94 research outputs found

    Making sense from experience: how a sustainable multi-sensory event spurs word-of-mouth recommendation of a destination brand

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    The last decade has seen an exponential growth in published articles related to the influence of marketing events on destinations. However, there is still a need for empirical research about the effect that organized events built upon sensorial components have on different variables related to participants’ attitudes and behaviors, as such events have the ability to provide unique experiences and emotions. Therefore, this research focuses on the impact of a sustainable multi-sensory event marketing that promotes the interests of the organizing service company (a marina brand), alongside those of the host location, by associating the brand destination with this specific activity. By surveying attendees to a summer event aimed at enhancing visits to an area in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) and by adopting structural equation modeling estimation, the study shows that people’s positive valuations of the event had an impact on their word-of-mouth recommendation of the brand. Thus, visitors’ emotional experience was tied to their post-visit brand attitudes and brand equity. Based on the results, the study makes practical suggestions for branding in a sustainable destination, especially in relation to incorporating experiential elements in company-organized special events.This research benefited from the Professorship Excellence Program in accordance with the multi-year agreement signed by the Government of Madrid and the Autonomous University of Madrid, UAM (Line #3

    History, Drama and Mystery in Barry Unsworth's Morality Play

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    El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar la novela Morality Play (1995), del autor británico Barry Unsworth, que presento en mi estudio como una narrativa a caballo entre la novela histórica y la de detectives. Estos dos géneros literarios experimentaron cambios notables en el contexto del Postmodernismo. Si bien sus versiones clásicas siguen gozando de popularidad, la ideología postmodernista ha dado lugar a novelas que mantienen su conexión con los géneros anteriormente citados, al tiempo que se apartan de ellos en su versión más tradicional. Hablamos, en este sentido, de la nueva ficción histórica o metaficción historiográfica y de la novela metafísica de detectives o ficción anti-detectivesca. En la introducción se explican las características de estos géneros y los cambios que han sufrido con respecto a los géneros tradicionales durante el Postmodernismo. Estas diferencias van desde el cambio en la forma de ver la historia y su relación con la ficción, hasta un cambio en la orientación y estructura de las novelas de detectives, que ya no se centran en un personaje que descubre la verdad, restaurando así la armonía temporalmente perdida tras el crimen y reforzando la confianza en la razón y en la justicia, sino que se convierten, más bien, en obras con finales abiertos, en las que no se encuentra un orden restaurado al final. Como se explica en el análisis que sigue a la introducción teórica, estos cambios se aprecian en Morality Play, donde se puede observar la combinación de los dos géneros tratados en el trabajo, además de una ilustración de cómo han cambiado como parte del postmodernismo literario en el que se enmarca la obra. La novela está ambientada en la Inglaterra del siglo XIV y está protagonizada por un grupo de actores ambulantes típicos de la Edad Media, cuando el teatro emerge en Inglaterra inicialmente en relación estrecha con la liturgia y la doctrina de la iglesia católica. Unsworth recrea ese período histórico al tiempo que reinventa el momento en el que el teatro cambia de religioso a secular, un cambio que fue gradual en realidad, pero que el autor re-escribe aquí vinculándolo a una obra, unos actores y un hecho concreto: un asesinato en la ciudad que los actores visitan y que recrearán en un nuevo tipo de obra teatral. Unsworth utiliza el teatro como hilo conductor: la investigación del crimen se desarrolla a través de la preparación y puesta en escena de lo que sería la primera obra secular. Los actores se basan en el teatro religioso que ya conocen, especialmente en las moralidades que dan título a la novela, una novela, sin embargo, en la que muchas preguntas permanecen sin respuesta al final

    Analysis of Antecedents that Contribute to Try New Products in Retail Commerce

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    Offering innovative goods and/or brands to attract and retain customers is one of the challenges in the retail sector, which is characterized by high competitiveness and economic recession. This chapter analyzes the different variables that contribute to increasing customers’ willingness to try retailers’ innovations relative to the products and/or brands they offer. Specifically, we discuss the role that consumer satisfaction with price level, perceived quality of the assortment, and trust in the retailer plays in the dependent variable. The model is tested empirically on a sample of 498 individuals responsible for purchasing consumer products; causality is contrasted using a structural equation model (SEM). The results show that customers’ trust in the retailer is the most important factor in explaining the decision to try new products and brands, followed by perceived quality of the assortment and satisfaction with price level. Furthermore, our finding that trust in the retailer is the most influential antecedent of customer willingness to try the retailer’s innovations shows the importance of relationship marketing in the proposed model. Since this influence is significantly higher in the group of regular customers of the commercial chain, regular customers represent a sensitive segment for retailers in terms of product acceptance and testing

    Are health e-mavens the new patient influencers?

