671 research outputs found

    The effects of critical thinking instruction through asynchronous learning tools on writing

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    In writing classes, besides mastering the language items and writing rhetoric, students are required to use some high order thinking skills to be able to write academically. Hence, this study basically aims to see the effectiveness of the use of critical thinking skills on writing achievements of the Turkish EFL students. The purpose of the study is to see if online critical thinking treatment affects students’ use of critical thinking skills in their writings. In addition, students’ attitudes towards asynchronous learning tools during the study were observed. At the beginning and end of the study, 16 students in control group and 16 students in experimental group answered the questions in the critical thinking disposition scale. In addition to this, their writing performances were evaluated before and after the study. Meanwhile, experimental group students were exposed to 8-week online critical thinking treatment. The data gathered were statistically analysed and the results indicate that while the students’ writing performances do not differ significantly before and after the online critical thinking treatment, it has significantly contributed to the studentS’ use of critical thinking skills while writing

    Studentized Extreme Eigenvalue Based Double Threshold Spectrum Sensing Under Noise Uncertainty

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    The eigenvalue based spectrum sensing is a low-cost spectrum sensing method that detects the presence of the licensed user signal in desired frequency. Traditional single-threshold eigenvalue sensing methods, which are widely used in the literature, can exhibit inadequate performance under low SNR and noise uncertainty. Therefore, in this study an eigenvalue-based spectrum sensing method is proposed using a double threshold with the studentized extreme eigenvalue distribution function. The results that threshold values obtained for the proposed method were simulated in Rayleigh fading channels. The results were compared with traditional methods and they were observed to be more accurate

    Covariance Based Spectrum Sensing with Studentized Extreme Eigenvalue

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    The eigenvalue based detection is a low-cost spectrum sensing method that detects the presence of primary user signal at a desired frequency. In this study, the largest eigenvalue distribution used in eigenvalue based detection methods is expressed using a new centering and scaling coefficients adjustment. Thus, the detection probability (Pd) and false detection probability (Pfa) equations for the maximum-minimum eigenvalue (MME), maximum eigenvalue to trace (MET) and maximum eigenvalue-geometric mean (ME-GM) have been obtained again. Weibull fading channels are the best model for wireless communication. For this reason, the studies were simulated in Weibull fading channels and analysed in detail with receiver operating characteristic curves (ROC). The results were compared with traditional methods and found to be more accurate

    Development of an Approach for Producing Architectural form in Architectural Design Education

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    AbstractAt the early stages of architectural education, it is observed that students have difficulty to produce forms. Students, during the design process, comfortably use basic geometrical elements one by one, however are not able to diversify them by transformation because of the fact that students are not capable enough to transform basic geometrical forms in accordance with arithmetical operations and geometrical transformation. In this study examining the architectural form creation; a three-month case study is conducted with first year students in Department of Architecture through which the software is used. Initially architectural projects of students designed in accordance with traditional methods and it is observed that students are not able to throughly transform the forms. At the second stage, students are expected to develop their projects through sofware transformations. Additionally, a questionaire is also conducted with students in order to define the possitive and negative aspects of forms created with this method

    Özel Yetenekli Öğrencilerin Akademik Benlik Algıları Üzerinde Büyük Balık-Küçük Gölet Etkisi

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    According to the big-fish-little-pond effect (BFLPE), equally able students would have lower academic self-concepts in high-ability settings than those who attend low- or mixed-ability settings. This study was an investigation of the BFLPE on math and science academic self-concepts of gifted students. Participants included 50 fifth- and sixth-grade gifted students who participated in an after-school program for gifted students (EPTS) at a university campus for five terms. Students’ academic self-concepts were measured using the Math and Science Academic Self-Concept Questionnaire both in the EPTS setting and in the school setting in three measurement points. Findings showed that gifted students’ academic self-concepts declined significantly from time 1 measurement to time 3 measurement. However, the level of their academic self-concepts was still high in the EPTS and very high in school. The main effect of setting showed that the overall academic self-concept in school (M = 34,24; SD = 2,26) was significantly higher than the mean of academic self-concepts in the EPTS (M = 31,49; SD = 3,87). They used the EPTS and school as two different frames of reference and thus held adaptable academic self-concepts, relatively low in the EPTS and relatively high in school.Benzer yetenek düzeyindeki öğrenciler düzey gruplaması olmayan karma sınıflarda yüksek akademik benlik algısına, düzey gruplaması olan homojen sınıflarda ise daha düşük akademik benlik algısına sahip olabilmektedirler. Bu durum büyük balık-küçük gölet etkisi (BBKGE) olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada özel yetenekli öğrencilerin matematik ve fen bilimleri benlik algılarında BBKGE araştırılmıştır. Katılımcılar Anadolu Üniversitesi bünyesinde bulunan Üstün Yetenekliler Eğitim Programları (ÜYEP)’na devam eden 5. ve 6. sınıf 50 özel yetenekli öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Bu program okul sonrası formatında olup üniversite kampüsünde yürütülmektedir. Öğrencilerin matematik ve fen bilimleri akademik benlik algıları hem ÜYEP’te hem de örgün öğretime devam ettikleri okullarda Akademik Benlik Algısı Ölçeği (ABAÖ) ile üç farklı zamanda ölçümlenmiştir. Öğrencilerin akademik benlik algılarının 1. ölçümden 3. ölçüme kadar geçen sürede anlamlı düzeyde azaldığı saptanmıştır. Ancak akademik benlik algıları ÜYEP’te halen yüksek, okullarında ise oldukça yüksek olmaya devam etmiştir. Okuldaki genel akademik benlik algısı (M = 34,24; SS = 2,26) ÜYEP’teki akademik benlik algısından (M = 31,49; SS = 3,87) anlamlı düzeyde yüksek bulunmuştur. Öğrenciler okul ve ÜYEP’i iki farklı referans çerçevesi olarak kullanmış ve bu nedenle uyarlanabilir akademik benlik algıları okulda nispeten yüksek, ÜYEP’te düşük saptanmıştır


