18 research outputs found

    Mammary-like adenocarcinoma of the vulva associated to Paget’s disease: a case report

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    Mammary-like adenocarcinoma of the vulva associated to Paget's disease is exceedingly rare. So, it is very important to perform all the pathological and immunohistochemical investigations to achieve differential  diagnosis from both a metastatic lesion from an orthotopic breast cancer and a vulvar adnexal tumor. This report describes a case of vulvar Paget's disease associated with underlying mammary-like adenocarcinoma diagnosed in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Farhat Hached university hospital of Sousse in Tunisia. We also review previously reported cases of primary breast-like carcinoma of the vulva with or without Paget's diseaseKey words: Mammary-like adenocarcinoma, vulva, Paget´s diseas

    Embryotoxicity and fetotoxicity following intraperitoneal administrations of hexavalent chromium to pregnant rats

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    Heavy metals are omnipresent in the environment, and industrial use has greatly increased their presence in soil, water and air. Their inevitable transfer to the human food chain remains an important environmental issue as many heavy metals cause a range of toxic effects, including developmental toxicity. Administration of chromium VI (1 and 2 mg/kg as potassium dichromate) through intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection during organogenesis (days 6 to 15 of gestation) in rats revealed embryo- and fetotoxic effects. Reduced fetal weight, retarded fetal development, number of fetuses per mother and high incidences of dead fetuses and resorptions in treated mothers were also observed. Gross morphological abnormalities, such as displayed form of edema, facial defect, lack of tail, hypotrophy, severs subdermal haemorrhage patches and hypotrophy of placenta were observed in fetuses after chromium VI-treated mothers. A skeletal development of fetuses presented an incomplete ossification in nasal, cranium, abdominal or caudal bones in rats treated with 1 mg/kg of chromium, whereas rats treated with 2 mg/kg showed ossification and absence of the sacral vertebrae compared with the control. At a higher dose of chromium, histological changes were found in fetuses with atrophy of theirs vital organs. Placental histological observations revealed a pronounced morphological alteration, with atrophy of decidual cells, a degenerated of chorionic villi and hypertrophy of blood lacuna. The present study suggests a risk to the developing embryo when the mother is exposed to a high concentration of chromium VI during organogenesi

    Ewing’s sarcoma: an uncommon breast tumor

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    Ewing’s sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumors (EWS/PNET) are rare malignant and aggressive tumors, usually seen in the trunk and lower limbs of children and young adults. They are uncommon in the breast. We report a case of a 43-year-old woman who developed a painless breast mass. An initial core needle biopsy concluded to a fibrocystic dystrophy contrasting with a rapidly growing mass; thus a large lumpectomy was done. Diagnosis of primary PNET of the breast was established, based on both histopathological examination and immunohistochemical findings. Surgical margins were positive, therefore, left modified radical mastectomy with axillary lymph nodes dissection was performed. The patient was given 6 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy containing cyclophosphamide, adriamycin and vincristine. Twenty months later, she is in life without recurrence or metastasis. EWS/PNET may impose a diagnostic challenge. Indeed, mammography and ultrasonography features are non specific. The histopathological pattern is variable depending on the degree of neuroectodermal differentiation. Immuno-phenotyping is necessary and genetic study is the only confirmatory tool of diagnosis showing a characteristic cytogenetic anomaly; t (11; 22) translocation

    Unusual gestational choriocarcinoma arising in an interstitial pregnancy

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    INTRODUCTION: Choriocarcinoma is a highly malignant trophoblastic neoplasm. Its association with ectopic pregnancy is very rare and usually with aggressive behavior. PRESENTATION OF CASE: We report a new case arising in an interstitial pregnancy occurring in a 46-year-old woman. The patient was admitted for severe pelvic pain and abundant metrorrhagia. One month ago, she had had a laparoscopic resection of an interstitial pregnancy subsequent to failure of chemotherapy by methotrexate. The raise of serum βhCG level and the hyperechoic intrauterine mass were in favor of gestational trophoblastic disease. Urgent laparotomy was performed for circulatory collapse. Hysterectomy was done. Histological examination revealed a choriocarcinoma. The patient underwent chemotherapy. Two years later, neither metastasis nor recurrence was detected. DISCUSSION: Clinical diagnosis of primary interstitial choriocarcinoma is difficult, since it is rare and manifesting by non-specific abnormal vaginal bleeding. Imaging findings are also not helpful in ectopic location. The frequency of metastasis is related to the delayed diagnosis. Serial measurement of βhCG level was the most useful marker of diagnosis and follow up. Histopathological examination remains the only tool of the precise diagnosis. Choriocarcinoma has a very good prognosis even in advanced stages, since it is very chemosensitive. CONCLUSION: The current trend of the treatment of ectopic pregnancy by conservative surgery requires adequate monitoring of βhCG and careful examination of pathologic specimens to avoid misdiagnosis of ectopic gestational trophoblastic disease

    A rare case of cerebral phaeohyphomycosis caused by Fonsecaea species in a renal transplant patient

