116 research outputs found

    İris renk spektrumuna göre ön ve arka segment parametrelerinin karşılaştırılması

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    Comparison of eye anterior and posterior segment parameters according to iris color Methods: 150 eyes of 150 patients who applied to Aksaray Training and Research Hospital between 2019-2020 were included in the study. 28 blue, 30 green, 29 light brown (light pigmentation), 31 medium brown (medium pigmentation) and 30 dark brown (heavy pigmentation)eyes, 5 groups of patients were included in the study. Biomicroscopy and fundus examination were performed on the patients. After measuring the refraction of the patients, corneal topography and optical biometry, Intraocular Pressure (IOP), Central Corneal Thickness (CCT), Anterior Chamber Depth (ACD), Anterior Chamber Angle (ACA), Lens Thickness (LK), Axial Length (AU) Retinal nerve fiber thickness (RSLK), central retinal thickness (CRC) and subfoveal choroidal thickness (SFKK) measurements were made with OCT. Results: The mean age of the patients was 33.4 ±5.5, 35.7±4.7, and 32.9 ±6.7 in patients with blue, green and brown eyes, respectively. There were 15 women and 13 men in the blueeyed group, 16 women and 14 men in the green-eyed group, and 47 men and 43 women in the brown-eyed group. In terms of anterior and posterior segment parameters, a difference was found between blue eyes and brown eyes in terms of CCT, ACD and LK (p=0.035, 0.004 and 0.012). A difference was found between blue eyes and green eyes in terms of ACD and LK (p=0.006 and 0.041). There was no significant difference between the anterior and posterior segment parameters of the green-eyed and brown-eyed patients. In addition, there was no difference between the groups in terms of other factors (p>0.05). As a result of the correlation analysis performed in terms of parameters according to iris pigmentation level, no positive or negative correlation was found with any parameter (p>0.05). Conclusions:When evaluating patients, it should be kept in mind that the normal values of some eye parameters may vary according to the differences in iris color.İris rengine göre göz anterior ve posterior segment parametrelerinin karşılaştırılması Yöntem: Aksaray Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesine 2019-2020 yılları arasında başvuran 150 hastasının 150 gözü çalışmaya dahil edildi.28 mavi, 30 yeşil, 29 hafif kahverengi(hafif pigmentasyon), 31 orta kahverengi(orta pigmentasyon) ve 30 koyu kahverengi(ağır pigmentasyon) göz olmak üzere 5 grup hasta çalışmaya alındı. Hastalara biyomikroskobik ve fundus muayenesi yapıldı. Hastaların refraksiyonları ölçüldükten sonra, korneal topografi ve optik biyometri ile Göz İçi Basıncı (GİB), Santral Korneal Kalınlık(SKK), Ön Kamara Derinliği(ÖKD), Ön Kamara açısı(ÖKA), Lens Kalınlığı(LK), Aksiyel Uzunluk(AU) ölçümleri ve OCT ile de retinal sinir lifi kalınlığı(RSLK), santral retinal kalınlık(SRK) ve subfoveal koroid kalınlık(SFKK) ölçümleri yapıldı. Bulgular: Hastaların yaş ortalamaları mavi, yeşil ve kahverengi gözlü hastalarda sırası ile 33.4 ±5.5, 35.7±4,7 ve 32,9 ± 6,7 idi. Mavi gözlü grupta 15 kadın 13 erkek, yeşil gözlü grupta 16 kadın 14 erkek ve kahverengi gözlü grupta 47 erkek 43 bayan yer aldı. Ön ve arka segment parametreleri açısından mavi göz ile kahverengi göz arasında SKK, ÖKD ve LK açısından fark saptandı (p=0.035, 0.004 ve 0.012). Mavi göz ile yeşil göz arasında ÖKD ve LK açısından fark saptandı (p=0.006 ve 0.041). Yeşil göz ve kahverengi gözlü hastaların ön ve arka segment parametreleri arasında da anlamlı bir farklılık saptanmadı. Ayrıca diğer faktörler açısından da gruplar arasında fark saptanmadı (p>0.05). İris pigmentasyon düzeyine göre parametreler açısından yapılan korelasyon analizi sonucu hiç bir parametre ile pozitif yada negatif korelasyon saptanmadı (p>0.05). Tartışma: Hastalar değerlendirilirken bazı göz parametrelerinin normal değerlerinin iris rengindeki farklılıklara göre değişiklik gösterebileceği akılda bulundurulmaldır