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    In this study, the life skill levels of undergraduate students of Mustafa Kemal University in 2016-2017 academic year were compared to that of students receiving pedagogical formation education in the same term. For this purpose, 75 students receiving pedagogical formation training and 242 undergraduate students, total of 317 students participated in the research. The life skill levels of students were determined by using Life Skills Scale comprising 5 factors, the groups were compared in terms of each factor and total points. Also analysis of gender, age, marital status of parents, the location at which most of the lifespan covered were used as variables to evaluate the change in life skills level, then the groups were compared according to the findings. According to the Descriptional Statistics, ANOVA, Independent Groups t Test results that are evaluated through the obtained data; the “Life Skills”, “Skills of Overcoming Emotions and Stress”, “Emphaty Establishment and Self-awareness Skills”, “Decision-making and Problem solving Skills” “Creative and Critical Thinking Skills” “Communication and Interpersonal Relations Skills” of pedagogical formation students were found to be significantly higher than that of undergraduate students. Besides, it was seen that life skill levels of both groups do not vary with gender, and while the age variable was not functional in the life skill levels of formation students, it was influential in the life skill levels of undergraduate students. The marital status of parents (divorced parents) had significant effect on undergraduate students and no significant effect on pedagogical formation students, the place where most of the lifespan was covered had no significant effect on the life skill levels of both groups of students.  Article visualizations

    Characteristics of sexual violence towards males: a comparison of gay and heterosexual victims

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    Bu çalışmada, 126 eşcinsel, 120 heteroseksüel erkekten oluşan bir örneklem grubunda erkeklere yönelik cinsel şiddetin özellikleri anket yoluyla araştırılmıştır. Araştırmanın amacı erkek eşcinsellere yönelik cinsel şiddetin betimsel özelliklerini iki grup üzerinden karşılaştırmaktır. Erkek eşcinsellerin heteroseksüel erkeklere kıyasla daha sıklıkla hemcinsleri tarafından cinsel şiddete maruz kaldıkları, öte yandan heteroseksüel erkeklerin ise daha sıklıkla kadınlar tarafından onamları bulunmayan cinsel eylemlere maruz kaldıkları belirlenmiştir. İki grubun araştırma kapsamında bildirmiş oldukları olaya yönelik duygusal tepkilerinin tamamıyla birbirinden farklı olduğu, katılımcılar tarafından bildirilen deneyimlerin, anal tecavüzün gerçekleşmediği durumlarda hiçbirisinin emniyet güçlerine bildirilmemiş olduğu öğrenilmiştir.The problem of sexual victimization of males has been investigated. The hypotheses were, gay men would report male perpetrators more often than the heterosexual men and the experiences that were reported by the gay men would involve more traumatic features. The data were collected from 126 gay men and 120 heterosexual men via self-administered questionnaires. The findings supported the predictions. Heterosexual men reported of predominantly female perpetrators and the emotional reactions of the two groups were completely different from one another. Moreover, none of the incidents have been reported to the police if there was no anal penetration

    Response styles and avoidance strategies in bipolar disorder and healthy controls: A comparative study

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    Objective: This study aimed to investigate stress appraisals, rumination, worry, and experiential avoidance (EA) in patients with bipolar disorder-I (BD-I) in the euthymic phase of the illness. The effects of these processes on functionality in individuals with BD-I a re also investigated. Method: Using the Stress Appraisal Measure Dispositional Form (SAM-D), Ruminative Thinking Style Questionnaire (RTSQ), Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ), and Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II), we compared 67 BD-I patients with 70 healthy controls. Additionally, multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the predictors of functionality levels measured by the Bipolar Disorder Functioning Questionnaire (BDFQ). Results: BD-I group showed significantly higher SAM-D "threat," "uncontrollable by anyone," and "control by others" scores. The BD-I group also reported higher EA (AAQ-II) than the control group. Rumination (RTSQ) and worry (PSWQ) did not show any significant differences between groups. BDFQ was negatively predicted "uncontrollable by anyone" and positively predicted by "control by others" subdimensions of SAM-D. Conclusion: Our findings suggested that patients with BD-I have differences in stress appraisals, even in the euthymic phase. Higher AAQ-II scores seemed to be a distinctive feature for patients with BD-I that may be related to perceiving stressful situations as threatening and uncontrollable. Our results present new perspectives for psychotherapeutic interventions both for the treatment and for the improvement of the functioning of these patients

    Interface Friction Between Organic Soil and Construction Materials

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    In this study, interface frictional resistance between organic soil and some of construction material was investigated. Construction materials used in this work are concrete,metal, and wood. Interface friction angle were determined for three different water contents values of organic soil dry, 25%, 50%, and 75% respectively. Different face roughnesses were tested for different water content. All tests were carried out using direct shear test device.Three different normal forces were used and shear stress at 10% strain rate was taken as maximum shear stress. Test results showed that water content of the organic soil, material type, and surface roughness should be considered while selecting interface friction angle between organic soil and construction materials