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    Even though the healthcare industry is usually considered a rather traditional and slowly evolving sector, change is happening. Digitalization is transforming the way of obtaining medical advice and treatment and the Internet has become a key source for the seeking of healthcare information. It has allowed people to turn into more active collaborators in matters of their own health by enabling them to easily search and share information with other patients. Although research points out the growing importance of user-generated content in many sectors and its positive impact on information credibility, trust, engagement, and, ultimately, customer behavior (Malthouse et al., 2016), there is a lack of attention to this topic in healthcare. In this brief review, we address this gap by analyzing the role of health e-mavens, which are a particular type of influencers that possesses both expertise and online social influence. We lastly illustrate possible benefits of their impact on other to the different parties involved and affected by this phenomenon

    Modelo de experiencia en la comunidad virtual desde la perspectiva de la cocreación

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    La proliferación de las comunidades virtuales ha favorecido la experiencia de cocreación del consumidor. El trabajo plantea un modelo teórico en el que la comunidad virtual funciona como un ecosistema del servicio donde los participantes (consumidores, empresas de servicio alojadas en la plataforma y la propia plataforma) cocrean valor a través de diferentes comportamientos que comprenden (1) la búsqueda de información publicada por otros participantes (2) la elaboración de conocimiento compartido y transmitido a otros participantes y 3) el codiseño con las empresas de servicio alojadas en la plataforma y con la comunidad virtual, para innovar y mejorar sus diferentes servicios. Asimismo, se plantea la relación entre la cocreación de valor y el valor percibido de la comunidad virtual en términos de valor funcional, hedónico, social y de aprendizaje. La investigación se contrastará empíricamente para la comunidad virtual de Tripadvisor. En esta investigación se aúnan dos líneas de investigación (la definición y medición de la cocreación y los consecuentes de la cocreación para la comunidad virtual) y se examina por primera vez el efecto de los diferentes comportamientos de cocreación sobre las diversas dimensiones del valor percibido en el contexto de las comunidades virtuales gestionadas por terceros.The proliferation of virtual communities has favored the consumer cocreation experience. The present study presents a theoretical model in which the virtual community functions as an ecosystem of service in which participants (consumers, service companies hosted on the platform and the platform itself) cocreate value through the following behaviors: 1) the information search, 2) the shared and transmitted knowledge and 3) the codesign that improve the services of the companies hosted in the virtual community, as well as of the community itself. Likewise, the relationship between value cocreation behaviors and perceived value in terms of functional, hedonic, social and learning value is discussed. The research will be tested empirically for Tripadvisor virtual community. This research combines two separated lines of research until the moment (the definition and measurement of cocreation behaviors and the consequences of cocreation) and examines the relative influence of cocreation behaviors on the different dimensions of perceived value in the context of third-party managed virtual communities.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ECO2015-69103-

    El marketing sensorial: una aproximación al mundo del retail español

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    El objetivo de este artículo es conocer la percepción de los decisores de los centros comerciales españoles sobre la aplicación de acciones de marketing sensorial y experiencial. Mediante una encuesta personal realizada en septiembre de 2014 a 171 profesionales del sector, el análisis empírico realizado sirve para responder a las siguientes preguntas ¿Qué grado de conocimiento tienen los gestores sobre el marketing sensorial? ¿Qué acciones se están utilizando en este ámbito con mayor frecuencia? ¿Se están midiendo sus efectos? ¿Con qué herramientas? ¿Qué impacto tienen sobre los resultados del negocio según los decisores? Entre los principales resultados obtenidos destaca el notable grado de conocimiento del concepto de marketing sensorial, si bien hay diferencias en cuanto a las acciones implantadas por tipo de empresa. Asimismo, los decisores valoran notablemente su impacto en los resultados. En definitiva, consideran que la inversión en marketing sensorial resulta rentable y eficaz.Plan Nacional de I+D+i ECO2012-31 51

