441 research outputs found

    Seasonal Variation Of Heavy Metals In Waste Water Sample By Using ICPMS Method District Janjgir-Champa, (C.G.) India.

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    This paper present to study of the Physico-Chemical parameters of three different areas in Janjgir-Champa District, Chhattisgarh. To determine the amount of pollutants released into the environment and measuring the level of heavy metals and Physico-Chemical characteristics in industrial waste water was conducted. Monsoon and post monsoon changes in physical and chemical parameters such as Temperature, pH, Electrical conductivity, Total solids, Total suspended solids, Dissolved solids and Heavy metals (Pb, Fe, Cr, and Hg). Heavy metals were analyzed by ICPMS Method, Temperature, pH and electrical conductivity was analyzed using the Thermometer, pH scale and Electrical conductometer respectively. The concentration of all heavy metals and Physico-chemical parameters studied were below the reference limits set by BIS (Bureau of Indian standard). The values of heavy metals were (Pb, Cr, Fe, Hg) the maximum value of Pb 0.0036 mg/L at BH-HP in monsoon season and minimum value 0.005 mg/L at NR-HP, and the value of Cr in monsoon season  the maximum value 0.0004 mg/L  at NR-HP and 0.0001 mg/L at BH-HP and the value of Fe the 0.7431 mg/L at NR-HP and minimum value 0.0156 mg/L at BH-HP, while Hg the maximum value 0.00033 mg/L at NR-HP and 0.0011 mg/L at TR-HP. In post monsoon the level of Pb, the maximum value 0.009 mg/L at BH-HP, Cr did not detected.  Fe level maximum value 0.6230 mg/L at NR-HP and minimum value 0.0162 mg/L at BH-HP and Hg maximum value 0.0011 mg/L at NR-HP and minimum 0.0005 mg/L at BH-HP. Therefore, it is recommended to the locals that for notable portable purpose prior treatment is required before human consumption. The results indicate that this particular area is non-polluted and can be used for domestic, irrigation and agricultural purpose

    Effect of seed enhancement treatment on field performance of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

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    Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an important winter season pulse crop in India grown in drought prone semi-arid and tropical regions. The aim of present investigation was to find out the effect of seed enhancement treatment on field performance of chickpea. Seeds of Chickpea Desi cultivar Pusa 256, Pusa 2028, and Kabuli cultivar Pusa1053, Pusa1108, each of fresh and 4 yrs old lots were taken for seed enhancement treatments like osmo-priming, halo-priming, fungicidal, botanical and polymer coating alone and in combination with thiram and neem oil. It was observed that seed treatment with thiram alone or in combination with polymer (PVP or PEM) significantly enhances germination and field emergence. Old seed lots of particularly Pusa 256 gives better result. The speed of emergence was invariably high in fresh seed lot (9.43) than old seed lots (4.84). However, in old seed lots, only halo-priming and polymer (PVP) in combination with thiram improved the speed of emergence significantly. Thus seeds treatment with thiram or in combination with hydrophilic polymers could be used for enhancing theperformance of chickpea

    Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Recent Advances

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    Cardiac arrest is the most significant reason for mortality and morbidities worldwide. With a better understanding of the pathophysiology of cardiac arrest, simple adaptations in basic life support to upcoming modifications in post-resuscitation care have been proposed by various resuscitation councils throughout the globe. Role of point of care cardiac ultrasound during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) has been explored and its contribution for identifying reversible causes and its real time management has been explored. A higher blood and tissue oxygenation levels contributed to an increased rate of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) which has to lead us to explore more options to increase the oxygenation. Starting from the CPR training, the use of sensors for spirometric feedback in ventilation maneuvers can help improve the quality of CPR. High flow nasal oxygenation during CPR has shown promising results. Extracorporeal CPR is another entity that has shown survival benefits in a selected group of patients. The aim of the newer advances has always been to decrease the morbidity and improve survival outcomes in terms of neurological deficit as well. These guidelines are reviewed and updated regularly to improve knowledge and training based on the current evidence. This chapter shall focus on recent advances in cardiopulmonary resuscitation

    Spontaneous subdural hematoma in a multigravida with chronic kidney disease and superadded pre-eclampsia detected by MRI: a case report

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    Chronic kidney disease and pre-eclampsia are both known individual culprits for significant morbidity and mortality of mother and child worldwide. Non traumatic spontaneous subdural hematoma in pregnancy is a rare scenario, however stage 5 chronic kidney disease with superadded pre-eclampsia can be contributory factor for spontaneous extra axial bleed. Our patient was 25-year-old with history of end stage renal disease and chronic hypertension admitted with superadded pre-eclampsia. She had 1 living issue and 2 stillbirths. There was sudden deterioration of mental status as well as motor performance, the patient turned stupurous and was not following verbal commands. Patient was sent for MRI evaluation of brain and diagnosed as right sided subdural hematoma with significant midline shift towards the contralateral side. No intraparenchymal haemorrhage was noted

    Study And Modeling of Question Answer System Using Deep Learning Technique of AI

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    In this paper, the different QA system types, the theoretical foundation for deep learning models, the metaheuristic optimization techniques, and the performance assessment metrics are discussed. A suggested architecture for a question-and-answer system that takes a deep learning approach is shown here. The study also covers the constraints and factors to take into account regarding the aforementioned system

    Bilateral symmetry and anatomical root variations of mandibular second molars in North Indian populations using cone beam computed tomography

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    To evaluate bilateral symmetry and anatomical variations of root morphology of permanent mandibular second molar using systematic evaluation of CBCT scans. This cross-sectional study involved the mandible which were imaged using serial axial cone-beam c

    Study of Trust Aggregation Authentication Protocol

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    The main focus of this work is to sense and share the data that are required to be trusted and the solutions are to be provided to the data, as trust management models. Additionally, the elements in the IoT network model are required to communicate with the trusted links, hence the identity services and authorization model are to be defined to develop the trust between the different entities or elements to exchange data in a reliable manner. Moreover, data and the services are to be accessed from the trusted elements, where the access control measures are also to be clearly defined. While considering the whole trust management model, identification, authentication, authorization and access control are to be clearly defined
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