    Retinal findings in hyperviscosity syndromes

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    Kanı oluşturan bileşenlerde bir anormallik varsa, bu anormallik tüm vücudu etkiler, göz ve özellikle retina etkilenir. Görme azalması şikayeti olabilir veya bazen hiçbir belirti olmayabilir. Hastalar hastalığın erken evresinde veya ilerleyen evrelerinde göz hastalıkları polikliniğine başvurabilirler. Bu hiperviskozite sendromları arasında orak hücreli anemi, polisitemi, lösemiler, disproteinemiler ve kanama-pıhtılaşma bozuklukları yer almaktadır.If there is an abnormality in the components that constitute the blood, this abnormality will affect all body, and the eye and especially the retina will be affected. There may be a complaint of decreased vision, or sometimes there may be no symptoms. Patients can refer to the ophthalmology clinic in the early stage or in the later stage of the disease. These hyperviscosity syndromes include sickle cell anemia, polycythemia, leukemias, dysproteinemias, and bleeding-coagulation disorders

    Evaluation of the relationship between rosacea cutaneous subtype and meibography findings

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    Acne rosacea (AR) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that can cause serious ocular complications. This study was designed to evaluate dry eye disease (DED) and meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) in AR patients and to investigate the relationship between the cutaneous subtype of AR and ocular involvement. Materials and Methods: This study included 67 participants with AR and 50 healthy individuals. Patients diagnosed with 3 cutaneous subtypes were examined: erythematotelangiectatic rosacea (ETR), papulopustular rosacea (PPR), and phymatous rosacea (PR). An ophthalmatological examination was performed that included an evaluation of lid margin alterations due to meibomian gland (MG) obstruction, Ocular Surface Disease Index assessment, tear film break-up time testing, Schirmer testing, and a corneal conjunctival fluorescein staining assessment. Meibography was used to evaluate the upper and lower lids for MG loss. Results: Findings in the AR group revealed MGD in 45.5% and DED in 28.1%. The meibomian gland loss rate (MGLR) was 38.7±16.9% and the meibomian gland loss grade (MGLG) was 1.57±0.82%. The rate of MGLR and MGLG was significantly greater in the AR group than in the control group (p<0.001). PPR was seen in 59.7% of the 67 patients, ETR in 29.9%, and PR in 13.4%. A comparison of the MGD, MGLR, MGLG, and presence of DED in the 3 cutaneous subtype groups yielded statistically insignificant results. Conclusion: AR can affect MG morphology, which may result in MGD or DED. Though we did not find a significant difference in the ocular findings by subgroup, ocular involvement is a recognized risk in AR. Ophthalmologists and dermatologists should cooperate in the evaluation of AR patients. Additional studies to further examine the effects in subtype groups are recommended

    Diagnostic Concordance Characteristics of Oral Cavity Lesions

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    Purpose. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic concordance characteristics of oral cavity lesions by comparing the clinical diagnosis of the lesions with the histopathologic diagnosis. Material and Method. A retrospective analysis was conducted on the patients, who were admitted with oral cavity pathology and underwent biopsy procedure between 2007 and 2011. The oral cavity lesions were classified into 6 different groups as odontogenic cysts, nonodontogenic cysts, odontogenic tumors, nonodontogenic tumors, malignant tumors, and precancerous lesions in accordance with the 2005 WHO classification. The diagnoses were also recategorized into 3 groups expressing prognostic implications as benign, precancerous, and malignant. The initial clinical diagnoses were compared with the histopathologic diagnoses. Data were analyzed statistically. Results. A total of 2718 cases were included. Histopathologic diagnosis did not match the clinical diagnosis in 6.7% of the cases. Nonodontogenic tumors and malignant tumors had the highest misdiagnosis rates (11.5% and 9%, resp.), followed by odontogenic tumors (7.7%), precancerous lesions (6.9%), and odontogenic cysts (4.4%). Clinicians were excelled in diagnosis of benign and precancerous lesions in clinical setting. Conclusion. The detailed discordance characteristics for each specific lesion should be considered during oral pathology practice to provide early detection without delay

    utjecaj Theranekrona® na aktivnost glukoza-6-fosfat dehidrogenaze u neoštećenim jajnicima štakora i jajnicima štakora s ishemijsko- reperfuzijskom ozljedom

