1,060 research outputs found

    La política estadounidense en el Magreb: ¿a la conquista de una nueva región?

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    Numerosos analistas franceses y magrebíes sugieren que Estados Unidos (EEUU) está mostrando un interés excesivo en el Magreb y que desea poner fin a la influencia francesa en la región, algo que contemplan con preocupación. Pero, ¿qué es realmente lo que está ocurriendo? ¿Cuáles son los intereses de EEUU en el Magreb? ¿Verdaderamente desea acabar con la influencia francesa y europea en la región? ¿Es cierto también que EEUU, a través de la Iniciativa de Asociación entre Estados Unidos y Oriente Medio (MEPI) o el Millennium Challenge Account, está tratando de debilitar la Asociación Euromediterránea (Proceso de Barcelona)? El presente artículo sostiene que no cabe duda de que EEUU esté interesado en la región, convertida en una zona estratégica desde los atentados terroristas del 11 de septiembre de 2001. Sin embargo, aunque el interés de EEUU en el Magreb es más que evidente, huelga decir que es menos ambicioso y preocupante para los intereses europeos, y franceses en particular, de lo que se nos da a entender. De hecho, puede decirse que las relaciones transatlánticas en la región son más complementarias que competitivas

    Atrésie intestinale iléale : un cas clinique : ileal atresia: a case report

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    Résumé :L’atrésie jéjuno-iléale est une cause fréquente d’occlusion intestinale néonatale. L’apparition de vomissement bilieux et une simple radiographie abdominale peuvent poser le diagnostic. Le pronostic dépend de la précocité du diagnostic, des malformations associées, type d’atrésie et de la qualité des mesures de réanimation instaurée ainsi que le geste effectué.Nous reportons le cas d’un nouveau-né de deux jours de vie consulte pour un syndrome occlusif clinique et radiologique opéré avec succès dans notre service pour atrésie iléale.Mots clés : atrésie jéjuno-iléale ; atrésie iléale ; anastomose termino-terminale, stomie.Abstract :Jejuno-ileal atresia is a frequent cause of neonatal intestinal obstruction. The bilious vomiting and a simple abdominal X-ray can lead to the diagnosis. Prognosis depends on early diagnosis, associated malformations, type of atresia and the quality of resuscitation measures and surgery.We report a case of a two-day-old newborn with features of intestinal obstruction , successfully operated in our department for ileal atresia

    Epizootiološko istraživanje slinavke i šapa u Sudanu: stanje nakon dva desetljeća

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    In order to update information on the situation regarding foot and mouth disease (FMD) in the Sudan, a serosurvey and disease survey were conducted. Recently collected data on FMD in the Sudan showed that FMD is a major constraint to animal production in the country. It presents no threat nor does it cause mild disease in sheep and goats. The disease, with obvious clinical signs, has been detected in cattle only, and is caused by serotype O and SAT 2. Seasonal occurrence of the disease in the cold, dry season has been observed and animal movement seems to play a major role in virus dissemination. A total of 1,069 sera were collected from cattle, sheep, goats, and camel, from seven states in the Sudan, for the detection of antibodies to FMDV. Application of liquid phase blocking (LPB) ELISA revealed that antibodies to four serotypes were present in ruminants; namely O, A, SAT 1 and SAT 2. No antibodies to FMDV were detected in camel sera. The results differed from early reports regarding the prevalence of serotype specifi c antibodies in different species; for instance, in cattle, the antibodies to type A (78.13%) surpassed that of type O (69.39%) and the antibodies to type SAT 2 (44%) surpassed that of type SAT 1 (20.2%). This work elucidates the current epidemiology of FMD in some parts of the Sudan.Radi pružanja informacija o sadašnjem stanju slinavke i šapa u Sudanu provedena su serološka istraživanja te je prikazana njezina pojavnost. Svježe prikupljeni podatci o pojavi slinavke i šapa u Sudanu pokazali su da ona predstavlja veliku prepreku životinjskoj proizvodnji u toj zemlji. U ovaca i koza javlja se kao blaga bolest i ne predstavlja veliku prijetnju, dok se u goveda javlja s očitim kliničkim znakovima, a uzrokovana je serotipovima O i SAT 2. Bolest se javlja sezonski u hladnoj i suhoj sezoni, a promet životinjama ima glavnu ulogu u širenju virusa. Ukupno je bilo prikupljeno 1069 uzoraka seruma goveda, ovaca, koza i deva podrijetlom iz sedam država u Sudanu radi pretrage na prisutnost protutijela za virus slinavke i šapa. Blokirajućim imunonenzimnim testom dokazana su protutijela za četiri serotipa virusa: O, A, SAT 1 i SAT 2. Protutijela za virus slinavke i šapa nisu bila dokazana u uzorcima seruma deva. Rezultati se razlikuju od ranijih izvješća s obzirom na prevalenciju specifi čnih protutijela u različitih vrsta. Npr., specifi čna protutijela za serotip A dokazana su u 78,13% goveda, za serotip O u 69,39%, serotip SAT 2 u 44% te serotip SAT 1 u 20,2% goveda. U radu je prikazano sadašnje epizootiološko stanje slinavke i šapa u nekim dijelovima Sudana

    Global Malmquist indices of productivity change in Egyptian wheat production

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    This study aims to measure the total factor productivity of the main governorates of wheat production in Egypt during the time period 1990-2012 and decompose it into technical change, efficiency change and scale change. We used Global Malmquist TFP index as a non-parametric approach. The results indicated that the contribution of technical change component is more important than the efficiency change component. In fact technical change rose, 25.7%, while efficiency change presented a little decline, 3.7%. The decomposition of efficiency change indicated that the main problem of wheat production in Egypt was scale efficiency that worsened by 5.5%