648 research outputs found

    Dirac electrons and domain walls: a realization in junctions of ferromagnets and topological insulators

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    We study a system of Dirac electrons with finite density of charge carriers coupled to an external electromagnetic field in two spatial dimensions, with a domain wall (DW) mass term. The interface between a thin-film ferromagnet and a three-dimensional topological insulator provides a condensed-matter realization of this model, when an out-of-plane domain wall magnetization is coupled to the TI surface states. We show how, for films with very weak intrinsic in-plane anisotropies, the torque generated by the edge electronic current flowing along the DW competes with an effective in-plane anisotropy energy, induced by quantum fluctuations of the chiral electrons bound to the wall, in a mission to drive the internal angle of the DW from a Bloch configuration towards a N\'eel configuration. Both the edge current and the induced anisotropy contribute to stabilize the internal angle, so that for weak intrinsic in-plane anisotropies DW motion is still possible without suffering from an extremely early Walker breakdown.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    One Relator Quotients of Graph Products

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    In this paper, we generalise Magnus' Freiheitssatz and solution to the word problem for one-relator groups by considering one relator quotients of certain classes of right-angled Artin groups and graph products of locally indicable polycyclic groups

    Macroeconomic Policies Interaction & the Symmetry of Financial Markets' Responses

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    This concise study analyses the symmetry of financial markets` responses to macroeconomic policy interaction in the United Kingdom. Employing the Vector Auto-regression (VAR) model on monthly data of the British financial sector and macroeconomic policies from January 1985 to August 2008, this study found that the equity and sovereign debt markets showed identical symmetry in response to macroeconomic policy interaction

    Streams Going Notts: The tidal debris finder comparison project

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    While various codes exist to systematically and robustly find haloes and subhaloes in cosmological simulations (Knebe et al., 2011, Onions et al., 2012), this is the first work to introduce and rigorously test codes that find tidal debris (streams and other unbound substructure) in fully cosmological simulations of structure formation. We use one tracking and three non-tracking codes to identify substructure (bound and unbound) in a Milky Way type simulation from the Aquarius suite (Springel et al., 2008) and post-process their output with a common pipeline to determine the properties of these substructures in a uniform way. By using output from a fully cosmological simulation, we also take a step beyond previous studies of tidal debris that have used simple toy models. We find that both tracking and non-tracking codes agree well on the identification of subhaloes and more importantly, the {\em unbound tidal features} associated with them. The distributions of basic properties of the total substructure distribution (mass, velocity dispersion, position) are recovered with a scatter of 20\sim20%. Using the tracking code as our reference, we show that the non-tracking codes identify complex tidal debris with purities of 40\sim40%. Analysing the results of the substructure finders, we find that the general distribution of {\em substructures} differ significantly from the distribution of bound {\em subhaloes}. Most importantly, both bound and unbound {\em substructures} together constitute 18\sim18% of the host halo mass, which is a factor of 2\sim2 higher than the fraction in self-bound {\em subhaloes}. However, this result is restricted by the remaining challenge to cleanly define when an unbound structure has become part of the host halo. Nevertheless, the more general substructure distribution provides a more complete picture of a halo's accretion history.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Strategic alliance in energy sector & implications for economic growth and technical efficiency: The case of petrobras and galp

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    This study stemmed from the lack of evidence and uncertainties regarding the economic and political effects of a strategic alliance between leading oil companies like Petrobras and Galp on their host economies. This paper investigates whether public and private corporations in the energy sector can influence the economic growth of their respective countries. A Panel data analysis was performed by employing quarterly data from (2006-2013). We also used Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach to measure the technical efficiency (TE) effect of the alliance on the performance of both companies from 1999 to 2012. It was found the exploration and export of oil and gas do not play a significant role in output growth of the home economy and that exploration activities were inflationary, destabilising and inimical to growth, at least in the short-run. On another positive side, both companies showed increased technical efficiencies in the chosen time period. Petrobras enjoyed TE on average of 90% in the variables studied whereas Galp showed an average TE of 70%. These results reflect the corporate strategies of both firms, which focussed on achieving profitable and sustained growth and enhancing their efficiencies in their collective and individual activities