    Trace analysis of flubendiamide in bee pollen using enhanced matrix removal-lipid sorbent clean-up and liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry

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    Producción CientíficaIn this work, a new method has been proposed with the aim of determining flubendiamide, a recently commercialized insecticide, in bee pollen by using liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. For this purpose, a novel sample treatment has been proposed that has proven efficient in terms of recovery (average analyte recoveries were between 90% and 102%) and absence of matrix effect, and one which is effective, fast and selective. This involved a solvent extraction using an acetonitrile and water mixture, and a clean-up stage where, in addition to freezing, an enhanced matrix removal-lipid sorbent was successfully used for the first time with this matrix and analyte. The chromatographic conditions were also optimized, by selecting a C18 based column (Gemini® C18) and acetic acid (1 mM) in water and methanol as mobile phase components, allowing elution of flubendiamide in<4 min, with a total analysis time of 14 min. Validation was carried out, with the result that all the parameters studied complied with existing European legislation. It should be noted that the sensitivity of the method was excellent, with a quantification limit (4 μg/kg) well below the maximum residue level established for this insecticide in bee products (50 μg/kg). Finally, several bee pollen samples were analyzed, and flubendiamide residues were not found in any of the cases.Este trabajo forma parte de los proyectos de investigación financiados por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad e INIA-FEDER (RTA2013-00042-C10-03 y 06)

    Fast determination of neonicotinoid insecticides in beeswax by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry using an enhanced matrix removal-lipid sorbent for clean-up

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    Producción CientíficaThis study is concerned with the development of a simple, rapid analytical method for simultaneously determining seven neonicotinoid insecticides (dinotefuran, nitenpyram, thiamethoxam, clothianidin, imidacloprid, acetamiprid and thiacloprid) in beeswax, by means of ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to a quadrupole-time-of-flight mass detector. An efficient sample treatment is proposed (with average analyte recoveries between 93% and 106%) involving solvent extraction with a methanol and ethyl acetate mixture (70:30, v/v), centrifugation, freezing with dry ice, a dispersive solid phase extraction (enhanced matrix removallipid) followed by evaporation. Chromatographic analysis (10.5 min) was performed on a core-shell technologybased column (Kinetex® EVO C18). The method was fully validated in terms of selectivity, ruggedness, limits of detection (LODs) and quantification (LOQs), matrix effect, linearity, uncertainty, trueness and precision. Low LOQs, ranging from 1.2 to 4.9 μg/kg, were obtained in all cases. Finally, the proposed methods were applied to neonicotinoid analysis of twenty one beeswax samples from different Spanish regions, only one of the pesticides (imidacloprid) being detected at low levels (< LOQ).Este trabajo forma parte de los proyectos de investigación financiados por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad e INIA-FEDER (RTA2013-00042-C10-03 y 06)

    Development and validation of UHPLC–MS/MS methods for determination of neonicotinoid insecticides in royal jelly-based products

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    Producción CientíficaIn this study, new methods have been proposed to determine seven neonicotinoid insecticides (dinotefuran, nitenpyram, thiamethoxam, clothianidin, imidacloprid, acetamiprid and thiacloprid) in royal jelly-based products, by means of ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to a quadrupole-time-of-flight mass detector. Efficient sample treatments (with average analyte recoveries between 83% and 109%) involving solid phase extraction (polymeric sorbent, Strata® X) and a dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction, were proposed to determine these neonicotinoids in liquid dietary supplements containing freeze-dried royal jelly and fresh royal jelly, respectively. Chromatographic analysis (8 min) was performed on a core-shell technology-based column (Kinetex® EVO C18). Both methods were fully validated and the data demonstrated that they are consistent, reliable and have a wide linear range of applicability. Low limits of quantification, ranging from 2.5 to 9.5 μg/kg, were obtained in all cases, and it was necessary to employ matrix-matched standards for correct quantification of three of the compounds in each of the royal jelly-based products. Finally, the proposed methods were applied to neonicotinoid analysis of royal jelly-based products from different Spanish regions.Este trabajo forma parte de los proyectos de investigación financiados por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad e INIA-FEDER (RTA2013-00042-C10-03 y 06)
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