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    Cerebral phaeohyphomycosis (CP) is a serious form of phaeohyphomycosis. We report a case of CP caused by Fonsecaea species in a 66-year-old immunocompromised renal transplant recipient female. Craniotomy was performed on an irregularly enhancing right cerebellar hemisphere lesion and abscess and tissue samples collected for microbiological and histological evaluation, showing fungal elements and Fonsecaea species was isolated. Antifungal treatment with voriconazole & liposomal amphotericin B was initiated with a temporary improvement in the patient's condition. Deep vein thrombosis jeopardized patient's prognosis. Despite aggressive surgical and medical intervention, our patient succumbed to the disease. Historically, CP has been linked with fatality rates as high as 65 %, despite surgical intervention and systemic antifungal medication

    Leiomyoadenomatoid tumors: A type of rare benign epididymal tumor

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    Primary tumors of the epididymis are mostly benign in nature, and the most common type is adenomatoid tumors followed by leiomyomas. Leiomyoadenomatoid tumors are very rare benign epididymal neoplasms composed of two components: gland-like structures lined by cuboidal cells and bundles of smooth muscle components. The goal of treatment is testicular-preserving surgery. A preoperative and intraoperative evaluation plays an important role in proper management. To the best of our knowledge, few cases have been reported in the literature. We report a case of a right epididymal tail leiomyoadenomatoid tumor in a 49-year-old male who underwent trans-scrotal exploration and tumor excision

    Vanadyl Sulfate Treatment Stimulates Proliferation and Regeneration of Beta Cells in Pancreatic Islets

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    We examined the effects of vanadium sulfate (VOSO4) treatment at 5 and 10 mg/kg for 30 days on endocrine pancreas activity and histology in nondiabetic and STZ-induced diabetic rats. In diabetic group, blood glucose levels significantly increased while insulinemia level markedly decreased. At the end of treatment, VOSO4 at a dose of 10 mg/Kg normalized blood glucose level in diabetic group, restored insulinemia, and significantly improved insulin sensitivity. VOSO4 also increased in a dose-dependent manner the number of insulin immunopositive beta cells in pancreatic islets of nondiabetic rats. Furthermore, in the STZ-diabetic group, the decrease in the number of insulin immunopositive beta cells was corrected to reach the control level mainly with the higher dose of vanadium. Therefore, VOSO4 treatment normalized plasma glucose and insulin levels and improved insulin sensitivity in STZ-experimental diabetes and induced beta cells proliferation and/or regeneration in normal or diabetic rats

    A Rare Cause of Oligohydramnios: A Case Report

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    Anamnios is due to extrinsic and intrinsic conditions. Intrinsic causes include maternal and fetal abnormalities mostly due to cystic renal changes or absence of kidney. Tubular dysgenesis characterized by a lack of proximal tubules should be considered.We report a case of tubular dysgenesis associated with lack of vault ossification in the fetus of a 23 year-old woman, prim pare, having a second degree of consanguinity. Ultrasonographic examination performed at 20 weeks of pregnancy identified severe anamnios. Few days later, intrauterine fetal death occurred. The complete autopsy with fetal radiography was performed. The external examination shows a hypotrophic male fetus with oligoamnios sequence deformation and a loss of vault ossification in the skeletal radiography. At dissection, we noticed a pulmonary hypoplasia with small kidneys, having normal architecture at cutting. The histological examination of the samples taken from the kidney shows a hypoplastic feature with a preserved architecture, a conserved cortico-medullary differentiation and the presence of rows of immature nephron at the edges; a very prominent reduction of proximal tubules is noticed. The immunohistochemistry showed a positivity of the tubules with EMA. However, there was lack of positivity with liposomes and alpha anti-trypsine. The diagnosis of tubular dysgenesis associated with lack of vault ossification was retained. Even the kidneys grossly seem to be normal, microscopic study should be meticulous in order to detect segmental nephronic anomalies as tubular dysgenesis. The examination of the bone mineralization and other organs as the liver can sometimes classify this kidney dysgenesis in rare syndromic anomalies.</p

    Effects of oral administration of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) on reproductive parameters in male Wistar rats

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    International audienceThe 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) is used worldwide in agriculture as a selective herbicide. It has been shown to produce a wide range of adverse effects on the health of both animals and humans from embryotoxicity and teratogenicity to neurotoxicity. In the present study, we have examined the effect of 2,4-D on male reproductive function of rats. Male Wistar rats received daily by force-feeding 100 or 200 mg of 2,4-D/kg body weight for 30 consecutive days. Rats exposed to 100 and 200 mg of 2,4-D/kg showed a significant decrease in body weights only after 24 days of treatment and in relative weights of testis, seminal vesicles and prostate at killing day, when compared with controls. Moreover, a decrease in testosterone and an increase in FSH and LH serum levels were detected in treated rats. Besides, exposure to this herbicide induced pronounced testicular histological alterations with enlarged intracellular spaces, tissue loosening and dramatic loss of gametes in the lumen of the seminiferous tubules. In addition, a decreased motility and a number of epididymal spermatozoa with an increased sperm abnormality rate were found in treated rats in comparison with control. With the highest dose, histological observations of seminal vesicles indicated a considerable decrease of secretions in the lumen, a thinness of the muscle layer surrounding the epithelium with branched mucosal crypts and reduced luminal space. In prostate, the heights of the cells decreased while acinar lumen were enlarged and they lost the typical invaginations. Our results suggest that a subacute treatment of 2,4-D promotes reproductive system toxicity