    Particle statistics and lossy dynamics of ultracold atoms in optical lattices

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    Experimental control over ultracold quantum gases has made it possible to investigate low-dimensional systems of both bosonic and fermionic atoms. In closed one-dimensional systems there are many similarities in the dynamics of local quantities for spinless fermions and strongly interacting "hard-core" bosons, which on a lattice can be formalized via a Jordan-Wigner transformation. In this study, we analyze the similarities and differences for spinless fermions and hard-core bosons on a lattice in the presence of particle loss. The removal of a single fermion causes differences in local quantities compared with the bosonic case because of the different particle exchange symmetry in the two cases. We identify deterministic and probabilistic signatures of these dynamics in terms of local particle density, which could be measured in ongoing experiments with quantum gas microscopes

    Dynamics of many-body localization in the presence of particle loss

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    At long times, residual couplings to the environment become relevant even in the most isolated experiments, a crucial difficulty for the study of fundamental aspects of many-body dynamics. A particular example is many-body localization in a cold-atom setting, where incoherent photon scattering introduces both dephasing and particle loss. Whereas dephasing has been studied in detail and is known to destroy localization already on the level of non-interacting particles, the effect of particle loss is less well understood. A difficulty arises due to the 'non-local' nature of the loss process, complicating standard numerical tools using matrix product decomposition. Utilizing symmetries of the Lindbladian dynamics, we investigate the particle loss on both the dynamics of observables, as well as the structure of the density matrix and the individual states. We find that particle loss in the presence of interactions leads to dissipation and a strong suppression of the (operator space) entanglement entropy. Our approach allows for the study of the interplay of dephasing and loss for pure and mixed initial states to long times, which is important for future experiments using controlled coupling of the environment

    A Comparative Analysis of Conductance Probes and High-Speed Camera Measurements for Interfacial Behavior in Annular Air-Water Flow

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    [EN] Different techniques are used to analyze annular flow, but the more interesting ones are those techniques that do not perturb the flow and provide enough resolution to clearly distinguish the interfacial phenomena that take place at the interface, especially the disturbance waves (DW) and the ripple waves (DW). The understanding of these events is important because it influences the heat and mass transfer taking place through the thin film formed near the walls in this flow regime. The laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and the three-electrode conductance probe are two commonly used techniques to study experimentally annular flow phenomena. In this paper, a set of experiments at different temperatures of 20 degrees C, 30 degrees C and 40 degrees C and different liquid Reynolds numbers have been performed in the annular flow regime, the characteristic of the DW and RW as average height and frequency of these waves has been measured by both techniques LIF and conductance probes. In addition, we also measured the mean film thickness. It was found that the mean film thickness and the DW height are practically the same when measured by both techniques; however, the height of the RW is smaller when measured by the conductance probe and this difference diminishes when the temperature increases.This research was funded by the Plan Nacional de I+D, grant number ENE2016-79489-C2-1-P, Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad.Rivera, Y.; Bidon, M.; Muñoz-Cobo, JL.; Berna, C.; Escrivá, A. (2023). A Comparative Analysis of Conductance Probes and High-Speed Camera Measurements for Interfacial Behavior in Annular Air-Water Flow. Sensors. 23(20):1-33. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23208617133232

    Collagen organization, polarization sensitivity and image quality in human corneas using second harmonic generation microscopy

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    In this paper, a Second-Harmonic-Generation (SHG) microscope was used to study the relationship between collagen structural arrangement, image quality and polarization sensitivity in human corneas with different organizations. The degree of order (or alternatively, the Structural Dispersion, SD) was quantified using the structure tensor method. SHG image quality was evaluated with different objective metrics. Dependence with polarization was quantified by means of a parameter defined as polarimetric modulation, which employs polarimetric SHG images acquired with four independent polarization states. There is a significant exponential relationship between the quality of the SHG images and the SD of the samples. Moreover, polarization sensitivity strongly depends on collagen arrangement. For quasi- or partially organized specimens, there is a polarization state that noticeably improves the image quality, providing additional information often not seen in other SHG images. This does not occur in non-organized samples. This fact is closely related to polarimetric modulation, which linearly decreases with the SD. Understanding in more detail the relationships that take place between collagen distribution, image quality and polarization sensitivity brings the potential to enable the development of optimized SHG image acquisition protocols and novel objective strategies for the analysis and detection of pathologies related to corneal collagen disorders, as well as surgery follow-ups