26 research outputs found

    Efectos laborales del concurso

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    Este trabajo analiza los efectos laborales de la declaración del concurso de acreedores que se llevan a cabo en sus distintas fases. De igual manera, se analiza el alcance de los contratos laborales una vez que el desarrollo de la normativa laboral pasa a formar parte en exclusiva del Juez de lo Mercantil. Éste tendrá la última palabra sobre la extinción, modificación o suspensión colectivas de los contratos de trabajo en los que sea empleador el concursado, así como la suspensión o extinción de contratos de alta dirección. Se revisa la Ley 22/2003, de 9 de julio, concursal, principalmente el art. 6.4 y sus correspondientes apartados, la Ley 36/2011, de 10 de octubre, reguladora de la jurisdicción social y el Real Decreto Legislativo 1/1995 de 24 de marzo, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los Trabajadores.Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humano

    Efeito da termociclagem e da técnica de inserção na infiltração de restaurações em resina composta

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro the effect on leakage of two incremental filling techniques and two composite resins with different elastic modulus and similar polymerization shrinkage. Eighty Class V cavities (4x4x2mm) were prepared in bovine incisors and were randomly restored with Z-250 (Z) or Durafill VS (D) + Single Bond in axial (a) or oblique (o) increments. The restorations were divided into two groups: Not Aged - N (4-hour-storage in water at 37ºC) and Aged - A (1-week storage in water at 37ºC + 1000 x - 5º-55ºC / 1-min dwell time). The specimens were covered with 2 coats of nail varnish so that only the restoration margins were exposed to silver nitrate 50% (2h) and developed under fluorescent light (8h). After they were sectioned twice in buccal-lingual direction, the four exposed surfaces were digitized (Vidcap) and the silver nitrate penetration was measured (ImageLab) at the incisal and gingival walls. Data were analyzed by a 3-way ANOVA (Resin, Filling Technique and Aging) separately for incisal and gingival walls (alpha=0.05). Resin and Aging were statistically significant either for the incisal and the gingival walls. The microfill composite resin infiltrated more than the hybrid composite. The thermal cycling caused an overall increase in silver nitrate penetration. The filling technique affected leakage depending on the composite resin and aging regimen.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de duas técnicas incrementais de inserção na infiltração de restaurações de resinas compostas com módulos de elasticidade distintos e contração de polimerização semelhante. Para isto, foram preparadas 80 cavidades Classe V (4x4x2 mm) em incisivos bovinos que foram restauradas de modo aleatório com Z-250 (Z) ou Durafill VS (D) + Single Bond em incrementos axiais (a) ou oblíquos (o). As restaurações foram divididas em dois grupos: Não Envelhecidas - N (4 h em água destilada a 37º C) e Envelhecidas - E (1 semana de armazenagem em água a 37º C + 1000 x - 5º-55ºC / 1 min de imersão). Os espécimes foram recobertos com duas camadas de esmalte cosmético de modo que apenas as margens das restaurações ficassem expostas ao nitrato de prata (2h) seguido de imersão em revelador (8h) sob luz fluorescente. Posteriormente, eles foram secionados duas vezes no sentido vestíbulo-lingual, as superfïcies expostas (4) foram digitalizadas (Vidcap) e a penetração do nitrato de prata medido (ImageLab) nas paredes incisal e gengival. Os dados foram analisados por análise de variância de três fatores (Resina, Técnica de Inserção e Envelhecimento) separadamente para as paredes incisal e gengival. Resina e Envelhecimento foram significativos. A resina composta de micropartículas mostrou maior infiltração que a híbrida. A técnica de inserção influenciou a infiltração marginal dependendo da resina e do emprego ou não de ciclos térmicos

