiations with suppliers and buyers. Additionally, the importance of developing a cluster to enhance the competitiveness of Guerrero's mango industry against its competitors is emphasized.Objective: To analyze mango production and industrialization in Guerrero, Mexico, in order to identify its components, dynamics, and areas of opportunity, stimulating the development of a mango cluster.
Design/Methodology/Approach: This research is based on Porter's Five Forces methodology, adapted to the agri-food industry. Data were collected through semi-structured surveys in Técpan de Galeana and Cuajinicuilapa, Guerrero. In addition, a systematic literature review (SLR) was conducted along with database analysis.
Results: The Guerrero mango supply chain (SC) was mapped, identifying three main challenges: high input costs, lack of price regularization, and the lack of interest shown by young people in agricultural work. Sinaloa and Chiapas were also identified as the main competitors, both in terms of production volume and competitive advantages.
Findings/Conclusions: Enhancing the coordination within the supply chain and implementing strategies are important to mitigate high costs and power asymmetries in negotiations with suppliers and buyers. Furthermore, the significance of developing a cluster to enhance the competitiveness of the Guerrero mango against its competitors is emphasized
Perfil competitivo y mercado laboral de los egresados de contaduría pública
The training of professionals in the university context must respond directly to the requirements, dynamics and problems of the organizations, institutions and entities that make up the labor market. Public accounting is a field of knowledge that is in constant tension due to social, economic and regulatory changes, which leads to a permanent review of the skills that are demanded by the productive sector for these professionals. Based on the perceptions of entrepreneurs/employers and graduates of a university in the city of Cúcuta, the objective of this research is to determine the competitive profile required by the labor market and developed by professionals graduated from a Public Accounting program. It corresponds to a study based on the empirical-analytical paradigm and the descriptive-level quantitative approach. The non-experimental longitudinal method and a questionnaire with a Likert scale were used to collect the information. The sample consisted of 123 entrepreneurs/employers and 149 graduates of the Public Accounting program of a university in the city. The results show that the graduates, in general, have a favorable perception of the development / strengthening of intellectual, personal, interpersonal, organizational and business skills. Likewise, that employers / employers give relevant importance to each of the skills analyzed in both periods (2019 and 2021) with the exception of the ability to communicate (speak and write) in a foreign language. It is concluded that the response of the university regarding the training of public accountants is consistent with the demand and requirements of the public and productive sector.La formación de profesionales en el contexto universitario debe responder de manera directa a los requerimientos, dinámicas y problemáticas de las organizaciones, instituciones y entidades que integran el mercado laboral. La contaduría pública es un campo de conocimiento que se encuentra en constante tensión por los cambios sociales, económicos y normativos, lo que conlleva a una revisión permanente de las competencias que son demandadas por el sector productivo para estos profesionales. A partir de las percepciones de empresarios/empleadores y egresados de una universidad de la ciudad de Cúcuta, el objetivo de esta investigación es determinar y comparar el perfil competitivo requerido por el mercado laboral y desarrollado por los profesionales egresados de un programa de Contaduría Pública. Corresponde a un estudio fundamentado en el paradigma empírico-analítico y el enfoque cuantitativo de nivel descriptivo. Se empleó el método no experimental longitudinal y un cuestionario con escala Likert para la recolección de la información. La muestra estuvo conformada por 123 empresarios/empleadores y 149 egresados del programa de Contaduría Pública de una universidad de la ciudad. Los resultados muestran que los egresados, en general, tienen una percepción favorable sobre el desarrollo / fortalecimiento de las competencias intelectuales, personales, interpersonales, organizacionales y empresariales. Igualmente, que los empresarios / empleadores, otorgan una importancia relevante a cada una de las competencias analizadas en ambos periodos (2019 y 2021) con excepción de la capacidad para comunicar (hablar y escribir) en idioma extranjero. Se concluye que la respuesta de la universidad respecto de la formación de contadores públicos es coherente con la demanda y exigencias del sector públicos y productivo
