663 research outputs found

    Study of menstrual disorder in adolescent girls at tertiary care centre in rural area

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    Background: Total adolescent world population is 16%.  Adolescents (10-19 years) constitute 21.3% i.e. nearly 1/5th of total population of India. 19% of the total population-faces a series of serious challenges not only affecting their growth and development but also their livelihood as adults. The objective of the current study was to observe the menstrual disorders among adolescent females and to observe the demographic profile and assess hygiene practices during menstruation and grade of anemia due to menstrual morbidity.  Methods: A random selection of adolescent’s females were done from gynaecology outpatient department at a tertiary care hospital in rural area. Study done on 180 adolescent girls from January 01, 2016 to June 31st, 2017, it is a descriptive type of observational study. Counseling done of adolescent females on menstrual hygiene and nutrition. Results: Most common menstrual morbidity seen in this study is dysmenorrhea (41.66%) followed by heavy menstrual bleeding i.e 25% and irregular menstrual bleeding (13.33%) subsequently. All these problems are associated with their practices used during menstruation. Poor menstrual hygiene was seen associated with 30 to 35% of abdominal cramps and mood swings, heavy menstrual bleeding and nutritional deficiency leads to moderate anemia (7 to10 gm%) in 83%.Conclusions: Due to unhygienic practices and lack of education and awareness about hygiene many of the girls were suffering from reproductive tract infections and poor nutrition leads to anemia. So, we all need to educate them about hygiene and spread awareness about the various services provided by the government like supplying of sanitary napkins to overcome infections


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    ABSTRACT A Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) is essentially a type of Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) which enable effective communication between vehicles or between vehicles and located on roads or highways. A Vehicular adhoc network are multiple node system with varying configurations. It comprises moving vehicles communicating with each other. One of the main purpose in VANET is to transmit the data efficiently from source to destination The real application of vehicular communication was to enhance safety on roads , because million of lives were lost and large number of people injured due to car crashes. Urgent Safety messages have to be delivered timely to the target nodes to prevent accidents. VANET thus has wide applications in Automobile Industry including Intelligent Transportation System(ITS) to regulate vehicles traffic and improve safety messages. This paper seeks to analyze the security issues in VANET. We discuss in detail the effect of introducing the most recent technology for identifying the position of establish secure contact between the vehicles. The paper concludes with the ongoing open security issues regarding viable inter vehicle communication

    Isolation of Halophilic Bacteria and Their Screening for Extracellular Enzyme Production

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    617-622Halophiles are those microorganisms which are found at high salt concentration. These microorganisms have the capability to form a wide array of bioactive substances that have different applications in various industries. This work focussed at the isolation and screening of various halophilic bacterial strains from different places in Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu. Using a complete medium with different salt concentrations, 70 halophilic bacteria were isolated from 4 different sites. These isolated bacteria were then examined and screened out for the synthesis of different extracellular enzymes, such as cellulase, lipase and amylase. Out of the total, 24 isolates were found positive for amylase, 9 for lipase and 16 for cellulase. These enzymes can perform the hydrolytic activity at high salt concentrations. The various halophilic bacterial strains isolated from various places show a prospective for use in a range of biotechnological and molecular biology experiments and the extremozymes obtained from these bacteria have great industrial importance

    Isolation of Halophilic Bacteria and Their Screening for Extracellular Enzyme Production

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    Halophiles are those microorganisms which are found at high salt concentration. These microorganisms have the capability to form a wide array of bioactive substances that have different applications in various industries. This work focussed at the isolation and screening of various halophilic bacterial strains from different places in Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu. Using a complete medium with different salt concentrations, 70 halophilic bacteria were isolated from 4 different sites. These isolated bacteria were then examined and screened out for the synthesis of different extracellular enzymes, such as cellulase, lipase and amylase. Out of the total, 24 isolates were found positive for amylase, 9 for lipase and 16 for cellulase. These enzymes can perform the hydrolytic activity at high salt concentrations. The various halophilic bacterial strains isolated from various places show a prospective for use in a range of biotechnological and molecular biology experiments and the extremozymes obtained from these bacteria have great industrial importance

    Performance of CIP potato (Solanum tuberosum) clones for early maturity in subtropical region of Haryana

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    Research experiments were carried out with six promising potato clones of International Potato Center (CIP) compared with four recommended varieties of Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI) as checks with the objective to identify high yielding, short duration variety suitable for rice-wheat cropping system of subtropical region of Haryana. The trials were conducted at Potato Technology Center, Karnal during rabi season of two consecutive years, viz. 2018–19 and 2019–20 under Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojna Project. The experiments were laid out in randomized block design with three replications. All the cultural practices were followed with scientific management. Dehaulming was done after 75 days of planting. Physical characters of tubers like skin colour, flesh colour, tuber shape and eye depth were observed. Data related to vegetative growth and yield was recorded, pooled and statistically analyzed. It was observed from the data that the maximum plant vigour was recorded in cultivar Kufri Lima however, highest marketable and total tuber yield was recorded in a red skinned CIP clone CIP392797.22. This variety might be selected as a candidate variety fit for rice-wheat cropping system