    E. coli

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    Escherichia coli meningitis is a frequent pathology in children younger than 3 years old, but is an uncommon disease in adults. E. coli infection is the main cause of intrahospital bacteremia as a consequence of the employment of different medical procedures. Our patient, male, 69 years old, presented with fever, progressive difficulty in breathing, and shivers 24 h after transrectal prostate biopsy, with an absence of any other symptoms. He received prophylactic treatment with ciprofloxacin and later empirical treatment with ampicillin and tobramicin. After that, the patient presented with fever, headache, behavioral changes, somnolence, disorientation, a fluctuating level of conscience, cutaneous widespread pallor, and acute urinary retention. On physical exploration, we observed generalized hypoventilation, Glasgow 10, stiffness of the neck, inconclusive Kernig; the remaining neurological exploration was normal. Systematic of blood: leukocytes = 8,510/mm3 (94.5% polymorphonuclear), platelet = 87,000/mm3, pH = 7.51, pCO2 = 28.8 mmHg, pO2 = 61 mmHg, O2 saturation = 93.8%, and remaining values were normal. Chest X- ray, cranial CT scan, urine cultures were normal. Blood culture: E. coli. CSF: glucose <0.4 g/l, total proteins = 3.05 g/l, PMN = 7 cells. Microscopic examination of the CSF: Gram-negative bacilli; CSF's culture: abundant E. coli. The case of acute meningitis by multiresistant E. coli after transrectal prostate biopsy presented demonstrates that antibiotic prevention with ciprofloxacin is not absolutely risk free. Besides the use of antibiotic prevention for multiresistant microorganisms, the urologist and other physicians involved in the procedure must not forget that the rate of major complications of transrectal prostate biopsy is 1%, especially when it is performed in patients who will not benefit from that biopsy

    Formación de libre configuración en la UPV: administración y seguridad WNT

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    El presente trabajo pretende ilustrar las experiencias docentes en la enseñanza no reglada desarrollada en la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) para la formación específica del alumnado. En concreto, el trabajo se centra en las técnicas docentes empleadas y experiencias adquiridas en el curso "Administración y Seguridad en Sistemas Informáticos en Red basados en Windows NT" impartido en la Escuela Universitaria de Informática (EUD). Dicho curso forma parte de las actividades válidas para la obtención de créditos de libre elección

    Tensile bond strength of adhesive systems: effects of primer and thermocycling

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de verificar o efeito do "primer" e dos ciclos térmicos na resistência da união entre adesivos multiuso e esmalte dental, sob ensaios de tração. Os seguintes sistemas adesivos foram aplicados, de acordo com as instruções dos fabricantes, na superfície vestibular (sem desgaste) de 96 pré-molares com ou sem a aplicação prévia do "primer": Scotchbond MP, OptiBond FL, Amalgambond Plus e OptiBond - "dual cure". Após a aplicação do sistema adesivo, foi confeccionado um cone de resina composta (Z100, 3M), e fotoativado dentro de um molde metálico. Metade do total de espécimes foi submetida a 3.000 ciclos térmicos (5-37ºC; 37-55ºC, 60 s de imersão); a outra metade permaneceu imersa em água a 37ºC pelo mesmo tempo dispensado no procedimento anterior. Os dados foram submetidos a uma análise de variância (p = 0,05) e nenhum efeito significante foi detectado, indicando que a resistência de união não foi afetada pelo sistema adesivo, pela aplicação do "primer" ou pelos ciclos térmicos.The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of primer and thermocycling on the bond strength of multi-purpose adhesive systems applied to enamel, under tensile stress. The following bonding systems were applied, according to the manufacturers' instructions, on unground enamel buccal surfaces of 96 premolars, with or without the application of primer: Scotchbond MP, OptiBond FL, Amalgambond Plus and OptiBond (dual-cure). A composite resin (Z100, 3M) was applied and light-cured in a cast metal hollow cone, which was previously fixed to the enamel surfaces. Half of the sample was subjected to 3,000 thermocycles (5-37ºC; 37-55ºC, dwell time of 60 s), and the other half was stored in water at 37ºC for the same period. The data were treated by means of ANOVA and no significant effects were detected, which indicates that tensile bond strength was not affected by the adhesive systems, application of primer or thermocycling

    Universidad e Informática en los Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior

