3,468 research outputs found

    Cloning of mouse integrin alphaV cDNA and role of the alphaV-related matrix receptors in metanephric development.

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    Metanephrogenesis has been a long-standing model to study cell-matrix interactions. A number of adhesion molecules, including matrix receptors (i.e., integrins), are believed to be involved in such interactions. The integrins contain alpha and beta s ubunits and are present in various tissues in different heterodimeric forms. In this study, one of the members of the integrin superfamily, alphaV, was characterized, and its relevance in murine nephrogenesis was investigated. Mouse embryonic renal cDNA libraries were prepared and screened for alphaV, and multiple clones were isolated and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequence of the alpha-v cDNA clones and hydropathic analysis revealed that it has a typical signal sequence and extracellular, transmembrane, and cytoplasmic domains, with multiple Ca2+ binding sites. No A(U)nA mRNA instability motifs were present. Conformational analysis revealed no rigid long-range-ordered structure in murine alphaV. The alphaV was expressed in the embryonic kidney at day 13 of the gestation, with a transcript size of approximately 7 kb. Its expression increased progressively during the later gestational stages and in the neonatal period. It was distributed in the epithelial elements of developing nephrons and was absent in the uninduced mesenchyme. In mature metanephroi, the expression was relatively high in the glomeruli and blood vessels, as compared to the tubules. Various heterodimeric associations of alphaV, i.e., with beta1, beta3, beta5, and beta6, were observed in metanephric tissues. Inclusion of alphaV-antisense-oligodeoxynucleotide or -antibody in metanephric culture induced dysmorphogenesis of the kidney with reduced population of the nephrons, disorganization of the ureteric bud branches, and reduction of mRNA and protein expressions of alphaV. The expressions of integrin beta3, beta5, and beta6 were unaltered. These findings suggest that the integrin alphaV is developmentally regulated, has a distinct spatio-temporal expression, and is relevant in the mammalian organogenesis

    Patient Record Maintenance Among Private Dental Practitioners in Bangalore City

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    Aim and Objectives: The aim of the study was to obtain information on documentation of patient record maintenance among private dental practitioners in Bangalore city”. The objective was to assess the knowledge, attitude and behavior regarding documentation and patient record maintenance among private dental practitioners in Bangalore city. Method: A self- administered questionnaire survey was conducted in August-September 2021 among Dentists engaged in active clinical practices in private clinics/hospitals in Bangalore city, India [ N=470]. Results: A response rate of 86.4% [n=411] was obtained.73% of them were aware of the documentation of patient records as per Laws, Ethics and Jurisprudence act of 1997. 53% of them documented patient records in their clinical practice and 64% mentioned that only they have access to patient records.13% mentioned that they include patient consent as a part of documentation. Although 73% of them said that they were aware of all the guidelines, a large proportion of respondents lack knowledge about the minimum time period for which patient records should be maintained in their possession. 21% of them felt that patient record keeping is not necessary and the most common problem cited for documentation of patient records was lack of time to give attention to the records. Conclusion: Dentists needs more information and should spare more time for documentation of patient records

    All-Printed, Stretchable Zn-Ag2O Rechargeable Battery via Hyperelastic Binder for Self-Powering Wearable Electronics

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    While several stretchable batteries utilizing either deterministic or random composite architectures have been described, none have been fabricated using inexpensive printing technologies. In this study, the authors printed a highly stretchable, zinc-silver oxide (Zn-Ag2O) battery by incorporating polystyrene-block-polyisoprene-block-polystyrene (SIS) as a hyperelastic binder for custom-made printable inks. The remarkable mechanical properties of the SIS binder lead to an all-printed, stretchable Zn-Ag2O rechargeable battery with a ≈2.5 mA h cm−2 reversible capacity density even after multiple iterations of 100% stretching. This battery offers the highest reversible capacity and discharge current density for intrinsically stretchable batteries reported to date. The electrochemical and mechanical properties are characterized under different strain conditions. The new stress-enduring printable inks pave ways for further developing stretchable electronics for the wide range of wearable applications

    National Interest and Technology

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    A unified picture of phase transition: from liquid-vapour systems to AdS black holes

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    Based on fundamental concepts of thermodynamics we examine phase transitions in black holes defined in Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces. The method is in line with that used a long ago to understand the liquid-vapour phase transition where the first order derivatives of Gibbs potential are discontinuous and Clausius-Clapeyron equation is satisfied. The idea here is to consider the AdS black holes as grand-canonical ensembles and study phase transition defined by the discontinuity of second order derivatives of Gibbs potential. We analytically check that this phase transition between the `smaller' and `larger' mass black holes obey Ehrenfest relations defined at the critical point and hence confirm a second order phase transition. This include both the rotating and charged black holes in Einstein gravity.Comment: v3; JHEP style, 11 pages, 1 figure; title is changed, paper rewritten but basic results are unchanged, to appear in JHE