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    The effect of Theranekron® on rat ovaries was evaluated in healthy and ischemia-reperfusion injury models. The rats were divided into four groups: group 1: control, group 2: Theranekron® (single dose of 0.3 mg/kg intraperitoneally), group 3: torsion + detorsion, and group 4: torsion + detorsion + Theranekron® (single dose 0,3 mg/ kg, intraperitoneally). The ovaries were homogenized by sonication before the analysis and supernatant glucose-6- phosphate dehydrogenase activity, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, reduced glutathione and total protein levels were evaluated spectrophotometrically. Ovary tissues were histologically examined. In group 2, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity was significantly reduced (P<0.01) compared to the control group and an increased number of atretic follicles, and hyperaemic and haemorrhagic regions were seen histologically; in group 3, although glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity was not changed, intense hyperaemia and hemorrhage was observed in the veins of the medulla region and in the cortex. Group 4 showed a decrease in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity compared to the control group (P<0.01). Histologically, when compared to group 3, group 4 showed fewer atretic follicles and decreased hyperaemia and hemorrhage in the ovaries, excluding the medulla region. There were no significant differences regarding reduced glutathione and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate levels between the groups. The Theranekron® dose applied had some negative effects, such as reduced glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity, an increased number of atretic follicles, and hyperemia in the corpus luteum and medulla region in intact rat ovaries. Although it reduced glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity, Theranekron® may have had slight remedial effects on rat ovaries with ischemia-reperfusion injury.Učinak Theranekrona® na jajnike štakora procijenjen je u zdravih jedinki i onih s ishemijsko-reperfuzijskom ozljedom. Štakori su podijeljeni u četiri skupine: prva je skupina bila kontrolna, druga je skupina dobivala Theranekron® (pojedinačna doza od 0,3 mg/kg intraperitonealno), treća je skupina imala torziju i detorziju, a četvrta je skupina imala torziju i detorziju i primala je Theranekron® (pojedinačna doza od 0,3 mg/kg intraperitonealno). Jajnici su homogenizirani sonikacijom prije analize te je spektrofotometrijom istražena aktivnost supernatant glukoza- 6-fosfat dehidrogenaze, smanjenje nikotinamid-adenin-dinukleotid-fosfata, smanjenje glutationa i razina ukupnih proteina. Histološki je analizirano tkivo jajnika. U drugoj skupini aktivnost glukoza-6-fosfat dehidrogenaze bila je znakovito smanjena (P < 0,01) u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Histološki, ustanovljen povećan broj atretskih folikula te hiperemičnih i hemoragičnih područja. U trećoj skupini, iako aktivnost glukoza-6-fosfat dehidrogenaze nije bila promijenjena, u venama medularne regije i korteksu uočena je jaka hiperemija i hemoragija. Četvrta skupina pokazala je smanjenu aktivnost glukoza-6-fosfat dehidrogenaze u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom (P < 0,01). U usporedbi s trećom skupinom, četvrta skupina pokazala je manje atretskih folikula i smanjenu hiperemiju i hemoragiju u jajnicima, osim medularne regije. Nije bilo znakovite razlike s obzirom na smanjene razine glutationa i nikotinamid- adenin-dinukleotid-fosfata među skupinama. Primijenjena doza Theranekrona® imala je neke negativne učinke poput smanjene aktivnosti glukoza-6-fosfat dehidrogenaze, povećanog broja atretskih folikula te hiperemije u žutom tijelu i medularnoj regiji intaktnih jajnika štakora. Iako je smanjio aktivnost glukoza-6-fosfat dehidrogenaze, Theranekron® bi mogao imati i neznatne terapijske učinke na jajnike štakora s ishemijsko-reperfuzijskom ozljedom

    Relationship Between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Severity of Diabetic Retinopathy

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    The negative effects of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) on diabetes mellitus (DM) patients are known. For these reasons, we aimed to investigate the effect of COPD on the severity of diabetic retinopathy (DRP) in patients with DM. Materials and Methods: This prospective cross-sectional study included one-hundred and fifty-six eyes of 156 patients with COPD and DM. Multinomial logistic regression models were applied to evaluate the independent relationships between DRP and COPD, including adjusting for patients’ characteristics. Results: After adjustment for potential confounders, patients with low-level COPD were found to have less PDR and severe PDR. (RRR 0.01 95% CI 0.01-0.03, RRR 0.01 95% CI 0.01-0.08, respectively). Conclusion: The findings suggest an increased risk of DRP severity in patients with severe COPD. Ophthalmologists following these patients should consider the relationship between COPD and DRP

