471 research outputs found

    Communication Skills as an Enabler to Knowledge Transfer in SMEs

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    The study was designed to discover the relationship between communication skills and knowledge transfer of engineers in SMEs. The communication skills involved are Listening skills, Seeking and Giving Feedback abilities, Understanding Others abilities ,Influencing and Relating abilities and Oral and Written skills. The findings were collected through a survey by means of questionnaire distributed to subordinates of engineers. The findings show that workers under engineers’ supervision feel that all the communication attributes are important to be possessed by the engineers. However, there is a lack of communication skills in the part of engineers in delivering the knowledge. This, in turn, will affect the receiving of knowledge at the other end. Logically, this will give great impact to the productivity of the companies. This study is a preliminary approach in determining the factors to boost knowledge transfer in industrial sectors. Recommendations are provided to enhance communication skills for better knowledge transfer exercise in organizations

    Learning Persistence from an Islamic Perspective; Instrument Development Study and Its Correlation with Learning Outcomes

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    Persistence is important for students to form a personality with tough character in facing difficulties based on faith in Allah SWT. This study aims to develop an Islamic Perspective Learning Persistence instrument and find its correlation with learning outcomes. This research approach is quantitative research using exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The development of the Islamic Perspective Learning Persistence instrument is then carried out to study the effect of Islamic perspective learning persistence on learning outcomes with multiple linear regression tests. Respondents are students at MAN 3 Jombang class XI, with a sample representing class XI as many as 156 male and female students. The results showed that there were five factors formed from the EFA test of Islamic perspective learning persistence, namely the intention of worship because of Allah, patience with effort, istiqomah or never giving up, husnudzan towards Allah and husnudzan towards one's abilities. The study's results with the Simultaneous test (F) and the analysis of the coefficient of determination show that Islamic perspective learning persistence simultaneously influences student learning outcomes. The dominant factors that support learning outcomes from an Islamic perspective are patience with effort (11.0%) and husnudzan to Allah SWT in helping students’ learning difficulties (8.2%). The other three factors proved to be less dominant in improving students' learning outcomes


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    Objectives:  Existing antimicrobial compounds are of a limited effectiveness. Therefore, the antimicrobial activity of Datura stramonium extracts was evaluated against two important human pathogens; Candida albicans and Streptococcus mutans.Methods: In this study, Datura stramonium was collected from Al Baha area and its leaves and seeds were extracted with different organic solvent. Datura stramonium extracts were tested for the inhibition of Candida albicans and Streptococcus mutans using Agar Ditch method. Also, the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) and minimal fungicidal concentration (MFC) were evaluatedResults: The minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBC) of Datura were 65 mg/ml in case of leave water extract and 100 mg/ml of methanol seed extrac when tested against S. m.u.tans. However, MFC was 65mg/ml in the case of chloroform and water leave extracts and 100 mg/ml with methanol seed extract, when tested against C. albicans. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the plant leaf extracts was 80 mg/ml of acetone, 45 mg/ml of both chloroform and water extracts when tested on S. mutans. Chloroform and water leave extracts were inhibitory to C. albicans with MIC:  45 and 60 mg/ml respectively. Furthermore,Candida albicans was susceptible to methanol seed and aqueous leaf extract at 45 mg/ml.Conclusion: In the future, these extracts might be tested as amendments to teeth past to avoid its decay by S. mutans or be used as an ointment against candidiasis infection. Where, it has proven inhibitory efficacy on tested microorganisms inhibition.Â

    Kajian Visual Kesederhanaan Antarmuka Pengguna pada Aplikasi Kebugaran Berbasis Mobile (Studi Kasus: Google Fit)

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    Perkembangan industri aplikasi mobile merupakan salah satu yang paling pesat di dunia. Hal ini membuka banyak tantangan dalam tingginya persaingan pengembangannya, termasuk pada kepopuleran aplikasi kebugaran gaya hidup sehat yang dapat melacak aktivitas fisik penggunanya. Kesederhanaan merupakan salah satu prinsip strategis yang dapat meningkatkan kepuasan dan loyalitas pengguna. Di antara aplikasi kebugaran dengan fitur pelacakan aktivitas, Google Fit adalah salah satu pemain terbesar dengan rating maupun jumlah pengunduh yang paling banyak. Penelitian ini mengkaji aplikasi tersebut dari segi elemen visual antarmuka pengguna. Seluruh prinsip tiga dimensi kesederhanaan yaitu desain informasi, kompleksitas tugas dan estetika visual diterapkan pada kajian aplikasi ini. Pada hasil analisis, Google Fit masih memiliki ruang untuk penerapan aspek kesederhanaan pada tampilan visual antarmuka penggunanya. Sehingga temuan yang dihasilkan diharapkan dapat menjadi rujukan penggunaan prinsip kesederhanaan bagi perancangan antarmuka pengguna untuk aplikasi kebugaran selanjutnya


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    This research is an analysis of the allegorical plot of Animal Farm and its clever usage of anthropomorphism in the change from a peaceful farm to a tyrannical one. This paper indicates the major features of the change from a utopian farm to a dystopian one, such as the perpetually increasing amount of labour that each animal has to undertake, the obvious decrease of ration which the pigs use for trading otherwise, the disturbing intervention into animals' personal freedom and thought by the totalitarian pigs and many more accounts that further establish such change. The aim of this was to shed light on those distinct paths that may lead any society towards dystopia, lest any community may have already begun going down such paths, to alert them and reverberate the sounding alarm. At the beginning, this research dealt with an introduction to the background of the time and literary movement that was present during the process of writing Animal Farm, namely the rise of the Stalinisit regime, and the surge of Utopian/Dystopian novels. The second chapter studies previous research written on the same topic as this one, the early events in Animal Farm and their effect on shaping the farm, and the significance of freedom within the farm. The third chapter consists of demonstrating the fundamental changes that contributed to the decline of the farm into its eventual dystopian nature, and a conclusion on the matter. The paper uses a textual and historical approaches in analyzing the texts of the novella.  Keywords: utopia, dystopia, orwell, labour, liberty, tyranny, commandment, censorshi