    Transfer RNA-derived small RNAs in the cancer transcriptome

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    The cellular lifetime includes stages such as differentiation, proliferation, division, senescence and apoptosis.These stages are driven by a strictly ordered process of transcription dynamics. Molecular disruption to RNA polymerase assembly, chromatin remodelling and transcription factor binding through to RNA editing, splicing, post-transcriptional regulation and ribosome scanning can result in significant costs arising from genome instability. Cancer development is one example of when such disruption takes place. RNA silencing is a term used to describe the effects of post-transcriptional gene silencing mediated by a diverse set of small RNA molecules. Small RNAs are crucial for regulating gene expression and microguarding genome integrity.RNA silencing studies predominantly focus on small RNAs such as microRNAs, short-interfering RNAs and piwi-interacting RNAs. We describe an emerging renewal of inter-est in a‘larger’small RNA, the transfer RNA (tRNA).Precisely generated tRNA-derived small RNAs, named tRNA halves (tiRNAs) and tRNA fragments (tRFs), have been reported to be abundant with dysregulation associated with cancer. Transfection of tiRNAs inhibits protein translation by displacing eukaryotic initiation factors from messenger RNA (mRNA) and inaugurating stress granule formation.Knockdown of an overexpressed tRF inhibits cancer cell proliferation. Recovery of lacking tRFs prevents cancer metastasis. The dual oncogenic and tumour-suppressive role is typical of functional small RNAs. We review recent reports on tiRNA and tRF discovery and biogenesis, identification and analysis from next-generation sequencing data and a mechanistic animal study to demonstrate their physiological role in cancer biology. We propose tRNA-derived small RNA-mediated RNA silencing is an innate defence mechanism to prevent oncogenic translation. We expect that cancer cells are percipient to their ablated control of transcription and attempt to prevent loss of genome control through RNA silencing

    Screening of suitable cationic dopants for solar absorber material CZTS/Se: A first principles study

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    The earth abundant and non-toxic solar absorber material kesterite Cu2ZnSn(S/Se)(4) has been studied to achieve high power conversion efficiency beyond various limitations, such as secondary phases, antisite defects, band gap adjustment and microstructure. To alleviate these hurdles, we employed screening based approach to find suitable cationic dopant that can promote the current density and the theoretical maximum upper limit of the energy conversion efficiency (P(%)) of CZTS/Se solar devices. For this task, the hybrid functional (Heyd, Scuseria and Ernzerhof, HSE06) were used to study the electronic and optical properties of cation (Al, Sb, Ga, Ba) doped CZTS/Se. Our in-depth investigation reveals that the Sb atom is suitable dopant of CZTS/CZTSe and also it has comparable bulk modulus as of pure material. The optical absorption coefficient of Sb doped CZTS/Se is considerably larger than the pure materials because of easy formation of visible range exciton due to the presence of defect state below the Fermi level, which leads to an increase in the current density and P(%). Our results demonstrate that the lower formation energy, preferable energy gap and excellent optical absorption of the Sb doped CZTS/Se make it potential component for relatively high efficient solar cells

    Evolutionary Sequence Analysis and Visualization with Wasabi

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    Wasabi is an open-source, web-based graphical environment for evolutionary sequence analysis and visualization, designed to work with multiple sequence alignments within their phylogenetic context. Its interactive user interface provides convenient access to external data sources and computational tools and is easily extendable with custom tools and pipelines using a plugin system. Wasabi stores intermediate editing and analysis steps as workflow histories and provides direct-access web links to datasets, allowing for reproducible, collaborative research, and easy dissemination of the results. In addition to shared analyses and installation-free usage, the web-based design allows Wasabi to be run as a cross-platform, stand-alone application and makes its integration to other web services straightforward. This chapter gives a detailed description and guidelines for the use of Wasabi's analysis environment. Example use cases will give step-by-step instructions for practical application of the public Wasabi, from quick data visualization to branched analysis pipelines and publishing of results. We end with a brief discussion of advanced usage of Wasabi, including command-line communication, interface extension, offline usage, and integration to local and public web services.Peer reviewe

    Cancer stem cells, not bulk tumor cells, determine mechanisms of resistance to SMO inhibitors.

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    The emergence of treatment resistance significantly reduces the clinical utility of many effective targeted therapies. Although both genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of drug resistance have been reported, whether these mechanisms are stochastically selected in individual tumors or governed by a predictable underlying principle is unknown. Here, we report that the dependence of cancer stem cells (CSCs), not bulk tumor cells, on the targeted pathway determines the molecular mechanism of resistance in individual tumors. Using both spontaneous and transplantable mouse models of sonic hedgehog (SHH) medulloblastoma (MB) treated with an SHH/Smoothened inhibitor, sonidegib/LDE225, we show that genetic-based resistance occurs only in tumors that contain SHH-dependent CSCs (SD-CSCs). In contrast, SHH MBs containing SHH-dependent bulk tumor cells but SHH-independent CSCs (SI-CSCs) acquire resistance through epigenetic reprogramming. Mechanistically, elevated proteasome activity in SMOi-resistant SI-CSC MBs alters the tumor cell maturation trajectory through enhanced degradation of specific epigenetic regulators, including histone acetylation machinery components, resulting in global reductions in H3K9Ac, H3K14Ac, H3K56Ac, H4K5Ac, and H4K8Ac marks and gene expression changes. These results provide new insights into how selective pressure on distinct tumor cell populations contributes to different mechanisms of resistance to targeted therapies. This insight provides a new conceptual framework to understand responses and resistance to SMOis and other targeted therapies