Conocimiento de las ventajas de inversión en el sector de fiducia inmobiliaria para la maximización de utilidades
Síntesis aplicadaConocimiento de las ventajas de inversión en el sector de fiducia inmobiliaria para la maximización de utilidades, con el fin de aumentar la participación y dinamismo económico de las empresas constructoras y/o personas naturales que deseen llevar a cabo un proyecto inmobiliario.Resumen
1. Introducción
2. Justificación
3. Objetivos
4. Hipótesis
5. Marco teórico
6. Antecedentes
ConclusionesEspecializaciónEspecialista en Análisis y Administración Financier
Síntesis de geopolímeros en bulto y porosos de escoria de alto horno con residuo de perlita activados con NaOH
Artículo número 7 de la Sección 3. Química de MaterialesEl propósito del trabajo fue preparar geopolímeros con una relación de 9:1 de escoria de alto horno (EAH) con residuo de perlita (LH); en bulto y porosos, activados con NaOH 6M; optimizando las condiciones de síntesis para obtener una resistencia a la compresión máxima; similar o mayor a la del cemento Portland ordinario. El diseño de experimentos Taguchi se realizó con los factores variables de temperatura de curado, tiempo de reacción, relación líquido/sólido (L/S), para obtener geopolímeros control de perlita, EAH:perlita, 9:1 y EAH:LH, 9:1. Los datos respuesta se analizaron con el software minitab 18. Los precursores se caracterizaron por difracción de rayos X, fluorescencia de rayos X y espectroscopía de absorción infrarroja. La resistencia a la compresión máxima para los geopolímeros fue para EAH:perlita de 14.6 MPa; EAH: LH de 13 MPa y los porosos EAH: LH de 2 MPa; valores que corresponden al del concreto ligero (ASTM C331).The purpose of this work was to prepare geopolymers with a 9:1 ratio of blast furnace slag (BFS) with perlite residue (LH); bulk and porous, activated with NaOH 6M; optimizing the synthesis conditions to obtain maximum compressive resistance; similar to or greater than that of ordinary Portland cement. The Taguchi design of experiments was performed with the variable factors of curing temperature, reaction time, liquid/solid ratio (L/S), to obtain perlite control geopolymers, BFS:perlite, 9:1 and BFS:LH, 9 :1. Response data were analyzed with minitab 18 software. Precursors were characterized by X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, and infrared absorption spectroscopy. The maximum compressive resistance for the geopolymers was 14.6 MPa for BFS: perlite; BFS: LH at 13 MPa and the porous BFS: LH at 2 MPa; values that correspond to that of lightweight concrete (ASTM C331)
Fabricación de bolsas ecológicas para habitantes de la provincia de Huancayo con impacto social positivo de acción por el clima
Hoy en la actualidad existe un alto grado de contaminación del medio ambiente, y con la ayuda de elaboración de bolsas ecológicas trataremos de concientizar a la ciudadanía al uso de las bolsas ecológicas, de manera que lograremos disminuir la contaminación, gracias a estas bolsas que al mismo tiempo servirán para la adquisición de productos de primera necesidad entre otros, ya que es un elemento de muy primordial.
Con esta elaboración de bolsas ecológicas fomentaremos a la ciudad de Huancayo, al uso exclusivo de bolsas ecológicas, para así lograr la disminución de la contaminación del medio ambiente y al mismo tiempo a dar a conocer una empresa, sabiendo que las bolsas se las va a utilizar para hacer publicidad a una empresa.
El diseño y elaboración de las bolsas ecológicas aportará en la disminución de la contaminación ambiental en la población de Huancayo y a nivel nacional, nuevas alternativas y soluciones para el cuidado del ambiente.
Con la elaboración de bolsas ecológicas culturalmente favorece a las personas y en especial en la ciudad de Huancayo ya que ayudará a mantener un ambiente libre de fundas plásticas que causan la contaminación del medio ambiente. A muchas personas nos preocupa la contaminación de planeta donde hemos establecido una idea en el cual entraremos en la psicología de las personas al uso correcto de las bolsas ecológicas con la finalidad de disminuir el uso de las bolsas de plástico y así poder convencer a las personas que es importante el cuidado del medio ambiente que vivimos
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