    Critical Thinking Skills among Final Year Students of Malaysian Technical Universities

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    Critical thinking is an essential skill that individuals need to have in order to be effective learners and workers in the global knowledge economy. In line with the mandate of the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE), institutions of higher learning including universities under the Malaysian Technical Universities Network (MTUN) have adopted several approaches to ensure that their graduates are equipped with the sufficient level of critical thinking skills. However, there is little knowledge about the attainment levels of critical thinking skills, among Malaysian tertiary students. Thus, the California Critical Thinking Skill Test (CCTST) was used to collect data from one hundred final year students at four Malaysian Technical Universities in order to identify their attainment level on critical thinking skills. The CCTST scores revealed that these students exhibit some proficiency in critical thinking, but they are way behind the global standard, as stipulated by Insight Assessment California. Students’ competencies of the CTS also vary across the four universities. This study has significant implications on the curriculum design and development as well as pedagogical practice adopted by MTUN universities in developing their students with appropriate level of critical thinking skills


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    HAM is the most fundamental human rights and attached to it. Islam requires the state or individual not to ignore all human rights. However, there are variety of responses in the implementation of human rights of muslim, such as Islam in harmony with human rights, human rights can only be realized in fact under Islamic law, human rights is an imperialist agenda which must be rejecte. International human right is not in accordance with Islam, since it has a hidden agenda of anti-religious. The majority of responses were a reaction to the "double standards" of Western countries in promoting human rights. Mashood A. Baderin explained that the program of reconciliation between international human rights and Islamic law, by examining the Islamic law in depth, he concluded that Islamic law can be paralleled with international human rights, after the interpretation and re-interpretation in accordance with the changing times. With a dialogical approach to achieve a common understanding, Baderin examined all the roots of classical Islamic legal tradition and sought the paralelity with human rights. However, the proposed requirements and is not negotiable is mashlahah concept that exists in ushul fiqh need to be prioritized. Without using the principle, it ist difficult to discuss Islamic law with international human rights. This principle is presented and reinforced by the principle of the margin of appreciation were approved by the human rights commission meeting European region in 1993 in Strasbourg


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    Tulisan ini membahas penguatan mata kuliah Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di UPM SOSHUM ITS, pertanyaan yang dijawab dalam tulisan ini adalah bagaimanakah bentuk-bentuk upaya penguatan PAI di UPM SOSHUM ITS, untuk memperoleh data tentang pertanyaan tersebut digunakaan observasi dan wawancara langsung. Alokasi waktu belajar 2 sks untuk mata kuliah PAI di UPM SOSHUM sungguh amat minim dan kurang sekali, untuk itu dibuatlah cara/metode agar mata kuliah yang dibina (PAI) mencapai sasaran yaitu dengan jalan penguatan mata kuliah PAI melalui kegiatan extra kurikuler yaitu: pendalaman Al-Qur’an, Halaqoh dan mentoring. Adapun dampak positif yang berkembang selama ini adanya penguatan PAI adalah mahasiswa aktif dan kritis bertanya, rasa ingin tahu persoalan agama Islam dan mahasiswa mempunyai ketrampilan memecahkan belajar sesuai dengan falsafah pembelajaran yang harus diorientasikan ke peserta didik (mahasiswa)

    MISI PENDIDIKAN NABI MUHAMMAD (Kajian Tafsir Surat Al Anbiya (21): 107, Saba’ 34:28)

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    Sebagai rasul pemungkas, Nabi Muhammad di utus untuk seluruh umat manusia (khattaman linnasi), tanpa batas waktu. Artinya sampai kapanpun ajaran beliau selalu relevan dan dibutuhkan. Skala jangkauannya bukan sebatas kapasitas mampu menjawab tantangan globalisme, tapi jauh melebihi itu, bahkan misinya rahmatal lil alamin (rahmat bagi seluruh alam semesta). Rasulullah SAW memanifestasikan rohmatan lil alamin dengan 4 hal, yaitu : a) Pendidikan Tauhid; b) Pendidikan yang bernuansa duniawi ukhrowi; c) Peningkatan kualitas SDM dan d) Pendidikan suri tauladan (uswah hasanah). Tatkala ditanya, apakah sebenarnya hakekat agama? jawab Nabi “addinu husnul khuluq” agama adalah berbudi luhur dalam bermasyarakat, berkeluarga, berbisnis, berpolitik, berpendidikan dan sebagainya. Ibarat lingkaran raksasa, titik pusatnya kasih sayang (rahmat) dan pedomannya kitab suci Al-Qur’an


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    Abstract: Islamic education in school environment is a central agent in forming students moral and behaviour which has been diverged, they are the lack of manners and ethics in the school practice. This is not appropriate with religious value included in akhlaqulkarimah. This phenomenon is hard for  religious teachers because of some factors, such as the limited learning hours in the class, environment which is not condusive, low family discipline, loose of social control, etc. The teachers and parents’ weakness of students’ view makes them seeking other sources to be modelled. The government should provide a solution, so that religious education is able to perform the function as central agent in forming akhlaqulkarimah. This can be done when the implementation of religious education is conducted effectively and efficiently, school leadership political will in creating an Islamic evironment, family participation and community control in conducting amarma’ruf and nahimunkar
