210 research outputs found

    A Study on the Relationship between Social Movement of Life Time Sports and School Physical Education in Japan (II) : From the View Point of the Curriculum Development Study

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    先報(1991)では, 『生涯スポーツ』概念の形成課程を吟味することと, その概念の実質的イメージについて検討した。そして, それらの作業に基づいて, 生涯スポーツ概念と学校体育の機能との関係を問題にした。議論の結果, 生涯スポーツや生涯体育の概念が活発に議論されて, 学校の機能・役割との関係も議論された割合には, 生涯スポーツの実態もイメージも余り明確でなく, 従って両者の関係も曖昧モコとしていることが明らかになった。そして, 生涯スポーツ運動に連動する形で, 中等教育学校で〈習熟度別授業〉や〈選択制履修授業(以下「選択制」と略す)〉を積極的に位置づけようとする働きが, 理論的にも実質的にも相当不可解なものと理解された。 さらに, こうした実態もイメージも不明確な状況でありながら, それでいて体育の教科内容や教科課程にかかわる問題意識は一般にさほど高くない。少なくとも, 日本体育学会や日本教科教育学会でみる限り, こうした学校内外の体育・スポーツの将来構想にかかわる問題意識をもつテーマは, 一部シンポジウム等を除けば最近の5年間ほとんど設定されていない事実も認められる。 そこで, 生涯スポーツに関連させようとする学校体育の趨勢, 即ち代表的には選択制の導入等は今日的に, かつ将来的にはいかなる意味をもち, 学校教育にどのような影響をおよぼすかについて, 改めて予測的に検討したい。その際, スポーツや運動は, 〈国民的教養〉あるいは〈国民的権利〉とさえ把握されようとしてきた思想や社会的運動そして歴史・伝統に, 学校体育が現実にどうかかわっていけるのかという視点を軸としたい。The purposes of this study were to make clear the problems of the curriculum study, and to search the possibility of an optional physical education system through discussing the idea of life time sports in Japan. As the result of the examination what are judged from the social sports situations and the characters of Japanese school system, it is considered that this system does not contain the conditions of a generalization or a diffusion, though this optional physical education system is an important and an urgent problems. The main results are follows; 1) From viewpoint of curriculum research and development in physical education, the discussion of the fearture that contain the abolition of physical education in school, are need in the private affairs of sports and game. 2) The optional physical education system in secondary education will be done by halves near fearture, because of a lack of considerations about the real school conditions. And the result of failre in optional system may cause the discussoin of unnecessary of physical education in high school. 3) From view of the fact, discussed in 2), it is predicted that a school physical education is confused, at least the base or value of the physical education in school is fundamentally discussed, and we must protect ourselves by new theories that will be re-integrated in near fearture. 4) The tentative plan, it is accepted to the sociaty, is to open the school sports facilities and instructors for the outside of school,and to full up the present school physical education class for the inside of school. It can be started to coexist the public sports activities and private one's by functioning the tentative plan

    A Japanese version of the stressors in nursing students (SINS) scale

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    © 2018 Chinese Nursing Association Objectives: To translate and study the factor structure of a Japanese version of the Stressors in Nursing Students scale. Methods: The Stressors in Nursing Students scale was translated into Japanese and administered to a large cohort (N = 1298) of female Japanese nursing students across five universities and across all four years of the nursing programme. The data were analysed using exploratory factor analysis. Results: Exploratory factor analysis revealed four factors: ‘Clinical’; ‘Conflict and confidence’; ‘Education’; and ‘Free time’. The relationship between the total score on the Stressors in Nursing Students scale and the demographic aspects of the sample was weak but there was a significant increase in the perception of stressors between first and second year students. Conclusions: There were similarities and differences between the perception of stressors by nursing students in Japan compared with, for example, the United Kingdom and China mainland. While a four-factor structure was found here, the distribution of items in the Stressors in Nursing Students scale differed from previous studies in the United Kingdom and China with the ‘Free time’ factor being unique to this study. Stress is an issue for nursing students and is related to the specific stressors they encounter in the process of their work and study. Findings can inform the development of strategies to reduce such stressors among nursing students in multiple, global contexts

    Potential Respiratory Pathogens in the Trachea and Nasal Mucosa of Intubated ICU Inpatients : Longitudinal Change and Relationship with Consciousness Level

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    本研究では,気管内挿管により人工呼吸管理を受けている患者のICU 入室後の鼻腔および気管内細菌の臨床検査データを解析し,その実態を把握するとともに,その経時的変化や意識レベルとの関連性を明らかにすることを目的とした.香川大学医学部附属病院ICU において,院内肺炎や市中肺炎の起炎菌として監視培養の対象としている『要注意菌』8 菌種について,気管内採痰および鼻腔スワブ中の検出状況を経時的に調べた.その結果,挿管初日の検査において32.7%の患者の気管内採痰に要注意菌が検出された.さらに,初日の検査で気管内に要注意菌が検出されなかった患者においても経時的に要注意菌の検出率が上昇することが明らかとなった.気管内で要注意菌が検出されるケースのほとんどで鼻腔内でも要注意菌が検出されることがわかった.また,患者の意識レベルと要注意菌の検出率の関連性を調べたところ,昏睡状態にある患者はそうでない患者に比べて,鼻腔内での要注意菌検出率が有意に高いことが明らかとなった(χ 2 検定;p<0.05).気管内での肺炎原因菌の定着・増殖を阻止するには,口腔,咽頭,鼻腔に生息する細菌数を減らすことが重要と考えられる.これらのことから,意識障害が遷延化し挿管期間が長くなると見込まれる患者に対しては,より一層の徹底した鼻咽腔や口腔の衛生管理が必要であることが示唆された.また,挿管初日にある程度の細菌が気管内で検出されたことからも,挿管前の可能な限りの口腔ケアが肺炎リスクを減らすために重要であると考えられた.The aim of this study was to elucidate the longitudinal change of potential respiratory pathogens in the trachea and nasal mucosa of intubated intensive care unit (ICU) inpatients with neurological disorders. We focused on eight bacterial species designated “Bacteria requiring special attention” (SA), which are routinely under surveillance in the ICU of Kagawa University Hospital. Clinical data from bacterial testing of specimens from tracheal sputum or nasal mucosa swabs were analyzed. SA were detected in the trachea of 32.7% of patients on the first day of intubation. Furthermore, the detection rate of SA in the trachea increased over several days among patients in whom they were not detected on the first day. Most patients who were SA-positive in the trachea were also positive in the nasal mucosa. The rate of SA in the nasal mucosa of comatose patients was significantly higher than that in patients at other consciousness levels. It was suggested that thorough oral and/or nasal hygiene management is very important for comatose patients to reduce the risk of pneumonia