    Evaluation of the Apolipoprotein B R3500Q Gene Mutation in Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation with Ischemic Stroke in Turkish Population

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    29th Turkish Cardiology Congress of the Turkish-Society-of-Cardiology (TSC) with International Participation -- OCT 26-29, 2013 -- Antalya, TURKEYWOS: 000329858400355…Turkish Soc Cardio

    Nanostructured modifications of titanium surfaces improve vascular regenerative properties of exosomes derived from mesenchymal stem cells: Preliminary in vitro results

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    © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.(1) Background: Implantation of metal-based scaffolds is a common procedure for treating several diseases. However, the success of the long-term application is limited by an insufficient endothelialization of the material surface. Nanostructured modifications of metal scaffolds represent a promising approach to faster biomaterial osteointegration through increasing of endothelial commitment of the mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). (2) Methods: Three different nanotubular Ti surfaces (TNs manufactured by electrochemical anodization with diameters of 25, 80, or 140 nm) were seeded with human MSCs (hMSCs) and their exosomes were isolated and tested with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) to assess whether TNs can influence the secretory functions of hMSCs and whether these in turn affect endothelial and osteogenic cell activities in vitro. (3) Results: The hMSCs adhered on all TNs and significantly expressed angiogenic-related factors after 7 days of culture when compared to untreated Ti substrates. Nanomodifications of Ti surfaces significantly improved the release of hMSCs exosomes, having dimensions below 100 nm and expressing CD63 and CD81 surface markers. These hMSC-derived exosomes were efficiently internalized by HUVECs, promoting their migration and differentiation. In addition, they selectively released a panel of miRNAs directly or indirectly related to angiogenesis. (4) Conclusions: Preconditioning of hMSCs on TNs induced elevated exosomes secretion that stimulated in vitro endothelial and cell activity, which might improve in vivo angiogenesis, supporting faster scaffold integration


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    Amaç: Liken planus toplumun yaklaşık %1-4\'ünü etkileyen inflamatuar mukokutan birdermatozdur. Literatürde liken planusun mukoza tutulumu sıklığı ile ilgili oldukçadeğişken veriler bulunmaktadır. Dolayısıyla kliniğimizdeki liken planuslu olgulardamukoza tutulumu sıklığının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır.Gereç ve yöntem: Eylül 2002-Aralık 2006 yılları arasında Dokuz Eylül ÜniversitesiTıp Fakültesi Dermatoloji Bölümü\'ne başvuran, klinik ve histopatolojik olarak likenplanus tanısı almış 53 olgu oral mukoza ve anogenital mukoza tutulumu açısındanretrospektif olarak değerlendirilmiştir.Bulgular: Olguların 34\'ünde (%64,2) mukoza yerleşimli liken planus döküleribelirlenmiştir. Dökülerin yerleşimi değerlendirildiğinde; 23 olguda sadece oral, 3 olgudasadece genital, 7 olguda oral + genital, 1 olguda ise oral+anal mukoza tutulumu saptanmıştır.Sonuç: Liken planuslu olgularda mukoza tutulumunun oldukça sık olması, rutin deribilimselbakıda oral ve anogenital mukoza muayenesinin önemini vurgulamaktadır.Objective: Lichen planus, which affects 1- 4% of the general population, is aninflammatory mucocutaneous disease. There are fairly variable data in the literatureabout the prevelance of the mucosal involvement of lichen planus. For this reason, weaimed to evaluate prevalance of mucosal involvement of patients with lichen planus.Material and method: Fifty-three patients, who applied to Dokuz Eylül UniversityHospital\'s Dermatology Department between September 2002 and December 2007,were diagnosed lichen planus clinically and pathologically and they wereretrospectively evaluated for oral and anogenital mucosal involvement.Results: Mucous membrane involvement was seen in 34 (64,2%) patients. Theassesment of the localisation of the lesions was; 23 patients only oral, 3 patients onlygenital, 7 patients oral and genital both, 1 patient oral and anal mucous membraneboth.Conclusion: The fact that themucosal involvement is verycommon in patients who have lichenplanus emphasizes the importance of routine examination of oral and anogenitalmucosae