    Glutamate Receptor Dysregulation and Platelet Glutamate Dynamics in Alzheimer\u27s and Parkinson\u27s Diseases: Insights into Current Medications

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    Two of the most prevalent neurodegenerative disorders (NDDs), Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) and Parkinson\u27s disease (PD), present significant challenges to healthcare systems worldwide. While the etiologies of AD and PD differ, both diseases share commonalities in synaptic dysfunction, thereby focusing attention on the role of neurotransmitters. The possible functions that platelets may play in neurodegenerative illnesses including PD and AD are becoming more acknowledged. In AD, platelets have been investigated for their ability to generate amyloid-ß (Aß) peptides, contributing to the formation of neurotoxic plaques. Moreover, platelets are considered biomarkers for early AD diagnosis. In PD, platelets have been studied for their involvement in oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, which are key factors in the disease\u27s pathogenesis. Emerging research shows that platelets, which release glutamate upon activation, also play a role in these disorders. Decreased glutamate uptake in platelets has been observed in Alzheimer\u27s and Parkinson\u27s patients, pointing to a systemic dysfunction in glutamate handling. This paper aims to elucidate the critical role that glutamate receptors play in the pathophysiology of both AD and PD. Utilizing data from clinical trials, animal models, and cellular studies, we reviewed how glutamate receptors dysfunction contributes to neurodegenerative (ND) processes such as excitotoxicity, synaptic loss, and cognitive impairment. The paper also reviews all current medications including glutamate receptor antagonists for AD and PD, highlighting their mode of action and limitations. A deeper understanding of glutamate receptor involvement including its systemic regulation by platelets could open new avenues for more effective treatments, potentially slowing disease progression and improving patient outcomes

    Prevalence of Household-level Food Insecurity and Its Determinants in an Urban Resettlement Colony in North India

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    An adequate food intake, in terms of quantity and quality, is a key to healthy life. Malnutrition is the most serious consequence of food insecurity and has a multitude of health and economic implications. India has the world\u2019s largest population living in slums, and these have largely been underserved areas. The State of Food Insecurity in the World (2012) estimates that India is home to more than 217 million undernourished people. Various studies have been conducted to assess food insecurity at the global level; however, the literature is limited as far as India is concerned. The present study was conducted with the objective of documenting the prevalence of food insecurity at the household level and the factors determining its existence in an urban slum population of northern India. This cross-sectional study was conducted in an urban resettlement colony of South Delhi, India. A pre-designed, pre-tested, semi-structured questionnaire was used for collecting socioeconomic details and information regarding dietary practices. Food insecurity was assessed using Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS). Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the factors associated with food insecurity. A total of 250 women were interviewed through house-to-house survey. Majority of the households were having a nuclear family (61.6%), with mean familysize being 5.5 (SD\ub12.5) and the mean monthly household income being INR 9,784 (SD\ub1631). Nearly half (53.3%) of the mean monthly household income was spent on food. The study found that a total of 77.2% households were food-insecure, with 49.2% households being mildly food-insecure, 18.8% of the households being moderately food-insecure, and 9.2% of the households being severely food-insecure. Higher education of the women handling food (OR 0.37, 95% CI 0.15-0.92; p 640.03) and number of earning members in the household (OR 0.68, 95% CI 0.48-0.98; p 640.04) were associated with lesser chance/odds of being food-insecure. The study demonstrated a high prevalence of food insecurity in the marginalized section of the urban society. The Government of India needs to adopt urgent measures to combat this problem

    Phytotoxicity, cytotoxicity and genotoxicity evaluation of organic and inorganic pollutants rich tannery wastewater from a Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) in Unnao district, India using Vigna radiata and Allium cepa

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    The leather industry is a major source of environmental pollution in India. The wastewater generated by leather industries contains very high pollution parameters due to the presence of a complex mixture of organic and inorganic pollutants even after the treatment at a Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) and disturbs the ecological flora and fauna. The nature, characteristics and toxicity of CETP treated wastewater is yet to be fully elucidated. Thus, this study aims to characterize and evaluate the toxicity of CETP treated tannery wastewater collected from the Unnao district of Uttar Pradesh, India. In addition to measuring the physico-chemical parameters, the residual organic pollutants was identified by GC-MS analysis and phytotoxicity, cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of the treated wastewater was evaluated using Vigna radiata L. and Allium cepa L. Results showed that the treated wastewater contained very high pollution parameters (TDS 3850mg/L, BOD 680mg/L, COD-1300mg/L). GC-MS analysis revealed the presence of various types of residual organic pollutants including benzoic acid, 3-[4,-(T-butyl) Phenyl] furan-2-5-dione, benzeneacetamide, resorcinol, dibutyl phthalate, and benzene-1,2,4-triol. Further, toxicological studies showed the phytotoxic nature of the wastewater as it inhibited seed germination in V. radiata L. and root growth of A. cepa. Genotoxicity was evidenced in the root tip cell of A. cepa where chromosomal aberrations (stickiness, chromosome loss, C-mitosis, and vagrant chromosome) and nuclear abnormalities like micronucleated and binucleated cells were observed. Thus, results suggested that it is not safe to discharge these wastewater into the environment