    Challenges to Establishing Partnerships in Peer Support Activities for Individuals with Mental Disorders

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    This study aimed to clarify the current state of and issues related to establishing partnerships in peer support activities for individuals with mental disorders. An anonymous, self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted among participants of a meeting for peer supporters of individuals with mental disorders. The following aspects were assessed: participant characteristics, motivations and difficulties of engaging in such services, and various other challenges. Free response content in the questionnaire was analyzed with qualitative and inductive methods. Our findings highlight the need to create an appropriate environment for peer supporters to share their recovery experiences in order to assist the formation of relationships with individuals with mental disorders through peer support services

    TGF-β receptor kinase inhibitor enhances growth and integrity of embryonic stem cell–derived endothelial cells

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    Recent findings have shown that embryonic vascular progenitor cells are capable of differentiating into mural and endothelial cells. However, the molecular mechanisms that regulate their differentiation, proliferation, and endothelial sheet formation remain to be elucidated. Here, we show that members of the transforming growth factor (TGF)-β superfamily play important roles during differentiation of vascular progenitor cells derived from mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and from 8.5–days postcoitum embryos. TGF-β and activin inhibited proliferation and sheet formation of endothelial cells. Interestingly, SB-431542, a synthetic molecule that inhibits the kinases of receptors for TGF-β and activin, facilitated proliferation and sheet formation of ESC-derived endothelial cells. Moreover, SB-431542 up-regulated the expression of claudin-5, an endothelial specific component of tight junctions. These results suggest that endogenous TGF-β/activin signals play important roles in regulating vascular growth and permeability


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    本研究の目的は、地域在住の65歳以上高齢者を対象にし、口腔内の健康状態が心身の健康状態とどのように関連しているのかを明らかにすることである。調査の結果、口腔関連QOL尺度であるGOHAI総合点は、残存歯数、モラールスケール総合点、SDS総合点と相関が見られ、残存歯数はファンクショナルリーチ、開眼片足立ち時間、握力、 2分間足踏み、UP&GOテスト、MMSE総合点、SDS総合点と相関が見られた。また、残存歯数を2群に分けて分析した結果、握力、開眼片足立ち時間、ファンクショナルリーチ、 2分間足踏み、UP&GOテスト、MMSE総合点、SDS総合点において有意差が見られた。これらのことから、残存歯数は身体機能とくにバランス機能と関連があることが明らかになった。また、認知機能にも影響を与えることが示唆された

    Cellular analysis of SOD1 protein-aggregation propensity and toxicity: a case of ALS with slow progression harboring homozygous SOD1-D92G mutation

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    Mutations within Superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) cause amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), accounting for approximately 20% of familial cases. The pathological feature is a loss of motor neurons with enhanced formation of intracellular misfolded SOD1. Homozygous SOD1-D90A in familial ALS has been reported to show slow disease progression. Here, we reported a rare case of a slowly progressive ALS patient harboring a novel SOD1 homozygous mutation D92G (homD92G). The neuronal cell line overexpressing SOD1-D92G showed a lower ratio of the insoluble/soluble fraction of SOD1 with fine aggregates of the misfolded SOD1 and lower cellular toxicity than those overexpressing SOD1-G93A, a mutation that generally causes rapid disease progression. Next, we analyzed spinal motor neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) of a healthy control subject and ALS patients carrying SOD1-homD92G or heterozygous SOD1-L144FVX mutation. Lower levels of misfolded SOD1 and cell loss were observed in the motor neurons differentiated from patient-derived iPSCs carrying SOD1-homD92G than in those carrying SOD1-L144FVX. Taken together, SOD1-homD92G has a lower propensity to aggregate and induce cellular toxicity than SOD1-G93A or SOD1-L144FVX, and these cellular phenotypes could be associated with the clinical course of slowly progressive ALS


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    3年課程の1年次と3年次の看護学生を対象に、死生観について質問紙による調査を行った。その結果、① l、 3年次生共に死に対する回遊的傾向、タブー視は見られず、むしろ前向きな姿勢が伺えた。②死に対するイメージは、生命体の自然な成りゆきとして捉えていた。また、感情面では否定的イメージであり、悲しくつらい体験に意味づけをしていく必要性が示唆された。③死に対する不安は身体的苦痛、漠然とした不安が多く、 1年次生は思考レベルの不安が多かった。④死の意識面において、学年差はないが3年次生は行動化の傾向が見られた。⑤ 3年次生は1年次生よりも死の概念の認識面、および行動面において死生観の発達が見られた