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    Actualmente son muchas las PYMES españolas que necesitan profesionales con una formación fundamentalmente técnica. Esta necesidad social quedó reflejada en la reforma del Sistema Educativo Español (LOGSE) mediante la incorporación de los Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio y de Grado Superior. Por otra parte, el avance de la tecnología y la especialización de las empresas están favoreciendo un acercamiento de la Universidad Española al ámbito empresarial propiciando nuevas iniciativas relacionadas con la formación de profesionales técnicos cualificados. Una de estas iniciativas es la puesta en marcha de Títulos Propios de Especialista Profesional, los cuales se sitúan entre los Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior y un primer Ciclo Universitario. En este trabajo se describe el Titulo Propio de Especialista Profesional en Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Informáticas ofertado por la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Se describe la relación del Título Propio con el Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior y se presenta la experiencia de los autores impartiendo la asignatura Sistemas Multiusuario y en Red como parte de la formación que reciben los alumnos que cursan el Título Propio. Se describe el temario y la metodología docente utilizada en la impartición y evaluación de la misma

    Un modelo de diseño curricular de Informática orientado a la obtención de competencias

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    La mayoría de propuestas de diseño curricular en las titulaciones universitarias de Informática se han centrado en la definición de contenidos sin prestar demasiada atención a los aspectos metodológicos y su aplicación a la enseñanza de los elementos curriculares. Asimismo, se observa una falta de definición de las competencias obtenidas tras cursar dichas titulaciones. Con el fin de paliar estas carencias, este trabajo presenta una propuesta de diseño curricular en el área de Informática que organiza la enseñanza de dicha disciplina mediante un modelo orientado a la obtención de competencias

    Multicenter study of plastic vs. self-expanding metal stents in endoscopic ultrasound-guided drainage of walled-off pancreatic necrosis - PROMETHEUS: a randomized controlled trial protocol.

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    Background: It seems that lumen-apposing metal stents (LAMS) are displacing plastic stents in the therapy of pancreatic-fluid collection in walled-off necrosis (WON). To date, there is no quality of evidence to recommend LAMS as the standard treatment in the management of WON. The theoretical benefit of LAMS over plastic stents needs to be proven. Methods/design: This is a randomized controlled, multicenter, prospective clinical trial with two parallel groups, without masking. One-hundred and fourteen patients with WON will undergo endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided transmural draining in nine tertiary hospitals in Spain and will be randomized to the LAMS or plastic-stent group. The primary endpoint is the short-term (4 weeks) clinical success determined by the reduction of the collection (to < 50% or < 5 cm in size), along with clinical improvement. Secondary endpoints: long-term (4 months) clinical success (total resolution or 5 cm), procedure duration, level of difficulty, safety, and recurrences. Discussion: The PROMETHEUS trial has been designed to determine whether LAMS are superior to plastic stents in EUS-guided transmural drainage of WON

    Development of a novel anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor: A paradigm for an affordable CAR T cell production at academic institutions

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    Genetically modifying autologous T cells to express an anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) has shown impressive response rates for the treatment of CD19+ B cell malignancies in several clinical trials (CTs). Making this treatment available to our patients prompted us to develop a novel CART19 based on our own anti-CD19 antibody (A3B1), followed by CD8 hinge and transmembrane region, 4-1BB- and CD3z-signaling domains. We show that A3B1 CAR T cells are highly cytotoxic and specific against CD19+ cells in vitro, inducing secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and CAR T cell proliferation. In vivo, A3B1 CAR T cells are able to fully control disease progression in an NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rdtm1Wjl/SzJ (NSG) xenograph B-ALL mouse model. Based on the pre-clinical data, we conclude that our CART19 is clearly functional against CD19+ cells, to a level similar to other CAR19s currently being used in the clinic. Concurrently, we describe the implementation of our CAR T cell production system, using lentiviral vector and CliniMACS Prodigy, within a medium-sized academic institution. The results of the validation phase show our system is robust and reproducible, while maintaining a low cost that is affordable for academic institutions. Our model can serve as a paradigm for similar institutions, and it may help to make CAR T cell treatment available to all patients